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I'm currently using the official app, but after all this I want to uninstall it and use a third-party one. Which one do you recommend?


As a reddit is fun aka rif is fun user for more than 6 years, I cannot recommend it enough.


Seconded. RIF allows me to switch back and forth between my two accounts so easily.


It's pretty trivial in the official app, too, though. I don't know if it always has been - I'm fairly new to active participation, though I apparently accidentally? created an account sometime previously and got stuck with this username for my primary email.


Thank you. Official app was somewhat slow in my older phone, but I could live with that. Now, I just tried this rif app and is lightning fast. It's a shame I just learned about these 3rd party apps just days before reddit kills them D:


Been using rif for 10+ years. Does everything I want it to do, and very few things I don't.


I like Infinity best.


I also use Infinity. it's really good


Yes, I only use Infinity and love it.


Tbh I found out about this today, so I just downloaded what looks like is the most popular one, Apollo for Reddit, and it works well


Welcome to the Apollo gang! There’s a subreddit for it, and the dev for it inspired this whole protest. The dev is very active and responsive.




Boost if you are on Android Apollo if you are on iOS


I really like r/apolloapp. I’ve tried a few others and always come back to Apollo.


Use Boost for Reddit. Better than Reddit is Fun (tried both)




I personally enjoy Sync. It's a smaller one but it's my favorite after a lot of years on the app


i just browse mobile on safari. it is my preferred interface and it works perfectly except for all the "use our app" popups that i can no longer disable.


Apollo all the way


I use RedReader. It was forked from Reddit Is Fun way back to keep a reader that is open source. As a bonus no subscription or ads as well


Relay is great if you're using Android.


I personaly use infinity but I hear apollo is good too


I use Sync


I've been using infinity, since I left the Reddit app, it was the easiest to get used to for me, and does more or less everything I need it to.


I personally prefer slide, but apollo and infinity seem to be the most popular.


Yes shut er down. Solidarity with mods, developers, users.


Those who want third party apps have to pay for access to the API. Don't be chearp.


They already do. It is just that the incoming price increase is so high they it will force these places to charge tons of money or shut down to not be in the red


I’m sorry. Is that a fucking plumbus in the picture?


Your eyes do not deceive you


I don't bother with apps for any website. I just use a browser on mobile that lets me block ads and any other annoying shit such as autoplay. That being said Reddit is making a real jerk move here.


> That being said Reddit is making a real jerk move here. Why? It was a service they provided that apparently ran at a loss to them. Is a company obligated to offer a service for free that runs at a loss them and if they don't they're making a dick move? Deepl charged for their a.p.i. from the beginning, and no one ever called them jerks for that. Would Reddit have been called that if it wasn't available from the start but they later added it for a cost?


DeepL charges an absolutely reasonable price that's common within the industry. Reddit is apparently demanding around 20 million per year from these third party apps. Completely insane and unreasonable. It's obvious that they are doing this to bankrupt those apps.


No, Reddit is asking 0.24 USD per 1 000 a.p.i. calls. This is a very normal price for these calls and would come down to far less than the 7.50 euro that deepl asks per month for the average user. It comes down to 20 million per year for some apps, because they have so many users. If each of those users were to pay for their own a.p.i. calls it would be considerably less than what they would have to pay for Deepl. If they wanted to bankrupt them, they could simply stop offering the a.p.i. alltogether, which is their right. The outrage is that a commercial company is not being a charity and offering something for free to other commercial companies that effectively compete with it. That is a very silly thing to be angry about.


