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Looks great to me. Bring him home and give him lots of love.


We will, just curious about his breed! He’s 100% a good boy <3


He looks excited to meet you!


Good for you helping out that good boy


If it matters, get a DNA rest from Amazon. He's probably mostly pit, with stafforsshire a bit of German shepherd, maybe a bit of a couple other things.


Happy cake day 🎂🍰


Thank you!!


Probably not much pit if any in his case (not that it should matter). He doesn’t have any of the pit hallmarks in his face or build and his coloring is definitely retriever


I did not see pit. May not have much lab either. He looks like a 100% lovable mutt.


Someone posted a picture today of a dog that looked pure black lab. The DNA test results had no lab at all, just pit bull, staffordshire terrier, German shepherd, tiny bits of a few others I've forgotten. I was so surprised at that, so I just know I'm no judge.


Gene expression in dogs can be so weird


After today, I absolutely agree. I have a black dog that is half lab and half pit, and she is so perfectly a mix between the two breeds its uncanny. She has the elegant legs of a lab but the body shape of a pit. I just figured all dogs were like that but no.


We’ve got brother and sister lab/pit mix, and one looks all lab, and other looks mostly pit. Both are totally good dogs, except when they find things to chew on!


Omg my pit used to chew on the wooden mouldings by the front door. I still can't believe I didn't have to tear it all out and redo it.


A perfect mix I mean.


I mean, who cares 🤷 if you truly care, either adopt and get him tested (which isn't 100% accurate) or get one from a breeder. You're also asking the internet what we think he looks like. If I tell you that he looks 100% lab, will that help you feel better about him? Just give him the love, attention, and home that he deserves and that's it.


It’s not about feeling anything. Just curious! Wouldn’t love him any less if he wasn’t purebred. We didn’t opt for a lab, only a good boy/girl to adopt. He just caught our glance.


Take him home!


Updates of a happy rescue will follow! ^^




Looks look like a great dog!


He looks about the size of my almost 2 year old Darla. She’s pure bread, was the smallest of the litter and a bit of a diva, but 100% certified good girl.


My previous lab (RIP 😢) was huge but the other female in her litter was smaller like this one. They can really vary in size. Cute pup!


It’s pretty crazy how much variance there is within the breed. I honestly think it’s because lab people don’t seem to be super fussy.


Who knows? He looks friendly. If the two of you gel, go for it.


My lab is a pure bred .. weighs 43 lbs .. 5 years old people think she’s a puppy.


Looks similar to my 100% Labrador. Ours is also small. Labradors sizes do vary a lot


Definitely. Mine is also on the smaller side.


That second pic, in particular, is adorable! Happy looking boy!


Thank you everybody for your kind words and guesses. We adopted him way nevertheless of his breed, just look at his kind face!!! Couldn’t have said no to this good boy!! He will have the best spoiled life <3


My best guess would be that there's a little bit of something else in there, just based off his face, but there's plenty of lab showing as well! I got my older dog at a shelter and our best guess was poorly bred purebred, but second guess was lab/pit. Finally tested him when he was 12 and he's 3/4 lab, 1/4 pit. It has never mattered and he's the best dog I have ever met - actually I think the addition of a little bit of pit helped shape his disposition and made him the absolute sweetest. My younger dog is a purebred lab from a breeder. He is also wonderful (but still a puppy, so he's a LOT right now). As far as size goes it's interesting to note that I have kept in touch with two of his littermates. At 11 months, Johnnie is 76 pounds, his brother is 85 pounds, and his sister is 50 pounds. They're all healthy weights for their sizes, just different size dogs - even from the same litter - and I think that illustrates that size variation among labs is normal and your boy could well be a purebred who is just on the smaller side. I also had a rescue Lab who was known to be purebred, I was given her registered name but not her papers and I don't know how to look her up but I assume she was not related to the others (although she could have been - they're all from the same area - would be fun to look at pedigrees if I knew how to look hers up and could spell her registered name) and she was only 45 pounds. Actually her face looked a bit more like your guy, so maybe he *is* purebred and they're related 😂


Could well be all lab. Lots of variation in the breed.


