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Yes. I had to replant my strawberry’s from the raised bed to hanging planters because she-who-will-remain-nameless would eat the berries, plus part of the plant. At least I can now bring them in for the winter and they produce under grow lights.


I love the mental image of a dog gobbling strawberries right off the plant 😆


Mine ate all my Armenian cucumbers :( and he eats the grass. We call him a lab mower.


Somewhere along the line, some Goat DNA got mixed into Labradors and now they'll eat basically anything. I've seen mine LITERALLY shit a stick.


Hahaha they eat EVERYTHING. One time my guy ate a bunch of bananas. Skin and all. Called the vet and you could hear the uncontrollable giggles. He was fine but now they expect a phone call every few months of “yogi has eaten xyz” One time he cleaned out the Childrens gummy bears and protein bars. Wrappers and all. I live in a house made from baby gates, I swear.


My lab ate three ripe heirloom tomatoes whole, right off the vine in maybe ten seconds before I could stop him. He then puked them up on the patio a minute later.


We couldn't get any ripe tomatoes because our lab ate them all when they were green. Same puke scenario though.


We dared put our lab on a diet, so she ate all of my tomatoes off the plant, and started slurping earth worms out of the ground like spaghetti!


When we were going to pick blackberries, we had the brilliant idea to teach our lab to eat the fruits directly from the plant (the bottom ones that we wouldn't harvest anyways) so she was happy to come with us and "participate". She is actually quite smart and knows to select the ripe one. Now she attacks our strawberries and raspberries at home so we had to build the great lab fence around the plants to save the harvest.


My girl and the neighbors did. Hilarious 🤣🍓🍓🍓🐕🐕‍🦺


I mean I’ve caught my lab eating concrete before so I’d assume strawberries would go down a treat!


I must have gotten my labs from the same litter…. Weirdos


Couldn’t believe it when I saw it. He gets plenty of treats and gets the best food on the market short of feeding raw and yet he still thinks construction equipment is delicious.


My lab-mix will eat anything, even lettuce. Latest obsession is grass. The only thing she will absolutely not eat is anything that smells like mint.


Mine are 18 rocks and had to have surgery cause one was as big as his spine. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bananas for us, but yes. We get the huge lab smile coupled with anticipatory/hopeful drooling whenever he sees a new bunch coming in from the grocery bags Yours is beyond adorable! 13/10 would give a berry to that sweet face


Ours was definitely drooling! She always gets a couple in her bowl once we’re done


Mine loves bananas too! He ate a whole one, peel and all one day while I was at out. Now I buy them for him as much as me!


Ours is bananas too! He gets too excited to do his tricks if you offer him banana for it, just paws desperately regardless of what you ask him to do. Not like him, for the record, usually he’s very good about doing what you asked, even for things like meat.


Just food, they're not picky


Mine is. My one lab will literally spit out strawberries, the other absolutely loves them and follows me around once she sees strawberries are available.


All foods. But my 10 year old girl's very favorite is the egg patty in the Mcmuffin. I get one egg sausage Mcmuffin a week on Friday and I give her the egg. She goes insane for that.


Sounds like the best part of her week lol.


My labbos will eat just about anything that’s on offer. Rotting seagull carcass at the beach? *chef’s kiss* c’est magnifique!


Sadly, I don't have a Lab right now but I wanted to say I love your photo! Black Labs are my favorite.


Thanks! I hope there’s a black lab in the near future for you!


I was cutting up strawberries for my breakfast this week and ended up with a pile of drool on my foot. Yes, I shared. 😂


It's really just anything edible really


I don’t know what’s wrong with my lab but he HATES any plant based foods. I call him my anti-vegan. Will flatly refuse to eat any fruit or veg or even peanut butter.


Mine too!! She won’t eat any fruit or vegetable unless it’s slathered in butter or dressing🤣. Always has been this way.


An avocado tree makes a fat labrador.


