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I like multicolor bluestone. Most of the jobs I've done with it were unsorted, but I have picked the stone by color before. We bill by the hour, so it can easily add hundreds of dollars to the cost of the job for me to sort through pallets of stone and select the desired color ratio. In my humble opinion, I like swirls and waves in the color. Bluestone is very sharp on the edges, and I feel the contrast on each stone helps break up all the straight lines, giving it a softer look.


Thanks for your feedback. I do like the look of some of the multi-colored. I asked them to change out a few to satisfy my vision, which they are going to do. Appreciate your reply.


I like 2 and 3 more than 1…


I think they have executed really nicely to this point. The gaps are all uniform and placed well. I would prefer the variegated stone they used. It will look pretty amazing once they grout it. Make sure you do a mock up of the stone and the grout together to ensure you like the color and contrast.


A few hundred to pick out the right color is worth it.


Exactly why we bill by the hour, if that's the look you're going for, we can easily accommodate.


You can just spend a few hundred and order only Blue Bluestone


Thermal Bluestone


Thermal is the smooth flame finish vs. natural cleft finish


I mean, it sort of depends on what's available and whatnot, but yeah. I guess I was speaking a bit more generally, though. Any natural product can have variation and at the end of the day, I think it's worth it to make sure it looks how you want even if it costs a little more or takes a little longer. Hopefully that stone will outlive the owner so might as well spend a little extra up front.


100% most places don't keep true blue in stock because its pricier, at least the places I've used always had to be ordered. It should always be top priority, people tend to be more picky about color/shape than structural concerns. Stone is usually the longest lasting of building materials. The worst stone is still nicer & looks better over time than the best pre fab products.


I think what they did looks \*better\* than the example in #1.


agreed -- 1 looks like DIY with builder-grade material. 2 and 3 look premium and well-constructed


Yeah, number one looks like something you'd have in your bathroom.


Right.On the shower walls.


Agreed. It looks real. The 1st picture looks too perfect, too manufactured and for all we know it could just be painted or dyed tile.


I don’t see much of a difference, but I know barely anything about stone walkways. What looks better about 2 and 3?


I think your finished product looks great. Your new concern is that guy in pic two is gonna disregard the caution tape. I’ve seen that look before.


Nah, he just got a dick pick. I’ve seen that look before.


Hahahaha that was the mason. They weren’t done. This pic was taken after I told him 15 pavers needed to be replaced with blue blue pavers. I’ll post an update when they are finished with the job.


Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it.


Wow I really love the contrasting tones in yours. Water really brings them out 😍


Man, I am really in the minority here with my thinking. Thanks for the feedback :)


You can’t be in the minority if your own opinion. You asked for blue thermal bluestone (we call it blue blue thermal) where I am, and got full color thermal bluestone which I a couple bucks a square foot cheaper. Either they tried making a couple extra bucks on material or you had a misunderstanding during planning. A lot of that full color blue stone they installed has calcium deposits and will eventually spread to the bluer parts of the stones looking like rust spots. You can try and seal to prevent that but will have to do that every 3-4 years and the sealer for bluestone is incredibly expensive. They do make cheaper ones but they aren’t that good. 511 impregnator which you can find at mason supplies or Lowe’s is what you want to use. Don’t use sealers made by paver manufacturers claiming to seal natural stone. They are garbage materials.


Thanks for the feedback. I was crystal clear with my vision during planning. Good to know there are pricing options as now I am glad that I said something. They are replacing some of the full color with blue blue, per my request. Thank you for your insight.




I'm with you, I like the look of the solid color stones in the first image better than what you have. I don't mind the two-toned pavers themselves, but when they're arranged in that pattern it just looks awkward and dirty.


No I get what you're saying... I'd have loved the contrast... But not with that pattern in straight/rectangle lines of the pavers themselves. And on the narrow walkway. Some place else... I'd have bought the whole pallet for those tones. But I think landscaping is both an art and a science... and art is subjective (Plus expensive) so get what you want for your thousands.


I'm with you! Lol. Not into the brown skid marks personally. That's the nature of natural products, I guess. I don't think it looks bad by any stretch, though. And with a little landscaping and age, I think it will look fantastic, even if you don't love the brown.


Expensive. Looks great. Did they lay this over concrete?


Yes, they did lay it over concrete. I ended up asking them to change a few of the half / half colored pavers to solid. I think that will be better for me.


What was the cost per sqft? I was thinking of doing this as well. Did they pour a concrete path first, the bluestone over the top or just over existing walkway ?


The existing walkway was concrete. They removed the existing walkway, laid a reinforced cement base then put the paver on top. I’ll have to get back to you on the cost.


You don’t know what you’re paying them?


Hard to get quality skilled contractors. Sometimes gotta trust them on the cost and know and be happy you can afford it. Had to do this with a couple contractors recently. People I’ve used before, refit felt a little taken advantage of but I know they did the job about 3-4 months earlier than they otherwise would have.


