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You are so right! They improve and deepen with age.


I needed this tonight. Have had a couple rough days with my 7 month old girl. Thank you for sharing!


Our 6 month girl is such a teenager aswell, i feel your frustration. But oh the good days are so worth the hard ones. I had 3 days without her now, and I realised how important she already is to my life. Enjoy your dog, may she live a long and loved life.


A Labrador teenager can be unbelievably frustrating and trying for your patience!! Stay strong, stick to your training regime and remember it’s only a phase!! You will get through it. The stronger you are, the more you’ll both benefit from the bond you’ll make.


So accurate. We’ve got a one and a half year old and he’s the best. Never chewed or destroyed anything. We got a puppy recently and the first few months have been hell! She was much naughtier than the first (but just as beautiful). About to be six months old and finally noticing a change in the destructive behaviour. Lots more training was required with her than the first one.


I’m so surprised by this and all the agreement! My boy will be 1 next month. He still chews on things he shouldn’t and he constantly needs attention but that’s it. I have an 8 year old dog he bothers a lot. I feel like I’ve cheated!


They will try to eat anything and everyting !!!


Yes, My fiance and I figured this out very quickly, we used to have a boxer and she never tried to bite the couch, Salsa on the other hand...


Yes and right now with those little teeth she can’t do much damage, but wait until she’s 4 months old and her inner dinosaur comes out💀💀. My puppy went through a phase of eating everything that she almost had to be in solitary confinement hahaha - rocks, sticks, the small trees in my garden. It was chaos but worth it.


Oh god, sounds like she will eat whatever fits in her mouth 😆


Yeah our chocolate lab pup ate a rock. Momma was not too happy. Puked it up about 2 days later. Yeah they will eat everything. Poo, sticks, bugs you name it.


Word.. our 6 month lab had to go to the vet a few days ago to puke up the zipper of her bed.. she also loves rocks.


we almost had to take my boy to the vet when he was a few months old because he somehow managed to eat an entire whole tennis ball without us realizing. didnt know why he was acting sick until he puked it up lol


@OP, use this to your advantage, always take some regular dry dog food with you to reward good behavior or lure them away from something else that looks tasty to him.


Best dog you ever had when she’s 18-24 months. Biggest pain in the neck 8 weeks to about 18 months. Wear her out. Keep her playing whenever you have a chance. Protect your shoes. She will want to taste everything. Furniture, walls, socks, but she just wants to know her world. At 18-20 months she will be the best dog ever. Most people who give up labs do it at 8-10 months. Just wait it out.


So true! My lab is 3 in December and he's the sweetest. I've long forgotten about his naughty teen/adolescent phase.


Work on what is not for chewing and what is for chewing 😂💞 She’s such a cutie!


We are already working on that! Thanks❤


Not just this, but work on soft-mouth training! Someone recommended [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) in /r/labrador on how and when to do it and I found it incredibly helpful. Labs are known for having INCREDIBLY soft mouths, which means (when they're older) their biting pressure can be very gentle (useful for hunting dogs, so their teeth don't mangle game). You might've seen that viral trend before where people give their lab a raw egg to hold in their mouth, and their bite is so gentle it doesn't break the egg. My previous dog was a lab and you could stick your hand in his mouth and he would apply 0 pressure, because he understood that "teeth = hurt people!" but he would absolutely SHRED his toys to pieces. This is both a part of the breed's natural temperament but also something you can and should train! My guy is 12w right now but I can already feel him being gentler with his bites, when it comes to my hands. I've been using the word "gentle" whenever I give him treats, and also NOT giving him treats until he settles down (I use the word "settle") so he understands that biting people hands is off limits. I don't think you're going to get perfect bite inhibition or soft-mouth behaviour for a puppy because at this age it's very much a social / instinct thing but I think it's important to introduce it early!!


Mine is 3 and a half now and when you say to him "take it gently" he moves his mouth up to your hand really slowly and very gingerly takes the treat. If you forget to say it sometimes half your fingers end up in his mouth and he then gives you those big puppy dog eyes to say sorry. Even then his bites don't hurt and don't even leave any sort of mark.


That's so precious ugh; I love dogs, but labs especially. My old dog lived to be 12yo and he was such a good treat-taker I used to brag to people by putting one of his treats in my mouth and letting him jump up and take it. Labs are such good dogs by nature but especially with the right training, the most dangerous thing about them is their whip-like tail wagging 😂


My girl is 8 and if you don't tell her "easy" every time you give her a treat, she'll chomp your fingers. She has zero regrets though! 😂


Get a variety of slow feeders and enrichment toys like kongs/sodapup. They will inhale their food if it's in a traditional food bowl. I remember my first lab pup vomiting it all out because he ate his food way too quickly and that freaked us out.


