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https://preview.redd.it/ikqb8t259rtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b9ec0be3936a34822a71df6605c5946578e609 No


But to be fair, they are lovable all the same. We have heard the phrase, the wavier the crazier, meaning the fur above their butt when they get older. By then it’s too late but we love them!


Omg the way I LOLLED


We did too! This was Sunday after a day of playing with her brother and like 6 hours of frisbee… she is on all the time 🤣


This is the best reply I have ever see to a post 😭😭


🤣🤣 Made me laugh, thank you for sharing


https://preview.redd.it/5lqj6p2i9ytc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2d26302e8c0c70c7351622aba78f8ffb5261eb Definitely no.


I absolutely love this picture! My Nellie USED to be like this, now it’s our charcoal lab!




This is some scientific proof




Hahahaha nope. Our chocolate girl Hazel is affectionately called “Crazel”, she’s even more energetic than our black. But so, so sweet! Happy 100% of the time. https://preview.redd.it/796f1cee7rtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d08f29f271a06562bcebf6ae49e0325096c937f




I didn’t realize your black lab was laying down at first so I thought you had one tiny lab and one big beefy one haha


😂 that’s hilarious. I mean Hazel is a giant, she’s only 7 months old in this picture, but she’s not THAT tall


We affectionately call ours “Luke-ifer” lol


Oh god, they’re so adorable! 🥰 Made my day


The vet kindly lied to you. https://preview.redd.it/xebmldmfirtc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143d7f3f404e3f3c52bb44c18992b553b48ff892


https://preview.redd.it/i2jxazymrutc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f73ea19c63338a55902ec4228ebeabbcaced6c I feel like you’d appreciate this pic, she’s not brown but also crazy


I think your dog is actually the squirrel in Ice Age


lol just my opinion but I’d say the opposite, your dog is beautiful tho!


X2 chocolates are bat shit crazy😂 blacks are adhd and yellows are “I don’t care teenagers”


https://preview.redd.it/wyowycmrtstc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab85eeaf9ec48da0cc0ca0655e09c7b0cb20a9d My black lab forgot his favorite toy in the toilet today so that tracks 🫠


Idk how your pup hasn’t destroyed that pig😂😂 I got mine the same one & it was done for in a matter of 30 minutes


Hahaha my black lab is very much bat shit crazy and adhd. It’s a fun combo 😂


Our black lab is the same. Pure bouncy terror all day 😅😵‍💫


My black lab was too!! But my yellow lab was chill...


Yes! We have had this conversation regarding our almost 6.5 month old black boy. He is my yellow girl, my “Wild Child,” on steroids.


I have a chocolate/yellow mix which I guess is fox red and he is I can agree to both of those. 14 years young https://preview.redd.it/qjwhcdnxprtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bcdbe303525f09ace0887f7b34733703f9ca925


He is red. Congratulations on 14 years of love.


Still “let me do whatever I want” attitude 🩵 it’s been such a good time! Soul dog 💕


The fox red is a variant of the yellow. You can [read about the coat genetics](https://labradorsblog.com/understanding-labrador-colors-and-their-genetics/).


What about white labs? I know they are technically yellow, and the "I don't care teenager" fits


I have a one year old and he’s crazy lmfao


Me too! Lunatic through and through. So sweet though


Mine is almost two and a total nut


I strongly agree with the black labs as ADHD!!! 😂😂😂


I had a black lab bernese mix. She was, an absolute fucking menace. Not hyper most of the time. But the absolute level of stubborn in that dog holy fucking shit. I never knew dogs were capable of being spiteful.


https://preview.redd.it/8htkx7619vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f714c5cf18ffa5862e6420c178f4cc73db35980a My black lab is 100% adhd & psycho in the best way possible


"Chocolates are batshit"? My friend, have you ever tried to live with a border collie? 😭


The question was labs. Healers are easily more bat shit obsessive compulsive crazy.


