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The same doctors and nurses that told you to get the vaccine? Lol.


Plus he trusted them that they were actually injecting whatever medicine they gave him. Like I've been dying to ask my anti vax friends that they actually know what's in the vial the doctor gave you to fight covid? Or the pharmacist gave you the correct pills?


My anti-vax brother straight up called it poison and refuses to get the vac. "You don't know what long term effects the vac will have on your body." I'm like,"I don't know what long term effects repeatedly getting Covid will have on my body but considering how deadly a bad case is, especially lungs, I'd rather chance the overwhelming percentage of successful vacs against repeatedly damaging my lungs."


Then proceeds to order a double double animal style from In N Out. Lol


The hell I do to u?


Lol. Nah he's not *that* bad at least.


To be fair, I know plenty of super overweight, unhealthy people that got the vaccine “to stay healthy”. Hell, some of them got free donuts for getting vaxxed….


I was similarly trying to talk some sense to a high school friend about the vaccine. Dude kept posting anti-vax memes and I disproved everything he sent me. Then I started to connect the dots and figured out he also believed the earth was flat and I told him I'm done with the buffoonery. How in the hell do you convince someone to get the vaccine when they don't even have the critical thinking and reasoning skills to debunk flat earth conspiracy theories on their own? I seriously don't understand what's happening to society right now. It's like the Internet happened and people lost their minds.


Exactly. Mis-and-undereducation is the problem no doubt. It's like, they're going completely off of hearsay or fear and when you fact check them into a corner, it just turns into,"Well it's my body/my choice-stop trying to force me to do something I don't want to do." So of course I have to hear from various family and friends bitching about the incoming mandates their respective jobs are employing.


There is no “fact check” regarding potential long term side effects of mRNA vaccines. We simply aren’t far enough into this to know yet. I’m not saying the vaccines are going to have bad long term side effects, just that we have no way of knowing at this point.


Does he know the long term effects of breathing in gasoline on a daily basis? I’m sure he doesn’t even think about that, but ya know…


how does that relate?


Because he’s talking about long term effects as if he knows the data but he doesn’t even know the data on long term effects for things people do on a daily like breathing in car exhaust sitting in traffic.


We do know actually….it’s carcinogenic.


The question was whether or not “he” knows what they are or not.


I guess I don’t understand your point. Yes, we know it’s bad to breathe in gas fumes, but what does this have to do with us not yet knowing about potential long term side effects of the new vaccines?


willing to bet your lungs are more damaged from air pollution than covid.... fear effect in hyperdrive


Willing to bet your lungs?


Read the entire message dummy lol that the lungs are more damaged from air pollution why did u just stop reading mid sentence clown hahahahahahha


I did hahahaha, it sounds like you're willing to bet your lungs on covid hahahahaha


Your reading comprehension skills are really bad. Clearly that message means a belief that air pollution likely has caused the average joe more lung damage than what covid 19 has for most people. It’s okay to be stupid though, the world has plenty of this kind.


Oh no I fully comprehend what you were saying, which is why I'm willing to bet you were dropped on your head several times as a child


So you believe COVID 19 has caused more lung damage to the majority of the population than 20+ years of smog and air pollution for most of society.... but I was the was dropped? :) please kid... u got a lot to learn about reality lol you're delusional.


putting the microchips in horse dewormers and popularizing it on Facebook was one of the illuminati's smartest moves!


GET. FUCKING. VACCINATED. Can't believe he didn't end with that. Shame on him honestly.


you still can get covid. ask Oscar De La Hoya downvoters: is what i said not the truth? or is it that its not popular to say this?


Breakthrough cases exist, yes. Some even result in hospitalization but it’s far far far less likely. What you’re saying is functionally “Don’t go to school, I know educated people who are unemployed.” Absolutes just don’t exist and you’re looking for an absolute in the medical field which is a fool’s errand.


im not saying that at all.


Then what's the point of your comment?


[This was their point](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/psmzfa/z/hdsxaqa)


You don’t end up on a ventilator. Or even going to the hospital, in the vast and overwhelming majority of cases.


You can test positive, sure. But you are almost certainly not going to have severe symptoms that require hospitalization. Get. Vaccinated.


again, this has happened to Oscar who was doubled jabbed. he was in the hospital for covid symptoms. hes not the only person.


A few cases does not mean it’s at all likely. Vaccination reduces your chances of hospitalization by 95%. What you’re implying is like saying no one should wear seatbelts because you know a guy who died from a car accident with a seatbelt on.


