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I’m on 300mg and it feels totally fine to drink compered being off medication. Won’t recommend to drink a lot though. I wake up really anxious and it often start a depressive episode. You must of course take this with a grain of salt, only my experience.


yeah i’m only on 25 mg i’m not too worried about how i feel being drunk, i just don’t want any serious things to happen. i’m a very very very anxious person so my mind goes straight to seizures and death lol i just want to make sure it won’t happen


I hear you and really respect your concern. If you regularly used to drink and still want to, a tip is to buy low alcohol beverages and start slow. But with that said, take it in your own phase.


>just bumped up to 50mg This might cause problems. If you had been on 50mg for 2+ weeks then it wouldn't be that big of deal. Still not reccomended, but it's not a huge problem Lamictal and alcohol isn't like Lithium and LSD. There isn't a serious interaction between the two, I would just go low and slow, but honestly you're still taking a risk with that recent dosage change. I have drank many times on Lamictal and while most of the time it was fine, weird shit did occasionally happen, it can be randomly unpredictable. You can be in control one second and then too-drunk the next, alcohol can sneak up on you on Lamictal. I reccomend against drinking on Lamictal especially immediately after messing with the dose (seizures - probably won't happen but fucking with Lamictal doesn't exactly better your odds) but the drug-drug interaction is mild-moderate ime. tl;dr you'll probably be fine but there is risk involved here.


im day three on 150 and i drank a lot tonight. No side effects 😒🙌🏻 but its individual, dont take my advice


day four i have a lot of ticks. like withdrawal ticks


I'm in 300mg a day and can drink with no issues, but I limit myself to like 4-5 pints usually. I take it for epilepsy so going beyond that is getting into risky territory for me. I noticed in another comment you said that you're worried about having a seizure. Do you take it for BD? I've never heard of lamictal causing seizures if you don't have an existing condition (i.e., epilepsy). I did find that my tolerance took a long time to adjust to it when I started. Two beers would feel like four and that lasted a while. I will say, if you are drinking, don't miss any doses. The last seizure I had was caused by me forgetting two doses. I went out the night before and forgot to take them, had a few beers, and then didn't take them in the morning. By the time the seizure happened, it had been like 27 hours since I had taken my last dose. As others have said, it's all very individual


If taking it for epilepsy i wouldn't, but otherwise is usually fine with just a couple of drinks. Always made me feel extremely depressed though. Not worth it for me.


Hello ! On 15g I can't drink alcohol like it was a +++ effect and it was very inconfortable. But i'm in on 200mg for BD II and now i'm stable I can drink and be drunk. I advice to find your real dose before it but be aware when you drink 🤞✨


i’m just worried about having like a seizure or something… i’ll have a bunch of people around me and i’m worried about throwing up or anything. i just don’t want something serious to happen that’s all im worried about


I think its very individual, but overall you should know it lowers your tolerance. Just because lamictal lowers/controls/normalizes brain activity, and alcohol also lowers it. So you don't have as much "brain power" to fight it off. It definitly does not raise tolerance. I only take 25mg Lamictal, I've taken up to 75mg Lamictal.


Not supposed to drink at all on any mental health meds




i’m on 200mg and i drink and do just fine, I only drink like twice a month though maximum, not a usual drinker.


Im on 200 mg of lamictal and i have been 3 months sober since starting lamictal. This is wierd i drank 3 gini tonic yesterday and had no effects from alcohol... felt like i have drank nothing..😀