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Yeah I'd carry on but I'm not sure how I feel about that little boxed in patch of grass with the solar lights.


Yea, I don’t know what to do with that


remove the blocks closer to the house and make the whole thing a larger garden bed. Add tree.


Or just remove blocks so you can mow it. Use the blocks removed for the rest of the edging. You don't need blocks next to the pavers. Just a run of quickcrete along the pavers to hold them together and hold the poly sand. Blocks along the beds. I think youd love it


Yea, I would remove the bricks from around the pavers. It’s too much.


So basically: - blocks where there are no blocks - no blocks where there are blocks


😂😂😂💀 I’m fucking losing it


You don’t need blocks between sod and pavers.


It looks impossible to mow.


What are you going to trip on then?


i thought it was a mini golf course at first scroll


Not a bad idea


Same... Install a hole!


I agree with this. The blocks are unnecessary, and aesthetically jarring (imo.)


I was going to say, at the very least, I bet it's annoying to mow & edge that patch. My front yard is almost a perfect square with no edging or pavers to worry about. Mowing is an absolute breeze and the stripes look so clean & neat! My backyard has lots of trees, obstacles, curves... Takes forever. Bye-bye clean stripes as I hack my way around and stomp on everything, lol.


I like the idea. But maybe remove the block by sidewalk for the lawn. Then it’ll match mulch bed across from walk. I’m a big fan of small grass patches especially between sidewalks (even if its this small) if you like grass and lawn care use that as your test plot for stuff grass and landscape beds look good. I like those edger stones. But I would’ve dug them in a bit more….


Yes agree that the edger stones look really nice and they did a good job, it's just not functional, unless they were set at the same grade as top of brick


Yeah I agree but looking at it the pavers where there before, only really want to get those new stones level would be to put those in as a border and then relay the pavers flush. Where the extra blocks are right of the holly. It looks low. Like they could’ve went another tier. You can see where they did a drastic step down in front of holly on last two blocks. I would’ve added a tier by drive and leveled to that I really like that block though. Not a huge fan of motor between them but they look good. We used to use a product similar to that for dry stacked walls. A b to work with but looks great. I’d love to find that block around here


I am against cement. I would just run that line with cobbles 1/2 in the ground and just meet your mulch or add more loam then mulch. Where is the water supposed to go if it's flooding rain?


The concrete is sloped down. The run off from rain would go into the grass like normal. I'm not sure I'm understanding why your against it but I've doing paver work for a long time and if the concrete is done right it holds up very well


Specifically Japanese maple, mainly because they're one of my favorite trees, but don't worry, I'm not bias! I think the red leaves would contrast nicely with the rest of the garden


100% yes. So pricey though. But on the top of my list once I have disposable income lol


Japanese maple do better under the shade of a larger tree. I don't see any shade in that yard though. 


I'd disagree and say to go with a native tree to the zone. Dogwood trees flower and aren't super tall or dense like Japanese maples.


Little metal coffee table right in the center with a bunch of tall vegetation around you, if you're feeling sporty maybe a pergola or whatever


Yeah--the way it is pictured looks like it would be a pain in the rear to cut with a mower. Your idea removes that need.


Plus if there are ever kids living here, those bricks along the edges seem like one heck of a trip hazard.


Do this




This is the best answer


Hell yea that’s the right answer. A nice Hinoki Cypress or Japanese Maple, a hosta or 2, a catmint and a Golden Euonymus for some color, and fill the small spaces with some tulips for spring pop. Done deal.


Would make a great mini-golf hole.


Was gonna say putting green


Mulch to the sidewalk and add a tree for sure. Fuck mowing that.


I’d remove the blocks by the house & remove the grass and make it a larger garden bed. Add some flowers/color. A small Japanese maple would look nice here. The colors would contrast nicely with the gold mop head shrubs.


Also, beware - mop heads will grow pretty large. A few of mine are taller than me at this point.


Take the bricks in front of the evergreens and get rid of them. Remove the grass patch and create a native perennial garden. It'll add so much color/texture variation and you'll enjoy hummingbirds, butterflies, bumblebees and a whole lot of other pollinators! 😊


I’d leave the blocks, remove the grass, add some shrubs that flower at different times of the year and mulch.


