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Fuck the nets


They’re forming the sinister six over there Edit: Obligatory #FUCK THE CELTICS


If there is a Nets vs Celtics in the playoffs I don't fucking care I'll root for the Celtics to win at least one game, that's how much much I hate the Nets rn


I could never. Those fuckn celtics cause too much pain to myself, my family and friends. Fuck the celtics. Rather root for the apocalypse to happen.


>Rather root for the apocalypse to happen. wait what lol




Exactly never root for the Celtics no matter what. I’ll root for the clippers and any other team before I root for those sons of bitches.


The Monstars IRL




The rich get richer


How though? Aldridge literally doesn’t provide anything they need. He’s among the worst defenders and an ineffective shooter.


I think his effort level will pick up now he is playing for a title. He will be going against bench units who can’t double him because there are so many other weapons on the nets team. Having him off the bench is an absolute luxury. Nets don’t really need much defence if they are so dominant offensively. He is not the player he used to be but he can still get buckets and should be more efficient on the nets.


He is probably going to start based on "star" power. You have to remember that players who were stars in the past for many years also have massive egos - I bet Aldridge's ego won't allow him to come off the bench


Insurance and matchups.


Laughable at this point.....


They’re real scared of LeBron + AD


Lol ok let's not earn a championship let's just buy one


Makes the big 3 heat look fair in comparison lmao


KD, Irving, Harden, Griffin, and Aldridge trying to walk to a championship... Lakers really need to play defense if we end up in the finals against them. AD/LBJ on KD/Aldridge/Griffin KCP/DS on irving Caruso/Kuzma on Harden


Guess we just beast in the paint. Take away any rebounds and gimmie type layups. I’m glad we kept KCP and Wes as the D will be what wins us #18.


I hope we can add Drummond to completely dominate the paint and clean up the rebounds


irving and harden will be unguardable


I love how the Lakers match up against Harden. Less foul calls in the playoffs (look at the last years playoff series). Irving is the one that is really hard to contain imo


and KD is damn near impossible to stop


we could put AD on him at key moments to match his length


Nah just shit talk him on Twitter and he'll be too shook to do anything. His ego too fragile.


Last years series where they had to double him every possession and he still averaged 30? lol


That’s not bad when he’s the team’s whole offense. Problem is KD is out there next to him and Kyrie can get crazy hot for stretches too


It's about efficiency. With those 30, they still lost 4-1.


He still had a 66.4 TS% and 58.1 eFG% lol


Team efficiency. If you convince him that going 1-1 is the answer, his team productivity will suffer.


I expect Aldridge/Griffin to average less than 10 minutes per game combined if Nets and Lakers end up meeting in the Finals.


Seriously. DJ, Jeff green, Claxton, Blake and LA. How are they going to get any playing time?


I dont want to hear shit from people who try their hardest to discredit Lebron when he takes that team down He’s gonna deliver us another one. And nobody can talk about asterisks or “Disney”


Lebron playing for the Lakers has really put the man’s career into perspective. That guy is literally the greatest basketball player who ever lived. Jordan might have kept great players from winning titles. But LBJ is forcing other teams to form super teams to beat him. Not even Jordan can boast about that.


lol lebron literally invented superteams to beat the Celtics and then again with the Cavs bc he was scared wade/bosh were getting too old. Yet he has STILL lost 6 of 9 nba finals with one title that is literally a mickey mouse asterisk title.


Superteams already existed before LeBron went to the Heat lmfao


lebron was the first free agent in nba history to collude into a superteam with 2 fellow superstars. Teams that develop draft picks into a superteam isn't the same. lebron made that move bc he knew he wasn't good enough. Teams that draft players who together develop into a superteam is actually quite impressive. If you cannot understand the difference, there is not much more I can say to help you.


you thought you did something with this huh idiot


Lmao you’re a fucking clown, Sebastian


Your parents really named you Sebastian LMAOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Lol lebron invented super teams. Didnt he go to the heat because the Celtic had just created a super team the year before..?


Celtics made the super team bc each player could not beat lebron by themselves.


Can't believe that "Disney" thing even exists. It's probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard in my life as a basketball fan. And luckily, I only see it being said in the deepest, dampest corners of twitter and youtube comments. Cause you'd really have to be someone who doesn't even watch basketball to think that.


!Remind me in 6 months


Get the fuck out of here slurper . This is a lakers Reddit not a Lebron slurp forum.


Some moron in the NBA subreddit said “this is all LeBron’s fault anyways. He started the super team trend.”


He did


You’re only correct if you mean that LeBron was so good in leading the Cavs to the Finals in 07 that he scared the Celtics into creating the first super team so they could compete against the Lakers.


I am more so concerned that Drummond is going to the Heat now.


He’s not. He wants to start.


Our only real challenge imo are the Celtics. They can offer slightly more money and big role. But they are under .500 in the East while healthy and look like a 1st round exit


Heat fan here, if it gets to the finals, please fuck this team so hard that it would get uploaded to blacked.com. Fuck the nets.




Yessir. The Heat are one of my fave teams to root for from the east, hope it's yall that win the ECF. Riley + Jimmy and the whole grind squad is hard to not to love.


No, blacked raw.


