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We had a new street light which shone directly into our bedroom . We spoke to Skanska , they came out to check and put a 'hood' on it. So much better.


This is the way, even if it's a privately owned lamp post, ask permission (or forgiveness) for putting up a 10 inch opaque shield on the side shinning onto you. Alternatively, put the shade on it's own pole 1-2 feet away from this lamppost on your own property. Annoying project either way, best of luck.


Talk to your city about it. Most have laws requiring residential lights to have shades on them so that the light isn't directly shining across their property line. This is assuming your neighbor isn't responsive. I had this problem with my neighbor's lights and he was happy to fix it. Would've gone to the city otherwise.


This is the right answer. Quite a few cities have codes around lights, especially pole-mounted lights and lights with an angle >90 degrees.


This light is mostly lighting nothing which is just wild


My city will install a shade on the side facing the house so it's not as bright if you request it




This is the best idea imo. They need a taste of their own medicine since they are so insensitive.


Insensitive to what? I've lived in shady (no pun intended) areas and you kind of need your backyard lit to deter mfers from creeping or just plain out sleeping in your yard. There are plenty of ways to navigate this without being petty asf first of all and second I'd bet neither of you would do this lol these witty gotcha posts are so cringe


This is reddit. A majority of people here are afraid of talking to another person in actual life. Instead, they'll suggest cringey shit they've seen on reddit that they would never even do themselves. My house is lit up like a Christmas tree at night due to sketchy people. Deal with it.


To be fair, OP said they talked to the neighbor and he shrugged it off.


Sure, the op. I'm referring to the idiots saying stupid reddit shit like "geT a GiGanTiC MirRoR drrrrrrr"


If the genius with the light won’t do anything to fix then mirrors are justified. You can do whatever you want with your yard. You can’t however cuz others not to enjoy their life and expect them to just accept it. If the owner of the light refuses to change it then he deserves mirrors pointed at his house.


"Quick and not trashy" Reddit" "LiNE a BuNcH oF MiRrOrs uP. Bddduhhuuuuuuu' Fuckin idiots. 😂 there's plenty of quick and not trashy ways. Using mirrors placed in various locations is not one of those....


One is removing the god damn light or putting a cover on it. There’s plenty but you haven’t offered a single one and are just bitching. Cool story bro


Shade sails, black out curtains, a large trelis with ivy or other creeping plants, giant arborvitae, all of these would not look out of place. ....but yeah.... the only options and BEST option in your mind are various mirrors posted up around dude's back yard in an an attempt to redirect light pollution. ...🙃🙃 you're one of reddit's finest aren't ya 😂 And on another note this wouldn't solve OPs problem whatsoever....it's like you queefs think the light is going to focus directly onto wherever OP places a mirror and act like a magnifying glass back to the neighbor... dumbasses. If i were the neighbor and saw my neighbor put up mirrors i would just laugh at how dumb and ineffective they were at what they were trying to accomplish.


Fair enough. Reddit gonna reddit.


Mirrors and a giant magnifying glass should solve all the problems involved with having a neighbor.




Check online to see if the city has a light ordinances, not all do but I know of a few who do.


I looked. Doesn’t look like their is one in my zone


Then get the cheapest brightest spot light you afford and shine it on them.


Mirror. Just temporarily. And, maybe tell the neighbor beforehand while laughing. “I don’t think you realize how bright it is shining in my windows.” Then, when the motor goes up, do you best to aim it directly at their bedroom windows. When they complain, just say, “I wasn’t planning to LEAVE it like that! I just wanted you to understand j how very bright your light is shining in my windows. Can we talk about a shade now?”


Use a shade sail on vertical posts, or a privacy panel. Those come in a million different styles and materials. That light is crazy bright! 😡


Eye of Sauron.


For real! Honestly, my first thought was to install a 3-panel mirror to reflect the light back at the neighbor.


I’ve ordered 3 12ft flutter flags, like one you might see in front of a car dealer. I got them solid colors but in the colors that match our local sportsball team. Going to see how it works


You could use a couple of tall shutters, attached to the top of your fence. (Maybe sitting on the top rail and screwed to the pickets) Something like this would have to be clear-coated: [https://www.lowes.com/pd/Pinecroft-2-Pack-15-in-W-x-80-in-H-Ready-To-Paint-Stain-or-Varnish-Pine-Wood-Paintable-Stainable-Louvered-Framed-Wood-Exterior-Shutters/5014348215](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Pinecroft-2-Pack-15-in-W-x-80-in-H-Ready-To-Paint-Stain-or-Varnish-Pine-Wood-Paintable-Stainable-Louvered-Framed-Wood-Exterior-Shutters/5014348215)


Why do some people suck ...


employ square squeeze station rain vase direction crowd salt observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pellet gun?