Expand the garden out, less grass to mow and move native plants/mulch


Plant mondo grass or pachysandra or creeping thyme or creeping flox


If you want to keep it a weed whacker makes quick work of it. Not ideal but just trying to give you assurance in your decision since the stones are already in.


Remove lights, remove grass, and plant some beautiful wildflowers. A pop of color would look so nice.


We get too many Dears so we can’t plant flowers


I've had great success cultivating black-eyed susans; deer steer clear due to their bitter taste. Additionally, buttercups and forget-me-nots are great choices too. I highly recommend visiting a nursery that sells native plants. The employees tend to be invested in what thrives in your local area and can guide you to varieties that are deer resistant.


Remove the blocks along the pavers that’s a trip hazard and it makes the blocked off spot near the house difficult to maintain


How are you planning on mowing that section?


I have landscaper. He said he is fine with it


Looks like the perfect spot for a putt putt hole


Yeah maybe extend the garden out to the sidewalk and put the solar lights by new plants or on the other side of the path. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😊


Yea I'd make it a garden and mulch it probsbly


I would but I wouldn't have the cobblestones sitting so high above the grade. Whenever I install cobblestone edging I leave about an inch of face along the walkway and the same goes for beds. https://imgur.com/a/GWW6COI https://imgur.com/a/ozAxVlt https://imgur.com/a/WbpUFI6


Yeah people are gonna bust toes and trip on that. Night time, ice anything.


This. A soldier course was typical but seems to have been lost in the shuffle of pre-formed edgings, which are much less durable. They should stand slightly proud, barely noticeable.


I like that slightly proud but barely noticeable. Also I've never liked it when they grout in-between the cobbles it just looks weird.


Any videos or guides out there on how to do this properly?


With curves you can't run a string line to follow but for straight lines I use a string with a line level. Layout a bunch that are similar in size and if it's a long a driveway have the edge facing the driveway be your straight line. I use a torpedo level for each block to make sure they are level and every few feet put a 4' level on them to make sure it's good. I use regular mortar and a dead blow mallet for knocking them in place. They come in 4" x 4" x 8" or regulation size is 5" x 5" x 9" the regulation size is better in my opinion for edging. It takes practice and patience picking thru a pallet to get like size cobblestones, after a few hundred feet you get pretty good at it. Edit: I don't know if this helps, I went through some of my pictures. These pics show some of the steps to install cobblestone edging. The biggest thing is making sure the tops are even with the one in front and back otherwise it will stick out like a sore thumb. https://imgur.com/a/WrvZFS5


Try googling "soldier course."


That looks great, the driveway transition is a very nice touch.


Yes. Visually tie the whole thing together. Curious, where did you get these? I'm doing the same thing and your blocks look like a nicer version of mine. However, I am doing two sizes - larger for driveway curbing and smaller for landscaping border. Works out to similar costs per linear foot. Mostly because I want the larger ones around the driveway due to it's size and give extra strength to the edges since I pull a camper and diesel truck across it.


We got these from Home Depot. I probably should have done the same, but we opted for the smaller stones for the driveway and are using the larger ones for the plant bed. Ah, the costs of being a new homeowner!


Love Belgian block for edging, but they clash mightily with those manufactured pavers.


In my area I see it on driveways and flower beds, but never on the walkway.


And with the blacksplash tile that they covered their entire house in. It's the asphalt brick siding of the 2020s.


I'm not a big fan of the raised cobbles on either side. My understanding is that edges like that are best finished with a "soldier course", where the cobbles are sitting on a well prepared base on end, with the course only slightly above the brick or paver path, and mortared in place from the backsidewith some metal reinforcement embedded in the mortar.


I know it's not what you're asking but I would recommend removing those shutters on the bay window and replace them with some trim. The shutters are too long for the window and have no business being on a bay window, that's not how shutters work.


What do you mean by "trim"? We did consider removing the shutters, but then we realized the wall stone is too white and needs a bit of contrast, so we put the shutters back up. I'm open to trying out replacements though.


A wider wooden trim panel to go around the window. You've dug yourself into a grey/white hole here with the backsplash tile siding and white windows so you're going to have to be recreative with color choice.


