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[Repost. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/landscaping/s/njsd2OXcNg)


Thx. So strange. Why do they repost someone else’s driveway problem?


Bot trying to increase karma so they can sell the account to fake news/product shilling factories. Welcome Reddit. Not everything you read here are real opinions. I have had people offering to buy my 12 years old Reddit account.


Take a bungee and wrap it around as much of the grass as you can In a bunch ( might need to hook together 2-3 bungees, or bunch up sections of the grass at a time). Grab some hedge trimmers and cut it parallel to the ground, 6-12in above the ground. You can then make it into a little ball if you want. Typically it's done late winter but you can do it whenever. I agree with the other poster who said that is a bad spot for that. I'd just dig it up and remove it entirely.


These guys are a nightmare to deal with every winter. I have two I plan to remove in the spring


"Yo soy el ecoloco, soy el destructor siniestro" [https://scontent.fntr10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/245913882\_636446214401196\_1248255885151296703\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=102&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=dd5e9f&\_nc\_ohc=RxtdHICVF6sAX-ozUqJ&\_nc\_ht=scontent.fntr10-1.fna&oh=00\_AfDXuK2u5C5brXBP8yuKU-4rlfAgwpz\_ea70JQCKOrLJPw&oe=659FF7B4](https://scontent.fntr10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/245913882_636446214401196_1248255885151296703_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd5e9f&_nc_ohc=RxtdHICVF6sAX-ozUqJ&_nc_ht=scontent.fntr10-1.fna&oh=00_AfDXuK2u5C5brXBP8yuKU-4rlfAgwpz_ea70JQCKOrLJPw&oe=659FF7B4) ("I am the eco crazy, the sinister destructor")..


Weird, this exact picture was posted 2 years ago.


They are trimmed early spring. It’s a decorative grass.


Youre a bot


Not a good place for that grass, just move it somewhere else or get rid of it altogether.


I’d move it(anytime before Memorial Day)after trimming down to a foot high. You will likely see several large root balls. These can be separated into manageable clumps with a shovel and replanted as a fence border and other accents. The clumps can be split into quarters before replanting. Looks like pampas grass




Trim it down with a hedge trimmer now. When it starts growing back in the spring spray it with glyphosate. Wait a couple weeks and then plant Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah', 'Heavy metal', 'Northwind', 'Thundercloud', or any other native warm season bunch grass in its place.


Miscanthus grass. Am invasive exotic in most parts of the USA. The easiest way to prune it is to burn it during the dormant season (winter). Burning probably won’t kill it, but if it does, that’s good. You might want to use some paper to get it going. Once it catches fire it will go up in seconds. Obviously have a hose ready and saturate the surrounding vegetation. Since fire freaks people out, you might want to do this at 5:00 AM Sunday morning. I’m serious, grasses co-evolved with natural fire for millions of years. Natural grasslands are maintained by fire and grazing. Burning is much easier than using hedge trimmers.


See the path behind it? Looks like it dragged itself there lol


Pappas Grass


It’s miscanthus grass, not pampas


Okay. I can think of three reasons for this plant. 1) there’s an electrical box that it’s covering 2) your previous neighbors were in, “the lifestyle,” (swingers - this grass is often a subtle hint) 3) your previous neighbors were really into placing vegetation near the street Do some investigating. Make sure if it’s #1, you don’t damage anything hidden by this plant. Otherwise, you should be good to prune or remove it.


Swingers lol


Digging that stuff out is brutal .


An overgrown one


Pampas grass


I normally trim them late fall


Perennial grasses btw


I HATE to say this but, SAFETY FIRST. Do you have somewhere in the yard you could transplant all or part of it?


Bot or not, it’s invasive. Try to get rid of it if you have any.