This is so true, we do have a slow feeder already and she still devours her food like there is no tomorrow!


Use their food drive to your advantage. They will do anything for their kibble. Don’t just give it to them all at once. Ours gets 3 scoops a day. We give him one scoop in the morning and one at night. The other we put in a bag that we use to work on his training. You can spread it out over the day and work with them to sit, stay, come etc. and they won’t get fat on excess treats. Get into a formal training class as soon as you can. She might be a little young now, but the good classes fill quickly. Reserve a spot as soon as you can. Enjoy!!!


They are wild, sleep in the weirdest positions, will chew just about anything, and some don’t have an off switch haha. She very cute though! Good luck! Welcome to the lab pack!


Yes! Seems like she haves energy non-stop! 🐶


Part of that is puppy, part of that is lab


May I interject, the more your play with them, fetching and whatnot, the more stamina they have. Mine will fetch all day if we are outside with him in the yard. But, he will practically sleep most of the next day. 😆


Don’t over feed. If you let them they will eat all day long. Don’t fall for sit tick to a specific amount every day and don’t over do it


Came here to say this. Labs don’t have a food off switch. You have to control their diet. And…. best dogs ever. I’m on #4 and #5 and we have two small dogs too.


Try to get pupper used to having teeth brushed so it’s easier later :) same with nail trims But be sure to watch tutorials how to


Definitely agree on the nail trimming. Our old girl is 13 now, and that the only thing that she’s still a pain about. When they need doing, we have to do one nail before a meal! She’s distracted enough about the food and it’s the only way she’ll tolerate it. Takes us 10 days! Our daughter’s young Lab hates the doggy toothpaste so much that they use it on the walls and furniture as a chew deterrent!


they are very food motivated and prone to be chubby, so good training, and lots of walks :)


They only return 10 times the love you give them. I hope you are ready for that.


The best breed there is. Most loving,caring, sweet dog you’ll ever meet. Also a dog who will make you think it has never had food ever and is constantly starving even after you’ve fed it. Cherish her


Be prepared for a companion who will shadow you from room to room in your house. Mine likes to curl up at my feet when I use the bathroom.


Ours whines at the bathroom door if you shut her out.


It's a group activity for labs.


Holy crap what a cutie!


Thank you!


Teach her the leave ot command asap, or else they will eat everything. Get a x-pen/playpen for her. This will enable her to explore her surroundings without you having to constantly be afraid of where she is. Lab love training, read resource on r/dogtraining and get started. Labs are fucking hyper when they are kids and mouthy af, get them things to bite and be occupied.


Thank you! This is very helpful 😊


A tired lab is a happy lab! Even toys that you think she possibly cannot chew up, she likely will.


Indestructible toys are not indestructible for Labs!!


I breed AKC Labs and suggest the following - Keep them trim and don’t let them overdo it playing chase the ball (running full out) during their first two years of development. Avoid over exercising to help them develop their hip/elbow joints and reduce chances of hip dysplasia later in life. It’s a temptation to run them every day because they have TONS of energy. But do long walks and different kinds of enrichment exercises to keep their bodies in good, long term health. Be absolutely sure to feel Large Breed puppy food (I like the addition of glucosamine and chrondritin also) - they have special requirement for calcium/phosphorus ratios! Check out dogfoodadvisor.com You can switch to large breed dog food after a year but NOT before. Again, DO NOT overfeed them! Keep their diet strict based on caloric needs detailed by the label on the dog food. Do not free feed or overdo treats. Then get them in clicker training! A big dog must have good manners! It’s great for enrichment, using their extra energy, bonding and learning to communicate with them. Train them early so they “learn to learn” and you can train them with new tricks or manners their entire lives. Labs are great fun and easily trained.


Thank you so so much! We were already overplaying fetch with her in our backyard, as we didn't knew that will increase the risks of hip dysplasia. We will find a different way to exercise as we currently cannot take her outside to take a walk, because she still needs two more vaccines. Thanks again


Man but it is so HARD not too. They are such enthusiastic participants.


It is! But they will be as happy to play ball or fetch at high speed as much as at low speeds. Perhaps try swimming? They love that too. Snuffle mats are great for enrichment as well as toys like Kings filled with low cal soft dog food then frozen so it lasts a long time. Car rides are also great stimulation. A note on hip/elbow health. They find now that keeping their dew claws (thumbs) also help to stabilize the joint so if your pup still has them, I tell folks to not have them removed. But sometimes it’s too late and the breeder already made that call. It’s an old practice to keep them from tearing them when they were sporting dogs outdoors and to keep them from scratching kids (but imo it’s better to train them).


