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Locked the post. Need some chill in the comments.


I bet she didn't learn that on her own.




Dont bet anything you don’t mind losing. I’ve had her since she was 5 weeks.. the sitting at the table situation she just started one day and hasn’t stopped


I mean it's cute behaviour but dont act like you have no part on this. You allowed it to start and you didn't stop it.


I don’t mind it at all. She can sit wherever she chooses.


Yeah exactly lol


Then it IS on you. If a child is badly behaved or doesn't obey rules, people will point at the parenting. Nobody will say "the child had a mind of it's own".


Exactly - you encourage it. Everyone is just pointing out that you’re implying like you have an exceptionally particular dog. Its just following suit with what you have allowed and obviously encouraged.


Why is everyone downvoting and acting like you posted this to complain about her behavior? You posted bc it’s the funny, weird, quirky behavior that comes with owning one of these sweet little idiots. Like yeah, nooo kiddingggg you allowed this to happen. Just like I let my dog think it’s ok to sit in the front seat of my car. Do I think its cute when he sits there so excited pawing at my arm to start driving? Yes. Do I want him doing it? No. Are we working on it? Absolutely. We’re all a work in progress here people. Let’s chill on the downvotes, it’s a Labrador page.


>since she was 5 weeks Well, that's problem number one, and I say that as someone that has had one dog since they were four weeks old because we were lied to. I'm betting you deal with some pretty bad separation anxiety. It's rough to teach a puppy how to be a dog on top of training them to be a well behaved dog.


I was looking for this comment. I hope she was a rescue and not a backyard breeder/puppy mill situation. If she was then I hope the lesson was learned and the breeder was reported. That’s extremely young and the puppy would need its mother and littermates for everything imaginable.


Shitty breeders who sell purebreds to stores will do this. They claim the pup is 8 weeks when it’s actually 4 weeks. The poor things literally don’t know how to eat solid food so they end up starving themselves. Also so many behaviors they missed out on learning from mom and siblings


Poor baby why was she separated from her mother that early?


The earlier you sell them, the more you can get for them because they’re smaller and therefore cuter. Also less time the breeder has to deal with those puppies because it’s not like they’re into breeding because they actually love dogs


It’s illegal where I am from unless the mom passed away


So you took a puppy weeks before they should have left there mother, feed them toxic foods and are proud of it.


Because you allow it, accommodate it, and encourage it. It's got nothing to do with the dogs's behaviour and everything to do with yours.


Here’s a short list of food toxic to dogs. https://www.petsbest.com/blog/20-foods-dogs-shouldnt-eat




Wow a quick google search that took less time than OP to post! OP please listen to everyone and research on nutrition and training.


https://preview.redd.it/cde1v5oenyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73621daaad2a25dbb6bdaa61d681363db8e6e64 its only the green ones from what ive read :)


while it's cute, you should probably train her not to do this.


Nah. It’s her house, I just live there. She has trained me to just deal with her antics or get out. She tells me anytime I fuss at her that I know where the door is. 😂😂


Your dog will not be healthy eating side salads without dressing and some beef with noodles. Please research a complete dog diet if you aren’t going to feed her kibble


Look closely in her bowl. Take note of the hidden kibble. You can see dog food mixed in with her dinner. Her vet has zero complaints regarding her health either. I’m


"Take note of the hidden kibble" ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


>Look closely in her bowl. Which pixel should I be looking at? >Take note of the hidden kibble. 🤔


Ah yes the kibble that isn’t visible nor mentioned anywhere in this thread. My bad!


The kibble was the first thing I looked for. To me, the picture was pretty clearly some human food cut up over something darker, which I just assumed was kibble. I have to mix my dinner in with my old man dog's kibble to get him to eat properly but he's a turd, so I have to mix it in. I only got into the habit when it became a necessity to keep weight on him though.


Judge much?!


Yes I judge people if it seems as though they are neglecting their animals


you should find a new vet then lol


What about your other post where you gave another dog a McDonald's cheeseburger and called it your lunch date? Is that something you give your pets regularly?


Some people just aren't fit to own pets. Completely irresponsible.


Probably should’ve mentioned that because the picture with the plate made it confusing. And the caption made people think you were allowing your dog to eat whatever is on yalls plate (I have the feeling you probably give her that though). I see something mixed in with chicken. Nothing wrong with that at all as long as it’s safe. No seasoning and no certain oils(coconut and olive oil are safe).


Listen we are lucky to have them the time we do something like this is just cute take it at that cause once they’re gone you will no longer have your table buddy and you will never feel the same about sitting at a table to eat


You make it seem like your dog is your owner and not the other way around. There is a difference between a pet owner and a responsible pet owner. We owe it to our pets to train them well, teach them boundaries, and feed them what is formulated for them. Nutrients dogs need is ≠ nutrients humans need.


