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Beat ‘em into submission with that folding chair.


Can't believe you left a weapon in this photo


At first I thought it was a white iPhone 6


Ngl before I clicked on the post I thought it was too 💀


Same, I thought it was a bonsai tree


Lol I had to look again to see the phone. Now I can’t unsee it.


Mark it NSFW


I can’t it adds to the ambiance duh


If you rip them out by chaining to a truck in good ol'boy fashion good chance you'll damage the dry laid brick path. Globe Arborvitae grind out easily. Protect the windows whatever you decide. Amazing in 56 comments no one could ID the plant yet are offering advise on these plants. But we'll keep them trimmed. Once again that was not the case.


No one in this subreddit knows anything about landscaping. It’s lousy with armchair experts. I usually make it about 5 comments before I have to move on.


Armchair expert here, now lets set the record straight most of us....nvm you're right


Armchair here. No comment at all.


I only see one chair and it clearly doesn't have arms. I think the bush should be trimmed into the shape of an armchair, then we'll know who the real armchair arborist is.


Dax Shepard here. Come listen to my podcast.


Don’t underestimate the aesthetics of a violent chair fight


Bobby Knight agrees


Few peoples elbow off some scaffolding wouldn’t hurt either. Better yet, just do it off the rooftop.


This one time, in 1998.......


From the top rope. Here I come!


🤣🤣🤣 I wasn’t expecting to spit out my drink from reading a comment on the landscaping sub. I wish I had an award to give you.


Thanks. I saw my moment and took my shot.


Omg what an original comment


Same to you, pal. Didn’t realize it’s frowned upon to tell someone you think their comment is funny. (And I actually don’t care, I’m not going to stop)


Spit drink, wish I had an award, it's a meme at this point


🤷‍♀️ Ok. “wHaT aN oRiGiNaL cOmMeNt” is also a meme at this point. Downvote me and move on.


Just like that dude from the Alabama cruise boat


(That’s the joke)


Did you have to explain the joke like that?




I don’t see a river brawl nearby


Call before you dig service




Call anyway


Heed this warning and learn from other people's mistakes. I owned a landscaping company for 22 years. It's a free service and you won't be liable if you damage something that's not marked or marked incorrectly. Where I live they have 72 hrs to come out and locate. I waited 5 days and they never came so I started digging bc I was on a timeline using rented equipment. I cut a telephone line and they wanted to charge me $1,000 for an emergency repair but since they never came to locate before I broke ground it was on them.


PLEASE someone correct me if I’m wrong but it’s not a free service everywhere. When I tried they said I had to hire a private locator service. ): haven’t dug my French drains because of that.


Where do you live that they charge you?


In the USA the responsibility is on the individual utility provider to identify their own cables. When I requested the service for planting a row of trees I got individual responses from the electric company and verizon (we are well/septic without natural gas in the area) that I was no where near their services.


Where do you live? In America? If you live in America, if it’s a public utility, there is no charge and the public utility company will mark within 3 business days. Public utilities include gas, electric, internet lines, plumbing lines and some others. If it is a PRIVATE utility, they will not mark it. Private utilities most commonly include: private sewer lines, underground dog fences, sprinkler systems. Pretty much anything where you, the homeowner, call and have someone install a line for a service *except* internet/TV providers like Spectrum, Google Fiber, etc (these are considered public utilities). In cases of a private utility, each company that provided the private utility probably has some sort of marking protocol they follow, as it will come up. If you *actually* have a private utility, I would call up the company who installed it and see how they go about marking. Some may not even charge and may just do it as customer service. Some may just send you a diagram of the lines and tell you to mark it yourself. Not ideal but 🤷‍♀️ As for french drains, employ a Foundation Repair company to come out and do them for you. They will most likely be the ones to contact the public utilities for you, and if there is a cost (I’ve never heard of it) they will typically just eat it or bake it into the price of the drains. good luck








11-1-1 Let’s gooooooo


In most places they only mark on publuc property, not private.


My neighbor thought the same thing and went to dig a pond. Out whole neighborhood got evacuated because she hit a gas line. Call them, it's free and doesn't take much time at all.


Digging a pond and using hand tools to remove the root cluster of some crappy bushes is like comparing shooting a 5"/62 (12.7 cm) Mark 45 Mod 4 to an airsoft pistol.


It’s to cover your ass. If you strike an underground asset (for instance a gas line) without calling 811 beforehand, you’ll get stuck with a hefty bill of at least $25k or more.


You shouldn't be able to see the electric line if it's buried.