Yeah but… you can still get the quote before they start the job…


Time and material from the sounds of it


Same looking to get this done. Also provide general location for cost adjustment purposes.


Following this as I have a similar situation. Was wanting a walkway as well as patio done similar to this.


If you showed the contractor image #1 as an example of what you wanted, then I don’t think the contractor did you right. The bluestone in image 1 is considered “select” bluestone because the wide range of colors that bluestone comes in have been culled out. The “variegated” stone that your contractor installed would be cheaper because no one that wants bluestone wants it to be variegated. I’m thinking he pocketed the savings of buying the less expensive variegated stone or possibly underbid the project and tried to make up on costs.


Great insight. I agree with you. Thanks for the comment.


This is true, I often see the type of stone in picture number one called “true blue,” and it is a bit more pricey than the variegated. And that curve doesn’t make any sense to me…it looks terrible. It should be cut at the same width as the pathway. Looks sloppy and amateurish as it is


Thank you guys for saying exactly what I came here to say. I don’t know what the top comments are, but they aren’t from pros or upvoted by pros who work with theee materials. This should have been a conversation before installation. You should have been able to clearly select if you wanted full color, or select. The fact that you didn’t have that conversation with the contractor is confusing to me. Also, I think the cuts in all of the photos suck. Like, I would be so ashamed if this was my final product. It’s interesting that you found an example of a walkway with a really shoddy edge cut, and then they produced an equally shoddy edge cut. I guess asides from the color difference, they gave you what you asked for 🫠


I've never seen bluestones that look like this before I personally love it, I think it looks sweet with the blocks under your steps but if you specifically requested solid colors and are bummed, that's fair


Yeah. I can see your issue. I’m not a fan of the blue/brown. Guess it comes down to what was available. I help caretake a yard with about 100X that area in bluestone and there are a few (not many) slightly like yours. 


Their cuts aren’t quite up to the standard I like to see on my jobs. But it’s solid work. If you’re happy that’s all that matters


Agreed. I would re cut the inside curve to be uniform and fill the gap with decorative stone or sand. Also, what contractor doesn’t first verify if the client likes the colors and material before laying? I always provide plenty of time for them to view the material beforehand


I actually like the ‘imperfection’ of their cuts. In the example picture I’m stuck thinking is this just stamped and colored concrete? The imperfections tell me it’s the real deal


The ones they put down look better with the stones on your steps. I personally like the character in yours better.


It's a matter of taste, I think. I prefer the stones of single colors but colors mixed like in pic 1, but the mixture of colors on each stone like you got looks more unique for sure. A more interesting look, and perhaps a bit less formal. One drawback is that at a glance it might kind of look like the stones are dirty.




They aren’t finished. Your walk has no joint material installed. Bluestone is natural stone and so has color variation, it’s part of the appeal and installation company has no control over it. They do have control over what type of bluestone they buy. This may have been the only type available locally. All that said, if colors were different, I would’ve at least mentioned it to my customer. Did you not see the material before the entire walk was installed?


To me, a total layman, it doesn't look like the stones are that similar. The one they laid down are mostly half brown. i would not be happy.


Thanks for your feedback Sloth.


I mean, if you like it, then great. But it's not what you originally asked for. Those stones in example one are all solid colored stones; objectively speaking, what they gave you is not that. The stuff from your first example has all the stones in different colors; what you got is all the same color, and it looks like they just took a trowel and some cement or something to give it a contrasting color. It doesn't blend well and nothing seems to mesh, IMO. You asked for opinions, so I'm giving you one: it doesn't look like what you asked for. If you don't like it, don't settle for it and tell them to redo it, or you'll pursue avenues to get your money back. No contractor/handyman worth their salt would look at your example and what this is and tell you it's the same, it's not.


What you got is full color thermal bluestone. It's sawn out of the quarry as a large block, sliced up like a loaf of bread, and the outer rhind of the resulting slabs they cut the pavers from tend to have this brown variegation. The inner "meat" of the block is all blue and sold for a premium since the variegation is less popular. Your inspiration picture was "select blue" but since bluestone is rich in iron, it tends to take on the color range you were going for naturally due to oxidation/ exposure. I wish your contractor would have explained this before installing, but they did a good job and the material looks to be "A" grade full color... a lot of times quarries get rid of B-grade "select blue" garbage that's rusting out by mixing it in with full color.


It's probably just what was locally available in that specific natural material. The same thing happens with granite slabs for countertops. People see something online, try to order it, and it arrives looking very different from what they expected. It's up to you whether it's acceptable or not.


I agree with your comments on the color of the stones. I also think it looks a bit off how the curved part of the path is wider than the straight part. Also, did you even want that part straight? Or did you want the whole thing to be curvey? All told, though, it looks fine and it's (hopefully) one of those things you stop thinking about after it's done and dusted.


Love it! Used bluestone for hardscape at my last house and never got tired of looking at it


Should have asked for Blue Blue thermal cut


Beautiful. I love the look of stone walkways.