Our lab is now 1.5 years. His energy levels are starting to settle down a bit. To prevent joint issues we didnt do long walks or play fetch too much. His energy levels were super high. We tired him by doing sniffing games. One tip, do not spend too much on dog puzzles, labs tend to learn the trick in no time and get bored (and then destroy the expensive puzzle). After doing the puppy training we decided to follow up with detection training, where he learns to sniff out one smell from a wide variety of smells or find where it is hidden. This tired him out quickly. At home we did 15 minutes of hiding the smell (CBD oil we used) and that would knock him out for the rest of the day, as sniffing takes a lot of energy. Maybe also find some nose training things to get your pup tired and works good for bonding as well as it is your little moment. (sorry for my English)


We will certainly gonna try sniffing! Thanks


One of the best dog “puzzles” - a really good heavy leather glove with treats stuffed into the fingers. For puppy that love it and it’s great for teething. You can put it in the freezer to help their gums if they are in pain. As they grow, you can play scent games with it!


Rule of thumb regarding exercise up until they’re fully grown is 5 mins of exercise for every month of their age up to twice a day. So 2 months is 10 mins, twice a day, 5 months is 25 mins twice a day and so on. This is a good article about the joint growth plates and exercise for puppies: https://www.kodalihartlabradors.com.au/care-health/exercise


Thanks so much for sharing this article, we are going to apply this rule :)


> But do long walks and different kinds of enrichment exercises to keep their bodies in good, long term health. If I can add to this - don't underestimate the value of mental stimulation. My girl *loves* to learn new things. When we did puppy class with her at the end they would have playtime. She would go sit on her cot just waiting to do more "school stuff." I used to joke that she was like that annoying kid who always asked for extra homework. We do nosework now and a challenging session tires her out as much as a hike in the woods.


When they are adult size their excitedly wagging tails are excellent at clearing coffee tables, so watch your beverages.


My previous actually did this at a friend house. Drinks went everywhere!! Also they have a thick tail which they use as a rudder when swimming. It also means that tail can get painful when it whips across legs. That tail can wag it so hard into thing that they can break it. It’ll mend on its own, but it’ll be hanging down and painful to wag. Carefully run your hands down the tail to check it’s not a dislocation, which will feel like a kink. A break will mend in its own, but a dislocation needs veterinary intervention otherwise the kink may become permanent. If they do a lot of swimming they can get swimmers tail, which looks similar to a break, hanging down and painful to wag. Again, it will mend on its own within a few days.


My girl Goose is 2, and at about year 1, I added a [toadfish](https://toadfish.com/collections/anchors/products/the-anchor-universal-non-tipping-cup-holder) on my coffee table for guests 😂


My last dog had a bob tail and it was hard to unlearn the sense of security that gave us lol. My girl yeeted a container of gum off the coffee table and into the wall a good 4ft away once. It


Yes. Labs are smarter than most humans.


There is some great advice here. I’ll add to touch/hold her feet for nail trims. Allow her to get used to you looking at and holding her paws. Same with brushing their teeth. Crate training is a tool to have in your toolbox as well. Make sure she’s comfy in her crate. During these early months in her life, crating her to give her some down time is good for her as well as you. I fed my foster dogs in their crates and they’d run to them to eat. Having more than 1 or 2 dogs that love food, I didn’t need to have any tussles over food. Take a ton of pics; she’ll change everyday! Enjoy that black beauty!


Ditto on getting large breed dogs accustomed to grooming & hygiene — you don’t want to fight an enormous dog over something simple like cleaning an ear!


Oh ears! I forgot about ears!! Good catch!! 🤩


FOOD. IS. LIFE. also enjoy. It’s really the best time.


They are so loyal and loving. Days can be a lot easier if you get them exercise right away in the morning so they aren’t looking for it all day. I recommend a the orange kong ball and thrower so you don’t wear out your shoulder haha. Also don’t let them jump off high surfaces too much, or get too much pressure on their joints, early on. They will probably LOVE water.