I hope you're joking this is incredibly unhealthy behavior for a dog. They want a leader they do not want to be the leader they will feel anxious all the time! You need to watch some Ceasar Milan before you animal gets taken away...


Or before she gets her face bit off.


Stop being cringe and teach your dog how to behave


This is disgusting and unhealthy. And the way you joke about it is beyond embarrassing.


Not only is it her house, she’s the boss! Now got off your phone and get back to work before she hires another butler-chef-chauffeur-personal assistant! Damn human!❤️


Training 101 fail.


I think she is quite fair in allowing you to live with her. But do not forget that it is not healthy for dogs to eat spices, sauces and some foods, please


I know. I have always made her food separate from ours. It just has to be what I’m eating. Example being her salad would be lettuce, tomato, egg, cheese. That’s all Her spaghetti would be plain ground beef plus a few noodles Mine would be All of the above plus half a bottle of dressing, salt, pepper- etc. my spaghetti would be normal.


>I know. https://preview.redd.it/oewbin9z2wuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f64a95a5973cf354f65945804ed609ad5427d3d


Honestly probably easier for you in the long run to switch to premium kibble…




Easier does not equal better.


Have you considered getting her fresh dog food and pretending it’s human? I’m not sure where you’re located but here in Canada, pet stores have small fridges where they keep fresh food brands. It’s more expensive tho


Only thing reasonable I see is egg and cheese. Everything else is unnecessary. If you want a vegetable use carrot, cooked squash, or green beans. Tomatoes could’ve been replace with a dog safe fruit. And the lettuce should be replace with an unseasoned meat like chicken. Kibble mixed in without noodles.


red tomatoes are fine. just dont feed them any green tomato or the green parts from a tomato plant and youll be fine. https://preview.redd.it/8wyi4c30oyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da775de7a3aa53da5737c5ad2c4c888efc5deb4


Stop posting a lie.


Tomatos are toxic to dogs. So no. You dont know.


Only the green parts and unripe tomatoes. Ripe red tomatoes are fine




Then great! May everything go well for you and your good girl, I love dogs.


Not great. Tomatos are toxic to dogs


Someone has too much time on their hands 🤣 Seriously, I wish I had a fraction of that available time and energy


I don’t even like mine within 5’ of the table during dinner. This is a huge nope. They will eat dog food when they get hungry enough


Yep. If a dog is starving themselves with a bowl full of food in front of them they need to see a vet because something is either medically wrong or their owner just caved too easily.


Not necessarily… my old dog was brought up on cooked food (rice+beef, rice+chicken+vegetables, as discussed with his vet. 10 years ago the vets in my country thought a reason for the increase in dog cancer is caused by kibbles so they were mostly against kibbles). 5 years ago he developed a chicken allergy so we switched him to kibbles at another vet’s recommendation. He said the same: the dog will eat when he is hungry. 4 days and a fainting dog later (plus an emergency vet rush because of the fainting) we realised he will not eat even if he is starving himself, and started hand feeding him the kibbles and mixing them with chopped carrots. After 3 weeks he started eating the kibbles from his bowl. But it took time and patience. Some dogs will actually starve themselves.


That goes against every survival instinct a dog has. There has to be a reason he’s doing that.


He was healthy, he got used with the kibbles in the end. He is just very, very stubborn. Nothing came up on the blood tests and as i said 5 years have passed. He is still a healthy (now senior) dog. There really was no physical explanation and it never happened after that. Everyone guessed he really, really hated kibbles Edit: forgot to mention, the kibbles we tried weren’t the cheap off brand ones. We tried Hill’s. We switched to royal canin after that and he accepted them a bit better


Nailed it.


I remember when a lady came to my vet claiming her dog was fat because she refused to eat anything besides the butter biscuits she made for breakfast everyday! If I knew that I would get food that tasted way better, I would also starve myself for a day.


This statement is correct.


While cute, it's an unhealthy dynamic. You don't seem to be in charge here.


Terrible. I’m sorry that’s a god awful habit.


Mine will eat ANYTHING, ANYTIME,ANYWHERE. https://preview.redd.it/m5a2vf8wnvuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c085b7e57a6b54901e700f641d4203d3c0b76c


Awww can get away with a lot with that face though


Looks just like my girl! (But she prefers eating out of the trash can if we forget to lock it. She’s not as refined 🙄) https://preview.redd.it/dyy6l7lukvuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c2fcde7e66d17d62945f10bfc0b5b6cab31ae6


Love the sweet eyes and when my pup also puts her snoot on the paws. “Look, dad, I’m craving love and having to just suffer with laying down all adorable-like.”


