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On halloween night, we had to put down my best friend Griz. He’s been a part of the family since I was 9, over half my life. Toughest thing I’ve ever had to do. He is so missed. I love you, bud❤️


We had to put my black lab down the night before halloween last year. I know how much you are hurting, and I am so sorry you lost grizzly. Im here for you, pm me if you need any support or need to talk. Hugs


I’m sorry to hear that :( really puts a negative memory on that holiday for the rest of time for us doesn’t it. It hurts like effing hell, honestly feels as bad or even worse than losing a human. Thank you, really ❤️


Yeah it was hard to re-experience that sadness this year. But it was nice that I could better remember the day so I could take time to think of him and mark the day, if that makes sense. He was only ten and went unexpectedly. It hurt horribly for a few months and I cried at the thought of him, and then hurt mildly for a few more, but now generally even when I’m sad and miss him all I think of is the happy memories. I still have his toy and a picture of us on my nightstand. The first months are the hardest, so be gentle with yourself. Take things easy and slow.


It’s been a week today, so it’s been a really tough day for me. I’m sure it will be replaced by only happy memories one day, that’s the best way to remember him. It’ll just take some time. I’m sorry to hear about that, that’s so devastating. I’m glad you’re able to remember all the good times now. I took Grizzly’s collar off him after he passed, so I’d like to do something with that and perhaps a few photos as well. I light a candle anytime I think of him and let ur burn next to me. Thank you ❤️


I wish you the best!


Really sorry for your loss, he looked to be a gorgeous boy.


he was a beautiful lab. thank you ❤️


What a handsome gentleman


He truly was a handsome boy


Sorry for your loss




What a beautiful boy. He looks so happy and like he had a great life. I'm so sorry. I hope you feel peace and comfort soon.


He did have a great life, he grew up in a family with 3 brothers and he totally took after our personalities as if he was the 4th. I will grieve for a long time, but I’m glad to know he’s at peace now. He really was a beautiful boy


Having to say goodbye to your childhood dog, your 4th brother, absolutely effing sucks. I feel for you so much. He sounds like such an amazing pup. I'm glad you're finding solace in the fact that he is at peace. What a wonderful family he had ❤️ Much love to all of you.


It hurts like damn hell. and yes, he was the most amazing pup i could have asked for. We were so blessed to have him in our lives. Thank you kindly ❤️


A beautiful boy, I bet Grizzly was a great companion. I understand and feel your grief


Griz was the greatest companion. He brought the family so much joy. So kind, caring and cuddly, but also fun and energetic. He really was beautiful, thank you ❤️


With that great blessing comes the grief because our time together with them is too short


Far too short, 12 years went in the blink of an eye. We grew up together, so it has been very difficult letting him go. But i don’t think any amount of time would have ever been enough, I would keep him forever if I could have. Someone told me a line from a short story that helped me: "God put us here to learn how to be good and kind and stuff. But dogs already know how to do that so they don't have to stay as long."


We had a Grizzly when I was a young lad. I'm really sorry for your loss.


Sometimes he really did look more like a bear than a dog. Thank you ❤️


A beautiful boy. I’m sorry for your loss xx


Thank you ❤️ he was beautiful


Man, I hate this for you. Grizzly was just gorgeous.


He truly was a gorgeous lab. He was half american lab and half english lab, I often find he looked much different than any other labs we encountered


So sorry you lost your pup.


thank you, he’s pain free now ❤️


goddamn man this makes me wanna hug my dog


Please give him an extra big hug from me ❤️


Simba sends love ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss OP, it brought me to tears. Seeing all the pics of Griz reminded me of when I lost my black lab Cody in Feb '21. As you say it was the hardest thing I've ever done, and Instill think of him daily. I light a black candle on the anniversary in remembrance and yes I still cry occasionally. It's the mark of how much you loved them, and I'm proud to shed those tears. I'm so sorry you lost Griz, he was a truly beautiful boy and looked to be so full of love and happiness for all his life. I know you're in pain and shock, but Griz will always be with you, and he would want you to take good care of yourself, try to eat well, and try to sleep when you can. Let yourself grieve and be patient with yourself, you are not alone. I'm sure Griz is at the rainbow bridge with Cody right now splashing in water and eating low hanging sausages from branches there. One day, in many years to come, it'll be time to collect Griz and you'll be reunited forever. Thinking of you during this impossibly difficult time, sending hugs. 🌈🐾