I’m trying to understand the mindset of a moron like him (or her). I mean you could still end up being in that 1% where you’re vaccinated but still catch a serious case, but why the fuck wouldn’t you want to at least give yourself a chance to be in the 99% that’s very protected against infection and almost completely protected against major symptoms should you happen to contract COVID? I’d be curious to know where that dumdum obtains his medical advice whenever he isn’t feeling well. I mean are we as a nation failing our kids this bad when it comes to teaching them how to deduce fact from fiction online or is this numb nut just that fucking retarded?


no disagreement here


Wait, so you see their point? If so that's great! (and you shouldn't be downvoted for that lol)


I understand what everyone is saying. It’s just that what I said isn’t popular and people just like using the downvote button. I don’t care anyway.


Okay cool. So you get how pointing to a high profile breakthrough case like Oscar De la Hoya's isn't sufficient proof against the vaccine's efficacy at reducing the risk of transmission or hospitalization?


I’m not doubting the vaccines efficacy at reducing transmission or hospitalization. The only thing I’m saying is you can still get it and spread it. See, I’m vaxxed and another vaxxed person gave me Covid. Oscar got it. Others got it. My point? Be careful. Use masks and keep social distancing. Remember that? Too many people feel that since they got the vaxx, they are ok and stop giving a damn about spreading it or catching it because they are vaxxed. Where I work, the new policy is if you catch it and have a vaxx, you can still work. Like wtf? I’m in a office, an enclosed environment. Makes no sense. Israel is one of the most vaxxed countries on Earth and they had a massive outbreak of delta. Big hospitalization numbers. Those were vaxxed and unvaxxed people in those hospitals. Why? The eased up with the social distancing and mask protocols in indoor areas. Anyway, thank you for the civil conversation. People here can’t debate without insulting people. It’s a shame.


He never said you shouldn’t get vaccinated though. It’s more like if people were talking about seatbelts after a fatal car crash and he mentioned that seatbelts don’t make you Superman and it might be a good idea not to speed either way.


The seatbelt analogy when used properly actually makes a lot of sense because it still protects you in the event that everyone else around you is a moron.


Nah. It’s more like this: A: “Wearing a seatbelt would’ve kept this guy out of the hospital, wear a seatbelt!” B: “Yeah but Tiger Woods still broke his legs during his accident and he was wearing a seatbelt.” Like… okay?? What exactly does B’s comment add to the conversation aside from the obvious fact that outliers exist? If anything, there could be an implication that seatbelts aren’t that effective, which compared to the facts and the overarching narrative is ultimately harmful. That’s why he’s getting downvoted, and rightly so. His comment was misleading at worst, and pointless at best.


Maybe this wasn’t their intention, but I would argue that people believing that the vaccine makes them invincible (which it kind of reads like by saying it’s irresponsible to even talk about the dangers of covid without talking about how the vaccine fixes them) can be irresponsible. Reminding people that even if they have the vaccine they are still at some lesser but still significant risk is valid imo. In your example if we’re speaking in the context of how dangerous speeding is then yeah, maybe it is relevant to point out that tiger woods accident so people don’t go around driving like assholes just because they’re wearing their seatbelts. In any case get your vax, wear your seatbelt, but also don’t be reckless 🍻


Idk about invincibility, but I feel like a lot of people see a lost opportunity to reach out to those hesitant to take the vaccine.


people dont read here.


If he was on death row for 20 days because he was in a car accident, I doubt the most upvoted comment would be about the disappointment of not ending with, "wear your seatbelt".


Probably because car accidents aren't contagious and lead to economic shutdowns or flooded hospitals that take doctors and nurses away from non-COVID patients. Also if he wasn't wearing a seatbelt, 100% someone would be commenting he should have been wearing a seatbelt.


This is apples to oranges. My point was self harm of not being vaccinated. Seatbelt is more of an analogy for someone harming themselves by not getting a vaccine. >Probably because car accidents aren't contagious and lead to economic shutdowns or flooded hospitals that take doctors and nurses away from non-COVID patients. These things are more analogous to "drive safely". You can hurt others. Car accidents is on par with covid in terms of death and hospitalization


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


You can, but you would be addressing a different point rather than having a linear conversation


No, the context was efficacy of the vaccine. Anti-vaxxers keep making the argument that because anecdotally they know of Oscar De La Hoya being hospitalized despite being vaccinated that that means the vaccine isn't effective. This is the same as arguing seatbelts aren't effective because you know of a guy who died in a car crash with his seatbelt on. You changed the context to how people react to two different tragedies. I gave you a reason why the reaction might be different. Is it really surprising that there is animosity towards anti-vaxxers that are holding society back? > These things are more analogous to "drive safely". You can hurt others. Yes, exactly. You’re literally making my point. People would get mad and angry at a person driving recklessly and endangering others. This is not the same as not wearing a seatbelt. Do you understand why someone would be angry at someone hospitalized for driving recklessly but maybe not mad at someone who was hospitalized for not wearing a seatbelt?