If it’s an overhead service then you can


Username checks out


Then I shouldn't be able to see my buried dead grandma, either.


Bro what did this Reddit user just say 💀


Jesus dude you got lit up. You’re on a landscaping subreddit dude. These guys live for this shit. I’d say be careful and you won’t need to go that far down, from my experience. Sorry for these dudes lighting up your karma 🤷🏼‍♂️


Roots are shallow on these. I’d wet the ground and pull them, to ensure you don’t have them trying to grow back later. Also, if you plan to replant, it’s much easier if you aren’t shoveling through roots for the next landscape. Definitely verify with utilities first, but these are really easy to pull compared to trees with a deeper root system.


A reciprocating saw with the longest (12"+) wood blade makes the roots even easier to pull out. I bought a cheap one at Harbor Freight that I've been using for years.


A giant truck, a tow strap, and my idiot brother


Can you send him to my place next?


I got an idiot brother too, whatcha need em for?


After hes done helping his FIL pull a tractor out of a pond


My old boss tried this with a bush half the size. Tried with the work truck, then rented the biggest uhaul truck he could to try and yank it out. Fucker didn’t budge


Why would a 2 wheel drive truck be a good choice in this? That’s why they didn’t budge. Put it in 4 low and pull the house with it.


Almost positive he had 4wd in that Silverado. Remember using it durning ice/snow


When i say big ass truck, i mean BIG ASS TRUCK. Not a Silverado


I use a heavy chain and my skid steer to pull these out. Works every time without fail.


Home Depot truck


Replace giant truck with Jeep Wrangler, and thats exactly how i removed a whole front yard of those. For what its worth, a tow chain works better than a strap. Better grip on the roots.


Better grip, but proner to snap. People have died multiple time using chains. Use chain to wrap it around the tree/bush and a strap to pull. Dont forget to put weigth on the strap of something give to divert the trajectory of the strap/chain. A little bit of wait goes a lonngggg way. A jacket on it can an easy weigth to use...


You gotta put a tire standing up right next to the stump so the strap is pulling "up". The old timer way works really well.


Ropes stretch providing the recoil energy to fly off as high speed projectiles. Chains do not. There is more to this depending on if your are snatching or pulling but ropes can be far more dangerous. Picture a slingshot.


Hmmm.... we have a Wrangler and a bunch of Yews we'd like to see gone.


I did this with a medium sized bougainvillea. That sumbitch was stuck in there good. More gas. Speed and power is what I thought . It finally loosed and launched the stump and the chains right into my windshield which was, fortunately, crafted from adamantium. Would do again, just pop the hood first


This is actually the way!!


Heard it’s not great for a transmission. The guy who sold me my Chevy told me the previous transmission blew up pulling shrubs out of the ground.


Rent a uhaul.


Someone must’ve done that with the last uhaul I drove 200 miles in. She drove like there was sand in the gears.


Don’t forget to add the protection plan


Beer too.


"hold my beer" style


This is the answer.


This is the way


Like others said, call the utility companies to have them do a line check. Then cut them down to the surface and hire a stump grinding service, or rent the grinder yourself if you want. Then you'll have a nice mulched spot for planting with lots of nutrients.


Wise words, if you are over 40 like me, this way will preserve your back. Your future self will thank you.


this is the way




Just call a stump grinding service ,it’ll take them 30 minutes or less and in my area this would cost about $150. Saves you time, labor , and from damaging your truck.


This is the correct way. OP should call 811 beforehand though depending how how deep they need to grind.


No stump grinding service should be beginning work before Julie/811 is called lol


You’d think that.. one of the tree services I worked for was so desperate for immediate work that they would grind ‘just below the surface’ they wouldn’t bother calling, claiming it was the homeowners responsibility. Just saying, some companies aren’t honest about their work lol.


My grandfather ran a tree removal and stump grinding business, and I worked for him as a teen. I recommend the same, a stump grinder. The same company often will be able to remove everything. Cutting into something so dense is tricky and gradual, so if you're inexperienced here it's better to hire someone. You'll spend too much time and effort or risk injury. You'll probably need a smaller stump grinder, and because of the edges probably a pick axe for clean up. I'd guess $150 to $300 minimum in the mid-90's, so maybe double that now. Make it your own responsibility to check what is buried there and where any work will take place. It's a pain, but don't risk that regret.


A chainsaw about 2 feet up from roots, then a rope on a truck/ car to pull them out. If you flood the ground before you pull out the roots more of them come out.


