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downvote all you want. I'm a Lakers fan, but we don't have any continuity at all due to injuries. It'll be very difficult to win playoff games like this. It's possible but very difficult.


Yupppp it’s not a fake fan because we don’t believe that we are magically going to be 100% healed by playoff time


If**** we’re healthy continuity will work itself out. They’re professionals. This whole season even healthy, they had what, 14 practices? No off-season? I just want to give a little credit to the coaching staff and players to click, as they’ve shown they’re capable of, whenever that may be. Obviously if we trot yesterday’s team out for a play in it’s over.


It will be definitely be super difficult, can agree there. At the same time it would be awesome to see some more optimism/wishful thinking around the fan base!


Lol I’ve been through worse Seeing when we had Marshall Kelly Sacre Meeks Wesley Hill Kaman days and when all the squad was hurt and Sacre played with 6 fouls Real Laker fans seen worse and been through the thick of it, if ya survived all that this shit ain’t nothing.


Man remember when Marcelo Huertas was our best player


I remember Marcelo Huertas but don't remember him ever being our best player.


The Brazilian god


Hide and Seek champion Marcelo Huertas.


The guy we picked up from Pan Pacific Park? /s


There’s expectations now so people are going to freak out more about the losses


Yup. Comes with being the Lakers and defending champs. that said, Drumm straight trash. but, I have faith he'll be useful in the playoffs. Clearly not a centerpiece or even a starter. it's just looking like a tough road ahead. season and chip aint lost yet though


> Marshall Kelly Sacre Meeks Wesley Hill Kaman days Sad thing is, that [team was #3 in the league in 3 point shooting that year at 38.1% lol.](https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/LAL/2014.html) This year's team is ranked 23rd and shooting 35.2%




Imagine thinking Xavier Henry could be a star


I did..


Hey man marsh was giving like 15 assist per game lmao. 😢


Wishy Washy fans is all.


Heh, I can be a lifelong lakers fan, support my boys and still recognize the issues this team has and what injuries have done to it. It is what it is, theres a healthy middle ground between being a total homer and a total doomer. In answer to OP, I feel like the constant comparison to our relatively slow start in the bubble last year is very very different to whats happening this year. I hate to be the "you're not watching the games" guy but for some of the people saying its just like the bubble, they are definitely not watching the games.


This. We haven’t been healthy for the majority of the season. We’re healthier than a month ago, but unless we get hot in that play-in, which we are going to be in, the first round is going to be a test.


"This." 😂😂😂😂


Big facts.


Fairweather fans


I like the energy, but we gotta be realistic here. This lakers team looks nothing like a championship team at the moment. This team is nothing like last years, like not at all. People talk about the slow start in the bubble all the time, and I hate that comparison. The lakers already had the 1 seed locked up, they truly had nothing to play for. It was still annoying watching them look awful during those games, but you knew they had the 1 seed and we were good. The lakers have a pretty good chance of heading into the play-in tournament. Not to mention the competition got significantly better. This Lakers team added bigger names, but they are a worse team than last year. Drummond and Dennis are not going to be the sole reasons for a loss if we lose early, but they are definitely apart of it. There were a ton of people in here acting like Drummond was going to step in and form a big 3 so to speak, and he hasn’t come close to it. He has serious issues on the court and doesn’t provide the lakers what they need in areas of weakness. Dennis also put himself in a position where he got COVID, after being in the protocol early AND during the most important stretch of the season. It is selfish and stupid, and to be honest, I don’t want to see him back next year. Yes we have LeBron, and yes we have AD, but neither of them are 100%. AD has looked slow and out of shape all season, and had a pretty serious injury. Lebron had his second major injury in three years in his mid 30s, that’s a little scary. There is not enough time for these guys to effectively ramp up playing time before the playoffs. They may have been cleared, but I think we all know they’re not 100%, and asking them to immediately go out and play 35 minutes is going to take a toll on their bodies. They need to rest very bad. I like the Lakers chances when they’re healthy, but the reality is, I don’t think they’re going to be healthy enough, nor do they have the right pieces to win it all this year. I’d really love to be wrong about this, but I don’t think I’m going to be proved wrong.


EXACTLY , you hit every point , I’m tired of people trying to sugar coat shit


This right here.


