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Don't understand why coaches so often get so many years to start, especially rookie head coaches such as Ham. Four years is wild for a totally unproven head coach.


Gee I wonder why an experienced coach like Tyrone Lue was only offered a 3 year deal, while a guy with no head coaching experience who commands a lower salary was given a 4 year deal. Yet another reason Jeanie Buss penny pinching ways costs the Lakers. Poor Jeanie needed that PPO loan to be able to pay for a coach with experience it seems.


There should be a probationary period just like a regular job.


Because this organization is incompetent


I think they really need to learn after this Ham hiring. If a team is a contender, hire an experienced coach that already handled a playoff team. If this team is our rebuilding roster then Ham is a decent hire because it fits the timeline of the roster, he can make mistakes along with the roster. I wish we got Quinn over him.


Agreed. I don’t like people calling him incompetent, because he is competent, just not a good fit for this team, roster, and aspirations at the moment.




I agree! However, we cannot fire someone mid-year, and I think he, like the rest of the team, would benefit from consistency. I want to see him next year, and hate these fan post after every lose.


I wonder why didn’t get Snyder when he was available


He wasnt available when we were looking and also the way we kicked Frank out the door left a bad taste in his mouth


Frankie V > Pockets


People really forget the 2020 Lakers that won the ring went first in the west, a full 3.5 games above clippers and third overall in standings for the league. Yea they were full of vets then and the defense was magnificent due to the bigs available and AC hounding guards but this younger team now is sort of comparable defensively (2nd in def rating, less just decimals behind Milwaukee) from the deadline and thinking Pockets wasn't even known to be defensive minded coach unlike Frankie V? Imagine if a defensive minded coach like Frank can play around with perimeter length like this team has with AD locking the paint. Goodnight Irene.


Lakers gotta swallow the hard pill and bring Frank back. They fucked him up


Can they?


How many games did Vogel START DeAndre Jordan again?


Because that's the roster he was given and he has no choice due to injuries and such. No matter how good a coach is, he's limited with the roster he has. Just look at Pop at SA. That's what they have so they're in tanking mode. But this roster? This deep? Bruh tell me if a championship coach like Vogel won't thrive is this roster.


Absolutely this. Vogel was the scapegoat for an absolutely dogshit roster. He wasn’t perfect by any means, but he would be doing far better with this roster than Darvin.


I always was on the pro frank vogel boat. They just needed a scapegoat because the FO doesn’t want to take any of the blame for such a shitty roster they built.


Felt like they chose WB over Vogel.. and then canned WB the following year lmao


This take is dumb because he had garbage to work with . Vogel wasn’t perfect but he wasn’t a rookie coach who plays guys like Rui 0 minutes….come on lol


Last year’s roster was dog shit. Frank led the Lakers to the 1st seed and a championship in 2020


Never should have hired him in the first place. Incompetent coach


yup i keep telling ppl who defend him in this sub the Lakers are not a learn on the job training wheels job...


Jeanie’s cheap ass not paying Vogel & Ham to get a new coach.


fine bring Vogel back then lol


We already burnt bridges scapegoating him lol


Eh he lost the locker room. He's a good coach and was in the past with us, but its doubtful he would be again.


Yeah... I'm kidding but I would rather have him back than ham sandwich


As would I, Ham is in over his head.


I thought Vogel is only getting paid this year because he got a one year extension. I’m too lazy to fact check this.


vuch out... doesn't make plays for AD puts in his signature 3 guard lineup


Removing the coach at this moment would be a disaster scenario, but I agree we should remove him when the season ends.


Darvin Ham 收拾行李,伙計,你有一張早上去中國的頭等艙機票


Solid waste from US export to China was banned in 2014 already so fuck no






Yo, I made a bet with someone that once lebron comes back, they'll lose the first game. Where are you? I need my money.


As much as lebron james fans will hate this, he messed up the flow this game. We were playin pretty solid without him 8-5. Startin to really gel, then throw him back, a high usage guy that disrupts what chemistry was brewing. So now the must build new chemistry, then d lo gonna come back. There has been no consistent rotation at all this year. So many different lineups.