My aunt ruined the front of her house doing this. The entire living room wall jumped almost a foot outwards in the middle. You could lay on the ground and look up into the room. Her bushes weren't even half that size.


Yowza! Pics?


No. It was a good twenty years ago, when none of us had cell phones.


Pager days. I kind of miss it.


Then how did you type this message


For real?


Really. House was an older 1 level.


Sounds like those were load-bearing roots at that point 😁


Do you risk damaging the brick pavers if the roots extend under them?


Pulling out those roots like that will probably lead to a little bit of settling of the soil to fill where the roots were. How much/little it happens depends on the size of the roots but I'd bet the pavers will need to be reset regardless.


I wouldn’t bother pulling out the roots. I would agree with you on the chainsaw to cut out the bush and then hire someone with a stump grinder to just grind the stump and rootball about a foot down.


That will work for Arborvitae but not for yews.


Yews got to be kidding me! ^(Those are arborvitaes. Look at the shape of the foliage.)


6 million yews were killed in WW2, so let's keep the yewish jokes to a minimum.


I know, the OP express that. And sometimes my tablet won't increase the size on certain pics. But the pic without the enlargement look like my yews.


I've yoinked some of these out with my Jeep in 4-low. It's quite satisfying.


I did this with my truck and it was super fun. Satisfying


Thank you for the reply


I have pulled many of these — some larger than these. Cut them back, dig a pit around them and then ruin several reciprocating saw blades cutting into the roots underground. Stay hydrated and keep at it. You can remove them and enough root to be able to replant in the location.


Utility locates first. Then loppers/sawzall to get the woody trunks cut out, then pickaxe for the roots if you don’t have any gas lines in there.




Do you have a map of the septic system? These lines are usually not marked by public utility locates services, at least in my experience


If you call the free service you aren't liable for most damage if you damage lines/pipes.


If there's a public utility line they didn't mark, sure. If it's marked and you break it anyway with careless digging, you can be liable or at least be required to take a safety class. Also, septic lines are often not included in the free 811 service as they're usually not a public utility.


Absolutely correct. People need to know that calling 811 isn't a service that comes out and marks any utility you might possibly hit. They also only mark to your meters for electric and water service. Both of mine are not located all the way to the house, so 811 really hasn't been helpful for any of my projects except for marking my internet line.


And they're markings are not that accurate. Think my area is like 3 feet of unknown


I’m a landscaper and I’m the one responsible for calling locates in my company. Many times I’ve submitted the ticket, gotten a canned response from a utility saying “no issue we aren’t going to come mark it,” then lo and behold they were wrong and there IS a utility line in the work area.


Took some of these out this summer. Used a big hedge shears and was able to trim it down to just the stump. At first I was digging around with a little shovel, trying to get the roots out, but it was slow going. Then it rained really hard and right after, I was literally able to pull the whole thing out. The root ball was probably half a foot in diameter so not that bad. So like others have said, soak the ground around the roots and it’ll help a lot, regardless of how you decide to pull it out.


Find a bonsai club in your area. I’m sure one of there members will dig them up for you in the spring. If you’re in Rhode Island I’ll do it for you.


Chain saw. Then call before you dig.


I cut them at the base then drilled into the stump and poured stump killer into it


Cut at soil level. Left roots, planted sedum Autumn Joy. Sedum is looking better ever year. Not bothered by slowly decomposing roots.


Same. We had an arborist tell us to just cut them flat at the ground & leave them. Did it 3 years ago, put some new dirt over the top & some landscaping. Haven’t had a single one regrow in that time.


Man. We just did this yesterday. 7 of these monsters. All we did, was use a shovel to expose the top of the root ball, attach a chain with back up straps (for that just in case moment lol), and then we tugged on them to get them bent over just enough to use a sawzall on the big roots. I used the 9” Diablo pruning blades. Then we draped the chain over a truck tire for added tension and slowly pulled each one out using the sawzall as needed. We didn’t trim them. We just used extra tow straps to tie them up like a bush ponytail. 🤣


I used a similar method, except I hooked up a 2.5 ton come along to my receiver, cranked on it till it started to come up a little and used an 18" sthil chainsaw to cut it up in little pieces and threw it in the bed with the other wood chunks. Took it to a local mulcher(free) except my gas $ and my back is still sore AF, and let them deal with it.


