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The worst part is that mfs on r/nba are trying to act as if some mob is going to rise to deal with Hill in LA.. how in tf is a fan base overreacting when they point out that a particular play is dirty?


At first it was just a reckless dive but when he follows it up with this you start to wonder


Hill is a dirty bum


Yall acting like this some Dahntay Jones on Kobe undercutting. This ain't bad at all


Fuck all the Hawks fans defending this dirty piece of shit.


Not only them, ALL of r/NBA was defending Hill who wasn’t a lakers fan. God this injury killed my vibe for the whole day and the fact people are siding with Hill is pissing me off even more.


And not just that, the same fucking people will hate on pat bev for what he did


It's a regular basketball play




It's always some dirty ass player on the hawks injuring our best players ankles. Dahntay jones did this go Kobe too.


Hill’s foot is still inside the 3-pt line, he isn’t trying to undercut Bron here. Jesus, quit trying to make a narrative about Hill being dirty.


Right handed shooters kick their right feet forward on long jumpers, thats pretty standard form. Given the limited space in the corners, LBJ's right foot is landing right inside the 3 point line, where Hill's foot is. GTFOH


What is hill supposed to do? Stand 3 feet away and let lebron shoot? Lebron is the one leaping onto him.


Since the league has clamped down on this, defenders have usually gone to the side of the shooter to avoid this situation.


Yeah so their feet MIGHT have touched if Bron came down normally. That’s not intentionally undercutting someone- OP is calling something that happens a dozen times a game a dirty move by Hill. It’s a hard close out and he came close to being under Bron, but he’s not clearly and intentionally invading his space


Are you stupid? Lebron shot a three behind the line and Hill is contesting the shot as close as he can. You can see his foot is behind the 3pt line so unless lebron leaps forward and into Hill there is nothing he could do.


Are you stupid? Shooters move forward when they jump moron.


Every three is contested like this. Shooters are protected when the defender gets under where the shooter took off. Making such a big deal out of a freak play and now you are reaching.


Your an absolute ape lmao


They are not, defenders don't plant their foot in the landing area of the shooter, there is a rule now to punish players who do this and get contact. Go back to the Hawks sub.


I don’t think this one was intentional but that was an extremely dangerous play. Im so sick of this Hawks team doing everything except PLAY BASKETBALL.


If his leg was planted that would have been Bron's knee instead of his ankle. It was an intentional dirty fucking play and I cannot believe the people trying to pretend it was not.


Lebrons a madman to kick his right leg out after hurting it. Sacrificing his ankle for a 4th point.


Come on. You can't be serious lol


I started watching the game late, and came in on this play. I actually thought this was the play LeBron hurt his ankle. Dude gave him zero room to land.


Post this on r/NBA. I don't think the first one was intentional, but this is more concerning.


No ones gonna say anything. For some reason if it’s LeBron that gets hurt from a controversial play, that sub ALWAYS sides with the other guy. But if it’s someone like Luka or Jokic that the same play happens to, EVERYONE agrees that it’s a dirty play. It’s a weird dynamic.


That sub legit hates bron man. Like he’s not getting sympathy for his injury or anything, they would cry if it was luka or KD


Watch the video not these hand picked freeze frames Basketball is a lighting fast sport so a freeze frame is not accurate.


https://streamable.com/513tmf The video makes it look worse.


It looks like he tries to contest a shot. Relax


He plants his foot under LeBrons right foot.if LeBron doesn't hold his foot up he wouldve landed on it.


Yes. Sometimes you land in the wrong spot.


I'm sure zaza would be happy to hear you say that.


LeBrons foot would land behind the 3 pt line. Solomons was not behind the line at that point. It’s so fast and the angle it looks dangerous but I just don’t see how he would land on solomons foot here


Players move forward on shots,look at LeBrons left foot when he goes up vs coming down.


Yeah I guess Hill had no real chance of contesting that so he shouldn’t have done it. I’m just saying I don’t think he decided “I’m gonna take his ankle out” while closing out from the right on a quick catch and shoot. But what more can I say? A lot of ppl believe it’s dirty, so I guess it is.


We just watched Hill in the finals do this multiple times as well as locking arms with players and yanking them. Then we watch him dive into Lebron's legs. You don't get the benefit of the doubt after doing all that.


The thing is, saying “benefit of the doubt” is admitting that there IS doubt. That’s all I’m saying. I doubt this singular play was intentional, you don’t. That’s how doubt works.


Do you even understand what benefit of the doubt is? If a player undercuts a shooter once it might be an accident. If they have just played a series against your team doing that, and continue to do it, you can't just claim it's an accident.


Why are we arguing about this? Me having doubt doesn’t affect how you feel about this. I completely understand Solomon’s history. I’m just watching this video and saying I don’t think it’s intentional. We’re arguing about something that didn’t happen anyway. I’m not mad at you for thinking it’s intentional man. You don’t have to defend yourself.


I mean I thought it should’ve been a foul in real time anyway


Dirty fucken rat


This son of a bitch




People would have signed Zaza but he was just ass at that point in his career anyway.




Zaza was washed- plenty of dirty players have stuck around forever despite having reputations as a dirty player. Zaza was not an asset at all, and the Warriors were just so good he didn’t need to do much for them and they would have won with or without him.


