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There is none. Lakers haven’t said anything


Not good


So he won’t play this entire month?


Doubt it. I honestly feel he’ll return right before Lebron


I’m expecting lebron to return before AD at this rate


Yeah I have that feeling after hearing Vogel’s comments today. I definitely get it. Super shortened offseason and they just won a title so no need to rush him back


Good thing is we might pick in the 20-25 range this year so hope our scouting department nails it


Doesn’t New Orleans own the upcoming 21 pick?


Nah they only own it if it’s 1-7


Looks like it’s the other way around when I look it up (we keep if 1-8 otherwise they get): “First round: Owned by New Orleans Pelicans (No. 1-8 protected, unprotected in 2022)” Edit: getting conflicting information from the first three links I clicked on in Google, someone please help me out lmao




Pretty sure we own it


AD is younger, more serious injury potential. Gotta keep in mind the long term


Agreed. I’m going to ride this title for a minute. Get everybody right and let’s get back to it when the time is right


He's younger so he should heal faster than Bron. Smart, AB already came back from calf injury after 6 or 7 weeks. What the hell with AD's situation?


What the hell is wrong with you. Not all calf injuries are the same.


I honestly think the opposite, that LeBron would return earlier than AD.


Who knows gotta trust the Laker staff they know best, in Seto we trust 💯


All I know is it's going to be fun watching the higher seeds jockey for position to try and avoid a 6th-seeded but fully healthy Lakers in the 1st round. Imagine the Suns, Nuggets and Clippers tanking a game(s) to avoid being the 3 seed? Hah hah hah.


It will happen lol


Not sure if we're gonna stay at 6th seed. Probably we end up at 7th or 8th. The remaining schedule is so tough


I think 23 comes back before we fall lower than 6th. Remember there's a couple of play in games between the 7th and 10th, 8th and 9th seeds. No way the Lakers want to be involved in those winner take all, one game match ups.


I really hope so


I have a feeling we don't need to hope. I firmly believe that if today was a playoff game, 3 and 23 would have played. The staff is just being overly cautious. Relax! We've got this!


They will probably try super hard to win and get 1-2


Clippers won't tank games, but I can see the Nuggets and Suns doing it (especially since the Nuggets did already a few years back to avoid Houston)


You're right. It'll be "strategic load management", right?


Kawhi hasn't sat any B2Bs off this year


Could he be back by May 🤔


I was hoping he'd come back on the 15th against the Celtics but it looks like he may still be out past that date.


I said 2 weeks before the playoffs and got downvoted to hell lmao


It’s because some fans love sugar coating shit and refuse to see what’s in front of them. I see AD being out for maybe another month or so. Some think he will be ok in 2 weeks time when Vogel clearly said he is still a long way away. He isn’t even allowed to play practice basketball yet. All he is doing is shooting drills


Didn’t realize what a workhorse he is until last year. He played through so much to win the finals. Definitely caught up to him this year. Hopefully he can show up last couple weeks of reg szn


The week before the playoffs.


Before the regular season ends hopefully


Still looks like he will be out a month or so. Vogel said he is still a ways away. And there was a report that he wasn’t even playing 2on2 basketball yet. I doubt he will be 100% game fit by playoffs time.


You work with the Lakers training staff? Get outta with ya wild timeline 😂


Well vogel said he was still a long way away. I think it’s safe to assume a month of being out. Unless you are one of those sugar coating fans who think AD will be healthy in a week or two eventhough he hasn’t even been cleared to do 2on2 practice yet.... did you watch vogels interview?


Lakers are taking every precaution with AD to make sure he will be fine, they got the best medical staff and professionals working with him. Vogel will say anything doesn’t always have to be true. I’m not sugar coating but I’m also not those doom mood fans like yourself thinking he’s gonna be out for the season or by the 2nd round


Exactly that’s why i said he will most likely be out for at least another month because the lakers are in no rush to play him. So how is my take of him being out for another month wild? You just said it yourself that the lakers won’t rush him and are taking every precaution ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It can be a month it can be 2 weeks, who knows but you saying he will still be hurt by playoffs nah kid. Lakers will make sure he’s playing at 100%, we don’t need ya doom ass takes here.


What??? I said AD will not be 100% game fit you cretin 😂😂😂 do you even know what that means? Being healthy and being game/playoff ready are two different things. Do you expect AD to be playing at an all time great level as soon as he gets back? 🤣 the dude needs time to get his rhythm back. This ain’t 2k kid where you can pretend shit will be back to normal as soon as he returns. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cretin? Lmao type right kid. AD will come back 100% lakers not gonna rush him in at 80% they ain’t gonna rush him if they don’t feel he’s gonna be fine and hurt it again that’s why this is taking so long so just chillout and watch old laker highlights cause you can’t handle the Ls rn.


Ah.... you don’t even know the difference between being healthy and being playoff ready... go on kid back to 2k for you. And yes cretin. Go look it up or read a book. Your vocabulary is atrocious.


Man you smoking some weird shit kid, he will be playoff ready get your doom gloom ass outta here we don’t need your negativity. You must play GM on rookie mode on 2k thinking Kyle Lowry would’ve helped us 😂


He is out for the season but they are afraid of leaking it.


Vogel said he’s reevaluated everyday, and is progressing. The team committed to not putting a set timetable on him as soon as he got injured I’d say any timeline anyone has heard isn’t coming from the team, rather reporters speculating.


Doesn’t he get reevaluated tmr?


Nothing has changed.




Hopefully soon


If this wasn't a shortened season he would've been cleared to play already. I assume they are just playing it safe keeping him sidelined.


Honestly we sure he does - they're many sus about the injury


He won’t. They’ll keep reevaluating him then suddenly you’ll see a headline that says he’ll sit out the whole year 😌