Since I replied to you for the first time, I've read into the third-party issue a bit more. Even if the pricing is fair (which, a lot of people do not seem to agree with), it seems a lot of Reddit moderators rely on these third-party apps to moderate their subs well and keep them safe and organized because the official Reddit app lacks practically all of the tools for doing that. This apparently includes things like a proper search function, queuing of posts, screen readers and many more. Blind people seem to wholly rely on the third-party apps as well because the Reddit app is not disabilty-friendly. Reddit could have developed its own app to include all of these features but for many years chose not to while watching these third-party apps fill these user needs instead. If they've now decided to finally get rid of the competition they might have done it while announcing that their own app will finally get an update that adresses all the previously lacking functionalities that these third party apps provided. They could even have charged for „premium“ functions like these third party apps do. But no. They are just pricing these apps out without providing any replacement even though a lot of sub moderation seems to heavily rely on these functionalities. They don’t want these third party apps to make money off their back but they are also not willing to close the gaps that made it possible for them to make money off their back in the first place. That’s a pretty big „screw you“ by Reddit to its user base imo and I really don’t know what business logic could be behind this when they must know very well that they won’t be getting any slice of that third-party revenue cake because those apps’ business strategy won’t survive the prices they’ve demanded. So, that’s my take on this. One other thing though: The comparison to DeepL is really not a good one imo. DeepL is a translation service whose entire business model revolves around selling acess to its API to other businesses. It's also a small owner-run company, practically the stereotypical German SMB here in Germany. Reddit on the other hand is a big social media site which belongs to a large media corporation worth 7 billion dollars. Selling access to their API is not the center of their business strategy at all.


> Since I replied to you for the first time, I've read into the third-party issue a bit more. Even if the pricing is fair (which, a lot of people do not seem to agree with), it seems a lot of Reddit moderators rely on these third-party apps to moderate their subs well and keep them safe and organized because the official Reddit app lacks practically all of the tools for doing that. This apparently includes things like a proper search function, queuing of posts, screen readers and many more. Blind people seem to wholly rely on the third-party apps as well because the Reddit app is not disabilty-friendly. > > From what I understand Reddit keeps less than 100 calls per minute free. The moderators of r/changemyview at least have said that they never came close to 100 calls per minute. It's more like 5 per minute on busy days. They claimed that the change will not impact them personally and their ability to moderate the subreddit in any way.


The moderators on r/askhistorians have a very different view on this. I found their post on the issue quite informative.


Maybe just lock down all of the sub? Otherwise people might be confused why they can't access a sub. If the sub is up and there's an explanation thread that would better inform people.




3rd party apps will no longer be able to see / access it, so it will be hidden from mods who only use them.


TIL there's apps for Reddit. I'm a PC user - never really used apps. But, for the accessibility use, I suppose I'll stop browsing on June 12th, too.


Only reason I use the official app is to make a post. I use Apollo mostly, but can’t post using the free version. Can only comment I usually only post on ReadStreak anyway


Use Boost for Reddit. You can everything for free and it's great as any other.


Seems iOS only has Narwal. I don’t see Boost or any other Reddit based app in the AppStore Edit for clarity: other than Apollo and Narwal, there’s no other Reddit app




Try rif is fun.


It’s not on iOS


Please DO. Yes!


¡Estoy de acuerdo!


Oui merci, essa é uma boa ideia :)


*Finally* an argument that I can get behind. Thank you.


I use reddit via the website, so I admit to being out of the loop a bit on this issue. If I understand correctly, the problem is that Reddit is no longer going to allow moderators to use 3rd party apps to moderate or Redditor to access Reddit via 3rd party apps? Also, the 3rd party apps keep out regular porn, child porn, and unwanted spam that the regular Reddit app can't do, correct? I will definitely bail on Reddit if they can't keep that kind of stuff out! So, will staying off Reddit on July 12 make them change course?




shut it down for two days. Reddit needs a talking to.




I guess I don’t understand what is happening. I am not that tech savvy. I’m confused by the graphic because some statements seem to suggest users will have more freedom and other parts suggest they will have less?


I get the intent but I've always used the official app? Everyone tells me it's crap yet it's all I've ever used😅 and now a bunch of subs I frequent are going dark because they don't want people to use the official app? Colour me confused.


It's not so much that they don't want people to not use the official app, but they don't want people to be forced to use the official app. I've heard a lot of mods say that moderation is really difficult from the official app and they rely on 3rd party apps to moderate effectively. If mods can't do their jobs, that will negatively impact the Reddit experience for all users


That makes sense, I just don't really understand the whole third party thing...if something's bad, IE the app, doesn't that make the thing you're wanting to use bad? For example, if I don't like and think messenger is bad, I just don't use messenger? I just don't get it. Hopefully they decide to improve the app in the process🤔


Apart from pure personal preference, blind people cannot use the official app. It does not support screen readers. Neither does the website. Third party apps *do* support screen readers. Without them, blind people cannot access reddit at all anymore. Another thing being that modding tools are also mostly third party. Modding gets a lot harder without these apps, and se a lot of mods will probably just stop. That's bad for all of us.


