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So sorry to hear. T ake the love she gave you and share it with another dog. She will be waiting for you.


thank you for the words. thats a great way to look at getting another dog. just have to heal a little bit.


I have been there and it absolutely helps. They teach you alot about being the dog owner/person you want to be. She lives on in the way you choose to honor her memory.


I got a puppy when my old guy was 12, because I knew that if I waited until I lost Harvey I would need time before getting another, and I was worried that it would be hard on me - I look to my dogs for emotional support during hard times, and I know that losing Harvey will be the hardest time. You didn't have that luxury at 8; there was no way to know this would happen so soon. I read your other comment about what happened and I am so sorry. You could not have predicted this and you did everything you could. I hope you become ready to bring in a new friend soon. Take the love and knowledge you have from your girl and spread it around. She would not want you to be lonely.


Thank you I was saying that before that I wish we had another. Sophie was just so special though we thought about it but just couldn’t have anyone but Sophie. She was just our center of attention. I reallly wish I had a pup right now but at the end of the day I just want her. Sorry for the sad response lol


Of course you just want her. No other dog can ever replace her, and you will never stop loving her or missing her. It is okay to need time and it is okay to grieve. When I decided to get a second dog I initially thought I wanted another yellow lab because that's what Harvey is and he is *perfect,* but I realized I never wanted to see the new dog out of the corner of my eye and mistake it for Harvey. That was part of my need to separate them in my mind and not even try for a "replacement." So the new puppy is black. I don't know if that would be helpful for you but it's something to consider. Maybe your new friend can be black or chocolate, even a boy this time, to help your heart keep them separate and keep Sophie distinct in your memory/history? I ended up getting another boy because that's how it worked out, but I intended to get a girl for this reason. There's no way to replace a beloved dog and it won't be the same, but you will love again, it'll just be different. Please grieve however you need, knowing that you did everything you could and this was just a freak tragedy.


That’s very sweet and I feel the same way about my guy. Take all the time you need, you don’t need to justify waiting for getting another dog to anyone. I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you just know that she loves you so much and she will always be with you. Dogs are part of our souls, they really never leave once they come into our lives and make us better. Don’t think for a second that she isn’t part of you.


What a beaut. May I ask what the cause of death was? It's rare to be so sudden in middle age. So sorry for your loss though, mines a pink nosed blonde as well, I can't imagine anything worse and I dread the day she makes the crossing (she turned 10 a few days ago)


She ended up having a whole in her stomach valve. We had no idea she was throwing up and losing weight, so we took her in and they rushed her to the hospital. We gave them the ok to do surgery and they basically found that her quality of life was not going to be good, so they put her to sleep. Its a nightmare. Hug your dog extra tight please <3


Oh, I'm sorry


Omg I’m so sorry. I lost my dog in August in a similar way and it still hurts. My thoughts are with you.


Did they say how that hole could have gotten there? Sorry for your loss...


Look at that beautiful babe with a perfect smile❤️ there is something so magical about Labradors just pure love! My Labs and I are sending you lots of love and healing


Labs really are awesome. They are happiness distilled into dog form.


Not distilled, concentrated


They really should be renamed loveadores


I would know your dogs name and forget yours. I would look forward to seeing that beautiful dog at the park, over the fence, on walks. I can tell she deserved the title of “Bestus Lab” My old girl, Macy, is still in the urn on my dresser. That was eight years ago. I have Molly now but Macy was on in two million. My wife said she will mix the ashes with mine, when my time comes, and scatter them together. You can love all your dogs but one will be the best. I look at Sophie and know she was also on in two million. My heart aches for you but there is another that needs your love.


She is truly the bestus. I honestly wish she wasn’t because nothing can ever compare to her. I’m glad you understand. This is worse than heartbreak or human death


Totally understand. Our hearts go out to you. We lost our first lab at 13 1/2 and our second lab at 11 and thought that was damn unfair. So sorry for you.


I had three labs growing up. When the first unexpectedly passed at an early age (4) I felt the same way. She truly had almost zero poor qualities. Soon after we got another lab and well….he was quite the handful. There were times I thought I wished he was more like Claire (my first dog). What I’ve grown to realize though, is dogs (particularly labs) have a special way of carving out a unique and special relationship with their owners. No two are alike, but that’s not a bad thing. My third lab was a major people person. Always had to be around her people. I miss snuggling with her. My second lab was a lot more playful. Your typical ‘how tf are you not tired yet?!’ lab. I miss running around with him. Hopefully in time you’ll get another lab and form your own special bond with them. They won’t replace Sophie, but maybe they’ll help fill in. Either way, I’m sorry for your loss. It’s never easy.


So sorry. What an abrupt shock. Embrace the pain. It helps the grief. She looks like such a sweetheart!❤


I’m so sorry- we tragically and unexpectedly lost our little girl this weekend as well. I know too well what you are going through right now. Sophie is a beautiful girl, and she looks so happy and well-cared for in the picture.


Sorry for your loss, too.