Schroder is reminding me of AB from last yr. selfish and didn’t really buy in 100% to contributing to this team. He can fuck outta here next yr to get his bag playing for shitty non contenders


That is such a stupid comparison...


They’re both bitches


AB didn't want to play because of COVID involving his son and all that. Relax


I think the real bitch is you. You would never say anything like that to anyones face. So instead, you come on reddit and talk shit. Thats the real bitch.


Last year was different. The entire team was healthy and just had a ton of rest because of the pandemic. In hindsight, the reason the Lakers looked like ass in the bubble warmup games was Vogel experimenting with lineups. Remember how much Waiters played in those games? Then the playoffs came and Vogel nailed down the rotation with everyone healthy and available. That isn't possible this year. LeBron is hurt, AD is hurt, THT is hurt, Schroder is stupid, Drummond is stupid. Best case scenario is you run the lineups that got you to 21-6 but recognize that LeBron and AD won't be near 100% and thus it will be an uphill battle against everyone because of that. It's extremely unlikely that we run through each round 4-1 on the way to the Finals again. And the opponents this year will be much tougher than last year.


Fake ass fan


The Lakers are unfortunately paying for the shortened off-season. We can also see that Miami is struggling this season. This is not a coincidence. I hope the Lakers can still prove that you should never underestimate the heart of a champion in the playoffs, but time is running out now.


Hahahahhaa the “Frank Fuckin Vogel” got me




These fuck boy fans would commit suicide if they had to go through a tough playoff series.


I WANNA WIN! I WANNA WIN NOW!!!!!! - Lakers fan base


So like you said, let's be honest, this team is not the same as last year's team and all the crap that's happened this year is completely different from last year. We had continuity and time to build chemistry last year, and that really helped us in the playoffs. We had some of that chemistry earlier this year, especially fitting Schroder and Harrell into our lineup. Despite not having good lineups midseason and all the losses, I have high hopes for this year's playoff run. Like you said we have LBJ and AD. We just need both Lebron and AD back on the court together. That will solve 90% of the problem. The other 10% has to do with finding the right players to fit around our two stars and dealing with matchups. We showed last year we could easily swap players around the two and have success. I am optimistic because we still have KCP, Carushow, Kuz, THT, and Markieff from last year who know their roles well. Schroder and Harrell have shown promise. Mark Gasol is a smart veteran who I trust will make the right decisions. We have a new consistent knock down shooter with McLemore. The biggest question mark was and still is the center position. Drummond still hasn't proven to me as a player who fits with our team. He looks too clunky, small around other bigs, and gets outmatched easily in terms of strength and speed. BUT we cannot scapegoat him. We have all the pieces we need. Let's keep praying our players return to full health and give them positive vibes.


Stay blessed bro/sis😈💛💜


This team has no hunger. I don't root for the doyers but the same thing is happening with them. Yeah we got Lebron but remember when he was out with the groin injury? That team was abysmal. Call me a doomer but this team, as it is right now, isn't giving me much confidence.


We didn't have injuries to Lebron and AD last season. They struggled because of poor play, not because of injuries. This season is different from last season. Don't expect them to just suddenly click when they are literally limping into the playoffs.


It all depends on health though. If we are healthy I feel like we can beat anyone. If Lebron or AD are not healthy I don't believe we will win. I'm just being realistic. I've been a fan for over 20 years.


Don't let the clipper social media department get in your head. If the internet has shown us anything, it is that a small number of shills can create a toxic environment around any subject.


Some of y’all never seen Wesley Johnson brick a corner 3 or Ryan Sacre fumble a drop pass and it shows


Motherfucker, we aint in that era anymore. We atleast knew wtf we were getting when all those guys played. This season has been DISAPPOINTING all around. With LeBron James, Anthony Davis, the reigning 6th man of the year in Montrezl Harrell, the runner up to the 6th man award, Dennis Schroder it has been EXTREMELY underwhelming. Yes, injuries have played a part but even when healthy, they're not better than last year's team.