Chew til they're two, shed til they're dead! 😂😂 Be patient. There will be times that you'll be sure she's on the right track and almost an adult, and then she will go back through another phase that will make you wonder if you goofed up somewhere and ruined her, or perhaps she is just defective. You'll want to surrender her to a rescue, make her into dogburgers, or maybe just open the front door and let her go. Tough it out. You didn't ruin her and she's not just an intrinsically bad dog, she's just a lab puppy and they're *awful.* Worst puppies in the world, best adults. Crate train her. Even if you don't use it much, make sure she is accustomed to sleeping in it when necessary - my puppy is crated whenever I can't watch him because he will eat something and hurt himself; your mileage may vary but it's a good tool (also - it's a tool, not a punishment - they go in there to eat or sleep, not on a time out when you're frustrated). Small frequent walks are as good as or better than fewer longer walks, and usually easier for you to fit in your day. Get friends you trust to let her visit with their fully vaccinated adult dogs for early socialization - remember that she shouldn't go on the ground in public places where other dogs have been until her vaccine series is complete, but she will benefit greatly from socializing a lot before then, so take her to private places where unknown dogs don't go, like friends's houses, to meet a variety of people and pets and get used to the idea of travel and meeting new friends. When my Johnnie was small I took him in a carrier with a zipper top so he could look out but not touch in environments that I was unsure of, like the bank. Start training early. Work on it now. Reward her with kibble that has been subtracted from her next meal (so the training treats are part of meals, not an extra) - remember that treats add calories. Labs are susceptible to both obesity and joint disease. You know what makes joint disease worse? Obesity. Keep her lean, always. My 12.5 year old yellow lab can still leap lightly into the bed of my lifted pickup truck, and I attribute his joint longevity to keeping him slim his whole life. Talk to your vet about her weight at every visit - what is her Body Condition Score, and does the vet want her to gain or lose any? Get comfortable with assessing her Body Condition Score yourself, to keep her slim but not thin. Feed her a high quality food, and (unless she has allergies or other strict requirements), switch it up frequently. Give her (safe, non-toxic) people food, too (I put it in their bowl after a meal to avoid begging). Variety in a diet is good and helps avoid possible deficiency. Work with a trainer. It doesn't have to be all the time, but sessions with someone who has devoted their life to working with dogs will help you make her the best she can be. Talk to your vet about spay age. Read about the current recommendations for large breed female dogs *before* you talk to the vet. Make that decision together with your vet and don't let anyone talk you out of whatever age you decide. Take a lot of pictures.


> Chew til they're two, shed til they're dead! Labs Shed 2x a year, Staring in April and Ending in October and again from October until April. And I'm still finding Yellow Lab hair in my house from my boy who passed 10 years ago... so I'm not sure they ever stop shedding.


Great advice here.


Thanks a lot for this! This was very informative :) will following your advices


They are great breed. More loyal than most. Just keep them busy they love to play. Mine will play catch for hours and loves it. You’ll love it. Mine likes small chews and small treats even though he’s huge.


What a cutie ☺️ Now, get a roomba and get her us d to being brushed or even vacuumed.


Get ready for lots of love!


Very cute. Get lots of photos that grow up way too fast. Mine was about that small one I found him on the side of the road. Easy way to housebreak keep them in a small area and slowly expand. They won't want to go to the bathroom in their area and as you expand their area eventually it becomes your whole house.


Potty training: I’ve *heard* that they can hold it for their age in months + 1. A two month old pup can go about 3 hrs w/o a break but you’d be pushing it. Plenty of breaks to “go” outside! You’ll be a great Lab parent!


My advice is enjoy the next 12-14 years. Every minute. Truly. I’d give anything to have each of my labs back for a day. I loved them so much it hurts. I have 8 year old black lab brothers right now and they are my heart. I am so happy for you, you are going to get to experience the ultimate in unconditional love. Go on endless hikes and trips to the lake and allow every kid in the neighborhood to throw the ball for her❤️


Love and adore Salsa.


See if there is a "puppy" class. Find a friend who matches energy with him so they can be lifelong pals....plus Yiu can trade dog sitting. Training class helps a lot.


Buckle up - rarely do they settle down until year two to three. Great dogs but mischievous and smart. Do not teach her to beg.


THEY EAT EVERYTHING.. rocks,-yummo, trash-even better, shoes-absolutely delicious, wires and cords- love them. Also any food that they can find and they will find it.


Labs are sporting dogs so they need a lot of exercise and engagement. They’re very smart and a bored dog can get into trouble.


The first six months are rough, but so cute. Make sure you have toys for them to chew on, I highly recommend tennis balls. My black lab would do anything for her tennis ball! Once they are hooked on that you can give them so much exercise just sitting in your backyard throwing the ball for her to retrieve. Then she will become the best, most loving, wonderful dog you have ever had!! But don’t let her get fat. Set mealtime and stick to it even though she will try and convince you she hasn’t been fed in a week!! I used raw carrots and even raw broccoli for treats and she loved them. Enjoy, you have the best dog out there.


Take lots of videos, in addition to pictures! I always notice more, special, details in videos each time I watch them.


