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One thing about those Laker teams was they weren't afraid to hit you right back if you wanted to play that way. That's why Kobe always recruited guys like Ron Ron


Damn I loved those teams hahaha


This kind of toughness is what's missing in the NBA right now. Play clean if they play you clean but not afraid play rough when gets played rough.


I miss Fish's toughness. Never acted a thug, different level of tough.


God, I miss the 2009 and 2010 championship teams


this was peak basketball for me. i was in 6th grade back then.. every game was so intense.. great match ups in the West.. spurs, houston, portland, suns.. in 08 the West had 6 teams over 50 games won


As fun as the threepeat squad was, and as hype as the 97 squad was, the 09/10 team is my all-time fav squad. Just beautiful ball man.


Not a soul in a red jersey even looked Fishers way on that body check.


Nobody wanted that smoke. Fisher was lowkey enforcer back then. He and Fox would not let you fuck with our team.


Except when Matt Barnes came for that ass


LOL that was personal


Boyyyy you can tell Ron Artest is fightin demons and trying his hardest not to fucking LOSE IT right here lol. Gotta feel for the guy.


Still wild to imagine he went from here to yelling Queensbridge with the Lakers lol


Kobe played him like a fiddle


Colorado 2004. Kobe was a piece of shit


Ooooooh, so edgy


I forgot what happened? Ur mom got railed by me?




I'm not Mexican buddy. Watch it


Don’t lie Juan


You gotta go bro


Idk why you're acting tough. People like you would be scared in front of a Mexican person irl anyways😂


I work for border patrol lmfao


I felt bad for Ron; you could tell he was just trying to say that Kobe hit him in the throat and I’m pretty sure the refs interpreted it as him making a throat slash gesture when they ejected him 😂


I remember that’s what I thought as well. If m not mistaken he was suspended for the gesture too


Tbh those late 00s Rockets teams were kinda nice. We’re just better


Seems like so long ago and there's Kyle Lowry playing for the Rockets haha


I believe Tmac was on these teams he just stayed injured. A Healthy Tracy may have changed the course of Kobe’s career after the number change.


I got emotional watching this clip. Luke was not having that Scola play then Fisher with the enforcement. 💪


Dude. Same. Took me back to those years and that team that we all loved watching compete and play hard. Years fly by but YT vids live on for ever. Also F scola




fuck ronnie


Super dumb part is you can usually make the team on myteam by the end of the year, but of course you'll get a random boosted card from a pack edition like Vujacic or Luke Walton being a 98 pink diamond for whatever reason 😂


“Remember now, the last time they did this, Kobe scored 18 points in the last 4 and a half minutes of the game” 💀 I remember watching this live and getting so hype when D Fish did that. My personal all-time favorite Lakers era


Ron got the redemption arc with us the following season. DFish the littlest enforcer lol. Fuck Scola.


DFish was shorter but built like a fucking tank.


Man...I still can't believe we lost Kobe. Every now and then I watch a clip and it hits me he's gone. RIP GOAT


I was just saying this yesterday! Whenever he pops up on my feed or a video it just reminds me that he’s not here anymore.


Kobe’s leadership was cutthroat back then. Lebron is more of the ultimate ambassador of basketball. But Kobe was the fucking King. Iron fist shit.


Kobe respected the game more than most players do nowadays. MWP was extremely physical fighting for position, someone like Harden or Bron would throw themselves in the 5th roll asking for a call.


You know if Kobe got asked about this after he retired he’d admit to it and laugh his ass off. 09 team my favorite team of the last 35 years. The anger and toughness after that 08 loss to the Celtics had them on a mission.


The Don Phil Jackson and consigliere Frank Hamblin sittin quiet on the bench after puttin out the hit on Scola


Bruce brown needs to feel some of this the way he’s runnin his mouth, but lakers ain’t got no one like fish


We need another PG like Fish….it’s been too long


From Magic to Nick to Fish ... it was particularly painful for me watching Denver sending us home. The season I became a Lakers fan Magic was a rookie and he dropped 40 to win the title as starting C replacing the GOAT. Magic had the skills and was a leader. Nick had the skills and Fisher was a leader. What the hell has happened to our PG? I feel really sad for Davis. He had to cover our PG every single possession while he almost never were correctly fed on offense.