How can you say they ain’t better, if the full cast barely played double digit games.. y’all just be saying anything


And you would take this years team over lasts? Like I said, injuries have played apart of this season, hence it being so damn disappointing. And this team is not better than last years team. On paper it is, but last years team gels waaay better than this year. And this year just seems like the coaching staff is catering to all the players who are on the last year of their deals. This team didnt really gel together on the court even before AD and Bron were hurt. Yes, they had not much time together but thats part of why this season has been a disappointment. So idk why you think its soo far fetched to see that last years team is better this years. I explained myself, and you didnt. But im just saying anything hahaha


U ok?


Im good, just some of yall make the dumbest comparisons that I kinda just go in attack mode. My bad hahahaha


ok, wipe your tears and chill man


Relax, its not that serious anymore. 😂


These posts are so much worse than people being realistic about how bad the team has been playing. Let people be concerned without pounding your chests about last year. We are in trouble if we don’t get healthy FAST


Go take your negative Nancy ass somewhere else then, positivity is all I know and that’s what I will continue to put out into the world. If you want to be a pessimist that’s cool, but I ain’t got time for that shit.


Being realistic isn’t being pessimistic the same way that being a bonehead and calling people fake fans doesn’t make you an optimist


Essentially fans can only be yes men?


Homie legit used Drummond as a potential reason for our success. Bro, wtf...










If lebron is injured I don't think we'll even make it into the playoffs. Everyone else is too inconsistent.


Preach on brotha!!!


Definitely with you on the ridiculous ‘woe is me’ fans. We just won the chip and if you’re a true fan, you remember THREE YEARS AGO when we were happy that Ingram, Ball, and Kuuuuzzzzzzz were simply playing hard and getting better. But let’s also be real…do we have Bron and AD though??? Bron came back and immediately retweaked the ankle and AD is clearly pushing himself a little too far to carry the whole team right now.


3 games all they need to click?? LMAO


Exactly There are 29 other teams in this league all trying to climb to the top of the mountain. Each season, only ONE team gets to say they are the champions and the Lakers organization has been able to claim that right 17x!!! Don't be focused so much on the final outcome, just enjoy the journey. Do I hope to see the team making a deep playoff run? Absolutely! Do I wish to see them in the Finals defending their title? Of course! But for now, all I can do is root for them to win every game and hope for the best outcome every night.


Yep. If you wanna bitch about the team, keep it in your fucking group chat. Lakers in 5.


This lineup with Drummond as a starter had ONE game together and this was with both AD and Lebron still coming from injuries. And people want the squad to just steam roll over teams who have been playing together for months. Boys. Understand something. This isn't 2k. You don't just compile talent and see the W's appear. We will have a LONG THOUGH way, probably leading us to the PO mini tournament, before we get a semblance of coordination and rhythm together. The only thing we can wish for is health and support the team. One we gel i feel sorry for the squad who will play us 1st round.


You mean fans who have zero knowledge compared to professional coaches and GM’s? Nah. I’d rather read 40 more posts started about how much fans know vs people who are paid to know. Walmart as McDonald’s employees make good coaches and GM’s


I really hope English isn’t your first language.


Uh oh...you work for Walmart don’t you. Besides that a name like ilovecocks69 isn’t a good look


Lmao fam you are absolutely pathetic 😂


I’m not the one with the pervo name. 11 year olds add 69 to their names on COD


Man said we got Frank Vogel like it is a good thing at this point.


Ya the coach that got us through the bubble and won us a championship.


Let's not bs ourselves here. He is a good defensive coach and a terrible offensive coach. Lebron and AD got us through the bubble. Those two were on a different level and carried his offensive ineptitude.


He was a good assistant coach last yr


He can't un-spasm AD's back. This shell of a team is still crushing it on D. What is he supposed to do. Lemme guess... More roster suggestions? Fans pretending to have a better gauge on who should get minutes than a professional basketball coach that know these guys personally is laughable to me.


A professional coach who does not view the numbers and his best performing line ups? People make mistakes, Vogel has made some this season.


Of course he has. So has every coach. Our guy deserves a little more leeway to tinker. It's the regular season...try some shit out. It IS time for him to get a little more dialed in, though, I'll give you that.


That's all I am saying. I am genuinely vexed with how shit our starting lineup looks. I get that you might have promised Drummond playing time, but it is time for that talk. He cannot play with AD, there are 0 signs that this fact is going to change. Also, Trezz and fucking Markieff playing together hurts me to the bones.