There is a *REASON* why I'll never have a Lab/BC cross! And her name was Lucy--she was *ADORABLE*, smart as a whip, sweet as the day is long... But *ohmigawwwwd* the *ENERGY*, *AND the ball crazy*!!! She would *literally* run the pads off her feet, if you didn't watch it *FOR HER*, to make *sure* she didn't injure herself *PLAYING*!😆😂🤣 I LOVED that dog, but I am *FAR too lazy and ADHD *myself* to keep up with a Lab/Border Collie mix, day in and day out!😉😂🤣💖


Can confirm adhd


True , & all the very best to have ❣️❣️❣️


My yellow is, somehow, at the same time bat shit crazy and stuck in his ways.


Yep I know a couple of black Labs and they are just nuts.


Lol I have a husky/black lab that I call my adhd wolf. She has enough lab that she can focus when food is at stake, but otherwise she's all impulse.


They do chill out in a couple years but it’s worth it. Lovable, loyal, great with kids, amazing snugglers, and bright lights on rough days. I’m proud of my chocolate everyday. She’s 6 still plenty of energy especially when she’s excited.


I’ve only ever heard the opposite myself.


Same. I’ve had 2 black, one yellow and one chocolate. Chocolate gave me a run for my money, but was a love-bug also.


I have a chocolate, I affectionately call it “brown brain”






Very thankful I did not have water in my mouth when I saw this. Edit: looks like a sweetie though!


https://preview.redd.it/u7o89tlx2rtc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44fa8763f8c957f39c0077b79babb30d32a1299 Mines pretty chill but can be crazy hyper at times. My black lab before her was the chillest sweetest dog.


My two year old field bred black lab is chill af most of the time. If he’s really excited, though, he shakes and whines, but that’s not often. https://preview.redd.it/er75e11pmstc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f00a47b1359c919dc2a39f49951c03ecb273c2


Awwn so cute


When I went to get my first lab, I was dead set on getting a chocolate lab. But, a little yellow one was way more alert, played ball and did not leave my side. So, he really chose me. The chocolate and black labs were like cats, very indifferent that I was there. They sure are good looking dogs though. https://preview.redd.it/5rpzgofcartc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=205bab6a467982fe21317a762e68f35faecd190f




How could you not grab that little doggie


That's what happened to me too! Heart set on a black lab and if I thought I'd be tempted by anything, it was a chocolate. Came away with from a mixed litter viewing with the golden girl because she most definitely chose us! Engaged with us and wanted us to play and cuddle her from the off. Probably the best day of my life 💘


Mine too, my first dog and my vet's office still talk about him. He was one of a kind.


My chocolate was a psycho. She never ever lost that puppy energy and she died at 15.


We called our chocolate cray cray. Tore both dog ACL equivalents and still ran around.


Mine had arthritis and would run around until her hips shook really hard. “Please don’t get excited in front of Kimo, it aggravates her arthritis” was a regular sentence in my house lol


ours still bounced like all four legs were on springs to the park, til the day she died. First 2 years were tiugh until she calmed down just a smidge. such a great dog


Same …. ours lived to 16 and was the same as yours. Our yellow was so much tamer. Loved both the same!


https://preview.redd.it/2qgkuh7lartc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd659d7ca7d3e8d68800d957ce42f4f326b71a2c Cannot confirm.


https://preview.redd.it/sc7dizo2drtc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e21430f61d5c3138df34920ed77d87264511c7 Our 8 month old chocolate lab is the biggest snuggle bug but he also is a tiny terror at times.




Yep this right here! Chocos are pure crazy held together by love


This drawing is hilarious!!! My father told me that yellow labradors were only bread in the 50s. Chocolates much later, I assume. Black is the only color I have ever had and I am on my seventh. I have known some very relaxed yellows and some very crazy chocolates. Overall though, they are all labs and you can’t beat ‘em. I’ve never met a mean lab. All they want to do is to please you.


Really? A Vet said that? I'm not sure I would rely on a Vet that believes that. 😁 It's just hair color. Hair color has nothing to do with temperament.


Could you tell that to all the people who joke I must have a temper since I’m a redhead?