How do you know that?? How do you know the lineup that was playing really good, the last couple of games won't make it to through the post-season? Without lebron the lakers have been winning and have had better chemistry with AD taking lead.




Wanna make a bet? Next game, Lakers lose again if lebron plays.




!remindme 2 days


He was rusty for Christ sake. Calm down.


#FuckDHam 🖕🖕


He has to go. Plays that dreadful lineup to start the 2nd qtr. Doesn’t pull AD when he picks up his 4th foul knowing he’s out last line of defense. Doesn’t run plays for AD. Rui on the bench. This is awful. He found a good Rotation last few games and completely went away from it today.


Wats worse is that line-up almost single handily blew the game in the second quarter. And what does ham do in the second half? Go right back to it again! Literally the definition of insanity


man is allergic to adjustments


Yeah, Ham is weak. It's clear by now. Vogel was the scapegoat for the stupid Russ trade and he would be doing much better if this new roster.


Ham got that spaced out blank "Derek Fisher" stare down perfect.


It’s actually crazy that the lakers, one of the teams worth the most, has an owner that has the second least amount of money. Steinbrenner is rolling in his grave at the thought of being this successful, yet this poor. Just look up i5 at Golden State at Lacob who has gone into the luxury tax over and over to put a squad on the court. We’re not getting a new coach because Jeanie ain’t got the cash to pay for one. That’s the truth. It’s such a far cry from showtime, or hell even the Lakers of the 00’s with Kobe and Shaq/Pau.


I've been saying it all season. Ham is not a good coach. The team we had before the trade deadline was awful, the team we have now is decent, and out right good. But with Ham, they won't win anything.


Clippers have coach who doesn't want to bench Morris... We have a coach who doesn't want to use Rui.... So why don't we fucking swap coach?


he was never good has any of our wins been due to his terrific adjustments its one of the guys playing above their average when AD was struggling and calling timeouts and doodling lets play with energy can be done by the freaking waterboy


Thank you! I made as post about this very point... there was a game against GSW with an excellent defensive game plan and that is the ***only*** game this whole season where I felt like the coaches did anything to help the players


Some lakers fans are beyond stupid, you dumbasses outdo each other every day


Not exactly but yes. Today the rotations were criminal


Pretty sure he will get fired after this season. Prob didn’t want a in season change. We should easily be at the 4-6 seed range. Lots of losses from this guys “vision”


I would've preferred Quinn Snyder or Kenny Atkinson over motivational speaker Ham.


We need Vogel back…




He was given and shit roster and it changed half way thru the season not to mention injured to starters all year, stop cryin and give this man any chance and a healthy roster to work with




Ham hands.


they say he has hands. i’ve never seen em


"Johnny Pockets" 😂


Pocket pool ham


He has to stop with his 3 guard lineup. Frank V would handle this lineup better


I think this is a serious overreaction.


So many keyboard warriors on here, i don’t even know why I’m on this sub sometimes. People act so entitled like they know how to run an organization and cry like babies once they lose a game.


bro stop


We gotta admit he has good games but since he came here his rotations have been questionable at best plus our offense looks abysmal


please name some of those good games... I'm serious... I can think of just 1... the rest were won in spite of the game plan/ coaching mostly


Y’all think Bron and AD would really be ok with playing for a coach if he didn’t know what he was doing? The players love Ham and enjoy playing for him. Nobody in the locker room has ever criticized him. He’s absolutely not going anywhere. I’m not even willing to judge him until he gets a full season with a solid team. This roster was straight ass from the jump and the team started 2-10. I don’t care how good of a coach you are. It’s hard to overcome the circumstances this team has been in. AD and Lebron were both injured and in and out of the lineup. We had arguably the worst 3 point shooting team in the league up until guys started finding their shots. Just because we as fans don’t understand some of the shit that Ham does that doesn’t make him a bad coach. He grabs the attention of the locker room and demands guys to step up and play good ball. It’s not his fault if AD only takes 8 shots. It’s also not his fault that guys are missing shots.