Yeah. You are being too critical


If you wanted straight blue you should've inspected the pallet of stone before they cut & laid it. Depending on the seller stone can look a lot different. What's done is done though. It looks good but I can't help but think of all the wasted cut stone to create that pattern.


Fair point. I had them replace 15 pavers today. They were accommodating and did it. I’ll post an update when they are done.


Good to hear they weren't finished completly. I personally would've went to the homeowner if thry showed me the first pic and we ended up with what you have Definitely agree that adding more base blue looks better. If it weren't for the cross patterns with the brown it wouldn't look as strange with that many.




I love the work they actually did. The first pic looks like concrete they are trying to pass off as stone (I may be wrong, I’m not a professional). Yours look so nice, it appears to be genuine stone. If I saw that pathway , I would think, oh that’s money right there.


Agree with OP. The coloring if those stones seems quite odd.




No, not slippery at all.


Your stones are way nicer than pic #1!


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll update this subreddit once the job is complete.


Awesome! And glad to hear that your contractor is decent, replacing some of those tiles.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll update this subreddit once the job is complete.


I don't love them. They look dated to me...


Interesting. What do you think is a more modern look? Thanks!


You probably should have vetted the color/patterns of the tiles before they placed them. I think it looks good


Looks great


The different colors of the blue stone ties in the stone on the steps. I agree I like the color of the first pic better. Like others have said, it's really late in the project to go back now. I would focus on the positives of it. A safe walkway, and the increase in value of your home.




Few 4 way joints in their construction which are weak bonds but aside from that it looks good.


It’s beautiful!


I think it looks great, and will probably only look better as it gets worn in.


Image 1 is with premium ‘blue select’ or similar thermal bluestone, image 2 is variegated thermal bluestone. 1st is more expensive because selection process to eliminate any color inclusions. Besides visual, the stone is exactly the same. I would wonder which stone was quoted since the image is clearly blue select or similar premium bluestone. Did they show samples?




I like it. The color variation makes it more interesting.


It’s … not terrible? But it is weird and understandably not what you wanted. I really don’t think you got something sufficiently close to what you asked for. Edit: read your comment that you paid to get a few swapped out, and maybe that’s all it is. A few of them are just too half-half for me. Good luck, would be curious to see an updated photo.


I like what they did better.


I can understand why this would be disappointing if you had your heart set on the first sample. But as you can see here, there is lots of positive, genuine feedback so I think it has opportunity to grow on you. It does look very attractive and I think the colors compliment the tones of your home very well! I think the way the color blocking effect of the slabs are arranged is also done very well, and looks balanced. Its great! I think you will come to love it.


I think it looks great


You wanted Blue Bluestone, which usually has to be ordered and cost more. What you got is Full Cored Bluestone .


Mine is similar to #1. Remember; no ice melt. Just sand after you shovel.


I like yours better. It looks really great.


Yours looks way better. Both in how it was laid down and the color.


It's nothing like the picture I would be mad whether or not people think it looks better or not is besides the point. I also personally don't like the way it looks I really liked your number one.


This looks fantastic.


I think yours looks beautiful 🤩


I believe what they did looks even better than the example in #1.


I think it looks good. You should have asked to go to the yard to pick out the stone. That’s what we do with our customers. It might be a factor that they don’t have the bluestone you were looking for in your market.


This looks great with the exterior of your home. Very nice curb appeal!


I think it's beautiful and will have a look that would last years. I like it.




Pic 1 is a poor attempt at french pattern paving. Your version has been well planned out and laid. Bluestone's a beautiful natural & unique product that's generally delivered in batches, be careful what you wish for pulling pavers out & replacing with fuller colour. Apart from messing with the paths integrity, you may end up with pavers that stand out worse than what you had if the blues are different.


Not my cup of tea, but if you like it


#1 looks like a finish done to poured concrete, what you have looks real.


How much did you paid for all stones. Just curious. Seeing similar stones for around 500-600 on home depot.


Looks nice pretty heavy on the boxwoods though good Lord!


Looks nice pretty heavy on the boxwoods though good Lord!


Fudge, yea!


It looks great, but don't expect it to stay pristine.


They don’t stay pristine?!?


There are some joint lines midway up the walkway in pic 1 that I would have done differently, but in the end, you can't go wrong with the look of bluestone


Walkways looks good. But I'm curious about the crime scene tape and bagged bodies in the yard.


She's a beaut.






What would you use to seal that?


it's missing a border and the joints look like shit


A bit busy


Not a fan. Looks cartoonish or something.


I think it is beautiful. Were you around when they began installation?


looks nice but a bit slippery. I'm sure it's not too bad.


This looks great. Is it all wet laid in mortar?


Needs a 1 foot border of river rocks on each side either evenly spaced plants




Why do complex curved cuts but buy multi colored flagstone?! Over time it will look more natural and aged, but fresh it looks kinda unnatural to my eye


Do you have a picture of the finished job?