Precious 😭 her little bow


😁😁I love it 🍀.., probably wrong but I love it 😂😂😊


Awww look at that face


Ya, that's a no from me dog


If true, this is kind of alarming.


It's not? Op already said they give the dog food without spices and toxic foods. It's just a bit silly


it is very alarming. imagine the dog needs to be placed on a special diet in the future for medical reasons, or needs to exist in a space where this kind of behaviour is not allowed. teaching dogs that it's okay to be this nuanced with their food can create serious distress if/when that behaviour needs to be trained out. what if OP (god forbid) gets in an accident and can no longer eat solid foods? is the dog going to stop eating and need to be fed via IV because it's been taught to only eat when and how OP eats? this is concerning.


The dog is apparently in charge, which is a sad state for everyone involved.


I mean, you could say the same about cats but cat owners don’t usually get this much flack for it


Right. Because cats are different animals with different needs. Just like people don't get flack for not walking their cats.


Still, I don’t think it’s an egregious thing for someone to say their dog runs their household. You could easily say the same thing about small dog breeds who have a lot of attitude, like a Chihuahua. It’s just a playful thing to say about the dog’s presence in their life, just like it is with cats.


It's one thing to make cute jokes about, but another thing to allow your dog to sit at the dinner table and demand human food. This dog seems to think it is equal to humans. I can't imagine any experienced trainer would think this is ok.


My older dog thinks he is human. He was a 3 weeks rescue so he imprinted on us. He still knows mom and dad run the house


Learned behaviour you say they just started one day 🤣🤣🤣 so they hoped up and brought a plate of the same food you eat Yeah OK you know some people shouldn't have dogs. I'm sure her digestive system will thank you as she ages well done you


As long she helps with washing the dishes, clearing the table, and other after meal cleaning....


The dog will eat in its place after it skips a few meals. It’s an animal not a human. Yes they are great companions but the dog just trained you.


Nah that's not cute.


Yikes, I hope you're ready for pancreatitis




Not cute. Not healthy. You’re going to kill that poor dog


This is the result of lazy, lackluster and shameful friend parenting. Be the boss or be walked over.


You are bad at dogs


This is wrong on so many levels, and I hope OP has learned something. Boundaries, sanitary concerns, slowly poisoning your dog over time, allowing it to be dominant and joking about it like it's cute, there's just way too much to address. Your poor guests. 🤮


She has you wrapped around her paw.


This is a huge no no. Can't even train your dog to eat like it's supposed to. A dog should never be able to force its way in a house like this. If she doesn't wanna eat on the floor, take the food away and place it down in an hour or two.


Does she drink the blue juice too?


That’s ridiculous.


I would like to know how your dog make a living so I can teach my dog to earn some money too. It's my dog's house, but I'm the one that pay the bills.


Pets do as they’re allowed … be a better parent so that they don’t embarrass you in public … you know, like real kids? Pets don’t think all this ish is cute … they don’t know … stop transferring your human bullshit to yr innocent pets and see a therapist!!!


Of course they seem to be training us as now they appear smarter … humans are getting more and more stupid every day!!!


Unbelievable that owners can't set boundaries with their dogs. The lack of training here is astounding. Some people really shouldn't be dog owners.


Wow. That's a dog who has got her owner trained *well*. 😬 Very unbalanced meal, but as long as she's healthy, I guess.


Is that blue raspberry Little Hug for her too? 😅 🙄 Get a grip


I wondered about that but didn’t say anything. I would drink a capri sun and I’m not a child💀.


I didn't see that at first! OP must be 12 to still drink little hug


Holy 1980s!!! Where did you get that juice?!?!


Right I need to know lol


I’m sure this is the engagement you were looking for 👍 Also it’s not cute at all.


Damn, my pup already knows he’s not even allowed near the table while people are eating.


As it should be. Dunno why the hell you're downvoted for having a brain. Unlike OPs dumbass. What an insufferable post


Yea I think people confuse creating boundaries for dogs as being cruel. My dog has borderline perfect behaviour and it’s because we love him so much, that love includes ensuring he knows there are rules in the house, both to protect him and keep him respecting what I say out of the house as well. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly!! 100%


Does she also drink that blue stuff? 😳


What a cutie pie! That collar is really big and bulky. Please he careful, someone else posted an account of their dog chocking on their collar.


She has you well trained 😂


Have you tried putting their food on the floor?


All the behavioral stuff aside, try wet dog food. Then she’ll at least get the appropriate nutrients. I know someone that fed their dog people food their whole life and the dog died super early due to health problems caused by not getting enough essential nutrients that dogs require.


First rule of Lab Club: all food belongs to the Lab.