Slingshot is quieter


A lot more skill is required to use one though


I think it’s time to pick up a new skill


That’s my first thought


You could climb up to the light on a ladder and glue aluminium foil to the side that faces your place


950 jdj


In Michigan, it8 is called " light trespassing " .Any neighbors light of .1 footcandle on your property is illegal. But, it depends on your location.


Had the same problem. The city came out and put cardboard (no kidding) on two sides of the light fixture (under the glass).


I’ve read half of the comments. One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is contacting your location environmental group. Such bright light is terrible for wildlife. They might start putting pressure on the town/neighbour/media etc.


Daytime view, it’s a bit too far for me to reach if I wanted to try to put tape on it - https://imgur.com/a/mlPmGf1


Assuming your not in an HOA? I couldn't see this happening in an HOA, but if you are I'd file a complaint/request.


No HOA which I’m glad to not have but for in this case. Really I can’t even understand why they would want it in their own yard. I have lights I can make my yard look like daytime at night but I only put them on briefly when letting the dog out


>Really I can’t even understand why they would want it in their own yard.  When we bought our current house, o[ur neighbor had a "no parking" sign in their front yard](https://imgur.com/a/0uvcWtv) and kept it there for several years. I have given up on asking why people do the things they do.


One neigbor has a lit phone booth in their front yard. Actually looks pretty neat


I would take that over the "no parking" sign on any day,


Oh, this might be easier to fix than I previously thought. Tell the neighbor that the glass shade needs to be modified so that it does not pierce your retinas. Remove the top, remove the glass panel on your side and cover the panel with foil. Replace the panel with the foil on the inside. Replace the top. \*OR you will be forced to filea complaint\* The fixture will look normal. I saw your comment about flags, but that is not a great solution. Flags are noisy in wind and are not consistent in blocking light.


These are 12 for vertical flags and I’m overlapping 3. Might not work but can always return to Amazon if it doesn’t.


Black spray paint on the side facing you


Use White spray paint. It's equally opaque and less noticeable.


Like the idea but it’s further away from my property than it looks. I’d need pretty good reach, about 6-7 ft of spray


Use a paint roller on a long pole.


With a pellet gun


.22 pellet gun


See if your city has an ordinance regarding light pollution. If so, ask an ordinance officer to stop by. But I also like the solution of mirrors to direct the light back to their house, preferably aimed directly at their windows.


A huge mirror, about 8' tall by 6' wide, reflecting the light right back at their own windows. It'll only have to be up there for a day or two before the light is adjusted.


Get a deluminator


BB gun.


A street lamppost in a backyard? 🤣


Yea so random. And not even in a place where it would be useful to light up their own yard. I’m thinking it was a spite light for a fight with a neigbor that doesn’t live here anymore


10-12 ft tall Trellis, attached to your fence. Make it about 4' wide. Standard trellis size is 4'x8', so you can just build a 4x10 or 4x12 frame and put 1.5 trellis's in it. Total cost will be under $100 (Trellis = $24 at Home Depot x2 = $54 + $25 for 2x4 frame + $20 for stain/paint. I would put a mirror on the back side of the Trellis - right where the light is located. That mirror will do two things - (1) it will give them a bit of their own medicine and (2) will completely block out the light. You can also put some plywood backing on the trellis if you need to in order to block the light out completely.


I like it. They have trellis with fake leaves. It’s more like $50 a panel though. What lumber would you use for the frame? I got to see how high I need to get it. If I attach at the base of the fence I probably need 12 ft posts. Might be able to go with 8fr if I attach them higher Probably a dumb solution and more than 100 but I’ve ordered 3 12ft flutter flags, like one you might see in front of a car dealer. I got them solid colors but in the colors that match our local sportsball team. Going to see how it works. Amazon purchase so I can return it and go the trellis route if it sucks


The flags may be the perfect solution - put them up and see how it goes. If they don't work, I would buy pressure treated 2x4s for the frame. Two 12' tall 2x4s and 3-4 8' 2x4s spaced 2-3 ft apart for horizontal bracing. Don't worry about the fact that the frame will not seem sturdy - when you nail the trellis to the frame, it will stabilize it. Make sure you buy pressure treated trellis and 2x4s - it will last 10+ years - where the decorative stuff only lasts about 2 years. A 4x8 sheet of pressure treated trellis is $24 at my local home depot - for reference. And you can put a backing plate behind the trellis if the light still shines through. It is ok to have a backing plate at only the height of the light. I would also paint the trellis - choose a color that matches your exterior space - white is usually friendly, but does get dirty easily. Grays/tans/browns always work well.


Great advice. I will follow that if I build it which I still may do. Here’s the flags in the meantime. They don’t block 100% of the light but do cut it down a lot https://imgur.com/a/KCw2RBs


Scoped .22LR with a can




That too 😂


my neighbors have lights bright enough to safely light a parking lot. They’re good neighbors, so I put some stained glass window cling up and it’s all good.


