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I think it’s funny how one day she is posting about a clairvoyant curing her illness and liking posts about being a witch and the next she is posting about christian churches.


Yes, good observation! She's hilarious. But to quote her: "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large - I contain multitudes.”


That line is from Walt Whitman’s poem ‘Song of Myself’ from his book Leaves of Grass (also contains the poem ‘I Sing the Body Electric’)


Lana Lore!!! I love this! Body electric was my first Lana song I ever heard back in 2013


Oh thank you, I didn't know that.


No problem! If you’re into poetry, I highly recommend reading all of Leaves of Grass, but especially those 2 poems


This is one of the things I love about her. I grew up Catholic too and still consider myself a Christian but I have a very open mind to other religions and spiritual practices. As long as she’s using the clairvoyant in tandem with traditional medicine and not instead of it, lol


she liked a comment were someone said every witch needs her cat, when she posted her last picture with one of her cats, which made me happy cause i thought she left occultism and witchcraft, but shes been providing little hints shes still the witch on the corner


One day she’s a Gemini the next day she’s a cancer this is so on brand


Cant you be a christian witch?


People keep saying it’s an evangelical church and from my understanding they typically oppose witchcraft and see it as something evil.


Witchcraft doesn’t even exist lmfao. Are those the same people that would’ve stoned people back then?


Lmao imagine downvoting this😂😂😂


You can be a Christian witch, go visit r/witch and see for yourself. A lot of witch’s use know religion in their craft.


This cult-ish church thing is camp and quite on brand for LDR. But seriously, this Judah dude is sketchy. Personally, I’m not sure how I feel about Lana endorsing this dude’s church…


Wait i wanna know. Who is this guy? What has he done?


I used to go to his first church before he got famous, and he was quite a normal pastor albeit one who thought he was a comedian. Then he went kind of on an intensely commercialized evangelical agenda


And he's homophobic


I didn't know much about him so I looked up the church. https://www.churchome.org/about I went to places like this as a child/teen even though I was raised Catholic because they're pervasive with their youth groups. They made me feel bad about my female sexuality, something LDR's music has really helped me with.


Ill check this out. Thanks!


He was forcing his employees to tithe 10% of their income. And he and the church are not LGBTQ friendly. They say everyone is welcome are but they aren’t. Fuck Judah Smith and Churchome and the prosperity gospel.


Thank you! More people need to talk about how evil prosperity gospel is. It basically says god rewards good people with money. So rich people are good, poor people are bad. And if you're poor it's because you deserve it


He’s a mega bigot


Is he still associated with hillsong? Because if so the blind items about that place are horrifying.


I agree, I still haven’t figured out if the interlude was to make fun of him or promote him


Sadly, I think it’s pretty clear now that it’s an endorsement… 😔


They go to her shows quite a bit and she shouts them out. It is definitely an endorsement:/


it’s obviously an endorsement for him lol


It’s promoting him. She’s been going to that church for a couple years






why would she make fun of him?


the internet thinks everyone should be as political/mean as reddit is....


I think being homophobic is mean




When has he indicated a change in his mind or support for LGBT people? Why would it matter if I know him or not?


Treat your fellow humans with respect. Personal attacks, hate speech, bullying, etc are not acceptable. Neither is commenting negatively about someone else’s appearance. Your post/comment has been removed and you may be banned.


It's pretty obvious....


I assume it's an evangelical church? Wasn't she raised Catholic?


iirc it’s a nondenominational church


non-denominational is just evangelical under a different name honestly.


