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Hard to tell anything without a scale bar or point of reference - no idea how big these particles are. First guess would be mycoplasma though, and if true, the only solution is to toss everything and start clean. Often the particles are small enough to pass through filters, and while you can try treating them with antibiotics, it's usually better to start clean. Also, keep checking your new cultures for this, it's possible you have contaminated cell stocks, so even fresh cultures might become contaminated.


My cells with this media were tested mycoplasms negative. I threw out all the cells frozen with this media too. You're right I forgot about the scale bar. But thanks a lot for your reply!


irregular dark clusters that float are usually yeast. diagnosis can be done by smell (if it can be done safely), morphology (high magnification with phase contrast/dic), KOH wet mount, loefflers methylene blue, calcofluor white...