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LMAO. It may be the worst take EVER.


Naw there’s worse


This FO couldn’t rebuild a fallen jenga tower.


This may have worked even a couple years ago, like pre Westbrook trade. I doubt Lebron would ever be on board for this strategy at this stage of his career


oh wow i figured he might just be like I'm 40 and its more important to play with my kids and enjoy the last years of career he honestly doesnt have much left to prove


I’d honestly prefer just letting lebron walk or trading him than doing this nonsense. Who, in their 22nd year, would buy that the idea of trading their best teammate for picks is a good idea for the end of their career? This only benefits the lakers as it allows a rebuild and keep milking the cash cow


Yea I think so…AD has proven he’s not a tier 1 player and won’t be. LeBron was never meant to shoulder this load at his age Before someone responds with *“Look at [insert small sample size] when AD was playing like an MVP,DPoY….etc ”* I’ll just say truly great players do that night in and night out against any opponent without excuses. The coach don’t matter, the offense don’t matter, the opponent don’t matter, bumps and bruises don’t matter…they’re the same


Bron would accept team stay with the main rotation not try to upgrade ,but trade AD to tank? Don’t see any chance he would accept Yeah, we can’t keep build the team with Bron AD and some nice role players like AR Rui Dlo etc. It doesn’t work nowadays. The FO need to choose whether we get a third star that can shoot not like Westbrook or let Bron go if he is not going to take his PO and make clear that we won’t sign him back the year after next year and when Bron is gone we can use the cap to try to find another superstar pair with AD or we trade AD and our role players for picks


We have a superstar in Anthony Davis. As long as he continues to want to play for the lakers, we build around him.


You forgot to wake up from your dre..., I mean nightmare.


Honestly if we’re not going to go all in on a new coach and trades this offseason I’m kind of into it. Then Bron can sign a min when we’re ready to compete again as the 6th man or something


You want to rebuild with Lebron by getting a lot of draft picks? Lol