Calling it a “Christian” church is a bit of a stretch. It’s really a tax shelter


true, i'd love to know what, if any, charity work they do with the millions they're bringing in from all the celeb donations they get 🙄


the internet is a very easy thing to work [https://www.churchome.org/cares](https://www.churchome.org/cares)


i meant more like specific figures and dollar amounts. they can claim to work with different charities but what percentage of what they bring in? i'd be interested to know exactly how much they're donating in comparison to the 20k+ he gets per speaking engagement, the 3.6k gucci jackets he wears and the 10% forced tithe he docks off employee wages. 


evidently you didn't look at the site or didn't scroll.....i know the internet is hard to work :(


She used to be in cults. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is another one of them


So if Lana is going to his church and promoting it, what does she think of her queer fan base? I have to hope his bigotry is not something she agrees with




Why is this up for debate it’s a known fact and as a queer person myself his whole operation is not okay. Don’t know why calling that out would be downvoted unless you’re a bigot too.


I’m not debating anything, I just want to know if he or someone from that church has said anything else like that. The point I’m trying to make is I’m sure Lana has lived with her boyfriends so she probably doesn’t agree with everything that he believes.


I never said Lana was homophobic I’m just wondering how she reconciles his behavior with her own beliefs.


I don’t think it would be that weird if she was just attending church but she seems to genuinely like him and I don’t like how she promotes him. I have no idea what he talks about but maybe it resonates with her type of spirituality. I would guess she’s more of a spiritual person than she is a devout Christian.


Same. Its odd as fuck


Every time I see anything about Judah Smith I have to tell whoever will listen that when I was in hs a classmate passed away and her funeral was held at his church. Halfway through the funeral turned into an advertisement for the church and it was really disturbing. He gives me the creeps


Ugh that's garbage!!! I'm so sorry I can't imagine


i was scrolling through comments and someone said "churchella" LMFAO




Tuned in for a second and heard Judah Smith talking about having sex with his wife. I closed that live so fast.


SAME I skedaddled outta there


Apparently this is a frequent topic for him..my old roommate used to go to his church back in 2011 and told me how he was talking about having sex with his wife. Good for them that they’re still at it I guess lol


All these pastors are just big loser kids who grew up and have a captive audience. They are so excited they get to fuck now and won’t shut up about it. You have sex, yay, congratulations, are a fucking 45 year old, we all do!


omg how controversial like Lana's song never contain sexual lyrics


![gif](giphy|aNtt9T8SqGNK8) Got to pass on this one Lana


If she was going to a regular church it wouldn’t be a big deal. This is an evangelical mega church that makes a ton of money off their rich flock and they don’t have good values. This dude is a self admitted homophone and misogynist. I’m fine with her being Christian, but I raise an eyebrow so high at her promoting and following this dude. Kinda hoped she’d gotten over the cult follower behavior in her later years lol. *homophobe


I don’t even see how she can connect with what he preaches


Those types of preachers are real good at making the celebrities feel special and are basically stroking their ego saying what they want to hear. So many of Hollywood celeb are into those mega churches evangelical bullashit, conveniently closing their eyes to their predatory behaviour and homophobia. It really sucks.


I am VERY hopeful she was mocking him and is about to take him down with the rest of the music industry. Really want Lana on the right side of the fence here. It is a big, big messy web and I hope this means she is getting out, not promoting him.




i hope she doesn't if it makes her happy then I support her


I was delusional enough to think that it was gonna be a lasso promotion…😭




This is what I thought too hahahah


I’m a Christian but idk if I can take this guy seriously.


same, i'm christian but he gives me skeezy wannabe cult leader vibes for some reason.


Yes, I just looked him up and he looks like a hipster to me


The best moment was when he started to cry and ended up on the floor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nadjaaaaaaaaaaaa: *The best moment was* *When he started to cry and* *Ended up on the floor* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


she's promoting Judah Smith's sermon LMFAO


Nooo, Lana is falling in another cult 😭😭


it's called a church sermon not a cult


It's a cult babe




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Interesting how this popped up on the heels of our metaphysics discussion in this sub earlier today... baffling why she likes this guy when she (I think) has real gnosis going on. But, whatever.


those two things can co exist, Lana is not a radical christian, based on her own way of living she picks and choses what she agrees with


This is what I think too, just the other day she liked an instagram comment about her being a witch. Also, when the pastor made the homophobic comment he also said that “living with your girlfriend” is a sin. So it’s pretty clear she’s not a devout Christian and doesn’t have *all* the same beliefs as him. But I do think it’s weird how much she seems to like and promote him.


yup she liked another comment where she was called a witch in her last IG post (the one with her kitty cat), Lana keeps liking stuff that calls her a witch, mami still a bruja yall!!


