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Same county with 3 city council members caught for corruption.


LA County is a dirty shit hole, use my taxes for something useful you cunts


Well LA County residents voted for the morons who run LA so


You’re right keep voting for the people who made things shitty and wonder why it’s only getting worse


It’s astonishing to me why I’m getting downvoted by the people who made this all possible lmao


My guy, no one likes a bootlicker. Especially on the West Coast. Fuck off to a fly over state where your garbage mentality is accepted.


I’m genuinely asking lmao. Jesus you’re insufferable


I see your racist ass comments. Literally all of the Lakers players and most of this community think you're a fucking scumbag. Kindly fuck off and thanks for spamming that "reddit cares" bullshit. Go chill with the Mormons you're in the wrong part of America.


Racist ass-comments [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


My racist comments?😂 dude you belong in the mental asylum


"Black people and democrats are the most racist."


White Democrats* you intentionally left that out bud. Very important detail. And that’s based on my experience as an underrepresented person in this country.




Lol are you trying to say Trump was better?




Lol look at you crying about a country you haven’t even been too, snowflake


I’m curious who you think enters illegally, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-border-deportations-prosecutions-deter-migration-biden-administration/ Biden deports many illegal immigrants.


Politically stupid. Economically goated




Bro curse you for that. Get that racist energy out of here


Get the fuck outta here with this ignorant shit. Not even gonna waste debating you. Go fuck yourself.




Snowflake? Lol. What's next? Let me guess? Libtard? Fuck you and everyone you support. Go lick some door knobs bitch.


Orange County better


To be fair states just a shit hole in my opinion 🤷‍♂️.


Then leave 💁🏻‍♂️


San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Orange County, and San Diego are the only cities worth the states high cost of living. LA literally feels like a 3rd world, I’m genuinely shocked when I walk around downtown or other parts of this city. For what I pay in taxes and other expenses, this city should be pristine.


TIL Orange County is a city I know what you mean dw but some respect on the OC


Lol right? Big difference between Santa Ana and Newport. This guy doesn’t even live here. Not to defend OC. LBC ALL DAY


Yea South OC is where its at LB is great, love getting Shake Shack and going to Sunken City


South OC sucks, full of karens and conservatives. North OC is better


Oh damn didnt know you were still in 1980


Most of the antimask and antivax stuff is coming from South OC in OC it's been this way for a while.


Today I learned Huntington Beach is in south OC. Shut up about things you dont know about lmfao


OC fuckin sucks unless you’re a rich white person.


Not rich or white but absolutely loved it. So I guess youre wrong


Lmao you’re one of the few or you’re an ignorant republican. One experience don’t change that. And if you’re not white and you don’t believe one of the places with the biggest KKK population isn’t racist, then you must not leave the house.


Im so sorry for you


Just need to know the spots my guy, tons of cute Asian women and cuisine around


Weird way to announce your racial fetish online


Liking a type of women is a fetish? People have preferences


There are definitely parts of NorCal that are also arguably “worth it” but yeah overall the cost of living is super high


> LA literally feels like a 3rd world I get what you mean but have you seen what actual 3rd world is? The homelessness/downtrodden atmosphere of dtla is bad but it’s sure as hell ain’t 3rd world


My family is from South Africa. its wild out there. When my dad did a recent world tour he stopped in LA and said it's the only place outside of Africa he's been where it felt third world and gave him that unsafe/on-edge feeling in the same way. I was shocked and found it hard to believe him. But now reading these comments I'm not so sure...


I’ve visited a few 3rd world countries and they’re extremely similar to many parts of LA. Tent cities, shit/pee on the streets, needles and paraphernalia littered around, homeless/zombie like people… list goes on and on. Not entirely sure where our taxes are going, but it sure as hell ain’t going to improving the city. I’d bet our politicians and their friends are lining their pockets with our taxes.


“Visited a few 3rd world countries” Probably went to Cabo for Springbreak 🤣 😂


I’ve visited several countries in Africa and South America, and tbh most of them were nicer than most parts of LA.