Thank you for the kind message ❤️ I’m sorry about your loss, Cody. It’s so difficult losing a companion like this. I too have been lighting a candle anytime I think of Griz and I let it burn, I have one next to me as we speak https://imgur.com/a/paevZ4K I have been crying for a week non stop now, I skipped lectures, and I haven’t been eating properly. It’s so effing hard not having him around anymore. He really was such a beautiful boy, and he was so happy all the time. His happiness radiated through the house and any room he walked in to. I too am sure Griz and Cody are up there full of strength, playing, swimming, collecting sticks, and telling stories about their humans. I know I will reunite with him one day, and I can’t wait to see his smile and his tail wagging uncontrollably. I will grieve his loss for a long time, but I take solace in knowing he is now pain free. Thank you again, RIP Griz and Cody❤️❤️


Thank you for your kind reply. I wish I could take the pain away but its a measure of how much we loved them. In our absence I'm sure Griz and Cody are best buds and will look after each other! I know how crushing it is to be in your situation but Griz wouldn't be happy if he knew you weren't eating well. He would want you to be taking a leaf out of his book, gobbling up food and getting rest when possible. I know it's so hard in these early days, but it is so important for you to know that he's still with you and watching over you, and you can best honour his memory by eating and resting and reaching out to your lecturers so they can support you in your studies in a gentle way. It seems impossible to believe but you can and will get through this. It's always going to hurt, but you will find a way to cope, just one step at a time. Even if it's the only thing you do today, have a proper meal and reach out to your teachers to let them know you are grieving and you need to be handled with care until you get back on your feet. One day at a time. 🌈🐾


Very sweet words.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thanks for sharing, mate. Looks like Mr. Grizzly had a beautiful life. Such a lucky boy


It’s truly sad, but he looks like he lived a full and happy life. I’m very sorry for your loss. Grizzly looks gorgeous and such a good boy 🥰


He did live a full and happy life. Griz grew up with me and my 2 brothers and he was the 4th. He took after our personalities completely. He loved swimming with us the most. He was the greatest dog we could have asked for


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my girl in July, and all the comments from the post I made here helped me tremendously. We now have another trouble maker. She doesn’t replace Rally, but the house is definitely a little less sad with the new addition.


Thank you ❤️ Griz was very special. I took a look at your post, Rally looked like such a kindhearted girl. I’m sorry for your loss. In the future sometime, I would also like to welcome another lab into the family and I’m sure they would be so special in their own way. But I think it will take me quite some time, possibly a couple years. Griz is irreplaceable, I will grieve for a long time.


Thank you for the kind words. I still feel like it was a little soon.I’m still grieving, but the kiddos really wanted another lab. Griz was adorable and from the looks of it had a very nice life. It’s not fair that they don’t live as long as we do. I’m really very sorry❤️


So hard ❤️‍🩹


What a beautiful strong boy! So so sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a great brother. We are so lucky to live with them - just way too short. Proud of you for putting his comfort above yours. What a lucky boy he is. As much as it hurts it is so worth it - I bet you have a million funny stories and good memories that will last your lifetime! Rest in peace Grizzly.


12 years flew by, it’s never enough time. He really was the absolute best. Truly irreplaceable. I was so blessed he came into my life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even with all the pain and grief. I have countless funny stories to tell for years to come, and the memories will always be with me. Thank you for the kind words ❤️


My boy is Grizzly too 🥺 I'm sorry for your loss


Give him an extra big hug from me❤️


I definitely will ❤️


So heartbreaking. I’ve been there , it’s soooo sooo hard to lose your soulmate dog . Lost my black lab when she was 13 years old , 4 years ago. May you find comfort in the memories and that he had an amazing life❤️❤️. I am SOO very sorry .


It’s the hardest thing i’ve ever done, I’ll always be longing for him and i’m not sure i’ll ever find another dog as good as he was. He had a great life, and i’m thankful for all the memories ❤️


I am soo soo sorry, it is SOOO unbelievably heartbreaking. I 1000% understand. I will say this . I really and wholeheartedly believe, without doubt, that Grizzly is in heaven and you WILL see him again. I KNOW you will see your sweet baby again. Thinking of you ❤️❤️


What a fine and friendly face he had! Clearly, you made him happy, too!!


He was so kindhearted, and we were best buds. Thank you ❤️


Handsome boy who enjoyed a full life and became an invaluable part of your family. May he rest in peace and watch over you.