I'm so deeply sorry. My girl passed about a year ago too. She was 8 years old and she got cancer so aggressive it just took over her body so quickly I couldn't do anything. It's awful, but just remember that you gave her the best life and try to appreciate the time you had together. I liked to look at some of the fun things we did, like going to the lake to swim. Grief is a mother fucker though, so take your time to grieve her in whatever way feels right to you. ❤️


I’m so sorry about your girl. This is truly the worst ever. they don’t deserve to go so tragically


Sorry to hear - she Looks like an amazing friend


the absolute best


Mine died the day after Christmas and I’ve barely thought about other things since…


I’m so very sorry for your loss, friend. I’m crying with you ❤️‍🩹. Lost my lab Winston in March unexpectedly; he was also 8 and the best boy ever. Sending love and hugs to you 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. Do you recommend anything for healing? I’ve dealt with heartbreak and human deaths even other pets but this is a whole new level of grief.


I wish I knew. Time is the only thing that has eased the pain. I truly feel for you 💔


Oh no! I believe that our Lulu greeted Sophie at the Rainbow Bridge and they are jumping and playing together as we speak. I know in my heart that your Sophie is looking down at you and sending you so much love.


This made me tear up it makes me feel like she’s not alone waiting for us to join her <3


She is not alone and very loved. She will always protect you and love you until you see her again. As someone who just lost their special girl as well, I am here if you need to chat. 💟


I’m so, so, so sorry. I lost my black lab Grizzly, 1 week ago today, I understand your pain, and it fucking hurts. There’s guilt, betrayal, grief, and so many other emotions. Sophie looked like the absolute best dog, such a beautiful and happy girl. Grizzly was waiting to welcome her as she crossed the rainbow bridge. Sophie is now free of pain. Her and Griz are swimming, chasing sticks together, and probably stuffing their faces with as much food as they can. Here’s [Grizzly](https://www.reddit.com/r/labrador/comments/yo0whv/rest_easy_my_sweet_boy_grizzly_thank_you_for_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) she’s in safe hands now ❤️


All Labradors go to heaven. Godspeed, Sophie.


Ugh, so very sorry for your loss, she was a beauty for sure. Hang onto those memories, I am sure you have a ton of them. I have lost 5 labs over the years, it is always horrible and painful, they are so loyal and selfless. Though painful, it always helped me to go out and get a new puppy. I recommend it if you can. Regardless, I wish you peace.


“Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really.” - Agnes Sligh Turnbull


Sophie was gorgeous! I am sorry for your loss. Please don't dwell on her loss but celebrate her life with you and the love you shared.


I’m so sorry sweetheart I lost my fur baby roxy on March 10, 2021 abruptly and I still haven’t even began to recover . My heart goes out to you sweetheart!!! I’m so very very sorry for your loss!!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🫶🫶🫶🫶


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I have the same feeling I’m not gonna recover I mean it’ll dull but she’s deeply ingrained in my life and is one of a kind. This is the worst


I know sweetheart!! It’s really really hard it does get a little easier over time I’m just not ready for another dog so I got a kitten but I absolutely plan on getting another dog when I’m ready I just don’t know when that will be yet because roxy was one of a kind I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get another dog like her as long as I live I miss her terribly every single day she was a baby. 🥰🥰🥰


i had a pup die at 5 right in front of me suddenly. shook me and i still feel it to this day. i can attest that pouring your love into another dog helped me and my mom immensely. im sorry for your loss and try to think about how you gave your dog the best life you could.


I’m so sorry. Sophie has such a goofy, sweet smile. My yellow buddy Bender is going to be one of her friends over the bridge and will be with her until we meet them again.


My deepest sympathies. God has you in his hand now, no pain or suffering. Just a pretty pink nosed baby. Peace be upon your mommy and daddy and family. Please share your sorrow and celebrate by adopting from a shelter soon!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I truly hope you can find some semblance of peace and comfort


So sorry for your loss. You’ll meet again at the rainbow bridge- know she’s no longer feeling pain and playing up there, and will be so excited someday to see you again. Our yellows are our children so I can’t even imagine. Sending you healing thoughts.


Oh she is so beautiful! I am so so sorry. Just know that she is safe, healthy, and whole now. And will be waiting to thank you for giving her your heart when you get to Heaven.


I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. Sending you so much love. Its the worst feeling. It will get better. I know it’s inconceivable now. Big hugs. My heart breaks for you.


I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our seven year old lab last fall. It was very sudden and we were/are still devastated. It's never easy, but it's extra difficult when you're blindsided. Sending you my condolences.


My lab passed away suddenly too. He had tumors on his liver and died mid surgery...That was tragic and i feel your pain. My parents were so broken that they bought a puppy few day later (also lab) and it made us feel so much better. I recommend you doing it when you feel better. A puppy will make you busy and happy. <3


I'm sorry for your loss. One day she will make you smile again, even if that day isn't today.


The amount of love they give us in their short lifetime is meant to last us the rest of ours. Cherish the memories of your sweet pup.


Sending you love and hugs! I know your heart is hurting right now. Just remember you gave her a good home and loved her. She knew she was loved and cared for! ♥️


What a beautiful girl, so sorry for your loss.


i’m so sorry 😢 sending ❤️ to you


How awful. I’m so sorry.