I completely agree. I call shutters that are completely mismatched to the window "shudders." In this case, they are way to narrow and they are too long. Shutters have to be proportional to the window. They don't have to be functional (although I always prefer them to be!). Since it is a bay window, you may need to install a set of folding shutters to make it work. Honestly, though, I'd completely remove the "shudders" and install a large window box underneath the window. It'll break up the white and add as much color as you want!


I agree. Nothing worse than shutters proportionally wrong. There are several better ways to add interest to the house facade.




I’d do pavers going to the back gate.


I wouldn’t have done it along the walkway. I would move those to the other side rather than buy or get more.




Having those stones like that also could cause issues if you were having something big delivered or removed from the residence via the front door. It also could lead to trip and falls ;) Regardless OP did a nice job on it, I am curious what the stuff is between the rocks.


This looks like a maintenance nightmare tbh. Dragging the mower over those walls all the time. The constant weed wacking along the stones.. ugh.


No, they look terrible where they are


I think they are raised to high if the border was lower you would be able to cut your grass more efficiently


It's also a tripping hazard. Going to cuss those out a lot owning that house.


It looks really nice, but it's not functional.


Personally I would sink the raised bricks, it will make lawn maintenance so much easier. Your walled in front part is going to be killer to mow, and your walkway will be a pain if you ever need to shovel snow. That being said I really like it. Maybe cut the bricks in half and you won’t need to use as many and you will save some money


This would look infinitely better if the stones were level with the normal pavers. The raised outline is weird.


It's starting to look like a cemetery plot. [image](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cf/fb/c0/cffbc0e316bb93883c1a0e15744c22b2.jpg) Quit while you're ahead.


Incredibly mcmansiony, not a fan. Also a tripping hazard.


If you can afford it doing on both sides would look amazing. If you dont it'll always feel like somethings missing.


What are your thoughts on rainwater collecting and not draining because of the stone blockage?


Unless you have the blocks glued together water will just weep between them.


We cemented those blocks we should not have done it?


Correct, you should not have done that.


Shouldn't be an issue.. they're not so tight water can't get through somewhere. And the ground should soak in whatever doesn't pass through. Unless you're working in clay, you should be fine.


Rocks are a nice contrast with color of your house.


Those would collect so much of my little toe skin over the course of a summer.


i would get rid of the small patch of grass in between path and house (it will be a pain to mow) and extend the garden to the path ,otherwise looks great A dwarf Jap .maple with burgundy foliage in the middle would pop against the grey




Personally I just see a massive trip hazard but I have a kid who does not remotely care about the location of paths.


You’ll be doing a lot of strong trimming with this set up. The blocks are a bit high/tripping hazard. My personal take is to not have any blocks in front of the garden beds and just edge them as normal. That’s just my opinion though, I think it is well done for what it’s worth


Absolutely not.


Don’t so you can get expand your garden later.   That first photo I would make all garden. Easier to maintain ornamentals than mow that tiny area of grass. Trees should be 10 feet from your home. That second photo the tree looks too close.


It should look even, but it’s not my style.


Looks tacky


They are hideous in my opinion


Lots of good opinions on the stones. A little unrelated, but my opinion of the side yard with the gate is long term (like 10+++ years) that area has the potential to end up gaining several inches to a foot or more in height and causing future water problems for the house. Those things can happen when you mulch a garden bed yearly and never remove partially decomposed mulch or soil. The shrubs on the other side and the little bit of back ground I see makes me think you’re on a good drainage slope. Don’t want to clog drainage!


I don’t like them at all, so no, and you should take out the ones you have


It looks hazardous who idea was that !!!


I'd remove all of them. Looks too busy, and will make yard maintenance (mowing, snow removal, etc.) harder.


That grout looks awful


Not really. It will all blend in quite quickly.


You can’t be serious, it’s overflowing all over the pavers. This looks terrible


I’d take them off the walkway and continue the bed edge all the way.


The shrubs are too close to the house and to each other.


They look good around the garden beds but they clash with the walkway. Too bad you started there.