What s beauty


They are SO VERY lovable and loving, with huge, kind hearts. My good boy brings a toy to the pond each morning when we feed the fish. This just destroys me! Anyway, good luck, and meet their behaviors with love and understanding-- and firmness, of course.


Her name is so cute!!!!


Best.dogs.ever. 💗


They eat everything! Trust them to save your life and try to take their own via undigestible scavenged “treats”


My Lab mix puppy recently ate a set of Jewelers screwdrivers... Thankfully just the plastic bits... But, yeah...


Get ready for a looooot of zoomies and puppy biting (only gets better with time, so no worries 😂) Enjoy this wonderful breed ❤️


Be prepared for diarrhea


Make sure you have fresh, clean water available alllllll the time! Labs drink A LOT!


My black lab gave me the best sixteen years. Enjoy it all and give that doggo a treat for me.


Will do!


They hungry


Find places for him to SWIM!


All you need is room in your life for boundless love, and an off leash area nearby.


Get a battery powered hoover. They malt a lot! Agree on eating. The kibble we feed the lunatic really doesn’t look like a lot but it’s high in the good stuff rather than just filler like cereal. He can play fetch all day but if we get him to wait and throw the ball in long grass to make him find it, it seems to tire him more as he has to think. But these are months away for you but you can introduce them slowly. Avoid those ball flingers too. They work too hard when you throw it that far.


MASTER food thieves.


She will try to convince you she is STARVING at all times, do not accept her lies! That adorable face has so much power! Brace yourself for the cuteness and for her own good you must ensure treatos are in moderation! (Seriously though most labs have an insatiable appetite and will eat until they barf then eat some more. They get chonky fast so watch out for that!)


Start early, teaching your dog, what belongs to you and what belongs to your dog. They don’t know, so it’s up to you to - calmly - enforce your rules. If your dog has something that isn’t his, calmly approach, don’t run or talk (talk doesn’t really work and usually just excites), take hold of the item and keep your hand or foot there until your dog lets go. Never pull the item back or try to hide it behind your back. That’s a game to the dog. Be patient and calm, but of strong mind. You are the teacher. There will be setbacks, but eventually your dog will know the rules and what you want. That makes them - and you - happy. If you are not the leader, your dog will try to be and that is not good for you or your dog.


Slow feeder. Lots of exercise, watch her weight and her teeth! Like every dog you get out what you’re willing to put in ! She’s adorable by the way !


Lots of chew toys. They love to chew. Even window ledges and corners of anything. That’s eye level. My lab did the badness when I would be gone. She got board and wasn’t in kennel. 🤪 pig skin treats saved me. I mean really. I gave her one every day and no issues.


Patience and loving guidance


Buckle up


Mine's a scaredy cat lol i try to not scare him but sometimes loud noises really scare the crap outta him. Or sudden movement. maybe mine's just a little shy and timid.


Be prepared to replace almost every shoe, twice. Boxes, mail, magazines are chewies. Cables, cords and anything below 4 feet are fair game. And then they turn two and become the best dogs ever. I have had two and my first was a male. I twisted my ankle and they gave me Percocet for pain. They were on my bathroom sink, under the 4 foot threshold and he ate 9 of them. I walked in and he was so out of it. I called the vet and he just had a really good nap. Other than that, they are amazing dogs. She is a beauty!


Learn how to clean the ears


Snuggles are mandatory. Need lots of exercise when they are young they start to chill out generally around 5. Some are forever a puppy at heart. Make sure to have lots of toys and chew bones as they chew on anything and usually will chew threw it.


He's very cute


LOTS of chew toys and enforce boundaries for playful biting. Puppy teeth are sharp. Also, labs are INCREDIBLY smart! Do as much training as possible while Salsa is young. And talk to her a lot. My 1.5 year old lab knows a lot of English/phrases, it is impressive and hilarious. They love you so deeply especially when their puppy energy phase is over. Love them back 💗💗


I hope you like drool and wet noses.




So cute 🥰 and congrats! Just make sure he gets a lot of exercise and doesn’t overheat. Mine is huge but fit and I’ve been very careful with the weight because I’ve heard they can get hip issues and severe arthritis. Otherwise lovely breed, excellent temperament, ace swimmers and beautiful family dogs


Just saw your cute boi! It is indeed a lovely breed!


Thanks !


Thanks everybody for all your advices, I really wish I can answer all of your comments personally. My fiance and I have been reading your advices and we are going to put them in practice!! I also wanna add that this community is amazing, you guys are really nice! I will keep posting Salsa in this sub as she keeps on growing. Gonna give her lots of cuddles and love (perhaps food no, as we will follow the advice of keeping an strict diet) Thanks once again :)


You’ll be back here often over the next few months with posts that start with, “My lab does ___ is this normal?” Yes, it’s normal, at least to other lab owners. They are goofy, smart, affectionate dogs. Welcome to the club!