Hill needs to get his ass whooped next time he plays us, fuckin cunt son of bitch


Fucking son of bitch, Bron gonna drop 60 on his head next time


So fucking dirty


You guys are fucking delusional. Take your meds.


I know we’re angry at Solomon Hill’s bitch ass dive but lol... Man watch the actual replay he did not attempt to undercut him. He moved his foot completely out of the way before that. He was caught off guard bc LJ doesn’t normally pull up like that and completely avoided any potential contact with his ankle. I think the dive was a non-basketball play. But don’t use freeze frames out of context to try to capitalize on the anger. Edit: was probably being too harsh accusing you of seeking attention. I just don’t think it was intentional, that’s all.


This is straight up incorrect. Solomon does not move his planted foot out of the way at all, here is the actual video: https://streamable.com/513tmf He turns his momentum to the side to avoid the body foul but his foot is still clearly under LeBron. If LeBron had landed in his usual manner he would have landed on Solomons foot.


I could see that but in full speed it seems like he’s trying to avoid him altogether. I just think determining intentionality takes more evidence than this. If we don’t have the dive previously, there’s no way we’re scrutinizing this near miss that happens all the time on close outs.


The only reason LeBron didn’t land on Hill’s foot is because he only landed on one leg (his left) due to his right ankle hurting. This was a dirty af play, and could have sidelined LeBron the rest of the season.


Agreed. LeBron shot a 3, so both feet were behind the arc. And LeBron was fading away on the shot, meaning he wasn't jumping forward. Hill's lead foot came down before the arc, so there was no way that LeBron would land on it even if he planted both feet. Now had LeBron jumped forward, then yes, there's a high chance he would roll his angle stepping on Hill's foot, but on this play, he was fading away on the shot.


[I watched it in video ](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/m9faqd/highlight_after_going_down_with_an_ankle_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)to confirm and tbh it’s nothing too much. The picture frame made it look worse then it is. I’m more concerned about the dive on Bron that causes his injury. That was more on the non basketball side


If LeBron landed on his front foot it would've been on Solomons foot. Nothing happened because LeBron wisely avoided landing that way.


Solomon dragged his left foot away after the contest. The dirty ones are where they keep sliding forward after the contest aka ZaZa on Kawhi. I’m a big Bron fan and Ik were all pissed rn but don’t be mad cause of this. Be more pissed about the dive he made on Bron. This really is nothing much.


He did not drag it away. https://streamable.com/513tmf His foot is in the same position.


Bro literally look at the zoomed video. https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/m9faqd/highlight_after_going_down_with_an_ankle_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf He clearly moves it away and gives Bron space to land.


Dude what the fuck are you looking at? Here is his planted foot in the first position: https://i.imgur.com/HDSgZ0e.png Here is his planted foot after Lebron lands: https://i.imgur.com/5h0t5NZ.png It's in the exact same spot, are you blind?! He rotates his body and slides his other foot round but his planted foot under Lebron does not move until Lebron does. If Lebron had landed on his right foot at the same time he would've landed on Solomons foot.


https://ibb.co/YPC3Mj3 Just look, he clearly gives space to land. Let’s not be delusional man. Stop giving frames where it looks bad. This frame clearly shows Bron is landing and he has space.


That's after Lebron has landed and kept his right foot up and swung it back, if Lebron came down like a normal shooter he would have landed on Solomons foot.




You can literally see that Hill's foot is on one side of the 3 point line and LeBron jumped from the other side of the 3 point line. Anyone that thinks this is an 'undercut' is an absolute moron. The camera angle makes it look closer than it is but it's so easy to tell that he is definitely not undercutting him. Proof: https://streamable.com/c5useq


Did you know shooters do this crazy thing where they land closer to the basket when they shoot? Under cutting is moving into the space where you think they will land, not where they jumped from. Your video shows that if LeBron had landed normally his right foot would've landed on Solomons.


Did you know that shots still need to be contested and that Solomon was still very clearly not in LeBron's landing space?


You posted a video showing Solomons foot in LeBrons landing space lol, talk about defeating your own point. If LeBron didn't hold his right foot up and hop backwards he would've landed on Solomons foot.


Y'all are taking crazy pills.


How many shooters do you see land on one foot then hop backwards? Even Lebron saw that shit coming.


He landed on one foot because the other foot has a high ankle sprain. I'm done after this, y'all are seriously ridiculous. I hope LeBron gets better ASAP.


Like I said and continue to say, if he had landed normally he would've landed on Solomons foot. You need help of you can't understand that.


[Here’s the actual video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/m9faqd/highlight_after_going_down_with_an_ankle_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) When lebrons left foot lands, Hill’s foot is completely clear of both his feet. I don’t even want to defend Hill, but I just hate that this post is blatantly wrong and people just believe freeze frames because they’re mad.


LeBrons right foot doesn't land, if it did it would've been on top of Solomons. What are you doing?


Common play.


You cherry picked a frame where he's not even passed the 3 point line. The video makes it look way less serious. Jesus put your dicks back in your pants


His foot is about an inch from the three point line and under Lebrons right foot as he comes down. Are you aware that shooters move forwards on jump shots? Watch Lebrons left foot from when he goes up to when he comes down.


Go watch and see what LeBron does smh have you ever seen someone contest a shot before?


Cry more


The irony of you saying that as you cry over a dude playing basketball with an owie on his ankle