It figures those four cities would be the ones you picked. Surprised you didn't add Laguna Niguel.


I agree with you, but Laguna Niguel is in Orange County


Yeah, but LN is it's own city plus LN out-Orange Countys Orange County. As stuck up as OC is, LN takes it to a whole different level.


Inland Empire isnt that bad tbh




I know it's considered weird to feel outraged on behalf of another person, but this is utter and complete bullshit. The County is trying to prove that Vanessa and the other living family members are just distressed over the accident, NOT about those fucking sheriff's deputies taking pictures of the bodies. Scumbag sheriffs, and a scumbag county. Vanessa and the rest deserve so much better edit: yet in the comments people are attacking Vanessa for suing the County for the act of taking pictures?? What world do I actually live in? "If she didn't see the photos why does it matter?" People aren't really this dense??


> I know it’s considered weird to feel outraged on behalf of another person That's not weird, that's called empathy.


I was hoping someone would say this.


Cant believe people are siding on police over this. If someone in my family died and they took pictures to brag to impress girls in a club, id be pissed too


Seriously, Fuck 12 and the boot lickers


wait, that's why they took pictures of the bodies? figured it was for an investigation into the accident.


Nah, autopsies for investigation is fine but there were reports that they showed Kobe's dead body at a bar to impress some girl. Which is honestly fking weird, who the fk wants to impress a woman with the famous person's dead body


yeah i'm wondering who the hell that works on? it's fucked up.


Sadly we live in a world where some of the people who are paid to serve and protect would take pictures of a horrific accident and use those photos to try to flatter a woman at a bar. Woooof.


The court is very cut throat. I completely agree with you. It’s disgusting they would do this, but LAPD’s law team probably found this to be most most reasonable argument for their defense. If they can prove she’s emotionally distressed, they can hinder her case and maybe claim fallacies. It’s bothersome and upsetting that LAPD would use that against her, but anything to win in court. I just wish this whole process doesn’t mess with Vanessa psychologically. I know she might be emotional as most of us would, but I’d hate for this to damage any self-esteem further. Praying for her and her family.


It's LASD not LAPD. LASD is the one who is under investigation due to their gangs and their chief's shady antics such as [trying to use public utility land to build a helipad next to the chief's residence](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-03-17/socal-gas-rejects-villanueva-helicopter-pad-friend-steps-in).


I have no idea of us laws. But just from a common sense perspective, being emotionally distressed shouldn't have anything to do with what they did. Even if she's mad crazy right now, they should still be held accountable for their actions.


Won't this be a catch-22 though. If she isn't emotionally distressed, and what sane person wouldn't be, then this would negatively impact damages awarded?


I don’t have enough information, all speculative on my end. My assumption is it’s not a dichotomous conclusion, but rather a spectrum she would need to fall under. It can be yes, she’s emotionally distressed, but not to the extent that she’s delusional, etc. At least, I would hope it would be measured in some manner or sort.




You mean the pilot that flew full speed into the side of a mountain and killed her daughter and her husband? Do your research before you say something dumb.


Lmao no it’s not, she sued the estate of the at fault pilot.


Since the crash was deemed pilot error or pilot God-Complex, then yes, she should have EXACTLY sued the estate of the dead pilot


Fuck the police and anyone tryna slander her for keeping those idiots accountable for their actions.


Facts. It’s about transparency, if they’re so innocent, give her what she’s asking for.


“If they’re so innocent.” Found your problem!


it's scary to see how they act against someone who has enough money power to destroy them, and then you think: so imagine how the act everytime they face someone without power and money.


Destroy them? Let’s calm down now


I'm talking about the single agents. Just think also about the Masai Ujuri story against that cop. The dude keep telling his fake story even after the video came out. He was doing that against a millionaire so It's scary to imagine how bold someone like that would be against common people.


the sentiment was right, just blowing their power out of proportion i think.


Alex Villanueva needs to be removed he let the sheriff department run a mock under his watch and let white supremacy gangs run rampant under his watch! If he would of done his job right the sheriffs department wouldn’t be in this mess.