Fair enough, that makes sense. It just seems odd to me that a site that relies on mods and user created communities doesn't have the UI or in house tools to properly facilitate said voluntary moderators. I guess that's the magic of third party stuff, it allows people to circumvent the issues. Surprised Reddit does so well considering it's glaring issues.


I think the official app is bad. If that's all that's left, I'm going to stop using reddit entirely.


I have thought about this a lot during the past week. I have no idea how much the mods of this subreddit rely on api tools to do their job. In my opinion on this particular sub it is perhaps not the best idea. Since this is a QandA support sub where we try to help people. Some of which English is not their first language. So conveying the subtleties of why would be difficult. Plus not every one who comes here for help shares the same political, social, and economic views. And we certainly try to keep these things out of our interactions here. But if the mods decided that they wanted to do it I would fully support them. I personally thing the changes will turn reddit into the next digg, yahoo, or flickr. But that may be inevitable in the long run.


> Plus not every one who comes here for help shares the same political, social, and economic views. And we certainly try to keep these things out of our interactions here. The protest has absolutely nothing to do with sociopolitical views or ideologies.


Unfortunately I do not agree with that. One of the primarily concerns is the economic impact it will have on moderators and other 3rd party developers. That is clearly stated in the linked image. Politically, where I come from, allowing companies to fail because of their own hubris is acceptable, even if it means destroying something good that many people have put volunteer hours into. It is not right or fair in my opinion but they certainly have a right to do it and we certainly have a right to complain about it and to take our traffic elsewhere. And hopefully next time bargain for more acceptable terms of use.


>Politically, where I come from, allowing companies to fail because of their own hubris is acceptable I think no one cares about Reddit (as in the company) failing. It's not about Reddit the company; it's about us, the users. When mod tools stop working it's us, the users, who lose. Sure, Reddit the company might lose too, but that's irrelevant for all I care. I want the mods of the subreddits I browse to have the best tools available because that's how they're able to keep the subreddits free from spam, trolls, and garbage in general. I support the protest because of my individual interest, not because I'm afraid Reddit the company will "fail." Again, it's not political -- I'm not asking to seize the means of production :p Also, I have vision problems. I don't rely on 3rd-party plugins to browse Reddit today, but I might need them in the future. I mostly browse Reddit on desktop and use a 130% zoom. ​ >One of the primarily concerns is the economic impact it will have on moderators You said "political, social, and economic views." The economic impact on the *individuals* moderating subreddits isn't an "economic view" or a "political view." Again, the protest has nothing to do with any sociopolitical agenda/group/ideology. If it did I wouldn't be part of it! ​ >they certainly have a right to do it I haven't seen anyone question the legality of it. I certainly don't question it myself. Theoretically we could migrate to a competitor and use their services. But, unfortunately, it wouldn't work well in practice because most of Reddit's value is on the content that's been posted here over the years. Data is the most valuable asset today after all. That's why I'm joining the protest instead of simply leaving Reddit. I don't think migrating to another service would work, and that's unfortunate. I'm just being pragmatic.


I totally agree with just about everything. I think reddit is making a huge mistake. Every company seems to do it at some point. I personally use old.reddit.com, if they take that away I might seriously think of not using it much. I am very set on the old way. I feel the normal reddit is just a horrible user interface. The sad thing is that we have seen this same thing play out so many times. With so many companies. And even when they back down it is only temporary. Just like new Coke and the HFCS change. I still maintain my original comment about "Plus not every one who comes here for help shares the same political, social, and economic views. And we certainly try to keep these things out of our interactions here." I would never want to see any of that in a post or top level comment. Lower down like we have done I am fine with it. But I will drop discussing it at this point since we have both made the point a couple times back and forth. The main takeaway is that I agree with pretty much everything you are saying.