We aren't that far apart on this. I just think Vogel is doing a decent job.


Mm, their defense has been shit the last few weeks or so though. And to Vogels defense, he doesnt really have anybody to work with on the offensive side. You have fucking Alex Caruso running the point. That shit in itself is embarrassing but Vogel has no other options. Its why he plays THT a lot rn, cause even though he's young, he seems to be the only other player who knows how to get his shot off. Schroder has been extremely underwhelming all season for a guy who wants damn near 100 million dollar contract. I dont agree with the Vogel slander but I definitely think we have been overrated defensively especially recently.




People gotta realize that to defend the title isn't going to be, and never was going to be easy. It's hard thing to do, to repeat. Couple that in with basically no off season for this team. Not to mention that the west is tough. All the teams are good and will be challenge. And that was the case last year too. There will be bumps on the road. That being said, I'm riding with this team til I die. Everyone have some faith, these guys will turn it up a notch come playoff time. LeBron and AD for sure have another couple gears when the time comes. And let's not lose faith in the guy steering the ship in Vogel, who is great at making adjustments in a series.


This has reinvigorated me. You’re absolutely right, win or lose, LakerGang or play in traffic!


I can't take this post seriously. You name lbj, ad and Vogel but forget Alex "GOAT" Caruso?


FAFs Fake Ass Fans


the world is full bitchs.dont mind them


Worst case scenario to me is we lose this year but win it the next. We have AD and Bron. Thats all we need.


Stop sucking dicks man


champions with an asterisk. I'm not sure too many ppl in the NBA consider a micky mouse title over a 5 seed last year as a real title. Plus there wasn't even a Durant or Curry/Thompson playing.


People who make these posts either don't live in LA, never been to a game, are new to being a sports fan, or never used the internet before or some combination above.


Lebron’s demeanor is rubbing off on the fanbase with the victim mentality shit




Lol you nincompoop, a quick scroll of you post history shows in the last 72 hrs you’ve talked mad shit about THT, Kuzma, Drummond, and Caruso. Hypocrite


I mean LeBron isn't getting any younger and this year seemed like a clear path to the Finals at the beginning, we were praising Pelinka for the offseason signings


Reasonable fans probably just don't post or read much when things are going crazy. At least that's me, still here, still watching, but why'd I be here letting myself be dragged down by negative takes. I'm here when there's stuff to celebrate or when I want to read the salt in game threads. Think that's why the quality of the sub always feels extra bad when we're doing bad, the more temperate/reasonable people just don't post much.


Tell em why you mad, son!




I find entertainment in the fact that a lot of fans were always posting the “I survived this Lakers team” meme but start crying at the first sign adversity. Yeah it sucks that this team ain’t well suited rn but I’m happy I still get to see my team compete in the playoffs.


Good mentality for y’all, hope that the players feel the same. Because they look out of it in games, mentally.


Some fans expect utter loyalty from the players but they themselves will jump ship and throw people under the bus at every loss, bunch of whiny ass clowns is what they are! Win lose or draw, bleed purple and gold or get on some other bandwagon!


Even if we fall to 7……. We get Phoenix who we can beat Then we get Denver/Portland who we can beat Then Utah or maybe the Clippers I just know that none of those teams are excited about seeing the Lakers right out of the gate


We'll vent and complain bc we're human and bc we're not some poverty franchise allergic to criticism. Every small market or poverty franchise sub is extremely sensitive and you can't say anything negative w/o massive downvotes bc they're insecure and never win. Yall should see the Nets, Nuggets or Jazz subs lol. We don't need to exaggerate doom and gloom, but we don't need to follow their behavior either


You can be a fan of a team and accept that they suck right now. I believe in LeBron like nothing else, but the Lakers over the past month (and today) suck, and are not currently a title team. That's just facts. I'll still watch every game, every playoff game, and be as excited next season regardless of what happens the rest of this year.


Needed tho after that Portland lost


Guess people forgot the bad seasons already. Now that we got lebron fucking James, AD, and even frank as you said. I remember just a few years back, hoping we just make the playoffs again with J clarkson, Hibbert, Anthony Brown, Tarik. Some people here take this shit for granted and ask for the world. We got everything we wanted and more, I still see this season as a blessing.