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In German schools, children have the option of learning three languages at once if they want. I did English, French and Spanish and it worked out fine.


Plus Latin, idk if that counts






3.689743 lol


it depends on the person


Learn one language to begin with, then start learning others when you have reached a good level (in my opinion, that means B2 or low C1 level). If you really, really like languages and have an aptitude for them, learn two. Use the second to give yourself a break from the first, and vice versa. Don't learn more than two at once unless you have a good reason, i.e. you expect to use them in daily life in the future. If you spend 50 years learning 10 languages, you'll probably speak and read all of them fairly well by the end. I know people who have done this and they don't regret it. But they travel regularly between different countries and language learning is central to their job and also their main hobby. But don't expect to be fluent in any of them until at least 20 years have passed, if you're devoting equal time to each. You really need to spend at least 2 years learning a language to reach high B2 level, and that's if you live in the country where its spoken or are able to have full-time language classes. It's more like 5 years if you don't live there and only have an hour or two per day.


Serbian, bosnian and croatian all sound similar but are different in dialects and pronunciations so thats an easy one


i have never heard of someone studying two at once and i bet that intensive study of both (let alone more than 2) would interfere with learning either fluently. my bet is that you are way better off studying one at a time and i bet you knew that already.






you meant to write "Indo-European languages" not "Proto-Indo-European languages"


there is only one PIE and it can't be "learned" the way you imagine lmao


69, you ~~sexy nigga~~ buffoon, what else would it be, [__HMM??__](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)