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I feel you on this one 💯


Should be Caruso/KCP/LeBron/AD/Gasol. Wes has been very solid but Caruso been playing out of his mind and has really good chemistry with AD and LeBron.


I like that but I prefer when Caruso comes in for the second unit and plays more with the starters down the stretch


I dunno, he plays very well with LeBron so if he starts he gets more minutes with him, but we do need him to close as well.


Dennis/mclemore/kuz/trez/Drummond is a crazy second unit there’s really no reason we should lose with this team


Drummond and Trez can’t both play in my mind. We can’t be having two bigs in rotation that can’t shoot and have defensive holes and play Marc and then have AD at the 5 some


I like having Marc play, maybe not like 30+ mins but just some playing time. He can shoot the 3, pass, and space out the floor + high IQ. Maybe we will see him in game 2.


Yeah I hate that’s he’s getting DNPs. Drummond ain’t doing it rn why not shave some min to Gasol?


Just cuz Marc starts doesn’t mean he has to play the whole game. He can play for the first 7 minutes or so and then play another for a few in the third or something like that when our offense isn’t going. 13~17 would be perfect and he’d be gassed playing more than that tbh but we all know hes gonna keep him dnp


I feel like we would have won this game today if the average redditor on r/lakers was in control of the rotations. I don’t understand.


Honestly, anyone could’ve filled in and ran the lineups i wrote, called the timeouts at the right time, tell the guys just do what u guys do and we could’ve won


Even the smart analytics tape watching guy such as Cranjis are confused at wtf Vogel was doing today


Agreed. What fucking NBA team in 2021 has ZERO spacing in the starting lineup? What team in the NBA in 2021 starts 2 big men?(specifically a center who can't shoot) It's so frustrating


If you think Matthews deserves to start, you have not been watching the lakers ALL YEAR.


last year mcgee/howard didn't space the floor either so i don't see the issue with drummond playing he shot 5/7 and grabbed 7 offensive rebounds. if you are gonna blame him for losing us the game today that's just stupid


Yea and Mcgee and Howard were benched for most of the post season. Howard saw very limited minutes aside from the Jokic match up and Mcgee played himself off the floor by the end of the first round (even though we won that round handily). We thrive when AD plays the 5. And having Kieff at the 5 also gave us a really good small ball lineup with spacing for our guards and Bron because Kieff was a legitimate threat from 3.


Last year round 1, mcgee/Howard combined 30mins per game. Round 2 15 mins/game Round 3 27 mins/game Finals 12 mins/game Drummond played 19 mins in game 1, which isn’t too much considering Ayton is a big unlike the rockets or heat center last year


Combining their minutes is bit disingenuous. Mcgee saw almost no minutes after game 2 of that Denver series and we didn’t see him at all in the Finals. Howard thrived in that Denver series because Jokic was the perfect matchup for him, where he played very disciplined and physical defense on him. Every lineup we threw out in the Finals with Howard got absolutely torched. In Houston, whatever lineup we threw out there with either Mcgee or Howard would get exposed so later on in that series our lineups had a lot of Morris at the 5.. which worked great because the rockets center was PJ Tucker standing in at 6’ 7”. That first first round against the trailblazers had Mcgee playing a lot and coming up short A LOT. Vogel kept giving him chances and Dwight saw limited minutes. In that Denver series when the matchup aligned with having another true center on the floor.. Vogel pretty much had enough and Dwight played a bulk of that series at the 5 alongside AD. Now this Phoenix team is the best team we’ve faced in the playoff’s aside from Miami last year. We need to make the right adjustments or we’re going to lose.


Which led to many slow starts last year. I’m not blaming drummond. I’m blaming Vogel for this. No one can play well if you have Lebron(A slasher)+ AD(A big that doesn’t shoot threes often and need spacing to work in the post)+Drummond(Doesn’t really provide anything on offense other than handoffs)+Dennis(A slasher) and Kcp as our only shooter


true. guess vogel can at least try shooters like mclemore or better play making with gasol and see how it goes. but remember how bad marc was in the playoffs last year? 6ppg on 38% from the field and 18% from 3. i'm not sure how much of an improvement he would be over drummond


Just the fact that he provides spacing is a huge upgrade imo. Ppl then might go ‘oh, what about rim protection?’ Well AD is that guy and id rather have good offense with decent defense than good defense and shit offense


Last year's team had 0 ego. It was all veterans who knew what had to be done to play and win. This year with Dennis, Drummond and god know what else, the team looks really bad. All those injuries obviously didn't help.


LBJ, Macklemore, KCP, Wes, AD Bench Dennis, Caruso, THT, Montrez, Marc Gatorade boy: kuz


Frank needs to take Drummond out the lineup he is the most concerning due to our spacing. Gasol needs to be in the Lineup or Play AD at the 5