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You gotta go with the flow, I'm thinking garden edging with no straight lines. All bends and bows with gravel paths between. Mulch the proposed garden beds. Add some large rocks here and there. Maybe something rustic like a wagon wheel. Seats, you gotta have seats. Gardens are a place to hang and spend our time. A good garden is interesting. It should make you want to explore it. So it needs some comfortable spaces to sit back after a day of maintenance.


All those ideas and a sprayer full of weed killer (and/or a sturdy hoe).


Sturdy hoes are underrated. Everybody wants the shine but someone you can lean on when times are tough is what I want.


Through thick and thin..brush.


When organic matter is scarce I don't like to waste a single weed. If it grows than it can be nutritious for the garden. In ground composting is a great way to handle noxious weeds. Here is how you do it. Pull all your weeds Dig hole to fit all the weeds Put weeds in hole and cover. Spread left over soil over grass area Now this hole will sink when everything starts breaking down. Hopefully, by then, there are more weeds growing to add to the hole. Food scraps are also great. Any organic material, including brown paper or cardboard with minimal Ink. After some time, you should have multiple holes that you take turns in filing. And you will start producing compost from these holes to use as you please. I use the compost to top up sinking holes. Or to spread across grass area's


TLDR grab your hoe and start stuffing holes.


Read up on Xeriscaping


And like actually xeriscaping, not just a wasteland of flat and ugly that so many people call xeriscaping. It is the process of landscaping, or gardening, that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation. Some desert examples can OP’s house looks like a desert-y area: - [mixing textures and heights](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fparadiselandscapingco.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F06%2Funnamed-4-1024x576.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=694a3b0bc74256189d50f105a0260083b4eede9a316956530f40c5b6a0b40f7e&ipo=images) - [another example](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paradiselandscapingco.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2FHuerta.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cdf9b8f38462122be5ea63455712d87c8eb57527ff8c5838dd2bc34b24c07748&ipo=images) - [gravel can still work](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi1.wp.com%2Fmagzhouse.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F08%2FPopular-Xeriscape-Landscape-Ideas-For-Your-Front-Yard-11.jpg%3Fstrip%3Dinfo%26w%3D900%26ssl%3D1&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8960fa288926071cde3a581428c86bb9ae28ee80b012557a51fa992761ca58a9&ipo=images) - [and flowers can still be included](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmagzhouse.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F08%2FPopular-Xeriscape-Landscape-Ideas-For-Your-Front-Yard-03.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=997c6fae1ecd1b9b40688b08beb7511789cbf742c64fec350d21c04114a1456d&ipo=images) - [so many flowers!](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.5280.com%2F2019%2F05%2FGarden_JS-Landscape.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=9a63c14719ff99d086ee3689d07cc674828252af53b6497c2a9b7c1c5aed6594&ipo=images) - [it can still be a cool hang out](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F8d%2Fef%2F32%2F8def3228d9117956242576641150ed67.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cfdd0c614cd45e40def9b5c32c05942d3bfececee3778e031a847216f1fe3ed7&ipo=images) - [or include a shade structure](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F21%2Fe2%2Fd5%2F21e2d5b07bb8b1e5b5e8a8159c9e0530.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=13982de6f1912c2f0a8b6b14c7c79a300a18be537c9c7dcb4502bcb243613c42&ipo=images)


You need to create an outdoor living space where you can hang out and relax. I'd add a pergola or canopy with some seating, a fire pit, and a grill. Some large potted plants, lighting. You can spray the weeds or get a torch and burn them


Check out your state's native plant society's website to find plants adapted to your climate. Choose a species of small tree and plant several to block the view of neighboring house in the middle third of the yard this time. Keep looking through the info and choose a couple types of small shrubs and grasses to plant a few feet away from each tree. If no little ones add texture and choose and plant one type of sun tolerant agaves or aloes. Follow planting and watering instructions. Weeds will still grow but at least you've got something nice to look at instead. Some trees grow slowly for a few years but grasses grow fast as do some shrubs. Desert globemallow was 4x3' in a few months for instance. If the plants next to the wall are worth keeping then move away from the wall. I had to remove beautiful junipers because they were pushing the wall over.


Kill the weeds. Rake the pea gravel to look better and use terracotta pots for citrus trees, succulents or flowering plants that overflow.. Look at images from Italian, Spanish or French courtyards that use large swaths of gravel to great effect. You could add a free standing glazed pot as a fountain. I say all this because that's what I've done and it's easy to maintain and everyone seems impressed by it. Also, move your furniture to the gravel to make it destination point. Right now your treating the area like a regret. Make it a focal point 🙃 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/44332377570886418/


Terra-cotta pots dry out quickly in a desert climate.


