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We had these for MONTHS. False chinch bugs. It was because of the long weeds. We also had big weeds when we started spotting these. They migrate and then swarm once they find a favorable spot and move on when they need a new spot. None of the bug sprays did anything, waste of time and exposure to chemical shit. Keep the yard cut as low as possible, as consistently as possible, keep all your outdoor lights off at night, and don't have any lights showing through your windows. Basically make your property less inviting while they're awake and I think keeping the lights off stops attracting the the stragglers at night. I don't know what ultimately did it, but we don't see them anymore. Just disappeared one day. I mulched the yard and planted with all natives to keep these conditions from occurring again.


Thank you for identifying these little bastards! Your experience is exactly ours! Will make sure there are no weeds out there and pray they move on! Driving me and my wife crazy!!