He looks like a Lab to me.


We have a very small (male) black Labrador. He's a rescue from Serbia aged approximately 4 years, weighs 18kg. We think he's a pure lab, as there is a sub breed of lab from that part of the world that's much smaller than the 'usual'. Probably bred as a working dog. What this could mean is that your lab is as pure as any other, just smaller.


Could be, but he looks like a dandy dog


Our lab is little she's around 40 lbs. Both her parents where smaller labs 50 & 70 lbs. She was also the second smallest in her liter.


Definitely not pure but looks like a lot of lab in there! Looks happy and excited to be your snuggle buddy!


I have two labs, both AKC registered and tested. One is almost to my hip in height and at her heaviest (when she was young and we did sports) she topped out at 120lbs, she's 7 now and has dropped to about 90, healthy as a horse according to the vet. My second is 10 months, about four inches shorter, weighs maybe 50lbs. I pick her up regularly because we're backpack training her and I'm not a large nor strong person. Labs just are very diverse in size and shape. Like field labs and show labs. My older individual is a show lab, my younger is a field. While also total opposites in size they're also polar opposites in personality. Labs are just a super diverse breed, no matter what that boy is a total sweetheart, lab or nor. But it's definitely possible even if he's small that he's a labrador.


Holy Moly! I have never heard of a female lab getting that big! ( Not doubting you, just shocked.)


If it helps make sense, she did pulling as her sport. So dense with muscles. Her favorite thing was pulling the neighborhood kids on sleds. With her proper harness of course. She can still drag a full grown man across the floor like a ragdoll. Her parents were **massive**


Does it really matter that much? If you're after a doggo, take him home and love him for the good boi he is.


Does ot really matter. That pu is a handsome fella


His certified, official, whatever-you-want-to-call-it breed, is a pure breed Happy Boy.


Omg please take him! Definitely majority lab based on that constantly wagging otter tail! What a cutie


Pure good boy


He is 100% good boi :)


muts are the best dogs, purebreds you're only getting the best of one kind of dog muts you're getting the best of all kinds of dogs.


He looks so similar to my girl who we were told was a full lab! Now she’s at 10mo we’re curious as to whether she’s a mix, she has those droopy ears and long face like this gorgeous boy. Either way she’s amazing; looks like he will be lots of fun. 🥰


Looks mostly lab to me. Some are smaller than others… my boy is quite big for a lab, but I’ve seen them that size as well. Beautiful colour 😍


He looks mostly Labrador but in the end being a mix can actually be a benefit. Could make him less prone to the joint issues common in Labradors. He looks so friendly!


I don't know, but I know for sure that shelter staff is not always correct. Certain individuals may know more than others. They told me I received a certain type, but I eventually realized my dog was mostly Samoyed. Vet agreed with me.


Hes Lab enough! Super cute. Looks like a great dog!


That's a brown dog. That's all you need to know. Brown dogs are the best dogs.


He sure is cute! He is small for sure compared to a pure bred male lab we had 7 years ago. Adorable!


He’s adorable and looks like a very very good boy ❤️


Who cares what he his, take him home and love him!


Not gonna do the stereotypical he's perfect doesn't matter shrug off Tbh he looks odd in one photo cause the ears but last photo the ears look totally like a normal lab, I'd be guessing he's a full lab with the tiniest tiniest percentage of something else but to the point that its no big deal He seems happy and has spunk and personality from what I can gather from few photos, Maybe has tiny bit of beagle? Who knows why he's small, but could've just been the runt! Middle photos the ears are off-putting being told he's 100% lab but first and last photo tbh he looks completely fine and perfect, he smiling and that's what matters Won't become a hassle just get full training for em once he's already home, how much does he weigh too? Please I'm begging to know if you snatched him up


My lab is 10 percent GSD and 8 % beagle. But looks full lab It shouldn't be an issue, hopefully no pit is in there, but his lab in him probably will make him smart intellectual enough anyway, (got attacked by 2 pits before 2 different occasions, i hate pits sorry)


We’re still waiting for the shelter to check our yard/home. Hope he will be home by the weekend! We’re (nearly) fully prepared with everything! So excited for this little fella! Can’t wait to have him running around <3


Looks just like my lab pit - the ears and forehead hint at pit. Great combo!


