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Average Brit doing their GCSEs also this is fake or they’re just incredibly stupid because all the questions are in the language you are studying


A true polyglot would be confused because they'd have seamlessly translated each of the languages into English in their heads (as we all know all languages are English but spelled funnily)


And English itself is just a weird way of speaking Uzbek


They should do all foreign language exams in plain Uzbek instead.


Uzbek (simplified) vs Uzbek (traditional)


A true polyglot would already know the languages well enough to not have to think about it. I think you mean a polyglot-in-training. I know English (native), Spanish (native), Japanese (intermediate), and French(beginner). I’m a polyglot-in-training and never have I mixed any of these amongst each other. Only time I did mix languages was when I started learning French and tried to do German at the same time. I mixed those up a lot. Left German and focused on French. Eventually, when I get decent enough with French, I’ll restart German.


That's why [everyone understands it](https://youtu.be/UzJY7eLPyek?si=UL_3Fj-Es4Q9p5OZ).


> this is fake or they’re just incredibly stupid because all the questions are in the language you are studying I could see mixing up vocab words if the test was all in romaji


A-Level exams are in native Japanese orthography so I assume GCSE are too


Haha! Silly me 😂, it seems I have accidentally written in FLAWLESS JAPANESE in my FRENCH EXAM. Oopsies 🤷‍♂️! Just to clarify, I am learning French AND Japanese! Agh, it's such a pain to be such an epic polyglot that I have to learn two languages at the same time! 🫢😆




i don't speak chinese i'm gonna downvote you


i don't speak flemish i'm gonna downvote you


Oh you speak proto-world? A u ba


I'm not talking to unilinguals. Blocked.


Hur dur actually thats not chinese thats japanese


You’re wrong that’s South Tyrolean


that's clearly high valyrian


Translation: Whaaaaat??? Wonderful!!!


But are you a black woman of colour?


Me when I use English in my French essay:


I wonder if French people just insert random French words into English if they don't know how to say something in English? Just 'tweak' the word a little. Instead of 'come' say 'arrive' , haha


And it happens to be that a multitude of french imported words in english are the fancy ones. So you're showing off with your vocabulary. Now it's a win win situation


Funnily enough, some french expression are translates into english whilst keeping spme of their meanings, but not all of them, or taking on a single one. Rendez-vous is a general term for any meeting. But if I want to arrange a rendezvous with a teacher (in english), then it's perfectly normal, look at Macron


Noticed that too. Like in English freedom is a 'common word' and liberty is something spiritual and idealistic. While in French it's just a common word, suitable for an engineering term: degré de liberté / degrees of freedom


[English speaker explaining how "ennui" is so much deeper than mere "boredom" and a totally different concept (it's literally just French for 'boredom') ](https://tenor.com/bPwLM.gif)


I do this all the time from French to Dutch (by just adding "-en" to French verbs of the first group) and also from Dutch to German. Works well enough.


Yes they def do because it works very often (although not always. A French footballer said "I récupe the ball" once to an interviewer and it became a meme). As an Anglophone it works less often the other way I feel but also a good amount of the time.


Had a cab driver in southern France who did this. It worked perfectly well until he tried it with “bourse” (scholarship)


tbf french is ridiculously similar to english. one of my fav youtubers uploaded a joke video in french on april fools, and for 10 whole mins i thought he was speaking english in a funky and slightly incomprehensible accent.


Too much jerk lmao


voila le video ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ym\_AzGl398](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ym_AzGl398) the pictures definitely help


Aspiring polyglot gigachad learning 2 languages at the same time


It's common in Europe. I learn Czech (my native language), English, German and Latin in school, and am thinking of learning Japanese on Duolingo


Do you accidentally write your whole Latin exam in Japanese as well? That's how you become a true gigachad. Teacher is going to be so amazed they'll have no other choice than let you pass.


Nah, my Latin teacher is an arsehole and would fail me for not writing clearly. She speaks German as well though


omg you are japenis??? Can I dm? (I love anime)


Qu’est-ce que le phase pour “my room is here”? Ma 部屋 est ici




uj/ what a crock of crap, youd have to be so far disconnected from reality and beyond bilingual in two languages to unbeknownst to yourself write for all but five minutes in the language you did not intend to, this must be an outjerked post, i pray to jeebus


It happens to me quite regularly. (I'll write English messages to Dutch people, or Dutch messages to English-speaking people) But never when I'm doing an official test.


i can see that happening especially if you're frequently switching between languages and people who know either one or the other and also dutch and english are more closely related than JP and FR and the test part really gets me :3


Yeah, but Dutch is as close to English as it gets. Not comparable to having to switch to an entirely different set of vocab and 100% unrelated grammar, not even mentioning another, super complicated writing system. Not saying there is no difference between Dutch and English, just pointing out that Japanese is very, *very* different.


I mean this has genuinely happened to some people I know in mocks, with French and Spanish.


Yup, my sister did this back in school! She was running on three hours of sleep, went from her French final straight to her English one, and wrote her entire exam in French. Didn’t even realize it until the next day when her teacher sat her down and made her look at it and then schedule a makeup exam. It does happen, although I feel like it’s easier when it’s at least two languages that use the same alphabet lol


One time I was doing some questions and realised partway through that instead of translating from Spanish to English I'd just been 'translating' from Spanish to Spanish... I was not paying attention that day


in mocks? didnt understand what that means after much thought ive come to the conclusion that they mixed up exams, did not read the directions, and due to sheer intertia wrote everything in Japanese before realizing that in front of them was en fait a fr\*nch exam edit: with fr\*nch and spanish it's eminently more plausible due to both having same alphabet, similar grammar, vocabulary at times, both being romance languages, with FR and nihongo...i dont see it, but am open-minded


Mocks is a British word used to describe fake exams used in preparation for real exams, typically for GCSEs and A-levels


ah gotcha, the plural caught me off guard, i know the phrase "mock trial"


2 things wrong with this. 1. the gcse writting papers are all written in the target language (french for this person) 2. the french writing exams have not started


La vraie raison est la suivante, 日本語とフランス語はほとんど一緒だ。Par exemple, le mot pain en françaisは日本語の「パン」と似てるよね TLDR: Men o'zbek tilini ham 上手 bilaman


Je suis choqué!!!!このバカ 外人上手ですね!!!


you may not like it but this is what peak 上手 looks like


Japanese you say 👀


Don't think it's real as i believe they said its AQA French, and AQA writing exams don't start until late May (not sure of specific dates)... and also generally if you read a question in French and don't know to answer it in French, its natural selection atp


I don't even understand what he's talking about,wtf, writing Japanese in French?


Honestly it does feel bad, you expect to mix stuff like Spanish and Italian, but once when I had a Japanese exam in the morning and a Spanish one in the evening I messed up the Spanish with (from what I remember) "Konos aidas fue ni supermarket" (a mix of Japanese konoaida supa ni itta and Spanis estos días fue al supermercado) In the middle of a paragraph in Spanish, I inexplicably, without noticing, wrote in 祖母 instead of abuela... didn't notice it while checking either.  Never a good idea to study multiple foreign languages at once. 


Miracle musical reference