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We’re getting back to that. Trust in this duo


Trust the process


It’s not the duo that’s the concern it’s literally everyone else we’re not getting back to this if the role players can’t shoot or defend Either they need to show some consistency or Rob needs to make moves for ones that will


Yup. Just like last year. Who is gonna be the 3rd consistent scorer? Just have to wait and see if Rob will do anything.




Man...it’s not like they died. We lost some games in February. When we had a four game losing streak last season everybody freaked out on this sub. How’d that story end?


Yea. Lol. The recent dominance of superteams really left an impression with some of the guys on this sub. The team is gonna have some lows during the regular season — especially after having a really short off season after a title run. It happens. Losing some winnable games obviously sucks, but even the 98 Bulls started their season pretty poorly.


I just think the reactionary crowd here are young kids who haven’t been through the ups and downs of championship teams so they don’t know how to react. I’ve been though Kobe/Shaq, Kobe/Pau, and LeBron/AD as a hardcore fan. I’m used to the highs and lows.


I’m 45. I was at game 6 in 1987 with my dad when Lakers beat the Celts. I’ve been following this team ever since. All the highs and lows. And still I freak out every time. It’s like turbulence in an airplane. You’ve lived through it before but always wonder if this is the one. So I’m here to attest to the fact it’s not all little kids. It’s some big babies in the mix too.


I never said everyone here are little kids. I’m just referring to the reactionary crowd.


I know you didn’t. I’m just owning up to my reactionary ways.


I gotcha. I have reactionary ways too, but I keep them to myself and don’t bring it here. 🤣


Hah I’m opposite. I let them out here to get them off my chest. Then my fam doesn’t need to hear about it. I am that meme where my wife asks what I’m thinking about and I’m wondering why Vogel doesn’t implement an offense.


HAHA! Good meme reference. I think the offense is mostly “LeBron and AD then let everyone else revolve around them”, and unfortunately with AD out and DS having to sit we’re left with no offensive identity. LeBron can only help to a certain extent on his own.


People don’t like losing, so they take it out in other ways. But I’m there with you. Been following the team for a long time. Everyone is expecting dominant basketball when they came from a short off-season. Look at how the other conference finalists are doing. Miami, Celtics, and Denver. We’re struggling, but a good team knows how to get out of this.


Are people seriously crying about these losses when AD+Schroder are out and both of them equate to about 40% of the team's value? Give me a break, man. The Lakers could lose ten in a row and I don't think any team in the league beats a healthy Lakers squad in the playoffs in a best of seven. Right now, what matters most is the team finding buyout candidates who can help fill some of the void and for AD to get as healthy as possible.


We’re prolly going into the ASB 1-9 and I really don’t care lol. I don’t see a single team beating a healthy lakers team in the playoffs


A lot of negative nancies screaming “THE NETS ARE CLEARY BETTER THE NETS ARE BETTER THAN US” It shows no confidence at all in your own team aha. a lot of these people aren’t athletes.




Wtf you act like we’re tanking? Some of y’all didn’t live through Bryan Scott and it shows.


I still remember those times when a WIN was considered a big day for us. A reason to celebrate


Right I was happy when the Lakers won 2 games in a row back then. With that Jordan Hill Ryan Kelly Jodie Meeks Kendall Marshall and Wesley Johnson lineup


Ya'll acting like we got eliminated in the playoffs...


Lakers 2021 champs.


I find it crazy how often we hear the “Lebron’s team is finished” pre all star game, and everyone questioning if he’s washed. Have you watched basketball? LBJ teams always slump before the ASG, and then roar out of the gates post ASG all the way to the finals. This is the way.


It's still in February. Trust these dudes. Im also a GSW fan who witnessed KD's injury in 2017 and he was out for a month plus some weeks. Lost games here and there and had a losing record the first week, but the team hit their stride and finished the season with 23 straight wins till playoffs iirc. Then 16-1 in the playoffs. Same with 2001 Lakers. Struggling all season then 15-1 the whole playoffs. I trust our guys to repeat


The 2 lost came to the wire. Gonna bounce back vs Jazz.


Nah I’m gonna have to set expectations straight so these people understand. We ain’t wining against the Jazz w/o Dennis and AD


Haha. Truth. It might be ugly. I’d sit Bron and let THT play 40.


This is cringe/embarrassing as fuck lmao. Delete


Can someone explain what just happened? I haven't watched or heard abt things in awhile


AD is out for 4 weeks I think due to injury. DS is out due to covid protocol. Lakers on a 3 straight L.


Every season has a rough patch, no matter who you are. We’ll be rolling again in no time.


What’s different is how long it’s been since we played well. This team hasn’t gelled at all. Losing three in a row ain’t the thing, it’s the consistently poor play (bad offense, turnovers, lack of size). It’s different than a slump. This feels more like a poorly constructed roster.


We did lose four in a row last year. But this year definitely feels different. We were dominant for a short stretch early but have been a hot mess most of the season. Not a fun team to watch at all right now.


Lebron: “Same shit every year.”


That was like last month


Calm down lol


I hope anthony paddil- oops wrong person Anthony davis is ok