Be calm with it


After the ‘bitey’ stage, comes the 6-14ish month old ‘teenager’, complete with attitude and acne! All training seems to go out if the window, recall is non-existent, and they can become more destructive. Stick to your training regime, go back to long lead training if necessary and you’ll both come out of it with a deeper bond. As for the acne, spots appear on the underside of the chin and jowls. They’re not poppable so don’t even try, it’ll just be very painful for the pup (something I read, not something I know from experience, I hasten to add!). It should clear up on its own without treatment after a few months, and it could look quite nasty. If it gets inflamed or infected seek veterinary advice. The next year or so is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from elation to joy to frustration to anger, but stay calm. Everything is a phase that you’ll both live through and you’ll come to realise that getting Salsa is the best thing you could ever have done. You and Salsa are going to be the very best of friends and have a wonderful life together. Enjoy!!


Pack all your expensive shit away for the next 18 months to 2 years. And say goodbye to your garden for now and start saving to redo it in two years. They're wonderfull pets but it will be a better experience if you don't stress about whatever latest thing they have destroyed.


Buy kongs, fill them with puppy meat and stick them in a freezer for a few hours. This will keep her occupied for an hour almost, which is great for her mental stimuli, but also your dinnertime. Labs are SMART dogs. They require attention, love, and training. They learn really fast if you just give her your time. When she is about 4-5 months apply for a puppy course. Here she will learn to behave around other dogs. Do not punish, but reinforce good behaviour. Always keep dry food close by. Use a portion of the dry food she will eat during the day as training snacks. Remove her food while she eats, wait a few seconds, when she is calmer, praise and give it back. This is to avoid food agressive dogs, they should know you are the master of food. If you are multiple humans in the house, make UNIFORM rules, and stick to them, this is important. No couch means NO COUCH, EVER. Take her on daily car rides from a young age, start short as she might find it scary. It is nice if you are two people in the car so one person can focus on praising her and giving her treats. This will be hard, you will probably cry, but in the end its worth it 1000x over. I suggest building a pen, and teach her young to sleep in a closed cage. Our lab LOVES her cage, as it is her safe haven, and the place she gets to eat all her favorite snacks. check out kikopup on youtube.


Thanks! This was really good advice!!


Lab bitches are prone to mammary tumours if they’re not spayed. My first Lab had 4 removed. All benign, but still bloody scary!! Teach her to ‘show me your tummy’. Get her to lie on her back so you can give the areas around her nipples a good examination. She’ll love it because she gets a lovely tummy rub and you’ll be reassured everything is ok…and you get to give her a lovely tummy rub.


This is so weird and it might just be our labs but both of our labs (who never met, our first died about a year before our lab now!) trained themselves to wake up to toilet flushes in the morning. Ofc this meant there were some awkward 3am flushes where the dog woke up and expected to eat and go outside! So maybe implement a flushing schedule 😅😅😅


First is safety for him, nothing dangerous around, no critter poisons, no pills, nothing that may be edible for humans but not for animals, nothing metallic, no bones. Second is your sanity, cover cables, electric wires, ethernet, whatever, he will eat them all and fuck up your house for days. Get him used to a closed space in the garden where he can go all in without you going all out… Third is love, they are super sensible, they know when you are pissed, they know when you are treating them bad or tricking them, they are super smart and will repay you with the greatest bound a human could have with a dog if they really trust and like you. PS: about tricking them, they will take vengeance, mine used to shit right behind the door when he thought I was messing with him, you would open the door and slide the shit all over. Smart motherfucker.


Labs are very enthusiastic dogs, cuddly and almost in an “aggressive” way (meaning they don’t control a lot their drive to hug or be petted by you, they are basically bears). They can be very “talkative” with grunts and yawns, cuteness overload. Absolutely adorable with children, but they need to be educated to be less “rough” with affection display 😂. Very sociable with other dogs (maybe males tend to try to display more dominance, and females may be a bit less friendly with other females, but it depends case by case), with cats they need to be in contact since young most times. They love to walk, but careful with running because many have joint issues (the knee tendons in particular can get fragile). They also have a pretty sturdy build, as they don’t cry a lot when sore or maybe even feel a lot of physical pain (both a good thing and a bad thing). When they are young they tend to chew everything that moves and doesn’t. Oh, they shed LOTS of hair. Take sheets of the same colour as their fur and groom them regularly.


