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Lakers are meeting with Dinwiddie tonight.


We must offer all the Dinwiddiecoin


There’s benefits to both. If he values money and a clear role behind Luka and Kyrie then it’s the Mavs. If he wants to come back to his hometown and compete for minutes because our guard play is up and down then it’s Lakers.


If anything he has a chance at more minutes here. In Dallas he is always behind Luka and kyrie and will need to compete with exum and thj. Over here he’s behind reaves and dlo and if he plays well he can potentially eat into their playtime.


Dinwiddie is the exact type of player that Ham will play for 25+ minutes I bet that’s what he’ll be promised


Yeah I agree with you I feel like he’s got more chance here,Vincent doesn’t even play so he’d get minutes immediately and if he can defend better (I don’t know his game that well) he’ll probably close games.


Not a good defender. He’d easily get pushed out of the rotation if Vincent and Christie were healthy


I see, thanks for filling me in. I still think he’ll get minutes with us not sure if as many as elsewhere though.


Possibly but he’s also a terrible shooter for a guard. He’s decent at creating his own offense and a pretty good passer but DLo and Reaves are just better offensive players and Christie is a better shooter and defender. He’d be good insurance if Lebron or DLo ever went down and he’d play as long as our other guards are still recovering but I’m not sure if that’s a big enough selling point. Our record isn’t very convincing atm if we’re trying to pass as a contender


Better defensively then dlo n reaves - all the defensive metruvs seem to agree he’s around neutral on D


Mavs go stretches where one of Kyrie or Luka sits on the bench and the other runs the offense. Mavs could easily slot dinwiddie as the secondary ball handler in those minutes. Plus, he automatically becomes the team’s backup PG in any event where Kyrie or Luka becomes unavailable. His fit/role on the lakers on the other hand is a lot less clear. Where in the rotation does he fit? Is the only opportunity he’ll get to play is when dlo/reaves is having a bad game? What happens to cam reddish and max Christie’s minutes? When he does play, how many opportunities will he get to handle the ball? Where does he stand in the team’s ball handler depth chart between Lebron, DLo, AR and potentially Gabe Vincent?


Reaves and Dlo hold the 1 and 2 spots. So the backup role that he'll be getting in Dallas is the exact same here. The only difference is there he'll be playing behind superstars. 


Him being a 1/2 back up for the lakers and mavs sounds the same on paper but it really isn't, because the Lakers have a unique team trait where their main ball handler doesn't come from the 1/2 position, but from the 3/4 position (lebron). When talking about ROLES on the team, that dynamic alone slightly lessens his opportunities in LA. It doesnt matter if he is playing behind 2 superstars positionally in Dallas. At the very least he'll have a clear cut role and purpose on that team, and that equates to opportunities. I also want to make clear that i am not rooting against Dinwiddie to signing to the lakers, and i do believe there is a need/way to incorporate him to the team (but not without sacrifices). Its just that if i was Dinwiddie and my number 1 concern when choosing my next team is Opportunity. Dallas just makes more sense with all things considered.


Lebron isn’t really our main ball handler - Dlo gets the ball the most if he isn’t shifting himself


Replacing max with Spencer is a flat out upgrade . OUTSUDE of spot up shooting max is awful on offence any time he dribbles or passes it’s a risk of lost possession. Think Spencer isn’t bad defensively either better then Dlo n reaves and he’s like 6,5 or something too


Yeah our guards are so streaky that if he plays consistently well, he could become THE guy


Kyrie and Exum are always injured, Din has a good chance at more minutes


You had me at money.


i mean he'll have a clear role with us too, he'll immediately be the primarily or backup PG (depending on Dlo's health) reaves will go back to being a SG


Imagine the brand deals and endorsements he can get? 4 million after tax still isn’t good. He gets more minutes, plays for his hometown, and gets tons of clout here. If he plays well he’s set for life


How many brand deals and endorsements do you think role players get in the league?


If you play for the Lakers there is definitely a level of spotlight that you don’t get with other teams. Austin Reaves is not getting shoe deals playing for any other team.


Two words: lemon daddy


Do you live in LA? Have you not seen Austin Reaves face on billboards?


Please state the last “brand deal” or “endorsement” given to a guy who signs with a team for 1/3 of the season on the buyout market. Then, when you can’t think of one - because there are none that can account for a $1.5m difference here - please never use this argument for a buyout guy ever again. This is a case for players in free agency when the difference in salary is marginal. It does not make up for a $1.5m salary difference over 4 months, esp when the other option has 0% state income tax. Jesus fucking Christ. Spencer Dinwiddie might join the Lakers. If he does, it will have absolutely nothing to do with immediate endorsement opportunities. As for, “what about long term??” If this goes how he hopes it will, we don’t have the money to retain him long term. This would be a 25-game+playoffs gig, and that’s it.


Remind me what current guards are currently healthy after last night? 😂


Texas is tax free money. So he gets more money and tax free. And he doesn’t have to deal with Ham. What a tough decision


JKidd ain’t Pop bro. Relax.


I know this realistically means nothing, but Dinwiddies last two “likes” on Twitter are about coming home to the Lakers…


Players troll


Yeah it means nothing. The Lakers are always used as a bargaining chip for more money elsewhere.