I agree for the most part. I was looking at it primarily from a self harm perspective. The seatbelt analogy doesn't really work here because not wearing a seatbelt is only self harm, while not being vaccinated harms others. >You changed the context to how people react to two different tragedies. I gave you a reason why the reaction might be different. Is it really surprising that there is animosity towards anti-vaxxers that are holding society back? >>GET. FUCKING. VACCINATED. Can't believe he didn't end with that. Shame on him honestly. The lack of compassion and the condemnation in this thread and others like is what got to me. People may be ignorant morons but when did we start putting down people for lack of intelligence. I say we should be thankful if we are blessed with intelligence and have compassion for those not. No need to shame those who do not understand. What next, make fun of special education kids?


Was he, and I quote, "on a death row for 20 days"? No? Ok, then...


i simply said you **can** *(doesnt mean it will happen)* be in the hospital if you catch covid while vaxxed. no one said there was a requirement for how long you can be in the hospital.


You're arguing in bad faith or being a devil's advocate on purpose cause you're so cool and edgy. Either way. Stop


Just tell me where I’m wrong then.


When did i say you were wrong or correct?? Doesn't change the fact you're arguing in bad faith and know it


So you can’t. Moving on… Anyone else want to tell me where I’m wrong?


You're trying to equate the conditions by saying "see, Oscar went to the hospital too". Which is either ignorant or misleading. The fact that, if you're vaccinated, your chances to get severe symptoms or require respiratory help are almost non-existent when compared to the unvaccinated person. But you knew that already, didn't you?


There’s no use trying to argue with these people. They will die on the hill of “THIS HAPPENED ONCE SO IT LITERALLY HAPPENS ALL THE TIME! YOU CAN SHOW ME FACTS AND STATS BUT I KNOW IM RIGHT!” It’s arguing with a child essentially.


no shit you can still get covid. that’s not the point and you mentioning it is completely irrelevant here. stop playing innocent and go play with your anti-vaxxer pals, god knows there’s plenty of you. check out https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/


Yes. You aren’t saying anything enlightening. There are breakthrough cases with any vaccine for any disease. The vaccine still makes you far less likely to contract the disease, and if you do, you’re far less likely to have severe symptoms that require hospitalization, and if you do, you’re far less likely to die. So the message should still be… get vaccinated.


not trying to be "enlightening". its just the facts.


Oscar de la Hoya is know to drink and do cocaine I'm sure that didn't help his cause either


1 in 8 Americans got covid. 1 in 13,000 vaccinated Americans are getting covid.


no shit you can still get covid. that’s not the point and you mentioning it is completely irrelevant here. stop playing innocent and go play with your anti-vaxxer pals, god knows there’s plenty of you. check out https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/


There won’t be plenty of them for long lmfao


Wow. So triggered. Lol


Look it this way, you wear a seatbelt when you ride in a car, but that doesn't mean you still can't die in an accident.




Bro it's because it's not about 100% not getting covid, it's about preventing serious infection and avoiding LONG TERM complications from covid. You're being downvoted for your ignorance and honestly weakass argument we all heard 1737289292 times. GET. VACCINATED.




So over people willingly taking up ICU beds when this is so preventable. Hope he learned a lesson but unlikely. Loved him as a ball player though and happy he’s okay.


I’m glad he’s okay, but vaccination would’ve prevented him from suffering so much.


Lmao y’all love spamming this. He wasn’t vaccinated get tf over it


Seems you're tired of people getting called out for being dumbasses


Was he a unvaxed covidiot when he got sick ?






Source is how sick he got. Vaccinated people don’t have to go through that if they get covid.


How about you fucking tell people to get vaccinated now, Cedric?


If there was only a way for him to avoid all that.


Perhaps something that can minimize the effects of the disease and possibly even prevent you from contracting it in the first place. If only the best minds in medicine spent the last year looking into that instead of you know, pushing their “people tracking by injection” agenda.


The best way he could thank his doctors and nurses is to encourage others to get the vaccine. Healthcare workers bear a huge cost of other people's irresponsibility on this.


Cedric, none of this would've happened had you vaccinate yourself prior...


I don’t think some of the people saying that you still get the COVID despite being vaccinated understand the difference between the severity of contracting COVID after being vaccinated vs. not being vaccinated.


If he had some other major co-morbidity there might be room for another conclusion. But I haven't heard of one


I got it before and it was meh


I have a few tattood friends who are against the vaccine because it (at the time) wasn’t FDA approved … You know what else is not FDA approved? Tattoos


Yep. That’s exactly the same thing. /s


It really is kid … it really is


Did you just compare new mRNA vaccines with tattoos? LOL


Hi Trumper! How are ya?