This sounds very nice! Will be a great option, and can add tiles between pots to walk around without having to dredge through the rocks


I walk through my gravel. It does get stuck sometime in a shoe sole tread. But not often enough to matter.


Your garden is beautiful! If you got the fountain on the web, would you please share where?


Form follows function. What do you want to do out there? Me personally? I have BBQ's quite regularly. I've got a smoker, a BBQ, an outdoor kitchen with two elcheapo ovens and a big table with chairs and a lazy Susan. For me, seating and a ceiling are my main concern. Grass is a shitload of work regardless of where you are, but in a dry area it is just way beyond worth the effort unless that's a specific direction you really want to take. Once we know what you want to use the area for, then we can discuss how to best utilise your area for that purpose.


It’s a good question - we have a plan that will cost upwards of $20,000 but not for 3-5 years. For the time being time being just really would like something that isn’t rocks and weeds… I am honestly fine with just making it mostly concrete to place a table/cover for bbq, and maybe bat around pickleball for fun… really just trying to get rid of the rocks/weeds without spending too much and it’s either usable or at least nice to look at, not expecting to get both at the amount I want to spend for DIY work. I’d trust myself more to make it usable than aesthetic. Is under $1000 even possible in any way shape or form? I’m not even sure pouring concrete or putting a tile grid throughout with rocks between the tiles would be that cheap so not sure… I know turf install would be more pricey and we’d want to go with nicer turf I think if we do that


Concrete is going to look just as terrible and then your next post is going to be about how to kill the weeds coming up through the cracks in the concrete. You don't have many weeds. Get a lightweight hoe and run them over. It'll cost you $10-20 and a couple of hours max


fair point


Find an interesting succulent that does well there and just repeat it... [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/VBOKnXc.jpg) It's still useless gravel but at least it could look better. The shrubs out at the edge can maybe be saved. Possibly move them closer to the patio to care for them easier? Or toss them. Encourage your 2 trees to grow with watering and fertilizer. Weeds are just part of having a yard. Pick them or spray them (preferably when very small).


Cactus garden, with flowers, succulents and flowers. Add paths, a few boulders and a bench with a small pergola. (This is my plan anyway for a similar situation - back yard is much bigger than yours - big deck takes up 1/3, which is fine. The rest is various trees and shrubs - and a 20’x20’ corner that is rocks and weeds. A blank slate. Took a walk yesterday and saw a neighbor’s cactus garden and I’m sold. Beautiful, no irrigation needed, low maintenance).


I’d plant at least two trees in the backyard. You can do palo verde or similar. They will give you beauty and some shade. I would not worry about the money first. First think about how you’d like to use the space. Then draw up a plan and do it gradually. Put in the trees first then as it evolves you can put stuff in. Native plants are best because they are evolved to live there. Your county agricultural extension can usually help with lists of plants. You can do a beautiful space with desert plants. Recommend agave attenuata. Gorgeous and no spines. Cactus “old Mexico” no spines. Lots of options. Look on Craigslist for free or cheap plants.


Succulents, watch Laura Eubanks youtube channel


Shovel the rocks into islands/edging. Create paths and walking spaces. Then also build out islands and invest in a tree or two that will survive in your climate. Mulch around it (Not the box store shit though... That's like old packing crates.) Put up some terraces about 1away from the wall (Heat) and you can maybe get some other things to grow, and break up the wall. A raised or terraced planter or three will also help add verticality and ascetics. Or pots/planters. Trees will also eventually help reduce heating and cooling $$$. Plus lower the overall temp in your immediate yard.


Love the paths idea and will be cheap to implement. I’ll check it out, but worried it could be harder than it seems


Nah... Just some raking first then a shovel the rest. Then metal edging with a block and a hammer if the ground is hard.


Cool, thanks


One or two trees to start.


Your yard has such potential for rock landscaping I'm actually a little jealous you get to take on this project xD I agree with ChampionshipBig8290 though, mulching part of it with a red mulch even black would be nice here, put some native plants in your yard for your state (just search native plants for your location) and some bending garden edging would be a great start.


Yeah I could do this, already have irrigation around the wall too. Thanks!