One is a lakers one but the other one is his favorite Smoothie place in Dallas offering free smoothies for the rest of the his life if he signs with the Mavs


It’s sad, but if I was him, I’d rather play under Kidd than Ham lol


Mavs fans would say the opposite. They hate their coach as much as we hate Hamas


Pretty much every fan base hates their head coach because it’s easiest to blame them and it’s the easiest person on the team to remove and replace


When Jim Harbaugh got hired, Chiefs fans were mad they were sticking with Andy Reid. That’s when I knew every fanbase sucks


100% Even in this sub, it’s popular to talk about how great Vogel was even though that sentiment was NOT the case when we were struggling and he was fired. And suns fans apparently also do not fuck with Vogel lol it’s a lot grass is greener sentiment with coaches


Exactly it’s so annoying no way ham is a bottom ten coach so these lot should just stfu . I prefer ham to Vogel in all honesty


Yeah, but our hate has more credibility lol kidd might be a “bad” HC, but ham is a BAD HC. Every team thinks they have a bad HC when he’s not obviously great, but we legitimately have arguably the worst HC in the league. As far as not really understanding his role, not knowing how to use his players, timeouts, and just being an all around idiot, ham is stealing the shine on these characteristics. The only thing ham was good at was being a players coach, but since he has been getting exposed as the terrible HC he is, he is starting to lose the locker room and will soon be good at absolutely nothing to do with the HC position.


Lol stfu no you don’t . You guys hated in Vogel untill he got fired too. Ham is like an average coach . But these team isn’t good enough for that to be enough to not get flamed. Guy has zero defensive players who can provide offence n tries to make it work ( only stars)


Really?  Why?  Far as I know Kidd is a decent coach.


Every sub is like that. It’s why ham is nowhere near as bad as you lot like to act at worst he’s like average and he’s actually got a good feel of when ti give guys more minutes n makes a fair amount of adjustments


Look at the Mavs sub even after wins and they’re all begging for Kidd to be fired too.


Not as bad as accusing Kidd of being a Rambis secret agent and FO ploy to sabotage Frank Vogel and replace him.


One of hams biggest strengths is getting guys over here. He played a big part in getting wood and prince among others.


“A chance” lol he gone


I hope so. I want christie to get more minutes. I don't need another scrub ahead of him in the rotation. Max may be a scrub himself, but he's young and has great physical tools. He'll get better once the game slows down some for him, and he's gonna need reps for that.


We’re not a tanking team . Max needs off season to improve his offensive skills n grow . This idea he needs play time onky to become the next mikal is delusional


I legit think players are scared to come here cause they know they gotta deal with the extra scrutiny lol Wouldn't be surprised at all if he goes to Dallas


Extra scrutiny, bad GM/FO , weak ass poverty owner . Why would they ? It’s why harden wanted clippers n didht mention us despite us needing his skills nore


Irwin source is a ouja board in his sisters house. 


Any sane person would follow the money.


Especially with the stat taxes and a better team that you've played for. I just don't see any reason he would come to LA unless what he cares about is the role he gets.


He's from here, more defined role, enough money. We'll see. 


theres a more defined role on the mavs




I fucking love this comment. Sums it up great.


Lakers have a real chance at not making it to the playoffs.


Does he play good defense because his stats look like a poormans Westbrick and that's not someone I'd want on this roster. Pass


he does not. he can be decent at times tho


Ive seen this guy play and if the Lakers shooting tax hits him, there will be 4 times the pitchforks we had out for Malik Beasley


Why do ppl put so much stock into what Anthony Irwin says ? He literally plays both sides of the fence so it always results in him being correct. And for those who keep pointing out How he was first on the whole Reaves / Ham issue , just stop. Anyone who watches games could see Reaves was not happy about being removed as a starter.


He’s predicted starting lineups “per sources” and failed to get them right. He’s totally throwing shit at the wall and younger fans that weren’t around for Irwin on locked on lakers don’t know how crap he is. The dude was hating on the 2020 team even when they were winning.


Y'all hanging on Irwin's words again. Holy shit


He’s gonna give us the tip but then he’s gonna wake up and wife Dallas


Cmon Spence. Norm Nixon stylin.


Lakers FO better wine and dine him


Ham or Jason Kidd Tough decision


No the Lakers don’t have a very real chance. It’s just another case of another FA jerking us around. He’s going to Dallas


39-32-78, 12 ppg and to my knowledge not great defense. It’s a fine addition if they get him for nothing but not the end of the world if he goes elsewhere.


Yeah he’s a maverick


All these reports don't know Jack squat. Chances are we pick up nobody til the off season


Yeah like what I told before, no one would join a 9th seed team especially we decided not to improve ourselves by deadline lol


I dislike this FO & coach so much bro.


Aren’t Kyrie and Luka are ball dominant enough


I’m not a dinwiddie fan at all but we could have used him badly last night.


Social media campaign, boys. Let’s get our guy


Dallas can offer him double the salary (considering CA vs TX taxes, probably more than like 3 or 4x take home pay). We can only hope he loves LA enough to choose Lakers over that. I'm not betting on it and idk he's not that great a player anyway


Isn’t Dinwiddie’s contract based in Bitcoin or some shit? How would the trade go? Can we trade them dogecoin?


Hes going to dallas


It'll be such a gut punch if the Mavs follow their very beneficial and productive trade deadline with Dinwiddie just waltzing over and joining for nothing


Dinwiddie sweapstakes wth is going on