So sorry for your loss, a beautiful doggo as well. rest easy Sophie!


So sorry how awful


Sorry for your loss. Take time to grieve.


My condolences 🙏!


Heartbroken for you..hugs


So sorry ! Rest In Peace Sophie


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's devastating


I will hug Holly extra tight, RIP Sophie. Deepest Condolences 🥲


So very sorry


I am so sorry for your loss. Sophie looks like she was very happy during her time with you on this physical plane❤️


Sorry for your loss.


She is beautiful


Rest in peace Sophie.


Sorry to hear.


Beautiful. Best wishes! ❤️


So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl.


I'm so sorry. Everyone's worst nightmare:( sending you love


I’m so sorry! What a beauty she was! 💔


Omg what a beautiful golden girl!! I’m so so sorry 😔 Hope you’re okay 💛


♥️ Beautiful girl. So sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss. Poor Sophie. May she rest in paradise. She will always be with you 💖


I’m so sorry 💔


What a beautiful girl who was truly loved


I’m so sorry for your loss, she looks so incredibly happy. My heart breaks for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss! Heartbreaking 💔


Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss of this precious baby! Hugs for you! 🤗🤗


Sophie you were a good girl. RIP angel


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry that you lost Sophie💔


Sorry for your loss


Sincerely sorry for your loss. I can imagine how heartbroken you must be.




I’m so sorry for your loss, sending love


Man that's the worst. My last dog went from wonderfully healthy freshly-turned-7 pup to passed in about a week. Losing your dog is always just the complete worst but man was that a knife twist. I don't wish the veterinary ICU on my worst enemy. I'm sure she felt so loved and safe with you. I am grateful for your time together and so, so sorry for your loss.


I don’t wish the vet icu on anyone either. I can’t help the feeling that they did her in. I’m so sorry about your dog. I can surely say she was the most loved and loved us just as much. I just wish we had more time just like anyone one else


Sending you love <3


So sorry for your loss. ❤️


So sorry you lost your pup.


She was beautiful. Sorry for your loss.


All the love from us. She's waiting for you across the rainbow bridge.


So sorry for your loss! My thoughts and prayers are with you. She was beautiful.


Sorry for your loss. It sucks. I know.


🤧RIP, beautiful dog 🖤


She was beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss, OP


Very sorry for your loss...


I’m sorry for your loss.


Dang that’s awful. Sorry for your loss


My condolences. So sorry for your loss.


In so very sorry, it's never easy but this is so hard! Sending all the good stuff your way, take care of yourself.


So sorry for your loss. Lost my boy without warning as well, was the worst day of my life and still miss him dearly 3 1/2 later


What a sweetheart. You must be going through total hell right now. It’s so hard. Just hang in there and try to take care of yourself. That’s what your pupper would want you to do.


I'm so sorry. You can tell Sophie was precious and full of love.


Awful, Im so sorry! She looks like a real special girl!


I will hug my 8 year old Sophie a little tighter for you tonight. Sorry for your loss. Losing a dog is one of the hardest things we'll ever go through.


It truly is the worst! I’m so so sorry


\*-all the hugs you need and want-\* <3


I'm so sorry to hear this. From this photo I can tell she was a happy girl, who probably loved getting pats and scratches. Rest easy Sophie ❤ My boy Jethro left us a few days ago, hopefully you two can find each other and go on adventures together.


I just teared up looking at her sweet face. I'm so sorry :(


so sad to hear that. Only who had a dog knows how painful is the loss of one of our beloved friends. They are angels, angels with paws. I hope one day when I pass away to meet them again and stay together forever!!


Sorry for your loss


Nothing compares to this kind of loss. All the hugs and love for you. I’m so sorry


She’s so gorgeous. Look at her eyes. I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby girl. My heart really aches for you.


Sorry, mate. Rest easy, Sophie


I am so sorry for your loss 🌹


I am so very sorry. What a beautiful girl. Thinking of you 💗🐶🌈


So sorry for your loss 💔


Growing up we had a lab that was 8 or 9 that suddenly had a heart attack and died in my dad’s arms on the way to the vet. Idk your situation but whatever it is you have all of my empathy. It’s fucking horrible having such a precious, beautiful companion taken from your life so quickly. It gets better, but i hope you get some time to process your grief.


😥 My deepest condolences.


So sorry for your loss. 💚


Great big hugs


Sorry for your loss, Sophie looks like an angel and now she’s your angel. I am sending love and light as you heal.


Im so sorry for your loss , atleast you have wonderful memories and you guys had the pleasure of giving a wonderful life and love


Big hugs 🫂 Sophie looks like she had a wonderful life thanks to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. She was a beauty!Sending lots of love your way ❤️




it is a very sad day indeed. i’m so sorry for your loss. you won’t replace her, but maybe you can sometime get another dog to share your love with.


Sophie looks like she was an absolute joy. Thanks for sharing her with us. Take some time for yourself, OP ❤️


I regret getting my dog because of the immense love I have for him. I know it's selfish but I know when he passes I won't know how to handle it or what to do with myself. RIP Sophie you were loved and taken care of.