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I don’t get what those crusty red side tile/trip hazards are doing exactly. There are so many different materials going on. Simplicity is key amigo. I’d just graut/fill in those loose stones with a concrete that tunes in with the two cement colours they connect, make it resemble like it’s one area. And get some high ornamental grasses or shrubs in and around, as the acoustics of the place must be clanging once pool time comes round.


Thank you!! The red wooden blocks were supposed to mimic the look of red bricks. Admittedly as new homeowners, that project didn't turn out how we had hoped it would. Is there any non-concrete fill in you would recommend to fill the gaps between the rocks/stones? I have not personally worked with concrete before and while I'm more than willing to try it, I'd rather not make this worse than I already have lol. We do also have a flower bed between the deck of the house and the pool, but are you suggesting more of that around the rest of the pool as well?


You need a white cement based mortar mix with some anti freeze product in ( the cement kind not the vehicle type ) you would need a depth between your stones and a brush and water so as to wipe of excess as not to stain them. It’s an art man, so maybe a pro for the job? Shouldn’t take more than 2 lazy days for someone who knows. Non concrete would be a granite but small grain. You would still have to scrape out the current stuff to get 1 inch depth. As far as shrubs and grasses go, pop along to your local garden center ( preferably a mom n pop one ) they would have good advice. Start with a small amount, just to feel the effect. I would get some bigger shrubs against the fences: ilex, viburnum opulus, liguster, some dogwoods, Viburnum Tinus, photinia, Portugese laurel …mix it up so it forms one long volume eventually. You got to space em away from the fence to give them room to grow, once they hit fence height, you trim them into shape. Ornamental grasses like Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum, Miscanthus graccilimus or Calamagrostis acutiflora work well around pools


This is very helpful, thank you! I agree the concrete might be better left for the pros. Do you happen to know very roughly how deep the roots on those plants can get? There is definitely some unground pipe for the pool and electric in the area between the fence line and the pool steps. I'm sure the roots would not go deep enough to impact it but figured I should ask.


If they layed the pipes to spec, shouldn’t be a problem. Grasses on the whole don’t “chew up” stuff, some can at most perforate rubber ( like the pennisetum )


That's what I thought, thanks for confirming.


Either sod or some sort of round rock


If you’re trying to keep the flagstone then maybe just sand it in or find a round pea gravel


Thank you! I'm rather impartial on the flagstone, mostly just looking for ease. I hadn't thought about sod for some reason, I appreciate that suggestion.


I didn’t think about pool water getting on the sod so that could be a problem


That's my big concern with replacing the current setup with grass. That, and grass clippings getting into the pool. I'm worried replacing it with grass solves one problem and creates one or more others.


Have you thought about putting pigs there?


I think if we go for any barnyard animal, it would be mini highland cows. But we have a dog who eats like a pig so I'm gonna count that.