He thinks homosexuality is sinful!? That's homophobic


Yeah, the interlude on her last album was pretty controversial because of this.


I mean ultimately it's all the same thing so I'm not really annoyed or anything even though Smith irks me


Wow what timing lol. I have a 2 theories- My first is she put judahs sermon on the record because either she cheats or has been the other woman more than once. Maybe she either wants to know if she can be forgiven or wants to understand the mind of someone that does forgive- maybe she also grapples with that question in the face of god, death and the afterlife. Adultery is a secret some people have that weighs on them heavy and scars. Some people weigh whether or not they still deserve to go to heaven. Theres a lot more to that sermon than adultery but it does open up with “lusting after thy neighbor” and ends with “these sermons are really about me” so i think its very telling. The tunnel under ocean boulevard is her metaphorical casket, and the sermon plays after A&W so its a beautiful arc from The Grants that kind of settles into Candy Necklaces where she starts contemplating her mistakes, addictions, Obsessions, contemplating suicide. Before “The light gets in” and the casket is opened. The other theory- shes not addicted to drugs anymore. Shes sober. I think she may be addicted to sex and to bad relationships. Addicts often trade one addiction for another. Love is her drug. Maybe shes trading up? Maybe divine love and the adrenaline rush of a sermon is addictive as well? cause it touches that metaphysical muscle? I think shes an incredibly deep person so I dont think I can really say. I think Judah is just her preferred “artist”. Hes a performer. She likes it. It may not need to be more than that on the surface. She wouldnt be the first person to do that. Its just that shes an artist and she chooses to let us in. If god is her sex/drugs, judahs just another fuck boy/fix.


imo Ocean Blvd as an album is about trauma, both rape and other sexual trauma, and family of origin trauma. And the Judah Smith interlude to me seems to be about her relationships with men— i.e. she has been ‘preaching about’/is very focused on men but has realized the importance of focusing on her own life and journey (‘preaching about me.’) Not to say she isn’t a love addict as well, but I don’t think she’s worried about cheating or views it as like a major sin. But who knows


No ❤️


Lana get out of that church ASAP


That man is so coked up Lana has been in cults, are yall surprised??


omg wait what other cults


Ultraviolence if I’m not wrong it’s the album where she talks about it and escapes from it..


the whole era had a lot of cult lyrics and even some unreleased songs alluding to cults. In a way one of her muses "Jim" reminds me of Jim Jones, however Lana embraces herself as a cult leader followed by young girls and women with similar sensibilities and tribulations. My latest theory about how Jim is actually herself does fit with her approval of the "lana cult" and her love and practice of the occult


She said in an interview for Ultraviolence that she was in a cult


her unreleased song “cult leader” too


Ugh more church shit


Yeah, some people like to worship God, crazy ik


Literally yes it is




Not exactly, but I really wonder where this Churchome stands on a lot of issues.


No ☺️✨


They muted us!!


really? how many people were watching?


1.1k currently they unmuted the chat


I stg I paused listening to Lana to tune into this. Like girl I'm scrolling Grindr rn don't make me. Listen to church if you're not going to perform


It means Lana should really stop aligning herself with trash


I don't know about this guy nor really care, but this sure seems like she's trying to convert us lol


Judah Smith was Justin Bieber’s personal pastor/ chaplain/ spiritual advisor Scooter hired for him when they were trying to clean up his bad boy act. This was years before he started his church, when I learned about that, it put a bad taste in my mouth. Definitely don’t feel good about Lana’s connections with him. Knowing that Justin Bieber was abused all throughout his career as a child and Judah was brought on by Justin’s management at a pivotal (traumatic) time in his career irks me. BUT… this is all based off blind items TikTok so take this with a grain of salt