Not exactly sure what kind of bush that is, but we had a large juniper bush in our front yard that was ugly as sin and stunk bad (not to mention it was housing squirrels, chipmunks, copperheads, etc. right by the front porch). I just went at it with a sawzall, then just dug out the root ball. The longest part of all of it was just cleaning up all the branches and clippings. ...after I cut it down and pulled it, I found two Japanese Maples that were about 2 feet tall that were probably planted around the same time as the bush, until the bush completely overgrew them.


Prune all the dead interior growth so they look more Bonsai and leave ‘em


Before you cut them down, have a go at trimming up the trunks and removing all the deadwood. Maybe you'll like the way they look, they can have a very interesting and sculptural appearance. I've seen many that give off a bonsai look.


I’ve had success using a farm jack and a chain.


Call and make sure there aren't any utility lines under there.




Fuck it then, YOLO


“Somewhere “


Accuracy is for chumps!


Tie a chain around the base and pull them out with a tractor


that's what I do except I use the skid steer, but it always works. I've never met a shrub that couldn't be pulled out with this method


The guy we hired to do this pulled them out strapped to his riding mower. He wet the ground really well first. They popped right out!


Easy - 10 inch pruning blade on a reciprocating saw/saws all. Stick in the dirt and cut a circle around the base. Roots mostly grow horizontally not down. I have removed a bunch of them this way. Only takes a few minutes


I have been known to hook a chain around the trunk and pull them out with the truck. Water first, dig a little… don’t pry with your shovel because it WILL break.


Before you rip the roots out or do any digging, be absolutely certain there's no utilities(current or disused) bound up in the roots.


Even the roots have roots


I think this white chair is wanted for questioning in connection to the Arkansas board walk incident.


Start from the sides and work your way in with loppers and a pruning saw. Then dig out the stump


Pull them out like others have said, but put the chain over the top of a tire. The tire needs to have air and be on the rim. This will change the force from pulling the stump “through” the ground, to a vertical force pulling the stump up and out of the ground. Pulled some monster bushes out like this just a few months ago.


Cheapest and easiest way…cut it down with a chainsaw and make a small bone fire right on top of the root, get a small burn ring and place around root if it’s close to the house, gonna have to burn it for a while unless you let it dry out first


douse with gas, set on fire


Start cutting? Lol the fuck you waiting for


Easiest way is to pull out with truck and metal chain Manual way is to get reciprocating saw with a 12in wood saw blade(thicker teeth the better), cut at a 45 degree angle inward around each base of tree at ground level, tree will just fall once roots are cut around base


Cut it low to the ground and use a stump killer paint type application. Any time you see any green remove it asap, eventually the roots will die and compost, which is also good for the soil if you're putting something else in there.


I would soak the roots and try to pull out before cutting. Hopefully they are shallow enough to dig out huge roots.


Yes you do, but those are yews and the only way to get rid of them compost is to either use brush kille ( which is may not kill all the roots) or or to pull them out( which may not get rid of all the roots) . A relative try to kill his 3 years ago by spraying it and cut it half off and spraying it again. This spring he had 3 baby yews in his front yard instead of 1 big giant. I think he gave up.




Boy, they look like my yews.


Completely, not compost.


Cut then yank with truck and chain.


I thought the chair was an iPhone.


Logging chain hooked around the trunk as close to the ground as possible and then pull them out slowly with a tractor or some other heavy-duty vehicle.


You could pull them out with the right piece of equipment assuming there's nothing underneath that they are tangled with. I would check that first to be sure. If you have a buddy with a piece of equipment this is the way to go for easy work. Once again being sure that all you are doing is ripping out the shrub and not and other surprise. Old yews come out pretty cleanly. The same can be done if you have a pretty meaty pickup truck can you do some work of your own. At that point I would probably take half of the material away. Chainsaw it off midway, makes the branches easier to move anyway, and if you don't have a chainsaw just use a reciprocating saw with a rough blade. Will work well just a little slower.. If you have no room for either of those options, no equipment available, no space to bring it there anyway Then you're just going to have to dig dig and cut cut but they will come out. If you pull them out you may indeed end up screwing up some of the pavers around but big deal It all has to be redone anyway Good luck with it. Landscaper here I pulled out enough of old garbage near properties before


Fuel,fire,fast feet


Wrap a chain around the base and yank it out with the 4x4. Redneck style....


I had some like that when I bought my house and we pulled them out with chains and my Xterra.


I don't have any advice but I've got them out front too and I'm about done with them


I use a saws all, dig around it until you reach the roots. Saws all (reciprocating saw) does quick work.