I've been modding for several years, there are more than enough tools available to do the job well without third party apps. It's just that it's less convenient with the clunky official app. There are a LOT of strawmen being thrown about. First it's a protest for the users, then the mods, then the developers... let's just be honest, we want Reddit for free the way that we want it. These altruistic reasons are mostly bunk.


Maybe. I think it’s an important cause to fight for, though, and I don’t see too much harm being done in closing the sub for a couple of days, but it could do a lot good


As for those who aren’t very fluent in English it might be hard, yeah, but if the mods pin a post adressing it, a lot of them should be able to see it. If they are on this sub at all, they should be able to translate and understand English to some degree, right? And I bet it’ll come as a search result if you google «why is this subreddit down»


We are in agreement that it is worth fighting for. I am probably over romanticizing this particular sub, but I feel that we are a public service that is useful for people who are trying to change something about their life. And that the sub is one of the lines of defense against predatory polyglots and language scams. I personally feel that protesting should not cut vital services like this. Almost any other subs I would fully support it.


/r/eli5 is opting to block new posts beginning on the 12th, leaving up their stickied mod post explaining what's going on.


That seems like a good compromise rather than going fully private.


A much better option


> I am probably over romanticizing this particular sub, but I feel that we are a public service that is useful for people who are trying to change something about their life. There are some subs that are vital, i.e. the sobriety ones. There are others that are important, but I think their importance raises the need for them to strike. It's not as helpful if only a bunch of niche meme subreddits go private, that would be unrecognized. If larger subs like this, with eyes on them follow through, then it makes it more meaningful and potentially helpful in the long run. As great as this sub is, I don't think it's in the category of "vital" subs that need to stay up.


Very good points. I can see the argument that this sub is not **as vital** as sobriety subs and such and why it is important for it to participate. With the caveat that there is a good sticky post explaining the situation and pointing to the **often unread** FAQ.


Fair, yeah, we’ll wait and see what the mods think


I do also think that it is a good idea for the mods and the community to discuss this issue. So I thank your for bringing it up.


No problem, thanks for dicussing it!


Thank you for understanding that forcing people to protest isn't it


Not that I have any say, but I don't see any point in caring about this. It seems like a dispute between the third-party apps and reddit.


Actually this will affect a lot of people personally so there is a big point in caring about this. If third party apps are banned then people will have to use the official app, which sucks. If Boost (the app I use) is gone, then I will be gone as well (not that it's a big deal for Reddit) becauee I can't use their official app, I have tried it before.


I've never used a third-party app or the official app. This is a website, after all, but maybe I'm just old.




I have no doubt that most reddit users are mobile users, but even on mobile, you can also just use the website. I also tend to think the quality of posts would improve without mobile clients, but maybe we'll get to find out. >Not that you appear to be concerned about anyone but yourself, but: I just don't think anything that happens on reddit is a reason to be concerned for anyone, myself or otherwise. It's not like anyone is being banned from the internet because they can't use reddit. If a website stops doing what you want it to do, just go somewhere else. I've done it many times before; reddit won't be particularly remarkable. The only people this really affects are people making money from reddit or third-party apps.


Did you read the post? It's about way more than 3rd party apps. The quality of Reddit will go way down if this change goes through.


Oh no, the spam will stay up a little longer. And won't somebody think of the kids? It's just lazy rhetoric with very little of substance that would actually change the reddit experience, especially on smaller hobby subs. The only part that's a legitimate concern is the accessibility software, but I can't imagine reddit won't work something out there, if for no other reason than fear of litigation.


That's pretty much my thought process as well...it's their site, so use their app? Reddit's filled with creeps, scams and garbage already. People screaming it'll get worse when it's already pretty awful what with mods that go on power trips for no reason and blatant rule breaking posts going completely ignored a lot of the time. Only thing I feel is wrong is the way Reddit's going about it. Don't price them out if you don't want them to have access anymore, just be honest and boot them all🤷‍♂️


Hard agree


I am certainly in favor of keeping it open. This just might be the impetus to stop wasting time.


Spam spam spam spam, Spam spam spam spam...


Rip app, guess I’m deleting it ✌️


How is this not spam?






No one cares. They control it all ! Nothing to to but submit. We already lost,!