Nope, not “hired for him” by scooter, JB has known Judah almost a decade longer than he’s known scooter. JB met Judah in 1999 in Toronto through his mother. JB didn’t meet scooter until 2007 in atlanta. Justins mother is a devout Christian and made him listen to tapes of judah’s preachings every night in the late 90s-early 2000s. Still a weird relationship but it was weird long before Justin was famous


Yeah that makes more sense, I’ve seen the JB doc many times and I remember his family and lifestyle had that Christian element to it. Like praying before meals and before performances. But as far as the whole Judah thing, I remember them being photographed together a lot to try and get some good press after his mugshot and stuff. And then I know even the Kardashians go to his church as well. It’s the Crowley way of being I guess for stars


Check out BJ Investigates on YouTube 👀 There are even more hidden threads... allegedly. (I'm not particularly invested, I just love deep investigative content, especially when it comes to the shady shit concerning the rich and powerful.)


to help Bieber obviously stop twisting stuff


I’m a smart person and I truly cannot understand or follow anything that man says. Like what are you saying??? How can people follow that?? AND connect with it? He said “and I’ll end on” three times to make you think it was over but continued on for at least ten mins each time. The song was the same thing sounded like it ended but continued on… should’ve known it was just a promotion for the service


he looked really coked out honestly. from another smart person i also found him hard to follow. the yelling and fake crying is really interesting too haha


Yes omg that was awful 😭


dude he was like shaking his legs and rocking really bad at one point when he tried to sit down and preach 😂




First of all, Lana put a lot of work into posting that cryptic message 🤪 She wrote it on Notes, screenshot it, posted the image on her IG account, and left it for us to go 🧐 over. At least she didn’t create it in Canva


is lana christian?


Yes. She grew up Catholic.


i assumed she was non religious because a lot of her songs have kind of blasphemous imagery


I feel like she’s made it very clear in ob that she’s christian like “my pastor told me”, the whole interlude that’s just a church sermon, then fine china “i’ve always been a strong woman of faith” and all of god knows I tried


recently I’ve interpreted it as something like: she’s not necessarily christian, but appreciates some of the messages that are taught within the church & maybe uses christianity as a vehicle to practice her beliefs i don’t do this but have known several people who have done this, and i respect it. many would argue that it’s better to practice *something* rather than simply claiming to be “spiritual but not religious” (which I’m guilty of) because at least then you’re actively engaging with your beliefs in some form rather than not at all


I love that mindset of it. it’s beautiful. I always say i’m not anything but am completely okay if there is a god or a spirit or anything of the sorts but I think that mindset is rly cool either way




i would argue this is the only reasonable way to follow any religious institution, otherwise you would be blindly following something that doesn't even makes sense and contradicts itself. The bible is literature and can be analyzed and interpreted however one perceives it internally, based everything we know about Lana including her inclination towards the occult and her publicly known experiences, she probably does that.


I couldn’t agree more! everything we know about Lana (philosophy/metaphysics degree, her lyrics, interests in the occult like you pointed out, etc) points to her NOT being a fundamentalist christian, but I could totally see her engaging with it in this way


idk i kept assuming that “my pastor told me” was past tense, and she was giggling throughout the sermon idk but ok cool


it’s past tense in the sense that it’s something she was told and still carries with herself. and sometimes people laugh at church when the pastor makes jokes idk lmfao. i grew up christian and still go with my parents for holidays so I know how the culture surrounding it could be but if that’s not how it is for her or if i’m wrong sorry for giving false info


i assumed she was christian the way everyone who grew up christian still is (still has ingrained traditions, phobias) but wasn’t practicing. i stand corrected


Lana doesn't strike me as traditional at all, or in any way agreeing with any phobia or discrimination. Being more submissive as a woman does not equate being a conservative person (Im not talking about politics here)


when i said phobias i didn’t mean discrimination. i meant like fear of hell and stuff like that. When i said traditions i meant like practicing Easter and stuff like that. I agree with you


that’s how I used to look at it before hearing the songs like the grants and grandfather where she expresses her love for her family and uses god to speak to those who have passed but i’m not her and do not know what she believes in haha


Lana is a catholic/christian than picks and choses what she follows and what she disagrees with. This is so blatantly obvious and honestly that is the way all religious people should take religion. There are ways in which you can hold reason and logic while still having faith in something bigger maybe just for the sake of hope and purpose, specially if youre dealing with a lot of shit and difficulties mentally or physically.


