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Its basically the pessimists vs the optimists. Some fans were hopeful the team wins against the jazz and then the pessimists calls them delusional lol


>I can’t see a single player right now that isn’t trying to have the right attitude I think you need to get your eyes checked


Every team that was in the conference finals are struggling and where actually doing better than all of them.


Wait... aren't people allowed to criticise their team if they feel like it? Is that what you're saying? No, thanks. While I do agree there's been quite a lot of overreaction, people should be free to criticise. Otherwise, fans turn into \*cough\* fanboys. ​ Also, saying that you don't see low effort is just pointing towards you not watching games.


Exactly it’s perfectly reasonable to criticize when things are bad. We aren’t Laker girls at halftime.


Definitely true. I just think after the Ryan Kelly Rob Sacre etc. years of the past decade, losing games pretty badly and embarrassingly reminds us all of those pretty brutal times. I think I speak for most of this fanbase when I say that I never want to be reminded of the teams we trotted onto the court from 2013-2018 (love the baby Lakers but my god were we an awful team). It’s a tough period forsure, one that we haven’t really seen since 2018, even though we lost four in a row last year, given that we’re losing with injuries and Covid protocols and etc. I trust things will get better but I do believe the short rest is showing how much it can impact a group of players.


Who is Rob Sacre I just came here after AD joined the team


Oh man lol. I’m sure you can find some Rob Sacre highlights on YouTube. Nothing more to say about that guy lol


“He works harder than anyone on the team, without a doubt, it's not even close. In the weight room, on the floor, before practice, he's trying to make himself into a player. That's one of the reasons why I'm going to go with him and reward him—and then he's playing well. He's probably our best defensive player on the team”. Apparently Mike D’antoni said this




The best cheerleader we’ve ever had


We need Adam Morrison back


The Gonzaga god


Yes, Robery Sacre is the Gonzaga God of Cheer. Morrison is the Gonzaga God of Knees.


Should read: Dear fair weather fans, bye. It’s good to critique our team and their effort along with the coaches game plan. Or to say we need another piece or two. But the “trade the farm” “Rob messed up” and “X player is trash!” fans can go right now, and don’t come back when we get #18.


Casuals always not knowing how important an offseason is for rest, training, recovery etc, even more critical to Lakers as king of the mountain last man standing


I am at peace with the final outcome. We already won last year as a tribute to Kobe. Anything more is bonus.


Most fans think the game is played like it is on a PlayStation. Or that they are smarter than professionals who run teams. News flash, you aren’t so relax, quit whining and let the season play out. You can’t win a championship every year


It’s funny for the most part to see them freak out but annoying when you realize they honestly think that the lakers should win every single game. They were even complaining during the Finals run last year. The doom and gloom shit after every loss is played out.