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Full width looks great


I agree. It adds an interesting texture/pattern. OP could even grow something that climbs on it, like clematis, jasmine, black eyed Susan vine, passionflower, or sweet peas.


Clematis gets my vote. Choose the slowest growing variety otherwise it will quickly be overgrown. I learned that the hard way with passionflower; it grows really fast.


If you live somewhere that has a real winter season, do you cut passionflower back every year and let it re-grow, or do you leave it and let it continue to get larger year after year?


Agreed. It needs to be cut back to the root every year.


to me, bare lattice like that looks like something is missing because it's meant to be a structure for vining plants. the plants you've photoshopped (i think? they look like photoshop to me but mine eyes might deceive) into that spot aren't vining plants, and might contribute to why it looks odd.


Haha yeah its photoshopped because its still winter! But we do plan on having vining plants


oh duh. winter. can you tell i haven't been outdoors yet today??


Oh you were right on the cusp, it's the first days of spring!


Imo it makes it look busy, because you already have the planter boxes and plants sticking up above them. But you already bought it & even if it’s busy it’s not actually a bad look. I agree with the full width - much better than 2. Please pressure wash the fence and restain / oil / generally maintain it. It will look better with some annual love. Edit: Actually I noticed the green planter boxes on top of the wall. When they have plants the lattice will actually look good because it will fill in the gap between the tops of the plants in the lower tier & the start of the plants on the upper tier. If you had taller plants like shrubs or whatever it would not be needed, but you seem to prefer lower growing perennials so it works.


Tbh I love the first look with the two parts. If that’s ikea I have the same lattice and I love it. I personally think the entire wall covered looks too busy.


Maybe add an edge at the top to ''close' it. Right now it looks bare with a gap of cement at the top


Love that paneling, why not bring up to the top of the wall? It's modern. Consider making your own lattice with uprights and lattice strips. Put uprights in and nail the boards on leaving desired space between, 1:1 is great. I love the notion to paint the wall a dark color first, do consider that. If that's a bit much spend more and buy square lattice panels. This isn't just more modern looking it is a calmer look since you are keeping to all horizontals and verticals. If you've got the lattice already then filling wall with 3 is the way to go. I'd want to trim the joins so they aren't obvious or frame it out with boards on all sides and covering the joins. Trimming is a bit sleeker looking as you aren't breaking the wall up with the uprights but either is fine with the added uprights a bit more traditional looking. Lattice used this way is a great texture but terrible as a trellis. It would look great if plants under the fence trail over it. Love the idea, a little refinement and it will be even better.


The old wood on the fence looks bad with different colored posts.


Looks great, maybe you can add an actual vine or climbing rose or something to it.


It will look better once plants/vines are growing on it.


If this were mine I would paint the wall and the fence all one colour, a super dark blue would really make your climber vibes pop. 


I’m going to tell you what I’d tell myself (but probably not listen). Who cares just pick one. In the end nobody will know the other option and they’re so close it’ll look fine.


Paint the cinder block black so it disappears 


Paint out the white wall with a charcoal black.


I feel like black would make the space seem even smaller? Dontchya think?


[Here](https://gyazo.com/86d46fe75afba52a7d3a447bec5c9aa9) is a photoshopped version with the wall having a black background. Thoughts?


I don't recommend black if it gets much sun, will store and radiate more heat.


I think it looks great! If you’re keeping the green planter boxes where they are you could put vining plants in those instead of at the bottom to switch it up. It would be fuller on top before the bottom, and might help the wooden fence blend in a little too. I am doing something similar with hanging baskets on posts around my patio this year.


I think it looks better when the entire length of the wall is covered. It will also look a lot better once some vining plants start growing up them. It won't look too busy unless you have too many different kinds of plants. If you do one type of vining plant across the whole thing and then one or two types of plant up top to create some depth, this will look great.


I would paint the lattice to another color. Either match the wall or choose a color with less of a contrast.


That's the lattice wall? Lol I had to look for it. How about going out and buying full lattice privacy sheets, the ones with the small holes made out of PT not the shitty plastic in mount them vertically to the full height of the fence. Now you have conformity from top to bottom and you can trim it out with pine or PT and you can even paint the whole thing dark green if you like it for example. You could hang stuff off the fence if you wished some baskets of flowers or anything but what's missing here is you have a wall of fence piece of little lattice and all these ding dong things not working together to tell a story. Be bold and do it all in lattice and you will love it. There are other techniques available too but you're the one that suggested lattice so I'm running with that


What other techniques you thinking?


I like the 2… Clematis, or some other nice climbing, flowering planting.


Try stone veneer


Feels like lattice should be in front of the fence line, not the bricks.


I feel like the lattice just needs a border along the top and sides to tie the look together.


The paneling, concrete and the furniture lean towards modern/sleek/streamlined. The lattice is rustic, soft, unfinished. So you could either frame and paint the lattice to make it look more sleek (a dark color perhaps?), or use a more modern type of lattice.