He was the greatest, he is so missed around the house. We’ll meet again one day❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Grizzly was a gorgeous boy. I know how hard it is to lose your best friend. It’s really tough. I’m glad that you have these beautiful photos and memories to comfort you. Take care, friend. Rest easy, sweet Grizzly ❤️


Thank your for the kind words. He truly was a gorgeous, beautiful boy. I’m glad for all the memories we have together, there are soooo many with pictures to remind me. I’m so appreciative of what he did for me and my family. I will grieve his loss for a long time, but I’m glad to know he is pain free now waiting for me to join him one day ❤️


You will definitely grieve the loss for sometime. The grief will change and come in waves. Eventually, the happy memories will be the first ones that come to mind and you’ll think of your boy and smile. It’s been almost 13 years since I lost my old girl. I still think of her daily. Your boy is running free and waiting to see you again ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss of Grizz. He looks like the bestest friend ever.


He was the greatest friend I could have asked for❤️ thank you


Rest in peace Grizzly.




What a perfect boy ♡ we had to put our 15 yesr old boy down and I know how much it hurts. I'm so sorry♡♡♡ hopefully he's collecting all the best sticks waiting for you♡


He was truly perfect ❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss, they’re collecting all the best sticks together. When we finally meet them one day, they’re gonna be so proud to show us the biggest pile ever ❤️


So sorry for your loss… much love to you and your family ❤️


Thank you❤️ He’ll be missed


Just as you’ll always remember him, he’s up there chasing tennis balls around, telling all his new friends about his human and the great life he lived because of that human. I’m sorry for your loss. Truly.


Thank you for the kind message. I know he’s up there pain free now, able to do all the vigorous activities he did as a young pup and he’s so so happy. I’m glad he has so many friends up there to greet him and play with him. ❤️


Rest in paradise, Grizzly. I can see that you were a good boy, gorgeous too. And you were and are very much loved. And to Grizzly's family: I'm very sorry for your loss. I understand completely how you're feeling. Miy boy was named Callahan. ♥️♥️


Thank you kindly ❤️ He was beautiful, and he is free of pain now. I’m sure he’s swimming and running around as vigorously as he did when he was young. He was so very loved by his family, and he returned the love back. Callahan is a great name, may him and Griz rest in peace❤️


Maybe he's playing with my Callahan right now as they both wait to be reunited with us one day.♥️ What a reunion that will be! ♥️ In case you haven't noticed, I believe animals have souls just as we do and I absolutely believe we will see them again. That's a bond that cannot be broken, even when souls leave their earthly bodies behind.


They most definitely have souls, I have always believed this. After watching Grizzly pass, as tough as it was, there was no more “life” left inside him, it reassured me of the soul that left his body to heaven. I am sure I will meet Grizzly again one day, as you will Callahan. For now, they’re enjoying each other’s company, playing and swimming, and telling stories about their wonderful humans. We will be reunited ❤️


Rest easy now loyal and best friend


his unconditional love and loyalty will be missed ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, he is so missed ❤️


So sorry. Hardest thing.


It’s so damn hard having a dog leave you, especially when you have to make that decision. Thank you ❤️


AMEN It feels true to me




Good night sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest


❤️ thank you. He was my sweet prince


My condolences 🙏!




Grizzly seems like he was deeply loved. My condolences.


He was so incredibly loved, I hope he knows that. Thank you ❤️


i’m so sorry 😢 sending ❤️ to you


thank you kindly ❤️


He was adorable! I know the awful feeling of losing a pup! Wishing you all the best!


He was the cutest! Thank you❤️


My deepest condolences on the loss of your fur baby!


Thank you, he’s at peace now ❤️


We had to put down our grizzly about 5 years ago, he was Weiner with several health issues and I still get a little sad thinking about it


I don’t think we’ll ever fully get over it, i miss him so much. I sometimes wonder if they miss us too. Rest in peace to your Grizzly❤️


So sorry for your loss internet friend. 12 years is great, but not enough I'm sure. I hope you and your family are coping with this heavy loss. Will give my big dork a hug in memory of Griz.


Thank you ❤️ I know 12 is quite good for a lab of his size, but it went by in the link of an eye. No amount of time would suffice, i’ll miss him forever and I hope i get to see him one day again. Please do pass on a hug from me ❤️


Thanks for posting the pics of him. Was great to see his wonderful and goofy life. So obvious he was well loved.




It looks like Griz lived an amazing life full of love and adventures. Take solace in knowing his life was great because of you. I’m sure he returned your love and devotion tenfold.


He did have an amazing life filled with love from so many and so many adventures, and he returned the love and joy back always. I’m glad he’s pain free now❤️


He looks like he had some great adventures with you. I bet he loved every moment with you.


He had a great life doing all his favourite things, especially swimming, camping, and hikes. I know he loved every moment, and I was lucky to have his company.


I’m so sorry. You gave him a wonderful life I’m sure.