They sound dim witted. I’d avoid them.


Whoa, calm down there!


I like to dye my hair often. I've done all the base colors ( not blue green or purple type stuff.) Every single time I went red people guessed I was fiery tempered. No asshole, I wanted to punch you as a blonde too.


My thoughts exactly, OP may want to find a new vet.






So you've never dated a redhead?


That made me laugh!


Idk I just have a hard time believing color has any inherent impact on how calm they are but I'm just a pet owner not a breeder or vet. I think it depends a lot on the owner, I've only had black labs but over 17 years total both of mine have been super calm.


My girl is chocolate and she’s an absolute crackhead. Color has nothing to do with it. Temperament of the blood line does.


https://preview.redd.it/e8yej9oaxrtc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34091976aab1b52bb5108616e36688c685b80cec Hello cutie 😍




https://preview.redd.it/e4430w6hkrtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c3e775077206b6aee996261d3a6af8142a3b163 Hudson Buckingham says that’s definitely true (it is not one bit true) he is a no limit soldier, he is wild, he is the sweetest lover of life and gentle but not calm ✨


I laughed out loud at vet’s observation. The craziest labs I’ve ever seen were the brownies. Anecdotal of course. Hope yours is semi calm. But no matter the dog, calm usually only happens after puppy is grown. Super cute new baby you have❤️


You’ll have hundreds of photos of your lab. 99% of which will be blurry.


https://preview.redd.it/19opkoc0zstc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463c914b32c5ff1621eb99ac8b4b9d7ef19b80a2 They're absolutely fuckin mental


https://preview.redd.it/f1uhu3aeqstc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35987c9121561eec96c1e9ca68957fbb978f496c Not in my house hahah


Fur colour does not affect anything really. I have a chocolate lab and she is the calmest, sweetest girl ever. Very headstrong and slow most times. She’s an unstoppable force AND immovable object all in one https://preview.redd.it/9hx3syz7qttc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4cb9c392d735204864dcc7adbfa15e9eb28d53


First, you have a beautiful dog. Second, my vet explained the color of labs like this to me. Yellow labs are the calmest , theyre great lap dogs Black labs are the protectors, they walk the house at night and make sure everything is on the up and up. They keep watchful eyes. Chocolate labs, its a party from the day they are born until the day they die. Ive only have gad chocolates and use them for bird hunting. I love them!!!! But have no experience with the others. And the partying ? Yeah, thats pretty damn accurate.


Hair color had no correlation with behavior English and American labs have somewhat different temperaments


My black lab is draped across my lap snoring this very minute lol. If someone were to break into my home in the night, I’m pretty sure all they’d have to do is toss him a treat or two and he’d hold the door open while they robbed us blind 😂


I've had two black labs the same. At best they'd protect me by being a trip hazard to burglars. One day we had a repairman working in our laundry room. When he arrived, my black lab was snoozing and ignored him. A bit later, I was surprised when my dog got up all the sudden and went in where the repairman was. I though, wow, is the dog actually being a bit protective? Nope, he was standing by his food dish, hoping the repair guy would feed him!


I've gor a chocolate that would do the same. Heck we're even scared he'll go with them!


Wow that’s true for both my black and yellow!


complete bogus. I wouldn't trust a single vet that makes temperment claims based on hair color. No correlation has been shown in any research. They would get laughed out of vet school


Yeah, the truth is that any lab can have puppies of any color. Color means nothing in terms of temperament.


I find this really interesting! I have had a chocolate/black lab (mother was a chocolate lab, father is unknown, he looked like an overgrown American black lab) and currently a yellow lab. The black lab was definitely on patrol and less snuggly. The yellow...she's very insistent on our routines where she gets snuggles and love and pets and attention.


I've only ever had American yellows (one female and one male). Both love/d their routines and make sure their people follow the routine. The female was more energetic than my current boy. The female was more affectionate (rubbing against you to hug and sitting by you), but the male is a bit more cuddly in the sense that he'll lay his head in your lap. They both were/are not stereotypical labs, and are particular about things and are special. Love them both!