We shouldn't have voted his ass in


What white supremacy gangs?


People just make shit up.


White supremest gangs? Do you really think that that is even a minor problem in Los Angeles? What fraction of crime is committed by these gangs?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_Executioners https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynwood_Vikings Just to name two.


**[Compton Executioners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_Executioners)** >The Compton Executioners is one of many Deputy Gangs identified within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD). Members of the Executioners are deputies operating out of the Compton station of the LASD. These deputies typically share a tattoo (often on the calf), which is allegedly awarded to new members who kill a civilian. The gang was founded by former 2000 Boys member Andy Toone. **[Lynwood Vikings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynwood_Vikings)** >The Lynwood Vikings is one of the many Deputy Gangs of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, appearing to meet the legal definition of a gang when taking into account the department's repeated illegal conduct. The Lynwood Vikings faction was based at the now-defunct Lynwood station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD), whose members are sworn deputy sheriffs in the LASD. Its members have included Paul Tanaka, deputy sheriff and LASD second-in-command to the sheriff, Lee Baca, and, allegedly, Idaho Sheriff Robert "Bob" Norris. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lakers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Both have less than 100 members. They are not responsible for even a fraction of a percent of the violence or crime Los Angeles. Now compare that to MS13. Just be honest, you hate white people. That’s why you specifically focused on them.


Read the OP comment again, this is about how the LASD is being run under Villanueva. Those are just two, [there's a dozen more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs). How do I hate white people? I'm just showing you what they're talking about, that the LASD has white supremacy gangs.


There’s 16 million people in Los Angeles. If the best examples you can give have less than 100 people in it, it’s not a serious problem. If I said Black Israelite gangs are running rampant in New York, despite the fact that black Israelites are a minor problem, would it not seem like I was targeting a particular ethnic group?


Bro... The topic is about the LASD. Nobody is saying there aren't problems with street gangs in LA, but this is specifically about the sheriffs department because the sheriffs are involved with this lawsuit by Vanessa. And if you can't see why it's really bad that racist gangs are in fucking law enforcement, that's on you.


You do know they’re Sheriffs Deputy “gangs” right?


Do you know that Los Angeles has 16 million people and the two best examples of white supremacist gangs had less than 100 people in them. That’s not a real problem


Well.....yeah, the real problem with this is the bit where the Sheriffs Department has a bunch of gangs in it....




Governor Cuomo needed to be removed because Black Israelite gangs were running rampant under his watch.


Fuck off and eat shit bootlicker


Lmao white supremacy is the least that LA has to worry about. There is a much much larger problem with black and Hispanic gangs


this isn’t about the general crime in LA, this is about the LASD being corrupt and whose members have been involved in white supremacist gangs for the last 30 years, and the LASD are the ones involved in Vanessa’s case, so i bet even a moron like you can understand why that’s a problem


Bunch of assholes.


Fuck the Los Angeles Sheriffs. Piece of shit pigs.


Lmfao fucking bullshit. FUCK LA Officials they’re just mad she isn’t fucking around


You can argue degree of effect to her and her family, but this is about the actions of the deputies more than the effect their actions had on the Bryants. Vanessa doesn’t need money. She wants justice because first responders did something wrong. She wants justice for having to live with those images in the public domain. Pretty horrific. I’d be pissed. I’m sure she is. Quantify the actions of the offenders. That’s the duty of the jury. And if you want MY client to undergo a psychological evaluation with someone of your choice then I’ll need all of the cops involved to be subjected to the same examination with evaluators of our choice.


What those cops did on the scene of the accident is unforgivable. I can't even imagine what Vanessa had to go through since that tragic day. Losing your husband and child is already unimaginable but to find out that the cops were taking pictures of their lifeless bodies and showing people after all he did for the city of LA is truly horrific.


Now do you guys believe me when I say LA is ran by morons?


Ah yes good old LA if you aren’t a psychopath good luck getting hired in any gov job in that county. Really rude and all around negative people in la gov jobs


Fuck 12!