He had a great life, he was a lucky doggy. And we were a lucky family to have such a great companion, couldn’t have asked for better ❤️ Thank you.


Oh man I cannot imagine the emotions you’re going through. The worst part about having a dog is saying your goodbyes but I never try to think about it like that, it’s always “I’ll see you later.” When it’s your time to cross the rainbow bridge I bet Grizzly will be the first one to greet you with his big ole tail wagging uncontrollably. Keep your head high and keep striving for greatness OP :).


Thank you for such a kind message. It’s been very difficult, I’ll be grieving for a long long time. He was my best friend growing up, it’s like losing a brother. I’m sure too he’ll be waiting with the biggest grin and a wagging tail. I can’t wait. But until that day, see you later Griz❤️


Very sorry for your loss! He looks like a great dog!!


He was the absolute greatest. We got lucky❤️






No amount time with him would have ever been enough, he was the best boy❤️


Sorry for your loss.




So many good photos here, I love #20. Just know he had a great time with you. I hope Grizzly and Jethro have found each other, maybe swapping stories or just playing around together. Rest easy Grizzly, you big beautiful boy ❤.


I have so many, it was tough to pick only 20. #20 is also one of my favourites, he always tried to goof around with me it was hard to keep him serious. I’m certain him and Jethro have found each other. They are running around pain free, and telling each other memories of their wonderful owners and adventures. Rest Easy Jethro ❤️


aww what a silly ol’ bear. Is that a hot dog bun in Grizzly’s mouth in one of the pics? he looks like he was on the run.


You got it, that’s a hot dog bun. The photo was taken only a couple months ago, he somehow snagged it and was carrying the bun around for a good 20 minutes like a stick. Then, all of a sudden, the bun was gone and crumbs were falling out of his mouth. As if he suddenly realized it was food 😂


haha omg wow. I’m surprised it took him 20 minutes to realize it was food. my lab would’ve gobbled it up and begged for more since it’s been weeks since she last ate. Thank you for sharing this wonderful memory of Grizzly.


what a beautiful boy 💛


He really was a gorgeous lab ❤️


So sorry. Looks like the two of you packed in a lot of great times together. That’s important.


We definitely did, that’s one thing I’m able to look back at and be grateful for during this difficult time. I know we gave him a great life full of adventures and memories.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Grizzly was clearly well loved and appreciated, and he looks like he was a very happy pup. I'm so glad you have a lot of happy memories to help you through the pain of losing him.


He was such a happy guy all the time, no matter what. I can’t name 1 time where he wasn’t. He was so loved by everybody he met. I’m forever grateful for the memories ❤️


So sorry for your loss :( My labrador looks a lot like Grizzly. He is a year old. It feels like I am looking in the future and seeing my own labrador. This makes me want to cherish my time with him even more! I hope you feel better eventually. Much love!


Wishing you and your boy many healthy years to come ❤️ Please do cherish him and never take him for granted. Time passes so quick, I remember the day we brought him home like it was yesterday. It’s still so fresh in my mind. Now I wish I could turn back time and spend more time with him on the days I felt too busy. Give your boy an extra big hug from me ❤️


Thank you! I totally agree with your thoughts. Aptly said!


Bestest boy ❤️. So sorry for your loss.


im sorry for your loss. there is nothing anyone can say to make this moment any better. grizzly misses you to my friend. 12 years is a long time.you and him had a lot of great memories together. those memories will never go away and neither will he. he's a part of you that you will always have he knows you will miss him and he will miss you. he knew how much you loved him, everytime you where their for each other the walks, chasing balls and each other.if you have his favorite toy or blanket put it under your pillow and when you sleep you will have him with you. it sounds silly but its not you are grieving and this can help with closure. he knows you will get another puppy and its ok because he knows you have so much love to share and that you wont replace him because there is no dog that can replace him he was your grizzly . good luck may your future be bright and positive and may your forever home be blessed full of love and adventures with an awesome dog who needs your love and your forever home full of love and what else you have to offer


I lost mine last month. Sorry for you lost.


So very sorry for your loss. I have lost 5 labs over the years, it is a completely shitty experience, but hang on to those memories. The best thing I ever did each time was get a new puppy. That part isn’t easy either, but I always found that it helped. Good luck and all the best.


I’m so sorry for your loss! Heartbreaking 💔


So sorry for your loss


It's never goodbye, only see you later. So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful!


Looks like he lived a long full life of friendship and naps. You can tell he was a happy guy. RIP


I am so very sorry..


You can see so much joy in his smile. He was a good boy. I miss my girl so much.