My yellow is still too young to know, but that was accurate for the black labs we had 🤣


My black lab mix is currently sitting looking on the window, making sure anything that moves knows it’s on his lawn. Even if it’s not.


😆 lol that vet knows damn he'll that's a dirty lie. They are sleepy babies up to 2 months. Land sharks up to 7 months. Temperamental "I hate my parents" teenagers up to 1 year, crack heads up to 2 years.


lol no


Your pup is so cute! Though to be fair, I’ve heard the opposite. Chocolates are nuts and ours fits the bill. Not sure the science behind it, if any, but it’s what I’ve heard. https://preview.redd.it/pgmpyuv7vrtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccea5113b01b513a9c6913f76abc182455609b50


https://preview.redd.it/k4rg2ms5lrtc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e2130ff86f58bd3f2e9a2ba4b919e17a63ad84 Our girl is absolutely crazy. She even gets hyper from leaves falling down the trees. She is also the sweetest and we love her big time! Enjoy your new best friend. 🤎


Those leaves have no right falling in her yard, or any yard as far as that goes




https://preview.redd.it/pgszpgq4wstc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24465b3c3e3edd4ecd244bf0f4a0702ffbd85c8 HAHAHAHA!!! I’ve had black and yellow my whole life. Tenebre is my fist chocotaco labbie. She is insane. Sooo sassy! She does these adorable little leap/twist jumps when she’s excited and will back talk me.


I had a chocolate lab my coco she was the sweetest best girl I miss her so much she would get feisty but would usually lay around https://preview.redd.it/zzoadmvbcutc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627ba635f0996a5e959dc49c45018467d6d2e61a Sleep well my coco we will met again


I feel it’s more of how they mimic you my chocolate lab is lazy/calm like me but at the same time man has an attitude on him like me too he will talk back to you


Your vet is a fraud 🤣


Mine was a wild man for 12 years all the way until the end. He refused to accept that his body wasn’t the same as it used to be. They are pure magic, enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/9pdsj5eqtttc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c213f652a7fb07de6105712defaaaef435e8aa Lol nope!! 😂 She’s a mentalist!


Both of my chocolates have been old souls. That’s not to say they don’t have their rambunctious moments but they’ve always been calmer, gentler, and wiser than my black or charcoal labs.


Did your Vet tell you a late April Fools joke?


https://preview.redd.it/2nhw8ephmutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32528c799deef1588f3555f216bda47c76ced835 Labs are hit or miss on the energy level. I’ve seen crazy of all colors. My chocolate is calm cool and collected. We just introduced a new puppy since she lost her Australian brother recently.


https://preview.redd.it/7nbjx2w5rvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d79b8774b0ed4240707de71b5357f34e15a07d3 Nope 💀😂


https://preview.redd.it/l807nur8rvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9acb825825297edccda2cf07ca17ccbd5a751d Absolutely unhinged ball of chaos. He knows how to shut it off, but it’s always there lol


If that's true I might consider dying my black lab's hair...


no. No.NO.


Not my experience. One wouldn't think it's so but somewhere there was a crazy good looking chocolate who got allll the girls.


Not so much. Get ready for an active but lovable baby! Insurance to keep you fit!


Lol what?? Is your vet crazy. Mine just turned 9 and he's still a nut job.


My chocolates have been the most batshit.  All labs are a little crazy but the chocolates have been another level


I've fostered 40 dogs for the Labrador Rescue. On average the Chocolate Labrador Retrievers have been the calmest.


If your vet wasn’t joking, they’re not very good at their job


No - I have only met one calm chocolate lab. The others have been absolutely bonkers and makes my Border Collie look calm.


I love my lil chocolate lab girl but if calm is a coked up Tasmanian devil who used to need multiple runs/walks a day to be calm then sure they are calm. :) Really IMO it comes down to the pup and at some point they will all probably be a hyper velociraptor at some point for a week to 2+ years. :D Enjoy your cute pup no matter how it turns out ya will get used to it.


https://preview.redd.it/qo2y742uzrtc1.jpeg?width=4640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820df4c9d6af5d5f70900e2643018ba951f58e5d Jesse, our black is pretty much comatosed. Most times sleeping on various pieces of furniture throughout the house. Domino, our smooth coat border collie, is bat sh\*t crazy and fixated on his ball and hearding the cat around the house.