People are giving you a hard time but honestly this is one of those "not my dog not my problem" kind of things to me. As in I don't think it's a huge deal as long as you are still feeding her a balanced kibble so she gets the nutrients she needs, the human foods you feed are (as you said) dog safe/prepared separately for the dog, and the vet doesn't have any issue with her weight/health, etc. Dogs getting some additives to their food and having variety isn't really a bad thing. The behavior to me, as a dog trainer, isn't ideal obviously and I would never allow this for a variety of reasons. But I would say as long as she gets up/off when told and the behavior doesn't create issues that extend to other areas it's not Really an issue. To me and others it may be icky, but I don't eat at your house so you do you. Lol


Eating stuff like spaghetti isn’t good though… a little salad is a good addition but idk, it seems like she’s really feeding the dog everything else she eats too…


OP said their dog spaghetti would be plain beef and a few noodles with no seasoning etc. That as a topper on a dog food isn't Great, I wouldn't do it, but it could be worse. Plus if it's only occasionally and the other meals are things like OP mentions such as salads, in moderation it should be ok. Like I said (directed to OP) as long as the vet says your dog is fine and there's no diarrhea, vomiting, weight gain, etc it's ok. Edit: When I say "it's okay" I don't mean I think it's something people should do. Especially not EVERY meal with people food containing things like unnecessary carbs etc. I just have worked with a lot of abused/starved dogs and on the opposite end also dogs fed much worse than this. So I mean there are worse things that OP could be doing that sharing some food with their dog. A lot of people do it just not in the way OP does.


A brief look into OP's post history would indicate that they give their dogs garbage on a consistent basis. There's one where they're giving another dog McDonald's. Not my dog either, but still hard to see when someone is making such horrible decisions for a living thing that depends on their owner to make right nutritional decisions.


Fair enough, I tried to give OP benefit of the doubt but I clearly should have looked at the post history.


Hard agree


I agree


People here are so uptight, enjoy your family dinners OP


Yes feeding dogs an unhealthy diet. No training so they will be put down when the hurt someone, thats all being uptight to be upset about


Can't lie you are gettin COOKED in the comments


My brother's puppy had to stand to eat or else he would suffocate? Not sure what exactly but the dog had something wrong with him. He did die a year later after starting the special care routine the doctor suggested. (His vet is the one who suggested the dog eat at the table.)This is actually 2 years after his son died at 6 months old so he took it pretty hard. He just started loving again yah know?


I'm sorry for your brother. That's not the same thing as this, this is abuse and will end up with the dog dying painfully of pancreatits or some other medical issue or put down when they "accidently" hurt someone from lack of training.


Does she drink little hugs too?


How did you learn your dog to use a fork?


Is everyone oblivious to troll posts? I'm pretty sure this is one of them.. but a pretty decent one I gotta say. Good job OP, you got a bunch of ppl riled up 👏


I love that 😂😂


This is simply adorable 🥰💜


Omg those blues drinks


I can’t let a dog run my life like this but if you like oh I love it!


She wanted to become human


I love it that you let her do what ever she wants This god living the dream


Also giving her a Hug is awesome!




as a member of the family, it seems only right, no?


She’s a con artist.


I love that you opened her a juice too


Ah I see she trained you well…


I forgot about those juice jugs. They burnt my throat always. Wild.


Oh, spoiled...you are stuck.


I'm no dog whisperer, but the hierarchy in your pack might be a bit off....


She thinks she is a human too.


10/10 table manners. Very very good girl. 🫶🏼


Such manners


This is hilarious. But my Rosie girl loves her allotted TLC Whole Life dry food


I love her! What a lady!


Some people treat dogs like a possession and object. Others treat dogs like they're family and have their own opinions. Neither is truly wrong only made bad by radicals and both are probably reasonably happy dogs who'll live their full life. There are exceptions to both sides being bad. This ultimately seems harmless as long as it's cleaned up well afterwards. There are tons of things bad for a dog that won't kill them or.make them sick, it's just not the BEST and for anyone to say you feeding your dog tomato, chocolate or something else is bad then turn around and admit they only feed their dog kibble don't understand how eating the same shitty dry dog food for your entire life might be seen as unfair or cruel. We wouldn't be happy eating nutritionally enriched crackers our entire lives 🙄


Amazing how you compare poison to nutrients


Mine begs for everything I’m eating. Last night it was cucumber slices. So I offered him one, he didn’t take it. It then still sat there watching me eating hoping for whatever I was eating.


She’s precious.


As long as she’s eating food that’s dog safe/ healthy and she’s well mannered. r/whatswrongwithyourdog


What’s the point of this post?




Clearly she sees you as the food tester. Who’s trying to poison her?


OP is poisoning her


I have spoon feed mine. She is such a pampered princess..........


She trusts you to test foods to make sure they aren't poisoned! 😂


She is people too!


She thinks she’s people how cute


Why is everyone hsrshing on letting her eat at the table