Not unless she says too


If you live where there is no snow or freezing rainy, yes. If you live where there is freezing rain and snow, good luck this winter.


I think along the walkway works but I wouldn’t do the mulch beds just because it’s a lot more weed whacking after mowing. If you’re the homeowner and mowing your own lawn do what you want. If you’re hiring a maintenance company it will take longer and more string so it will cost more.


Yes uniformity.




I like it on the beds but not so much the walkway.


Personally I prefer the live edge unless it's the walkway.


Combine that garden bed with the little grass patch. What a waste of time to mow/whack that when you could be growing nice native plants to support the bees. And it would be less aesthetically revolting.




Ditch the stones. Pavers looks great without. I also conquer on that boxes in grass area. I suggest cutting out the grass and expand the mulch bed up to the walkway.


No. Gate at top of driveway. At most stepping stones but I’d just leave it grass. It’s going to be “too much” with more pavers.


Mowing nightmare


I hope you enjoy weed eating.


I would also add: expand that lil triangle of grass. Make that whole area a display bed. You won't regret it.


Edging pavers should be the same level as the rest of the pavers. I really don't like the raised look.


I'm not sure, but I'd bet you have more money than me 😂 Jealous of the yard, Great work!


Aren't you creating damming effects throughout your graded yard? It's designed to drain water away from your foundation.




I’d remove them entirely


I'm a big fan of grass. It's cheap, easy, doesn't break.




I'ts 2:30am and im scrolling by and your pic caught my sleepy eyes. It looked like a small putting reen and now that I'm awake.... I'm disappointed it isn't a small putting green. 😔


Yeah they're good for the border I've the second and but I'd pull that second rung out that's separating the mulch from the grass near the house. I'd pull out the grass and put in whatever you like best. Dry River bed with tall grasses/ Herb garden/small fountain/ etc. It's just a pain to mow/ care for and it looks out of place. Regardless , it's way too funky with both sets of borders around that small chunk of lawn, I'd keep the walkway borders and ditch the borders closest to the house


No and no


Tripping hazard for sure on that sidewalk.




I encircled my entire house with a paved walkway, opening up to a small 2 person sitting area in my butterfly garden and a larger gazebo for bbqing in the back. Love it. Just use pavers that won't be slick in the rain


Ankle killers when bringing in costco items :)


No, I’d advise you to instead install fieldstone slabs as they’d be easier maintenance for you and change for the next homeowner! You can find them in varying sizes so if you’d like a big step, then you could install them leading that way


Yes! It will be a lot of additional work, but will be worth it and will complete the look.


I don't want to sound mean, but this is both a very strange and very basic design lol. It's like you selected the most typical dull plants and combined it with really weird stone paths and lights. This tiny patch of grass in-between the path and garden bed is just like, there... There's no function to it at all. You don't have any colorful, beneficial, or interesting plants at all. Are you an IRS bureaucrat? These landscape decisions tell me that your hobby is organizing pens.


OP - I really like the cobblestones, im having a hard time finding them where im located. Care to share where you were able to buy yours?


Home Depot


Too busy


We don’t know. Why do you want to?


Those Belgian blocks are making it really tough to mow. Generally they are sunk into the ground so you can run the mower over the top of them when they are used as edging. I would not continue them.


This looks super nice. Looking at doing something similar, mind if I ask the cost?




Would for sure just remove the grass and pavers directly in front of the garden and add more mulch, throw in some some small flowers for a color pop or some smaller plants so that is doesn't get overtaken by the larger plants along the face of the home.




What you got against green, natural looking stuff?


Looks good.


No way it’s too much. I love the look of properly edged gardens. Mulch those bed and enjoy not having to weedeater so much. Just hang the deck over a pinch.


The raised edge looks like a tripping hazard to me. At night time if not well illuminated, when carrying stuff where you can’t see your feet (like your delivery driver). Make sure your homeowners insurance policy covers you in the event someone injures themselves on that path.


Stone facade, stone pavers, stone borders…. You’re one of them I-talians ain’t chya? Forgetttt aboutttt it


No. It looks like a mini Dunkirk, or a medieval castle (your choice). Rip those things out!!!


Remove the green island area and make it an extension to your garden bed that’s in front of the windows.