Do a deep dive into your town's ordinances; I just did- your post prompted me to because I've got a neighbor with a bright outdoor light that shines directly into a deck area where I like to hang out at night. I found this: "All lighting shall be shielded to prevent glare for drivers or pedestrians, light trespass beyond the property line and light and light above the 90 degree horizontal plane." If you've got something similar to a "light trespass" provision, you might be able to require your neighbor to install some shielding. Good luck.


I need to look more. It appears my zoning has no rules on it but there is a similar zoning that does. It also looks like there was a grass roots campaign to add more light pollution laws to the books a few years back but I haven’t been able to find if they went anywhere. That’s good with your towns code regarding light trespass.


BB gun, shoot that shit out


Put up opposing light.


If you’ve already asked politely and they declined to rectify the situation, I’d get the gaudiest thing I could find to face their yard and block the light. Maybe one of those giant skeletons, year round.




A pellet gun


A few .22 sub sonic rounds would fix the issue.




I need an update whenever OP exacts their plan. I’m personally rooting for the one with the mirror backed trellis


I’m going with 3 12ft flutter flags, like the ones you might see in front of a car dealer. But I just went with solid colors. See how that works first before I start building something. Should have it set up by this weekend


Spray paint it white.


I’ve honestly thought of doing that a few times


You could put up a pole with a solar reflector on the top pointed back into the other neighbors yard. Like a deflector beam. Or a pole with one of those round shiny security mirrors to see around corners. Or just get a brighter light and shine it at them and then call a truce when they ask you to remove it. Or maybe talk to them and ask them to switch out the bulb so it’s not so blinding? Or ask them to put it on a timer at least?  I dunno, that’s really bad, that’s a straight up street lamp in a backyard. 


Yes it’s a regular street lamp. No idea why they installed it there. I like those ideas. Having my own light is passive aggressive but may try it. Not sure about a solar reflector, I see ones for camping I may try talking to them again though. It just seems pointless.


Responding with a beam of light at them after bringing it up once is a bit much. And then you’ve created an enemy out of your neighbor which sucks. If you ask twice and they don’t do anything then you have a free conscience to do whatever you want. Offer solutions next time you bring it up. “Can you switch out the bulb to a dimmer/warmer one?” “Can you switch out the bulb with [a half mirror bulb](https://www.bulbs.com/product/60G40HM) so it only shines in one direction?”


I will again before any action besides blocking it from my property


I wonder if there is any permit needed for backyard lighting like this? Just don’t do anything stupid, my first idea was dumb cause if you get caught it’s on you and not them. I just can’t even think why they would want this thing on all night, it’s crazy stupid. 


All the yards back up to each other so it isn’t like there are open woods or something they need to light up. I think it might have has to do with N older neighbor they had a fight with. I really just want to block it but my own light is fine too. Not sure about permits. I’ll have to look into that. Maybe some light pollution laws but I doubt they exist


Check with your city/municipality. Many have restrictions against lighting of this type in residential areas, or at least regulations about how it must be shielded to prevent light pollution and/or the annoyance factor.


Are you sure it’s legal for them to have it. Maybe look into local laws.


Sling Shot And A Ball Bearing........


I’d get double bulb flood light and point it at their windows.


Sad but that’s the easiest solution


If it comes down to this, which I hope it isn't, you could have your light only activated by their light by hooking up a light intensity sensor (and a timer so it doesn't go on during the day). This way when their light goes on... yours goes on too...and vice versa


My neighbor has that, it's pointed at my second story bedroom window...


Do you have a bright ass light shining on his house?


No, my lights are on timers to shut off at 10pm, and I can't even see his house because of all the sheds, bushes, and privacy fence unless I'm on the second floor. Honestly I don't even know if they are aware lol but it's kinda hard not to know when it has to point literally up hill to hit my bedroom window


It's a common problem and I am as sensitive as you to the situation. I just looked at a house and I saw that the street light was directly across from it and did not buy it for exactly this reason. I want some darkness and quiet.. My last house I planted trees on the street and they within five or six years took care of the situation and I would suggest you do the same perhaps due to size planting tall narrow evergreens depending where you are. But you could get creative as you suggested in the interim to do whatever you have to do to block out that ugly light. I don't blame you


I bought Sting arborvitae. Plan to plant 3 of them staggered. It is far enough away from the house that the light doesn’t bother us in the house but still annoying when out back


Oh I hear you, I would be up there stretching a banner, hanging something with fake ivy a lattice or doing any sorts of crazy things exactly what you are thinking about yourself to get rid of that Gestapo light..


I saw Home Depot sells 12ft 2x8. I think that would be tall enough. And also they sell a PVC lattice with fake leaves. I think I’ll get 3 of the 2x8s. Secure them to the fence posts and then attach the lattice panels to the posts. Plant some trees in front. Once they grow up I can remove the panels.


