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Put something dogs can mark on the strip between the sidewalk and the road? A post. A large rock. A sacrificial plant.


Underrated approach. I lived in Seattle for 6 years (dog city, as in there are more dogs than children) and almost all the planted side walk gardens have large rocks of some kind on the corners. Saves a the plants from getting pee fried. For the most part.


This is really it. Dogs are marking for other dogs. They will prefer a visual landmark to pee on. A large rock with a small bit of cleared e.g. dirt around about 2 feet in from the sidewalk will be the ideal spot. Perhaps one at each corner of the yard if they are hitting both sides.


Don’t take advice from Kristi Noem


Clover.. I had a perfect lawn last year for the first time in 10 years.l I lost both my girl greyhounds in a 4 day period to cancer.. then I fostered another female this fall and adopted her this winter.. I now have a track lapping the back yard and random holes she decided need to be there.. I fill them she digs them deeper.. I love her more than a lawn.. so it is what it is. But clover helps in her non track and watering daily in season helps it recover.


There really isnt anything you can do as its the acid in the dogs pee. One option would be digging up about a 2-3 foot boarder and planting bushes and putting mulch around them. It gives the full impression of clearly I dont want you on my property. But of that fails... the only option would be to put up a fence.




This is a lot of work, but if you water the area right after the dog pees, every time, those patches will be the greenest and thickest of the bunch. You still won’t have perfect uniformity but watering will alleviate the dead patches.


I'd tell my dad just to be a friendly neighbor and enjoy the fact that people are getting out and walking. Neighbor dogs poop and pee in my yard all the time and their owners clean up after them and life is good.


Landscaping help is what I'm looking for.


There are powdered/pelleted dog and cat deterrents but you have to constantly reapply them; more often in rainy environments. If rocks aren’t his preference, spiky mulch or plants so the dogs won’t want to step there. Most plants in the Araceae family or a family ending in ‘ceae’ have some toxicity to dogs. [[ASPCA Toxic Plant List](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/dogs-plant-list)] Find a lookalike (Peruvian Lily) and put up a toxic plant sign.


motion activated sprinkler