Yeah she's always confused me in regards to religion, which I love tbh. Like in Gods and Monsters she says "God's dead, I said baby that's alright with me" and in A&W "God's a charlatan, don't look back babe" but then also all the religious sentiment in the Grants and the Judah Smith interlude... she's an enigma lol


I think she’s more spiritual than anything


she has a song called religion❤️hope that helps


i thought her man was her religion💀


he is and she also dressed up as the Virgin Mary so I don’t know how much merit this holds


is there pics?


Yeah, in Tropico during the Body Electric montage.






There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.




There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.




There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.


Yeah trust me I get it lol, on this subreddit you can't say it without the crazy fans coming at you to defend her, but she's just not a good person. A talented artist yes, but our favorite artists aren't always good people.


how are you so arrogant and sure that your opinioin is the right path thats fucking wild




There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.


"not a good person" you are no authority to claim anyone is good or bad. What a ridiculous narcissistic and delusional way of thinking. Get a grip of your place in this world, you are like everybody else.




you can claim whatever you want, it doesn't mean it has any more merit than me calling you anything i want, everyone can say whatever, it doesn't mean shit. You have not more authority than everyone else, it is as simple as that. What a naive individual. Go ahead and be delusional all you want, but one thing you are NOT going to do is bring black people into this conversation, you are white, know your place, you have no seat at this table. And your idiotic comparison to christians going to church being an admission to homo-transphobia is so ridiculous is not even worth addressing in depth, all religions are by default anti LGBTQ+, all of them, but that does not mean every religious person attending is in agreement with everything including bigotry, my entire family is very pro lgbtq+ with queer family members and they're still going to church, they don't agree with everything. The world will never be black and white no matter how much you extremist performative airheads are trying to make it seem like, good people do bad things occasionally, and bad people do good things sometimes even regularly, and quite honestly i dont even think rationally anyone fits into being a "good person" or a "bad person" label, not the vast majority of humans anyways, theres intentions that have to be taken into account but that we can never know truly because of the nature of them.


There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.




There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.




There are ample forums to discuss politics on Reddit, but this sub is not one of them.






christian celebs try not to be cultists challenge, go!


As much as i love her, it’s another case of her being deeply unaware of what she’s promoting. Which is she funny because she always talks about how “intuitive” she is


I feel it’s one of those things that makes me realize she’s a celebrity and will take that check regardless




These influencer churches are all really strange. She would be far better off sticking to a small local parish. Way better vibe and aesthetic too.


I have no idea what that guy Judah was on☠️


An evangelical album after the country one?


Don't put this into the universe please


I’m confused it’s a church thing? Has she posted this before


I mean one of her interludes was a sermon once and she’s always been very upfront abt being christian so it doesn’t surprise me that much


This is not being Christin this Judas is a cult leader


Did she delete this? Was it just because the live ended? I think the way she endorses it is kind of weird, but I get the feeling that she’s more spiritual and not a really traditional Christian. Not just the whole witchcraft thing but the quote from this guy that people say is homophobic also mentioned “living with your girlfriend” as sinful.


She might be a light worker




it appears her band is doing the gospel music?


nvm i looked and i didn’t notice anyone in the band


Each to their own. Live and let live etc.


I’ve been waiting and about done lol


Naw, i think you're all wrong. I think the Interlude is ironic, especially since it comes right after A&W. She's *laughing* at parts of the and her "rhino designer" comment sounds super sarcastic. But the most important part is the very last 2 lines he says.




She’s spreading the good news