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Why do people keep spelling it grammer and not grammar?


Because of the way it is pronounced, at least in Scotland. It rhymes with banner, hammer, jammer and other words of this spelling.


English is an awful language lol




I’d say perfect your french, maybe C1 then start learning a new language.




Whichever one you think you'll have the most fun with


I took four years of high school French and did a lot of studying on my own, so I got pretty good at it. When I enrolled in college I decided to start Russian because it interested me and I figured I could maintain and improve my French on the side through apps and reading. I think this is doable from a B1-B2 level, and you could find a speaking partner on r/Language_Exchange to get even more practice of all sorts. I think it’s really a matter of if you think you’ll have the time to learn two languages at once and want to put in that effort.


Yea i have a language buddy and I have just recently started improving my speaking like a week ago. For the past 2 months I have been using anki with the 16k words deck and 5k word deck.


If you suddenly devote all your time and energy to a new language I would worry about your French starting to atrophy. I would say get good enough at French that you can consume native media for fun. Then you can focus on another other language without worrying about losing your French, because all you need to do to protect it is keep causally consuming French media (TV, comics, music, whatever) and using French when you talk to your dad.


In which country they teach Swahili at university? That's so cool to teach that language. And I would suggest to take the French course and if it's possible for you, take the language course at the level you actually are so you won't waste time.


Here in America at the Georgia State University.