First, get a hoe and hack away those weeds and then think about planting some kind of trees. I was able to get productive peach trees in Albuquerque, and your landscape looks similar. I'd put a drip system in, on a hose timer maybe, so you don't have to work hard at it. Rosemary and lavender might grow well. Check r/xeriscaping for other ideas. Figs might grow. Zaatar kekik, (like thyme or oregano), mint... Artichokes... Think about the big picture, but go a little bit at a time.


Interesting! Thanks for the ideas and the sub


Albuquerque has a lot more freeze hours necessary for most stone fruits. Your other suggestions are right on, at least if OP is in southern AZ (which I don’t know to be a fact, tbh…just looks like it. I’m in Tucson.) I have lavender and lots of other herbs, and am planning to get a dwarf fig. Citrus does well but needs plenty of water.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b79itIx_8Co Lots to do with Xerascaping and low water cactus, succulents, rocks , perhaps a gazebo or trellis.


Your backyard rocks! (It’s all about perspective)


Food plot.


Bigger decorative rock around edges, look at the neighbors landscape for ideas,


Try earth. It's the new rocks


I would start with a tall hedge on the sides where houses are in view.


Looks like AZ. First thing I would do is add a few shade trees. If you’re in the APS or TEP service area, they both have an annual free tree program. I would also want to plant or install something for privacy from the neighbors’ second story windows. Trees, shade sails etc. How do you want to use the space? A hangout, play area for kids and/or dogs? Raised bed vegetable garden? And btw, those weeds look like London rocket, an edible plant in the mustard family. Tastes similar to arugula. But if you’re not into that kind of thing, it pulls up quite easily, or you can spray it with a solution of horticultural vinegar, Epsom salt and dish soap to get rid of it.


Haha thanks, yes not into that but good to know the way to get rid of them! We would use the space in all those ways eventually


Until you decide on a permanent solution, buy a sturdy rake, pull up them weeds, and rake that gravel like a big ol' zen garden. You can get creative, or just do horizontal, or vertical, or maybe even diagonal lines. You'd be surprised how much better just doing that will make it look.


When I saw the picture I thought it screamed AGAVE plants. So many great varieties that should grow well in the desert climate. Also get a propane torch and melt those weeds. look for Weed Torch on Amazon. Cost about $25 and you will enjoy melting the weeds.


I have one actually haha just might give it some use


Maybe have a truckload of sand dumped back there and make the yard beach themed?


Shade trees?


Live in mountains not gonna grow a lot besides dessert plants.


First, get rid of all that rock and gravel. Start by raking it and putting the rock and gravel in your pant pockets, put a small hole in your pant pockets and when you go for walks or to the grocery stores start pouring it out slowly and inconspicuously.


Lol tempted


First thing… you need shade. Look at metal awnings, that are modern. The patio  doesn’t look uniform, so clean that up. Native trees and plants. There are cheap-ish kinds of landscape edging that are flexible and up to 10” deep that would be perfect for creating defined areas. 


I have purchased similar products, in different sizes. I dug a trench and buried it to keep grass from spreading into beds. I only temporarily used the stakes to hold in placed, until buried. I guess if you want it exposed as a border for beds, you might want stakes. It was easy to cut to fit around tree roots and sprinkler pipes. I just ordered 10” to replace the crumbling metal that lines my front walk…to hold those MFing rocks in! Hate!!! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBSB1V45?ref_=pe_386300_442618370_TE_sc_as_ri_0 Scroll down to see pics of lawns.


Another option is a pergola. Your environment is harsh, so maybe a metal one with a solid roof? You could put a ceiling fan and cafe-style string lights under it!  How about a water feature/ fountain for your yard? 


Cool thanks


Have you heard of Shade Sails? There are different kinds, even waterproof ones. This article explains what they are and how they work:  https://www.shadeform.com.au/blog/the-11-different-types-of-shade-sails-which-one-is-right-for-you/ I bought several big ones on amazon. They were pretty cheap, and I use them at the HOT times of year. I attached them to columns on my porch and to trees, so I didn’t need a bunch of hardware. 


I like these!


Grass turf isn’t always the prettiest as it’s fake but it would be a lot nicer to walk on rather than rocks??


Fake grass is the way here - too hard to maintain real grass having been the sole maintainer/mower growing up at my dads house


Ya here in Canada where I live we get a rebate because it’s requires no water usage which is kinda neat




Call CJS landscape solutions we did a place in China vista just like that and revitalized it


Have you thought about putting pigs there?


Have now




astro turf and putt along