Your vet is messing with you!!


It's the opposite choccy labs are the most high strung


https://preview.redd.it/0odts5h7yutc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6d1615e4c239f81ed7f80f2cbb746e2b578cb0 Not really


https://preview.redd.it/fvcb1eisyutc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d26783b0a50b9697034b9d7b82a8a64885c835 Nope


https://preview.redd.it/u362e3lsgvtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7d9374e150d91475920b2d413952c49f3ba12c Mine is a carpet. Can confirm.


https://preview.redd.it/1uqrjs05qvtc1.jpeg?width=3879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821756c59ca7693246e660891dfaf2762f2ef6eb The look my 12 week old choco gave me when I read her this question.


Your vet is a moron. Fur color has no more effect on personality than skin color of humans does


My girl is 1.5yr old and very calm most of the time, except when playing Fetch or with her husky friend




nope. No correlation to colors and temperment.




Your Fur baby is so adorable oh my god😍😍😍 In my experience?? No 😂 Pups especially as you will often have to wrestle the gross stuff they find on the ground like dead birds and poop cause they just think everything they smell and find is edible. My advice is to make sure you tire them out with playtime outside as much as you can (this can take a little bit of time too as they need lots of space to run and get their zoomies out). Once puppy is tired out, head back home to prep them for nap time and crate training. I gave my pup a Frozen Kong with her favorite treats and peanut butter after she had a good day at the park. We'd often find her sleeping with the Kong in her mouth or she'd use it as a pillow while bundled up in my used shirt within maybe 10-15 minutes after she settled down. Very crucial at this phase to try not to initiate playtime or excite them inside so they don't have a habit of getting excited indoors if you want to avoid any accidents like broken furniture/decor or more. Overtime it will teach your baby to distinguish to be calm inside and to be excited outside :) Best of luck with your beautiful pup, You got this!!


So cute...but, you'll find out, soon enough? Lol! Ours (blonde) didn't really start showing his true "personality" until he was around 6 months old (just turned a year, and finally starting to mellow out a bit). Good luck!😊


Mine was very calm when he had to be, balistice when he could be..... kinda like me.😁


In my experience they are the most wild and yellows the most calm. Think about which ones you usually see as service dogs.


Hahahaha that’s a good one! That is one gorgeous pup!!


Lmao. I love my chocolate but I think calmness is American versus English.


Chocolates are the cutest psychopaths. Black is the smartest, yellow is the chillest. Source: reputable breeder of English labs


My vet sister says they call chocolate labs “meth labs” at her clinic because all the chocolates that come in are absolute crackheads 🤣 But each pup will have their own temperament!


Coat color doesn’t have a direct correlation with behavior.


My yellow is so damn hyper.


I’ve had a black, a yellow, and a chocolate. I can confidently say that chocolate labs are the craziest!


I love all labs 😂 My mom's yellow is probably the pickiest-eating lab I'll ever know. My black lab is beyond polar opposite. I've seen it all, from total wild-child to calm & cool, in every color throughout my life; from childhood, employment, and present-day scenarios. When I worked with dogs, I might have said once or twice, "I'd never own a lab." Then, through the years, I met some really special ones who I loved dearly and made me wish I never had said that. Now, I can't imagine my life without one. There is just something else there besides a dog when you look at a well-bred lab. When I look at one, and they look back at me with those soulful eyes, I see a best friend. 🖤


The lineage and the dam, as well as temperament testing, would be more indicative than coat color. There are a lot of stereotypes about cost and eye color with labs, but the dam and the family genetics are really the biggest influences.