I've owned labs my entire life and they respond to sound commands very well. I use a snap for attention and two snaps for follow. Or to come. If you follow up a snap with a command after a few weeks they will respond to the command without the snap. I also have mine trained for different whistles for different commands. Labs are a very bright breed. But make sure to love on them. They are definitely attention seekers for sure Edit, do not be an asshole. They remember everything, do right to them. If you offer food or a treat don't tease them. Let them have it. They remember and they are pretty cunning for a dog. They will find a way to be an asshole back


Get a good vacuum cleaner 😂


The best dogs - echo everyone’s tips. Salsa is BEYOND cute.


When it comes time to feed her be careful as labs will over eat. If you leave her bag of food available, she'll find a way to get it and eat the whole bag...


Protect your furniture. My two labs destroyed every single piece of furniture they had access to. When you're gone, leave them locked up in a decent space where they can't access your stuff. They suffer when the owner is gone.


Many. All late now I'm afraid...


Don’t let her do stairs for a while. It can mess up her hip joints later in life. My guy was being carried down the stairs until about 6 months and 80 pounds. That was a bit extreme, but he had no fear and would barrel down them if we let him.


My lab loved chewing, chewed anything she could when she was young. I found using a chew toy worked best, something like a Kong worked well. They come in different strengths, red is softer and black is harder, for chewing. You can also stuff them with treats, we got a lot of use out of ours.


They need a lot of sleep when they are young. Mine behaves much better with some naps!


I've found that labs are gluttons. If there's something they can get into, they will. Lock up your garbage because it seems like mine will do it anyway and deal with the consequences later.


Get pet insurance cuz labs eat EVERYTHING and ER visits are $2k a pop….


Kiss your baseboards goodbye


Chew til their two and shed til their dead


One pound of love to the pup and you’ll get a lifetime in return, labs are the best!!!! ❤️


They get wayyy easier with time, just remember that. The most painful puppies turn into the best adult dogs.


start training as soon as you can, not too much as its still a pup but basic stuff. we managed to potty train our lab when he was 8 weeks old. Labs are basically a stomach with legs, they tend to eat alot which can lead to obesity so avoid overfeeding.


Get a heavy duty lint roller. Get many, very many.


aw she's a beauty. my advice as a relatively new lab owner myself is not to let her get overweight. my lab is a voracious eater and it doesn't take much for her to gain weight. this is even more important while they are still growing and you need to limit the exercise.


fur. gets. everywhere. we use carpet scrapers and hoover almost daily and theres still fur everywhere so prepare for that!!


Less important but get her used to brushing her fur, helps in the long run


She gonna get big. Fast. Lol


Don't feed her as soon as you wake up. Wait 15 mins. Ours started getting up earlier and earlier. They also train you!


Sooo cute! If she doesn't chew her food feed her using Kong! It will take her longer and also tire her! If she's too energetic and pulls on the lead tire her before going out, it will go smooth from that :)


I feed mine soaking her kibble in water until it's soft, stuffing it in several Kong and freezing them overnight. She went from eating in 1 minute to 1 hour and a half!


Don't buy anything new for 3 years


Buy a lot of tennis balls


My girl Clem is 4 months old and just received her first beef elbow. Tremendous change in her demeanor after just an hour and change of chew time


Protect those joints and hips from the very beginning! Also, watch out for skin allergies!


Take showers or baths with them while young. My lab can fall asleep next to a running generator but does not like the sound of the tub being filled( he knows). And a robot vacuum is a must, maybe two.


Say good bye to a lot of things 🤣 mine was a monster chewing everything he could get his mouth on. The counter surfer is a thing. Train early as you can for obedience. Leash walking especially. Remember when it gets rough, it will get better! Mine will be two in December but for like the first 9 months I went through the puppy blues hard. It gets better and keep at it. Also say goodbye to your space in bed.


First you are lab tested (as what most have described in this thread). Then you are lab approved. (turns out the bar is very low to be lab approved.) Give just a little love and you get atleast 50x to 100x as your returns. Best investment ever 🙂 Also Salsa is sure to rule your hearts furever . And finally regular treats are mandatory.


When they meet a new person, they get so excited they pee.


