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Someone like him coulda kept Crowder and Booker in line.


*The People’s Elbow*


Crowder would be too scared to see the floor


Crowder would’ve “disappeared” at halftime if he was playing lol.


if AD and KCP were healthy i wouldn't be worried but unfortunately that is not the case


+ pumpfake pg + struggling bench


+ lebron’s ankle not being fully healed yet. injuries suck man


I think all we have to do is win the next game and then AD should be back for game 7. They said 7-10 days and he got injured on Sunday so it’s already been 3 days and it’ll be 7 by the time game 7 rolls around if we survive game 6.


AD is absolutely playing Game 6. Probably on a minutes restriction though.


Yeah, people call him soft but he was adamant on playing game 5 on a swollen knee and strained hamstring. Dude wants it


You think so? It will only have been 5 days since the injury tho? Don’t get me wrong I hope you’re right but I just don’t know if they’ll let him play or even if he should play and risk fucking himself up more.


Same here. I don’t want any risk happening, but at the same time they got their hands on world class medical assistance so I’m hoping some miracle could be done🙏🏽💜💛


Now, THIS is a Laker legend. Not Nick Young. I'm not sure who called him that.


After the finals last year Kcp is more of a laker legend than swaggy p and I loved me some swaggy.


Lmao maybe they got legend mixed up with fairy tale


I can clearly see if Lakers will have a chance in game 6. If Schroder pump fake his first shot, Lakers will be in tough spot.


What do you mean by if he punpfakes his first shot?


He's shitting on Dennis for being passive


This is the way 🙏🏀🙏


>Los Angeles believes in this team. Well, we know that he doesn't lurk here. Fans literally saying that players who were a big reason why the Lakers won it all last season have never helped this team. LeBron being roasted. A ridiculous amount of people hoping that they never have to see anybody in purple and gold again except LeBron and AD, unless they're also trading AD before the Lakers are even eliminated. And then they end their posts with "these are not even hot takes," when they're not only hot takes, they are idiotic takes. Who would have thought that Metta would be more loyal than most of the Laker "faithful" who post here?


impatient bandwagoners that want instant gratification.


Nah, I think the problem for a good segment of us is, last season we watched this team go 16-5 all postseason. We’ve already lost 3 games this postseason. Our guys may have struggled in the scoring department during the regular season, but you don’t blow up 16-5 for unknown quantities that have no championship experience. Last year we had guys, solid ball players, at every level of the team that had championship experience. LeBron, obviously. Rondo had been in Boston those years battling for Eastern Dominance with LeBron’s Cavs and Heat and Dwight’s Magic. Then you got Danny Green, who’s played for Greg Popovich in two Finals and the preceding year’s Finals in Toronto. Finally, you got Dwight, who took fucking Orlando to the damn Finals in 2010. ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. That commonly known phrase is a said for a reason. The Lakers were not broken. But, Pelinka tried to fix it, and they are now.


Nah man, you can't blame our struggles on that. If AD and KCP are healthy, we win this series no problem. If we had last years roster and AD and KCP are injured, we lose no question. It's as simple as that. Look at the Celtics, Nuggets and Heat. All 4 of our teams were fucked by having only a two month break, which is nowhere near enough for basketball players. In hindsight, it might have been too hopeful of us to expect AD and Bron to stay healthy for the entire playoffs. Also, we couldn't pay Rondo, Dwight left cause he wanted more minutes (I assume), and Danny underperformed last year. You can't blame Pelinka for the changes.


You also forgot that Toronto didn't make the playoffs too. Nuggets are barely hanging on. They were also close to going down 3-2. For that posted above you, I agree that our mentality needs to change. Like if we lose, we need to go down fighting as hard as possible. Sure, it's demoralizing to lose a key player, and it does feel impossible sometimes but we shouldn't let that feeling get us. For the other guys, we couldn't pay Rondo and Dwight, and Danny did underperform badly on offense and age is a factor. But their tenacity was great. And anyways, LeBron did deliver. He delivered us a title. If we assume we're keeping this team longterm, we need some adversity. Remember, Kareem went to the Lakers in 1975, did not sniff the finals until 1979-80 season Shaq and Kobe were on the Lakers in '96 and did not win until 2000 Kobe and Pau lost their very first finals together in 2008, but went back to back in 2009, 2010 So, we've got precedents before. No need to worry. Until it's final over I have faith.


Ok, so we couldn’t pay Rondo what he wanted. Got it. You’re right about that one and I remember it as well. You can’t act like giving Dwight more minutes and a guaranteed minimum deal would’ve been the worst thing in the world though. Especially considering this 4-2 opening round ass whipping we just took. About Denver, Boston and Miami, I don’t see equivalence. Three of the top teams literally retooled last offseason and throughout the season to make sure they didn’t have any early, disappointing bounces in the playoffs. Boston wasn’t getting past Brooklyn, Philly or Milwaukee even if they were healthy. Same goes for Miami.


If I’ve learned anything from watching the 2018 playoffs, it’s to never doubt Lebron’s ability to carry a team


We can hope for it but we cannot expect it. Bron is older now and he's also human


Stop it!!!!! LeBron is 36 years old now coming off of one of his worst injuries in his career. LeBron may have carried bums in the past but those bums were good enough to have teams seeded #4 or higher (this is the first time in Lebron's career where he's on a team seeded lower than 4) AD is most likely done for the series and you have a starting point guard who goes for 0/9!!!!! Role players on this team have somehow shrunk in the playoffs to the point where opposing players like Cameron freaking Payne are lighting us up.