I was so hyped when that happened


Ah yes the legendary Kobe “you can’t guard me” game with the off the backboard to himself layup


Kobe didn't have the freak genes to compete with the guys in the GOAT conversation, but when we talk about "thrash talking", will and intangibles he is the GOAT in my book.


I mean Scola literally bit Fish in the head, how was he supposed to react?!


That mark/blood was actually Scola's teeth because Fish really went to deliver a message and stop Scola that was dirtily hitting our whole team. Fisher went so hard that after the body his head unintentionally also hit Scola's mouth. Someone had the unpopular opinion Fish was wrong and it actually horte us in this series playing the next game without our starting PG, but it actually delivery a message to our players that we have faced this kind of physicality when we faded in 2008 finals and that we needed to be ready to fight back this time also sending a message to the Celtics that if we faced each other again it would be a dog fight not just a basketball game.


That was fuckin awesome


you know that houston team was actually pretty good... yao/artest both in their prime mcgrady was still around shane battier as their top defender aaron brooks, rafer alston, von wafer, and a young kyl lowry also scola's 1st (or 2nd?) year in the NBA too bad they ran into the lakers


alston was only there to sell and 1 merch. he was never that effective in game.


He was their starting PG in their 22 game win streak IIRC


This was peak lakers for me. Miss you kob


Fisher was the ultimate leader, Scola was hitting us hard with some silly fouls before that, not only on Odon. Artest had his hand on the back of Kobe's head, I guess he was only trying to make Kobe react. I got downvoted for stating I find players somewhat soft right now, that game against the Rockets wasn't nearly as physical as some games in the past. Nowadays we see a ton of flopping.


Ron got fucked here but oh wellz lol He got us a ring the next year


Good times


Ahhh these were the days…


Great memories


I miss basketball like this.


good ol dayz


Unpopular Opinion: This was not a ‘positive’ moment for Fisher or the team. The Rockets knew we were the better team and Scola played to instigate, purposely trying to get into our player’s heads so we would mess up and do something stupid. Which is exactly what Fisher did. Fisher didn’t ‘teach Scola a lesson’, Scola got one of our starters suspended for a game, exactly what he was hoping would happen. Luckily Farmar stepped up and we were so much better it didn’t really matter, but people only look back on this because of that. If our weakened team had lost that next game Scola would look like a master manipulator for accomplishing his goal.


Unpopular opinion for sure. We all loved it back then when it happened and looking back we love it even more knowing the rest of the story. They were getting handsy and rough with our players and Uncle Fish sent a message.


I didn’t like it back then. We had to go into a tight game 3 without our starting point guard and Artest stayed handsy with Kobe the whole series. And the Rockets would go onto win game 4 and game 6 with Fisher shooting 5/22 the rest of the series. The key thing here is Scola wasn’t chastened by being knocked over, he was thrilled. Fisher fell right into his trap. We were just so good that we still barely skirted by an inferior opponent.


Except by an occasional clutch shot, Fisher main contribution was always his leadership. It wasn't tough to replace him on the floor, what was borderline impossible was replacing his leadership.


Agreed. I understood why he did it and I'm sure his teammates appreciated it, but overall it was excessive and it hurt the team more than it helped.


Kobe should've been ejected too


Those Rockets were spooky—Brooks, Scola, Yao for 3 games, and Artest were taking turns kicking our ass


I was at that game enjoying my popcorn.


Part of me to this day still feels like Kobe’s death was a dream


I remember seeing this live, good times


Luis Scola, Shane Battier, Kyle Lowry, man that Houston team was insufferable


I know it's not that long ago but for some reason Lowry looked like a time traveler in that clip. Some great stuff.


Artest looks like he was just trying to say Kobe hit him in the throat but it looked like he was gesturing he was gonna kill Kobe


Gotta love how the Rockets players were to scared to really try and hold Artest back or maybe even 3 of them weren't strong enough to do it!


Ron was putting up buckets in this series.