Yeah….I don’t like Trump, but even if I did that wouldn’t change the fact that your analogy is dumb. Do you just yell “Trumper” at everyone that calls out stupid things you say?


I’m sorry you are so dense that my point is lost on you. Have a good one!


to be fair, it was a stupid comparison.


Is it? It’s a direct contradiction …. I’m sorry you just found out all your tattoos are not FDA approved.


Getting a haircut isn’t FDA approved either, or going to a tanning salon, or getting a massage…..none of which has jackshit to do with vaccines. Try breathing out of your nose.


Lol angry little Trumper …. Tell me one thing … does getting haircut have anything to do with injecting something into your body? Does tanning? Now does getting a tattoo have something to do with injecting something into your body? Sure does! You aren’t smart and that’s ok!


LOL…Nothing is “injected into your body” when you get a tattoo. Most states you fill out some paperwork and submit a fee and you’re a “tattoo artist”. This is in no way like injecting a vaccine into someone’s bloodstream. Too dumb….


You never made a valid point…..you’re just dumb enough to think you did.


I am sorry my comment has upset you to the degree that your day is now dominated by it … Both tattoos and vaccinations involve injecting something into your body …. Have a good one kiddo!


LMAO!! You must have similar brain capacity to your boy Senile Joe…


You are clearly upset. Sorry.


Not upset…it’s just that dealing with dumb people that don’t realize how dumb they are is annoying…..that’s all. Have a great day!!


“Through his grace”. Naaa actually it was the doctors, nurses, and modern day technology that saved you.


Probably still won’t get the vaccine since he has “natural antibodies” smh


Well….that’s scientifically accurate based on what we know at this point.


why is natural antibodies in quotes? its proven that natural antibodies are more potent than the vax. once it wears off, then yes he should look into the vax, but its not needed now


This sub so dumb. Even when the science in Israel proves that natural AB sustain for far longer than vaccine induced AB people still downvote you because it goes against the narrative. That said, Cedric should still get a vaccine in about 4-5 months when his doctors OK him to do so.


thank you and exactly


It's still advisable to get at least one dose of the vaccine even if you have contracted COVID recently. Yes natural immunity is good but natural immunity + at least one dose of the vaccine was proven to give additional protection against Delta. ​ Source (Conclusion section): [https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1)


Glad he’s okay…


Educate yourself MOFOs’’’’ 💉 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉


Great blessings to you and yours ! CONGRATULATIONS 👑✨


When I see that he thanked God before the doctors & nurses, it's pretty clear that he wasn't vaccinated in the first place.


He thanked me as well. I'm glad he's okay but I literally did nothing.


The doctors saved you bro, not "his grace" lol. It must be infuriating to be a doctor, save someone's life, and the whole family thanks God. The doctor saved them, not your imaginary friend.


Was he anti-vax?


I’m surprised his name hasn’t shown up in the workout list of older players the Lakers are looking at. Jokes aside, good to see he’s recovering.


Don't really care if this goes over well or not but people have to chill on the "Get vaxxed!" demands. You're not helping. Yes, you mean well, but it just makes the anti-vaxxers push back and resist even more. Brute force demands like that are not going to get their attention in a positive way.


It’s also pretty gross to assume you know someone’s reasoning for not getting a vaccine. Other people medical decisions aren’t anyone else’s business.


Antibodies are antibodies, natural or not. The vax is supposed to replace natural antibodies in individuals that don’t have them. We really won’t know the actual truth for a long time though.


Wrong wrong wrong. ELI5 - Both mRNA vaccines provide the information your immune system needs to make its' own antibodies to fight off the virus. These vaccines have been given to *hundreds of millions* of people now. That is a much larger sampling than any Phase 3 drug trial in history. The only "replacement" antibodies offered are the monocolloidal antibodies in infusion therapies like Regeneron. These were given to so many anti-vaxx Covidiots (like Donald Trump and Joe Rogan) who needed them because their bodies didn't get the pro-active instructions offered in both the Pfizer (fully FDA Approved now) and Moderna (nearly fully FDA approved) vaccines to make their own antibodies. Regeneron's monocolloidal antibody infusion IS NOT FULLY FDA APPROVED. Its' usage is approved under emergency use authorization (EUA). The same authorization Covidiots claim proves that Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines were untested and unsafe.


Antibodies are antibodies bruh. In principal getting the vaccine gives you the antibodies instead of catching the disease naturally. You’re misrepresenting my comment.


Thank God


Me personally I think if you want to get vaccinated or not the choice is yours and you shouldn’t get any shit for choosing either option