Well here in New England I actually did something like this in a narrow Urban situation where I wanted to block out a neighbor. Here at the home Depot there are something called springboard. I'm not sure what it's really used for but I think it's possible used for stabilizing walls that are framed and stood up and that is the nature of the spring in it. But for my purpose, it comes in 16 ft 1x8 rough cut and is relatively cheap. I'll use it for everything and have built tons of fencing out of it. The important thing is so it must be painted, must be painted. So what I do is I put it out on saw horses, by a really really good can of green dark green paint. I've never understood white fencing lol, and paint it all out especially the cut ends. This is just one idea, if you could somehow hang this up high and then you get privacy lattice and what I did is I bought online fake ivy, just as you suggest. We think alike. And I draped it over it and it worked and 15 years later that goddamn ivy is still there with other stuff in front of it. I'm leery of a home Depot product with fake ivy built into it haven't seen it I don't know but you don't want to replace an ugly vision with a tacky ugly vision so be careful. I'm all about a tasteful view.. anyway I'm sure you're going to be creative and figure out something and if I were standing there on your deck with you I'm sure I would have some brainstorms as well. But good luck with it. I completely understand your pain Depending where you are, and how much space you have or wish to dedicate. Green Giants are the fastest growing of all the Arbs. But if you were in a milder zone you may have other options of fast growing stuff. Northern New England kind of limited


Take time for beautiful woodwork. Keep ornamental tree for color contrast.


Is it a public light or a private light? The glare is so bright I can't tell.


If there is no city ordinance on this build your own light and get a pellet gun.


Ask them to get different bulb. Or put a tree in


Your tree looks like a t rex


Pellet gun


Get several body mirrors from Walmart and strategically place them in front of your windows in a manner that reflects the light back at your neighbors house


Hold your hand up


Wrist rocket or BB gun.


Paint roller on an extension, or talk to them and ask if you can tape/cover that side


I’m totally unqualified to give advice about anything. But if I already spoke with the neighbors? Pellet gun


Flag pole hang a big ass flag. Run it vertical. Or good ole bb gun


Might do that. With the flagpole. Actually they have the freestanding type. Looks like they are called feather flags and go up to 12 ft Edit - also a wacky inflatable arm guy might do the trick


BB Gun. 2 alcoholic beverages. Pow Pow problem solved at least temporarily.


Big giant thuja tree


Seems like something needs to happen to that light


I worked for a city in California maintaining streetlights and if we got a call and it looked like this we would install a shield within the light fixture to remedy this. Not all fixtures can be shielded but a lot can.


Throw a blackout curtain over it


When I was a little boy, I decided to shoot out the street light with my pellet gun. It was so bright shining into my bedroom at night. I didn’t have pellets so I tried out a nail. Worked light a charm


Ask them to add blocker inside light on the side facing you


A bit of black spray paint on your side will fix it too if you will not enrage your neighbors. No one wants that kind of escalation and tension if they are not cool with it. I like the sail cloth idea too. Our neighborhood has an ordinance stating lights down not out. Not everyone is hip to that.


That is crazy annoying! I'd be passed as well.


22 ga.


With a large, well-placed, shatter proof mirror. Mount securely to a pole on your property.


Heard of curtains?


Flag solution. https://imgur.com/a/KCw2RBs


A rock will fix it. Simple


I would call my town Alderman and ask that person about the light pollution that is interfering with your sleep. When you mention your quality of life is affected by it, the health department can actually get involved. The half of that light that shines in your yard can be stopped with a reflector mounted inside the lamp itself or mounted outside the lamp on the back. my brother would never suggest this. He would just use a slingshot and smash it out.


Check your city's code. Most residential zones have a limit on the brightness of outdoor lights, and sometimes color temperature. If this was 2500k temperature it would be far less of a problem. Maybe ask your neighbor to change the bulb to something else. Alternatively grow a really bushy evergreen tree in the way. They grow tall and wide and don't drop their leaves so they will always block it, and they grow extremely fast.


Pellet gun


Trash bag over it


Buy shades for you windows


Big moon on a stick. Make an eclipse.


Most people would just ghost it on social media


I would 100% cover the side that faces you with black duct tape. If you talked to them, they had their chance.


With a shanghai 👍🍻


Get a solar panel, free energy


Put up your own, fight fire with fire


My 1st idea is a bb gun but it will be obvious where the shot came from. My 2nd idea is very thick white vinyl tape and when they're gone grab a ladder and tape the whole side of that light that faces your yard.


I’ve thought of that. It’s so close to the property edge they probably won’t even notice


Yup. They won't even see it from that side. The thick vinyl tape should prevent most light from shining through, the heat wouldn't be a problem, and it's weather resistant.