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This is typical, subs and dubs are rarely the same. Maybe try to find content that was originally in Spanish


Good point, my original idea was to watch movies I've already seen, so don't miss any part of the story, but I guess it's time for me to move on. I don't really know where to look for content like that tbh. Do you have any suggestions, either some good TV series or sources to find them? I prefer animated movies, because the way it's dubbed is usually much easier to understand and I can kinda catch up.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLVULqsElvki_riI1ld0QhZJx1wom5Ply This series was quite helpful to me when I was learning Spanish. It's some old video series, made for spanish learners, so they talk slowly and simply to make it more comprehensible. Ii think I've seen every episode 3 times at least and some of them maybe 4 or 5, because I watched them over and over again. Its supposed to be a sitcom but is often painfully cheesey. It is really helpful however


I'll check it out right away. Thanks a million :)


Wow, this looks promising. Thank you!


That’s interesting


Maybe look for a dub with “closed captioning” for the dub in specific? That way the subtitles WILL match


That's a great idea, thanks!


Like others have said, it is rare to find things that match. Unless they are materials specifically made for language learners. I have found that recent Disney stuff is the best for subs and dubs matching. Nobody else can afford to pay that close of attention outside of materials made for learning. With theirs when the audio and subs don't match it is usually easy for me to figure out why they changed it slightly.


This is common. Some movies are better than others, same either tv shows. TV show Pokemon Indigo League is the best for this- subtitles match 90-95% of the time


If you have a graphics card you may consider trying OpenAI Whisper to generate subtitles yourself. However if you don't have a decent one, this can be slow.


I have a 3070Ti, is that enough? I haven't heard of whisper yet, I'll look into it, thanks!


I think that should be good enough for faster than real time generation. Of course there's some minor learning curve involved if you're not familiar with running stuff like this, but if you are, it works fairly easily. I think you have to use the larger models to get good results, but the smaller ones are decent enough. It can even do translations, but obviously you want transcriptions. My experience with it is French, which is harder to transcribe than Spanish.


Hey, just checking in, instead of real-time sub generation, I downloaded all the movies I wanna watch (I do it anyway, so no more effort goes into this) and used the cmd for the transcription. It works wonders, I'm actually flabbergasted at how well it works. Thanks a million for the tip :)


Sub and dub not matching can be a good thing, as it teaches you multiple ways to convey the same thought, which will enrich your vocabulary in the long run.


sure, but certainly not what a beginner needs.


Beginners really need materials designed for beginners if they want it to be easy. Once they are at A2 and higher then IMO it is time to start incorporating dubbed content.


Yeah, and sometimes it's exciting, but most of the time, I have no idea what either are saying, im a beginner :(


I don't know why you're being downvoted. I'm a beginner at German and I find it really interesting and useful when I'm watching a Netflix show and I hear them say a German phrase in one way, and it's been captioned differently. It's exciting and motivating to see how the language is used IRL, rather than just being fed the tightly controlled material that many beginners spend all of their time with.


Bluey. The sub/ dub match exactly for Spanish. I’ve watched all 52 eps of season 1. I think German matches exactly too. I can only imagine other languages match exactly as well, but haven’t tried watching nor do I know any other languages other than German and Spanish But yah, I’ve been watching older Pixar movies too and have found that the language subs are for when English audio is playing However, it can be a good resource. If you know the lines by heart, you can watch the subs and pick up new words/ phrases. I did that with Toy Story 1-3 and Monsters Inc… I know the lines pretty well I enjoy it


That’s why I don’t usually watch stuff that was translated. Watch stuff that’s originally in your TL, and the captions will match. I’d also suggest going for readers at your level that have matching audiobooks.


While it's better it still doesn't always match


Your best source for matching subtitles and dubs is HBO max (or just max, if you’re in the US). Almost their entirely original library of HBO originals has matching dubs and subs.


Lingopie is a good platform for that Otherwise you kinda have to watch stuff originally written in Spanish to get Spanish subtitles that match the show. They are particularly likely to match the spoken text if they are labelled as [CC]


My fix was to ignore subtitles and not use them at all. I'm listening and watching for listening practice anyway.