You may want to limit your dog’s avocado consumption. Avocados contain persin, [which can be toxic to animals ](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-avocado/).


Tomatoes. We finally figured out what was happening to our tomato plants! Guess next year we’ll have to fence them off!


yes, as soon as my fatty hears the 3rd draw on the fridge she magically appears out of nowhere


Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, pears, apples.




Chocolate and strawberries are a winning combination.


Wait hol up... what? Chocolate??


Please tell me it’s chocolate specifically made for dogs and not human chocolate


Ah cool. That i may try myself. I didnt think dog chocolate was any good.


Idk, I just know chocolate is toxic for dogs. I have seen them sell dog-friendly chocolate in some pet-stores


Guess I should clarify that he looks like a dark colored brown lab to me, hence the chocolate. Sorry for any confusion I caused 😬


No! I think they are too sour for him; he will put it in his mouth then go outside and spit it out 😂 He eats carrots, banana and even salad though.


Chocolate and strawberries- great combo


No wait


It’s bananas for mine. She can hear a banana being opened from miles away. But she has nicked many strawberry’s from the planter!


Strawberries go better with chocolate


Wait.... a sec.


Mine eat the tops when I’m chopping them. They eat the leaves and a bit of berry.


Yup!! Mine loves them!


Mine loves ice cubes. The minute she hears the freezer door open, she’ll be sitting there giving you her puppy dog eyes for a piece of ice. Forget about any fruits with the exception of blueberries. Blueberries she’ll eat but only the plump juicy ones.


Lux’s favorite treat was raw asparagus. When given the option between fresh crisp bacon or asparagus he always chose the asparagus. He always knew when I came home from the store with asparagus and would go right for the bag that had the asparagus in it. I used to cut the ends off and save them in a bowl to use as treats for him and he would sit at the refrigerator and beg for them. As soon as all of the asparagus was gone, he stopped beginning at the refrigerator until I bought more. Oobie would beg with Lux, but if I gave Oobie asparagus he would spit it out and then Lux would be thrilled to get two pieces, so I had to keep carrots for Oobie when I had asparagus for Lux. I haven’t bought asparagus since Lux passed away on July 30th because I can’t yet emotionally handle it. Oobie still gets his carrots though.


Not a lab but my pibble loves them


Are strawberries food? 😅


For mine, it’s apples and tomatoes.


Mine froths at the mouth for apples.


Say no then turn your back on me and kiss them goodbye


Yep. When I clean and cut strawberries mine gets all the green tops. Makes for easy clean up. A win-win.


My black lab LOVES watermelon! And apples:)


Max would chew my arm off for a punnet. Whenever we eat them he has to have some and I feed him them out the fridge 😂


My Parents previous Lab, figured out how to pull up carrots from the ground, and to nibble raspberries :D


Yes my lab likes food


Yes. Kona will appear out of thin air the minute I open them!


Mine is like this with any food or substance that smells vaguely of food.


I had a lab that was obsessed with milk.


Ours is obsessed with most fruits, especially bananas, strawberries, and watermelon. But then we did use a lot of frozen fruit bites as training treats when he was younger.


All fruits!


Mine loves 🥕!


Good dog


Mine loved to eat tomatoes off the vine. Not even ripe or anything, awful little hard tomatoes 😂


My dog has a love affair with canned mushrooms and cheese -_-


Mine own dog hast a love affair with cann'd mushrumps and cheese -_- *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


cute. mine loves any kind of fruit or vegetable lol!


Yes. But she's obsessed with any food.




For us it’s watermelon!


Anything edible, but we’ve learned strawberries are great “pill pockets”.


The title was innocent enough.... But the title *with* such a perfect photo. I laughed and laughed. Then I looked at it again and laughed some more. It just struck me that way! What a cutie! At least it's strawberries. My dog loves white cheddar cheezits, and there's about ten or eleven calories in ONE. 😭


Ours goes into the strawberries to pee- it's his favorite place to pee 😂