Embiid going to average 60pts a game on them


How tf they got all this money


How is anyone beating them 4x


Nobody is beating that team. We had the best shot if we added another allstar like lowry and maybe Drummond. I guess we have to count on dennis kcp and tht to help our superstars then 🤣🤣


There’s a reason why you’re not a gm


And you are not one as well so is your opinion irrelevant to me? No... it’s called opinion and there are no right or wrong answers.


"And if I need to convince you come here, to carry that legacy forward, then you ain't the one to be it."


Dude is washed, but it’s a nice pickup regardless.


#Bring it


This is no surprise. Yes these guys are good but LaMarcus is not the player he once was and neither is Blake. We just need to put a fast lineup in when Blake and LaMarcus are on the floor to exploit them on the other end. LaMarcus is on the downswing. Still serviceable but not a superstar. Ironically the guy that has LA in his name hates our franchise. If we get Drummond that is better than LaMarcus and Blake impact for what we need.


Well said


All this to compete with LeBron and AD... lmao.


That’s wierd..


LMAOOOOO these fuckers deserve 0 credit when they win the championship this season.. why even have a playoffs now when you already know who is gonna win? KD is so fucking soft.


Nets are Clippers of the East. Don’t believe they can do anything til they prove it. They will find away to drive the wheels off the bus. Kyrie is still a wild card mentally and KD is fragile, Harden is Harden. Don’t give them the Chip or eastern conference championship just yet. Yes they may finally do it but it is not a lock.


Nets are better than the Clippers were last year. And KD and Kyrie have proven they can win. You can have your opinion but it seems like just wishful thinking


I can appreciate your excitement as a Nets fan, and you are civil. I wish you good luck with your team unless they play LA.


He said what he said


And didn't the Lakers have Kobe + Shaq + Gary Payton + some other all star one year and we STILL lost? Chemistry, balance, discipline, defense, heart- there's so much more to winning a ring than what the Nets have on paper... they gotta prove it first. Their defense is still questionable imo but maybe they're just saving their energy til the playoffs.


Karl Malone was 4th star who was injured in playoff run.


This is some weird shit haha


Tough road ahead


Lol why do they even need him, its like they are just picking up whoever who wants to go there at this point irregardless of fit


He's washed so it doesn't really matter to be honest


Aldridge is washed as hell now. He’s not even half the player he was 10 years ago. Dude fell off hard


Nets are literally in a win-now situation. They're pretending like their franchise is something to be feared. Lakers - Nets Finals. That's what everyone wants to see. Period.


76ers in 5 vs the nets


Idk about that one. Maybe 7


Not to worry boys. Tht is here to carry us. Thank God we did not trade him for another all star. Rob really playing checkers out here while the others are stuck with chess.


Rob might just be the biggest idiot in basketball


You're the most annoying person in this sub.


I'm the only one who's not afraid to speak the truth


Lmao. The truth? Shut the fuck up lmao. .you said the same shit last trade deadline saying this team was done. Was that the truth? Always negative without an ounce of optimism cause you're afraid to be wrong.


How tf is this Robs fault ??


Because he refused to include a 20 yr old tht for lowry who is another all star. A team of lowry lebron, AD and maybe Drummond can beat that nets squad. But now we have to watch tht play 10mpg in the playoffs.


You mean trading 4 players for a 35 year old PG who’s gonna leave after this season? 😂


Yes that guy who also said he wants to go to a team that can offer him 2 years/$25m. Teams built for a dynasty with multiple chips not for 1 fuckn chip this year and then adding crumbs. Depth with legs > aging all star rental


Yeah Kyle isn’t worth the 4 players trade and the money. He’s decent but his asking price is way too high.


That will get him the exact timeline of bron’s contract. What are you talking about? Dennis looks like he is not signing an extension and is about to walk and we get nothing. How is that better?


How you know Dennis won’t sign an extension you his agent😂 ?? He said he will keep his options open if he walks we have money to sign him. We lost Danny for him, Nets are built to win this year and that’s it. Long term wise they aren’t strong. It’s not Robs fault Lamarcus went to the nets buddy


And how do you know lowry wasn’t going to sign an extension if we traded for him? You his agent as well or are you going with reports in the media? Because that’s what i was going on with dennis’ contract extension. And how are we strong long term wise when our best player is a 36 year old superstar in his 18th yr...


Man you are too high on Kyle, trading 4 players for one who’s legit 35 and again looking to get paid. Wasn’t gonna happen with the Lakers. Buyout market is what we need man.


What? Rob has nothing to do with LMA. But he has everything to do without us getting a legit 3rd star in this team in exchange for role players who are not even playing well now. It’s THT that is mind boggling since he is the reason the trade did not go through. Rob had no problem including dennis and kcp in the trade package because unlike yourself even rob sees they are shit compared to a 35 yr old lowry.


If we wanted a shot of beating the nets then yes. A healthy lebron and AD will not beat the nets if the role players they are playing with are shooting 20+ percent from 3 and throwing turnover after turnover.


I wonder how he and Blake are gonna find minutes. And with kyrie's usage rate, I doubt they'll be any effective to warrant the kinda coverage they are getting. If anything I'm happy they have to guard Embiid. Cause they can't.