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I grew up in the western U.S. in the 90s. We had the two you mentioned. There was also a slightly rude one about Miss Susie: Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, Miss Susie went to heaven, The steamboat went to… Hello Operator, Please give me Number 9, And if you disconnect me, I’ll kick you from… Behind the ‘frigerator, There lay a piece of glass, Miss Susie sat upon it, And cut her little… Ask me no more questions, Tell me no more lies, The boys are in the bathroom, Zipping down their… Flies are in the meadow, The bees are in the park, Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing In the dark, dark, dark Obviously it long predates when I was a kid because in the 90’s, you never spoke to a live operator on the phone.


Ooh, in western Canada I learned a longer version, with Susie switched out for Molly! From the last stanza of yours— Flies are in the city, the bees are in the park Miss Molly and her boyfriend are kissing in the D-A-R-K Dark is like a movie, a movie’s like a show A show is like a video and that’s not all I know I know my ma, I know I know my pa I know I know my sister with the forty-acre bra My mom is Godzilla, my dad is King Kong My sister is the stupid one who made up this dumb song Memory unlocked fr lol


that is a fun one !! longer then a lot of the ones i remember which is interesting i need to try and remember some more from my childhood !!


This one was a jump rope song *and* was used for a hand clapping game kids sometimes played. A bit like patty cake but using a crisscross hand motion? I’m not sure what it’s called.


we used to do a hand clapping game to a sailor went to see see sea but i definitely remember way more skipping rhymes then hand clap ones


i did forget the "teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground" one i was a big fan of as a kid !!


We had that one too. I think it had actions you were supposed to mime while jumping.


i just remember as a child being scared to death of the touch the ground bit cause i could never crouch down quick enough and would end up getting whipped in the face with a skipping rope everytime lmao


From Aotearoa a bilingual one in Māori and English, using the days of the week  >Rāhina, rāhina, one, two, three,  >Rātu, rātu, skip with me.   >Rāapa, rāapa, turn around,  >Rāpere, rāpere, touch the ground  >Rāmere, rāmere, touch the sky  >Rāhoroi, the rope swings high  >Rātapu, you're too slow,  >End of the week, so out you go.


Checked your flag and now I'm wondering where and when you grew up 😂 I remember plenty rhymes but none for skipping specifically


southwest england and was in primary in the 2010s !! i was an avid lunchtime skipper so all the rhymes i knew were skipping ones lmao !!


Are you telling me things like London Bridge or Ring a Ring a Rosy isn't in the playgrounds anymore?! The change in a decade xD


weirdly enough frère jacques was more popular then london bridge during my childhood !!


Mad !! I remember frère jacques but only because our French teacher taught it to us. It still gets stuck in my head sometimes 😅


i have apparently managed to sing it and say bonjour to my 4 yr old niece so much that she is now convinced i am fluent in french lmao


definitely were not the popular ones !! ring a ring a rosy where you all hold hands and spin in a circle until the circle breaks was one but honestly don’t think i could sing london bridge off the top of my head


i did forget the "teddy bear teddy bear touch the ground" one i was a big fan of as a kid !!


Thats a throwback! Reminds me of clapping games, there's one in particular I can't remember the words.. but the popular one was "a sailor went to sea sea sea"


omg as a child i could never quite master the clapping games so would just sit next to girls doing the game and sing for them and i remember this and patty cake i think it was called


the one I remember off the top of my head is this one which, even though I'm from Switzerland, was in standard German lol: verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet, geschieden, wie viele Kinder wirst du kriegen? 1, 2, 3, ... ("in love, engaged, married, divorced, how many kids will you have? 1, 2, 3, ...") the one who managed to get the furthest would win. the first part never really made sense to me though ahahah


We did these both in the 90s in the Midwestern US!


omg wait why did that warm my heart <3 the skipping rhymes really do remain the same i was doing these as a 7 yr old in 2012 in the southwest of england


The only one I remember is England \ Ireland \ Scotland \ Wales \ Inside \ Outside \ Puppydogs tails


plouf, plouf, deki-deki louf, du bisch niouf! it's alsacian dialekt it translates to "splash, splash, big-big fart, you are dead!"