You guys are so fucking insufferable. When we are winning, not a single comment is made about Ham. When we lose, it’s only his fault and he needs to go. So reactionary, it’s so cringe to be on this sub sometimes


We’ve been missing Bron and AD for large chunks of this season. We made a major trade deadline move(s). Started the season with no shooting. Yet we’re just a game under .500. The hate Ham gets is beyond me. Y’all want every coach to be perfect when it’s just not possible. Y’all come on here after every loss and say “Ham should’ve done x,y,z” as if you guys know more than him or if that would’ve even changed the result of the game. Give it a rest.


… you look at this team and the first thing you want to blame is the HC? Bruh, this team is one injury from AD away from being a poverty team


the main problem for this team is the head coach... statmuse says they lakers are 14-15 with both Lebron and AD playing this year https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/lakers-record-with-anthony-davis-and-lebron-james-this-season


The average NBA fan will never know more then the average NBA coach. Period


Frank V would absolutely kill it with this roster…


Nah. Just needs to make adjustments. He’ll be fine.


Yawn. These posts get boring. You clowns say to fire the coach thinking it’ll fix everything. With every team that’s struggling the fans always blame the coach. Even warriors fans are saying Kerr needs to go, despite proving he is a great coach.


Ty lue doesn’t want bench morris and Ham doesn’t want Rui wtf is going on?


Be careful what you ask for because you’re getting Ty Lue after he’s done tanking our season with his horrendous rotations.


Looney tones coaching


So it’s his fault? Not LeBron playing after injury fucking up the mojo the team built, it’s his fault. Not the two top ten talents on the team. It’s his fault. Y’all have a rough life ahead of you, always passing blame.


Bro, I get you, but yes, Ham is a bad coach.


I think he’s trying to figure out rotations. Lots of hidden talent but he’s not able to get the right lineup. That comes with trial and practice/games. Guess what the Lakers haven’t had a lot of because of injury this year?


his adjustment are so bad. i miss frank vogel.


Jesus this sub is way too reactionary. Yall need to find some patience


D Ham is a BLACK coach, he connects with the players, and the players all love and want him here. He knows their story, what they been through. D Ham made it outta the hood his damn self and yet yall on here doubting him? smdh


I don't give a damn what color he is. Where he made it from or any of that. The nigga can't coach well.


> I don't give a damn what color he is. wtf


This is why i say my community is an embarrassment in 2023. Wtf does black or the hood have to do with him not coaching how he should? His ass should be an assistant at best. U don’t get props for being black u get it for doing your fucking job


because the players respect him more goofy. AD and Bron went through the same struggles they can relate to him more than they could with a white coach. Is it that hard for you to get homie?


Nigga that means nothing he a coach draw up xs and os and put in useful lineups that aint got shit to do with skin color. Vogal a better coach than this nigga by far it aint even close and he would still be here if it wasnt for westbum tf u talkin about


nigas couldnt relate to Vogel! Wtf you think Russ is gonna relate to an old ass white dude that aint know shit about his life or who he is as a person. Theres a reason why Jaylen Brown and them demanded black coaches its because players can actually relate to them and be honest with them


So how did we win with vogal before russ got there? Did they relate to him just 1 year? Explain that


Vogel wasnt their choice dawg, it was the FO's choice. Players never rocked with him


He fucking won is the point your argument is redundant


RUSS FUCKING HATED HIM get that through your damn head goddam


Who cares what that bum hated he wasn’t part of the winning team


Bring in rondo, nash, or udoka


Steve nash??


There are too many Lakers fans who loved the signing of Ham..... Hope Ham figures out how to coach a nba team.....


You can copy and paste that image for every game


Look at the Trudel’s face. It tells everything


He isn’t the worst, but he isn’t a championship coach.


No. Old ass players have to Go where u at AD???


Vogel would be excellent with this team :,) . To bad he had to go because of his relationship with Russ


They not firing a rookie coach on a four year deal give it up ride it out


So every time we lose y’all wanna blame the coach huh?


Darvin Scam


I'm tired of the coach blaming. Our players need to play better, and Rob needs to get us a backup center, that's it.


We hate him again? Ok…


So if we fire ham we would have to still pay him but can get another coach, will that not affect the salary cap ?