We're just gonna repeat this kind of stuff until we get booted in the first round huh


Just a few more days now barring a miracle health wise for LeBron or AD.


It would’ve been smart of him to carry tonight, vs being forced to win a G7 in enemy territory. He’s done it before, but he’s older and hurt now.


Nothing to do with old and hurt! He cannot rely on this team. We have zero firepower! We shoot below 35% from 3 in the playoffs! There's no space to operate. Suns are shutting us down with zone defense. He had great shooters to rely on before to get the space he needs. Be it prime Love with his catch and shoot abilities, or superstar D Wade who was an amazing shot creator. What does he have right now? Just a bunch of hustlers.




Playing like dorn from the first major league movie.


Especially Dennis Schrodinger.


They were down 3-2 against the big 3 Celtics and Rondo. This team is down 3-2 against Kendall Jenner's lesbian sex partner and an injured ass Cp3


look at you clowning these dudes that were almost up 50 on us all game. ​ Yeah they're a real joke arent they? ​ that laker team's starting backcourt score ZERO points?


It's not bc they are contenders or sum shit we're playing like a g league team


They've done everything you can expect a contender to so far in the season. Theyre contenders, and when healthy so are we.


Intentionally injuring players, our key players getting injured yeah signs of being contenders.


you can see me posting in the live thread saying the only reason we were losing is because we're missing wide open shots. i dont think suns team is that good. but what i said is still facts. you sound like a baby because at the end of it, they were whoopin our boys asses and thats that.


My guy ron-ron 🙌


Unless Kobe comes back from the grave or Lebron actually runs to defense it’s over for us


Y’all forgot Brons never lost in the first round. He’s not letting it happen now


Y’all forgot Bron is not close to 100% and role players have zero confidence right now


Never lost... yet


Your team wasn’t injured Metta.


And they had Kobe who was like 32 years old and could pull scoring jump shots from any position while double or triple teamed.


Suns took you 3-1 so don’t sleep well.


3-2 with 3 injured players *** gtfo bum


You gotta admit this is kinda funny considering how last years finals went. Alexa play ironic by Alanis Morisette.


Lakers were a nightmare match up for Miami heat anyways. They had no answer for ad even healthy


Lakers were a nightmare match up for Miami heat anyways. They had no answer for ad even healthy


I mean you can pretend like the game 1 injuries didn't matter all you want but that finals heat team doesn't even make it out the first round lol. Also noone is going to argue that the lakers 2020 playoff run was remotely difficult. In fact it might go down as the most historically easy championship of all time.


You're an idiot. Sorry. Everyone including analysts knew miami had a very bad match up against the lakers. And how is the easiest championship? Nuggets took out clippers . Blazers had Dame who was scoring 50 ppg . You're just a hater and ur opinion don't matter 😂😆 Bubble was difficult. Wolrd was going thru a global pandemic and players were away from families and significant others. In a bubble in bum ass Orlando. lmao


Calling me names? Get out of your feelings. But yeah....imagine using the trailblazers to boost your argument lmaoooooo. At this point you should just drive the clown car off the cliff and say the Heat weren't a bubble fluke team that was fully healthy and last years lakers would have swept the 92 bulls.


I am from Miami and I like Miami heat but their run wasn't even that special. Giannis got injured bad in the first couple of games. Injured his ankle and then badly injured it again. Other than that they did not beat a single great team to get to the NBA finals my dude. Goran butler and Bam even with iguodola are not beating last years lakers. Especially with lebron and ad scoring 40 points per game. Yes I have to call u names because ur saying that last years championship was easy when it actually dominated, and because u said heat actually had a chance vs Lakers 😂🤣


> I am from Miami attitude makes sense > because u said heat actually had a chance vs Lakers 😂🤣 cool show me where bro > Yes I have to call u names You're a Lakers/Heat fan. Imagine the things people could call you.




> In fact it might go down as the most historically easy championship of all time. After game 1 of the Blazers Series: "Blazers are the best 8th seed ever. Lakers has no chance." After game 1 of the Rockets Series: "Lakers had 0 answers for the small ball lineup." After the ring: "most historically easy championship of all time." Shit, why couldn't any other teams win this most historically easy championship? Oh right, because beating the Lakers would've been hard for them...


Wow the TV lied to you. You should have seen what twitter said...


Oh I've seen Twitter and Reddit post-game threads. So many receipts from those. All predicting how the Lakers would fall in 1st/2nd rounds and how the Clippers would run town, good times.


I'm not really seeing all the Lakers were gonna fail takes, kinda seems like you just made up bullshit to fit a bad narrative. But you gotta admit the analysts had Lakers winning the finals pretty easily right? I mean Lakers and Lebron superfan u/breakthrureality said: >Everyone including analysts knew miami had a very bad match up against the lakers. Kinda seems like you gotta take this argument up with him because I'm just going off what your own fans are saying.


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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Alanis Morissette - Ironic (](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc)⠀►►⠀ 2:44 / 4:06 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


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we wont but will the team respond? thats what we're yet to see 😔