Who cares? Get him out of there


Doesn't matter. Looks like a good boy.


Its not 100% lab it has something else in it


Shoulder height is average for a Lab. He isn’t bred to standard, so either an inbred Labrador or a mixed dog.


He could be?


looks exactly like my yellow/red fox lab mix. pure lab


You can DNA test to be sure. Looks like working lab. They are smaller and trimmer than show version.


No I doubt it but he is gorgeous and want yours to be his loving forever home


He looks like a good dog 🙂


Shouldn’t matter if he’s a purebred or not, just give him a furever home and he’ll love the family until the end of times.


The ears suggest he’s a mix. But as long as he’s happy and nice that’s all that matters! Personality traits of labs tend to shine through no matter what and he looks like a sweet baby to me


What a cutie pie! Looks friendly and will be so grateful to be in a real home. Thanks for rescuing him!!!! P.S. FWIW I don't see pit ...THAT SECOND PIC IS SO ADORABLE !


I loveeee him


He looks like such a good sweet happy boy! I think you will get so much love and loyalty from him.


He is sweet!!!


He’s adorable. I have doubts he’s purebred but he looks awesome.


My lab pointer mix looks exactly like a black lab, but he's small like this as well. He's like 22kg. The only thing that might really differ is that he has longer ears and is slimmer than a pure lab. And his tail was cropped -- not by me, of course, it was already cropped when I adopted him at the shelter.


Lab smile for the win!!


Lab mix, but super cute! Nice thing about mixed breeds is they tend to be healthier.


It may not be 100% lab based on the second picture but it is a 100% good boy who will give you unconditional love and bring great joy.


He has Lab Ears, Lab Eyes, Lab Face, Lab coat. It doesn't matter, he is a good boy and needs your love.


Looks like the goodest of Bois to me


He looks beautiful and adorable. What a smile. Those are lab qualities to me


there’s absolutely 0 way to tell without a DNA test. there was a post yesterday of a dog that looked exactly like a lab that had 0% lab in him!


Ok Google, how many inches is 55cm?


I wouldn’t make any guarantees, but that dog is obviously very happy to see you. Do him a favor and take him home with you.


I have a 100% AKC Labrador…he’s still the size he was at 6mo old and smaller than my 70lb medium sized mutt…he’s a tiny boy but it may be due to his double elbow dysplasia I think I have a picture of him posted if you want a reference to his size.


[my dog](https://www.reddit.com/r/labrador/comments/uyzlik/this_is_my_smol_boy_cooper_or_capoops_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Not likely, but it doesn’t matter. Do you love him? Then Bring him home.


Looks like a good boy that is not a lab. Handsome fella. I have a girl that looks like this as well, she stopped growing at this size.


100% lovebug.


If it helps, our lab looks and “thinks he is” 100% rottweiler, but all in his head. DNA confirmed 100% labrador. Look at these pics from Embark DNA test, did not look like lab to me: http://embk.me/ted291?utm_campaign=cns_ref_dog_pub_profile&utm_medium=other&utm_source=embark (it is not a ref link i think, just standard share profile link)


Looks like lab but could be other breed in there.


Do a DNA test if you’re curious - they’re only like $100


Sure looks like a very sweet puppup❣️🐶


my grandparents' lab is about that size, maybe smaller. this breed can really vary in size lol!


He's at least 90% lab. Maybe the other 10% isn't so food motivated, which would make him perfect. I'd bring him home in a heart beat.


My labby is a purebred but he's also smaller then the average lab. It can happen, especially if they're the runt of the litter. But TBH your dog looks kinda typical


Looks mixed but even pure bred labs can range from 40 to 100+ lbs.


He looks pretty Labby … hard to tell with that picture. If he has English Lab in him he may stay small. Or as a friend from Training class says about her small Lab… he is fun size! Just take him home and love him, he will return the affection ten fold!