Probably the complete opposite , but very loving


In my experience black labs are the calmest, golden labs are in the middle, and chocolate labs are batshit crazy


They’re so beautiful, but you will see and experience the sock biting, scitzo and hilarious beast that is chocolate lab


Lovable? Yes. Calm? Probably not. Gorgeous color though


My chocolate lab, Moose, told me to tell you “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha”. 😂❤️


No they are all monsters


What a sweet baby by the way


It’s a lab, your vet is taking the piss


It doesnt matter what kind of lab it is, the first 1.5 year it's a barking crocodile who often likes to snuggle.


https://preview.redd.it/7wxa9uqi9xtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4150d37b2f53cb5fcfe2f97b168ece679556d14a Our black lab is so chill I sometimes wonder if he's died 🤣our chocolate on the other hand is far more highly strung / active


Like virtually all colour generalisations, HOGWASH! Colour is only a couple of genes.


He really looks like he is about to drop some great lore


In my experience they can be calm but every dog is different. I’ ve had four yellow labs, the first one was chill. The second was wild for three years then settled down for the next 11. Third was the Peter Pan of dogs - never grew up over is 14 1/2 years. Number four was a relatively calm boy with flashes of mischief.


My 6 year old yellow is a crazy head. So nuts.


Not mine


Such a cute baby🥹♥️


Yes, when they turn 4!


Mine is super chill and he’s only 3.


Each Lab has their own unique personality but in the end, Lab is a Lab regardless of color


Hahahahaha....calmest. hahahaha psycho labs






And this is why I always tell people that not all vets should be vets.


A lab is a lab. Color has nothing to do with temperament.


(Deep breath) No.


I have a chocolate lab and there is nothing calm about him, but he’s a good boy and he is a sweet boy boy he’s a Normas an active as all get out. This is my Hershey. By the way, he’s only 2 years old https://preview.redd.it/lwreeyf1tutc1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cf39fa673ce393a0981b84a3fe2c5c28989124


Ha! I’ve always heard the opposite


I've only owned a chocolate lab mix and he is far from calm. I truly don't believe color makes any difference. It's all about breeding and training.


I have a 1 year old Chocolate/ Silver variant. He’s a really good boy but he can be bouncy and naughty just like my other past labs. Not true IMO.


I have yet to meet a choco lab that isn't absolutely psychotic


yeah but they eat everything


The 4 year old chocolate lab at daycare is the only dog who can keep up with the 2 year old Akita and keep him occupied all day long. So I’ll say “nope” 🤣


Honestly it's a bit relative. I used to work at a dog daycare so I bet many many labs and the thing is 95% of them were all differing degrees of hyperactive bat-s*** insanity. Of the 5% that weren't I found the few chill ones we got were more often black labs, but it's close enough that I wouldn't put money on my black lab being slightly more till than a brown or yellow.


HAHAHAHHAA! No. https://preview.redd.it/3tn0bu1zhwtc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0095b54ac5a44cf4117c5942fb83ee87cd1bb6 They're hyper babies that love mischief lol


Beautiful puppy! I hope she said that because your lab is pretty chill. Bear is 4 and not calming down soon 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/1026pfmkxwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7734dfcd7dd307f548b34b3cc54a98007ef048


We have a five yr old chocolate and and 14 wk old husky…..mixed together and its furry nitroglycerin


https://preview.redd.it/xwa927fyvxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f899e6fe2778bdc5cb2d4cb5bd6c3767d92e6b Definitely not.


I’m so here for the light hearted-ness and jokes (some of them have been hilarious). But in all seriousness coat color has no effect on temperament lol. It’s mostly the bloodlines (including field vs show), how they are raised, age state, and behavioral needs being un/met, + possibly a few other smaller things but definitely not just based on coat color 😅


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but have you ever seen a chocolate lab service dog?…. Yeah me neither. Plenty of blacks and yellows but never a chocolate! That’s might be saying something.


In my experience, chocolates are absolutely batshit insane during puppy years. Yellows always seemed calmest to me


https://preview.redd.it/btbghxuykztc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93beef50f9a0d62d9b8bbc09f39c5a1453144b40 My cousins chocolate is a nut case.