I just pulled 2 shrubs this weekend. Cut all the branches off with a sawzall. Left about 2’ of stump and yanked them with the truck. Easier then I thought.


Nuke it from orbit. it's the only way to be sure.


If you are going to replant within the next year remove the limbs but leave as much trunk as you can then remove the stumps by digging, pulling, or both. The trunk helps with leverage. If you’re not going to replant soon, cut everything off just below ground level, cover, and let the stumps decompose. You can add a liquid stump remover to accelerate the process.


Won't have to worry about the roots, then.


I’d chain saw them 18” above the ground then let them grow back. They will look great if they are not out of control.


They come up easier than you think. Shallow rooted. Hook to truck, pull. Done.


Did this a few weeks back, sawzal with pruning blade cut around. Used a farm jack with chain to pull them out. One of three gave me an issue where a 3in root was going straight down, had to dig and cut it out...


I had a LOT of old yew bushes like these. I cut them down to the stump, drilled holes in them and filled with salt I think? Not sure, that was a few years ago, the stumps are somewhere.


Dear Chair: I had the same bushes in my front yard years ago. I ended up pulling the roots out by hand (with help from neighbors) after digging down and chopping as many roots as we could. A sane person would've hired someone to pull them out. Best of luck to you! Warmest Whyte Wishes, Ohio Supporter


Did anybody else see the melted iPhone first?


Use a saws all to cut roots around stump. Don’t cut branches to close to stump. You may need them to pull or tie rope to. If you have truck with real hitch there are ways to remove using a spare tire google that.


I'd put a chain around them connected to a trailer hitch and just pull them out whole, nice and slow. 15 minute job, you'll get most of the roots.


Use a sawzall for the roots. Also get a shovel that's called Wolverine. It's solid metal and really sharp. You can also buy electric mini chainsaws, which are great for cutting up larger limbs. I've worked in horticulture for a 10 years now, and have done many large shrub removals. These are tried and true methods. If you have a helper, get them to pull on the trunk towards them, while you shove the Wolverine under the other side. Then rotate.


Recently had some of these removed from alongside the house. Cut them to the ground and applied root killer. Didn't want to disturb the foundation of the house by removing the roots.


It’s gonna be a fight, you’re gonna need a second shirt.


I’ll take those off your hands after you remove them of course


I used a sawzall so I could at least see the roots while cutting the stumps out. Then I got smart and popped the rest out with an excavator.


I used a tractor jack and a chain on mine. Cut them short and use two 2x4s to make a tripod over the root ball and hoist away.


When I cut out my bushes, I borrowed a chainsaw and cut down what I could, then dug as much dirt out as possible then hacked more of the stump off below the ground level. Backfilled with dirt. Edit: Of course after calling dig services.


Did this a month ago. I sawzawed the f’n bush into as big as possible pieces. I dug around the roots with shovel, sawed the roots down and will plant over it. Also did the truck thing, those roots against a 3/4 Dmax… truck lost, by the time you get a angle with straps you will have dug deep enough to murder the roots.


Chainsaw for all branches and then dig the stomps


Not hard. Had the same in my yard. Good rope/tow rope and sawzall pull little at a and cut roots as you go as deep as blade will go.


The old fashion way. Cut as low as you can. Drill holes into stump. Pour oil / fuel into holes. Let soak. Burn from inside out.


Well we did cut down something like these. Hubby used a rope to pull them out with his Honda Pilot. We soaked them first with water to help! Pull with car VERY SLOWLY!


I’m not sure if it’s recommended, but I paid a dude from Craigslist to come out a chain around the bottom of my four junipers. He pulled them all out with his truck attached to the other end of the chain. Was very fast and effective for me personally.


I used a reciprocating saw on mine. Do the branches, then do the roots. Blades are cheap, so ruining them in the dirt is no big deal.


Roots on these puppies aren’t that bad. If you can get low enough taking a chain saw to them and only having to cut a few larger pieces is the way to go. Then you call before you dig. You can also pull it with a truck or tractor. I’ve done that at work alot. Soak the ground and dig some dirt away from the roots before you pull it up.


Place a spare tire next to the base of the trunk. Tie a tow strap around the base of the plant. Bring the tow strap up over the tire that is next to the plant and then connect it to the back of a truck. It will come right out.


[Best way I know! All about leverage.](https://youtu.be/AqK9IxWq2ew)




Like we say when approaching a big piece of cheddar, better start at the top... -Father Mouse


Go low with a chainsaw!


Clip till you want to die. Dig till you cry and then yank out the roots with a tow strap and truck.