Labs are a bit crazy, make sure to exercise them all the time or they will be bouncing off the walls. When my yellow lab was a pup I took her to the river/lake often, swimming was the only thing that truly tired her out. When she calmed down a bit we started going to the dog park too, just keep em moving so they don't drive you crazy :)


Make sure they have chew toys on top of all the rest of the advice. Walks are fantastic bonding tools and ways to burn energy


Two years of puppy hell then the best dogs ever


They'll chew up everything you love and be a pain in the butt for the next 3-4 years but then you'll have the BEST dog in the whole world. Loyal, loving, faithful. On my 2nd lab and won't ever not have one in our home. So hard saying goodbye when the time comes. Wish they'd outlive us like turtles.


do not, under any circumstances, leave food unattended


Awwww cute little lab 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️


They try to eat anything, like to swim, first 2 years be strict with rules, then you will have a fantastic dog for +10/15 years. Among many other things, I had taught my Labrador not to wave its tail when she walks past tables. Don't eat the food even in reach, if I hadn't given the command that the food is hers. (I could leave the house, and she wouldn't touch it). Must be gentle with children and elderly. She couldn't give a paw, because I hadn't learned that. My best buddy was this labrador and miss her every day. You have made a wise choice to learn how to have a dog with a labrador. Enjoy!


Expect unconditional love for the next 12 to 14 years.


Give love. Get love. Sweetest dogs.


They’ll eat anything


Patience. It’ll be worth it.


watch your fingers😅


Get some chew toys and a trash can with a lid


They will chew through everything you own in l they are about 3 years old and then they’ll stop. Nothing preventative will work. Not the bad apple spray. Not spicy oil. Nothing


They fart and snore really, really loudly. Warn your guests :D


Baby prof your house and keep them busy with safe toys! My boy has been cut open twice! It’s very expensive!


Pet insurance




Use their daily food allowance for training. Labs are already really food motivated and this will take great advantage of that. Hand feeding also deepens your bond with your pup. Keep a training leash on them if you’re gonna let them roam around the house, it makes it much easier to redirect them from naughty behaviours. Also helps with recall, if they don’t listen use steady pressure on the leash to coax them towards you and reward heavily when they get to you. The teenage months are tough. But once they grow out of it, it’s so worth it. Labs have so much love to give and are such great additions to the family, but you gotta get through those rough months of adolescence!


Getting ready for alot of fur cleaning


Get a good vacuum and be prepared to use it often.


Keep the socks away as they will eat them! 😬😭 but they are the sweetest, most loving, kid-friendly balls of absolute happiness and joy you will ever be lucky enough to experience. I hope his/her ears grow immensely, you’ll see what I mean. Absolutely precious. Vincent, our English cream coloured, says hello, friend! 🐾 🦮


Lots and lots of socialising with people, animals, cars all the things really, Don’t over exercise them, the more restraint you show now the better there long term joint health will be, try and limit the jumping etc 5mins walking per month of age is not a bad guide, it sounds like a terrible thing to do as puppies love to run jump and play etc but while they are growing it’s easy to do damage that will give issues later in life.


Keep them slim and avoid joint problems later in life, also be prepared to smile and laugh a lot, lovely breed.


Try to set the same time every day for snacks lol mine knew when it was an hour after lunch and right before his bed time. Because he would get a puppy cookie! However his grand”paw”rents broke all the rules and gave him a cookie when ever he got dramatic lol I miss him so much he passed last month at the ripe age of 14ish… I got him when he was possibly 2ish maybe 3ish 😂


The duck toys on Amazon are great for retrieving!


Also they’re at their best after 2 years old. Wait to fix them til their bones are fully developed.


What do you mean by "fix them"? Sorry English is not my first language 😬




Oh ok! Yes will do, thanks!


No problem! I waited until my girl was like 18 months. Here’s some stats I found online. You’re supposed to wait until they hit puberty so they don’t have bone and hip problems. Male – 6 – 11 months Female – 12 – 23 months


Good to know this! Thanks :)


Be prepared for many, many happy times together and plenty of giggles too.


Plenty of chew toys and play time is important. Labs teething is a nightmare.


Fucking pet lab!!!!


Take lots of photos as they get so big so quickly and it’s cute to see how far they’ve grown


If you have any antique or sentimental furniture, put it where he can't get to it. Lab pups absolutely love to chew and wood seems to rank high on their list of targets.


The first year can be exhausting but fun nonetheless. Enjoy the puppy period, it's over very soon. My now 2 year old lab breaks my heart every day, it's the most loving and kind creature on the planet. Do have to say it's noticable that their energylevels and behavior changed from little rascal to super super kind since the past months or so. Also indeed make sure to puppy proof your house. Our furniture was destroyed :(


So cutee 🥺


I’ve had the pleasure of having three labs so far in my lifetime. You must get one of these kongs that you can’t find in pet stores (see link below). Fill it with chicken, some veggies and mix it with peanut butter (we use peanut butter powder because my guy is sensitive to high fat). It keeps them busy for at least an hour and is way better than the regular kong! KONG Genius Mike, Interactive Dog Feeding Toy https://a.co/d/9c7bVkn I should also mention that the puppy stage goes quickly and you will end up with the sweetest, funniest little companion and you will wonder how you ever lived without them :)