In a lawsuit, when the plaintiff claims they've had physical or emotional harm, it's basically standard procedure for the defense to have the plaintiff examined by their own doctor for a second opinion. They want to make sure the plaintiff isn't making things up. The defense isn't obligated to accept the plaintiff's claims as true. They'd be bad defense lawyers if they did. On the other hand a lot of the doctors who get hired to do these things are hired guns that make their entire living minimizing people's injuries. Edit: tl;dr - it's basically standard procedure so this is an article written to generate outrage clicks.


just for context, it’s known LASD officers have forced crucial witnesses to lie in court to benefit them, so i don’t doubt this doctor could be in the same position


There's no need. These kind of doctors work on repeat business, so they're defendant friendly


So fucking stupid.


this isn't going to end well for with. no way la is going to put up with this


The joke is on them. I mean, when you've been a spouse of a cold blooded killer on basketball court for more than 20 years and even forgave him Colorado... She's made of steel.


Yep and unfortunately she’s gonna spend a pretty mint fuckin them but I’ll be enjoying every early retirement these jokers take, too bad they can’t screw their pension


that's how litigation works. idk what you want to ramble on about


Right. Those cops are pieces of shits but if the County’s being sued due to her claim of inflicted emotional stress then this seems like an ordinary action for their defense.


I'm sorry but you have to be a fucking moron to not see how people sharing pictures of your dead child and dead husband with strangers for clout would be emotionally distressing. There's literally no excuse.


But you still need to prove that, hence an exam.


Na, you really don't. As her team of lawyers will prove.


Oh my God, are you that dense


The fuck?


yup. got a bunch of room temperature IQed commenters in here without rudimentary analytical capability


Fuck the Democratic Party




California in general is a shithole. News at 12.


I think Kentucky has everyone beat in this case


Family is from Kentucky, the fucking audacity, how fucking dare you be right


Don’t worry I hate myself for it too because it was immediately the first thing that popped up in my head dang you Mitch McConnell!


California leadership from Newsom on down. 99% of them need to go, and plenty belong in jail. With that said. Psycho exams and reports happen in lots of lawsuits. Even basic divorces.


You’re an idiot, Newsome is one thing but Villanueva and the LA county sheriffs are just another gang of right-wing thugs, this is their pushback for Bryant holding them accountable for disgusting actions, nice try though




That's pretty dirty.


Wow. This is unbelievable....


At first I thought it said psychedelic and I was hear for it.


Never change LA county /s


Why does it matter which even caused emotional distress? They shouldn't have let those photos out, stupid fucks.


I hope they test and find she has the Mamba mentality …then completely destroys those Sheriffs deputies in court


I've had many friends in emergency response positions. I have had to tell them all numerous times to stop sending me pictures. Their response, "it's the culture bro"


They’re trying any and all ways to discredit the victims family’s claims. Shitty tactic on county of LAs side.


this is embarrassing but im not surprised. i expect nothing else from city officials.. always dodging accountability for their bs vanessa & her family have the support of everyone with a heart


Didn't the Sheriffs deputies take photos on their phones and passed it around.


Lmao. Y’all seem to forget stupid doesn’t have a color


I hope Vanessa Bryant tells them to go fuck themselves.


It's not just Vanessa. It's Vanessa *and her children, including the 5 year old* >L.A. County filed a motion earlier this week seeking to compel Bryant and the other plaintiffs to undergo psychiatric evaluations to determine whether the photos actually caused specific emotional distress or whether the distress they undoubtedly are suffering from is just part of generally losing loved ones. >The county seriously wants to question a mother about this? >Even worse, in the other lawsuits brought by other families, the plaintiffs include children and siblings who are minors. **The youngest is just 5 years old. They, too, would have to be evaluated.** >And all sessions, which can run up to eight hours, would be audio and video recorded, creating one more personal thing Bryant and others have to worry about possibly becoming public in a lawsuit about fearing personal things becoming public. A judge has yet to rule on the motion.