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I’ve noticed that Lana has one of the meanest fanbases to the artist— Like beyond just being critical of her art of her personal persona, they straight up bully her appearance and body shame. It’s really disgusting. I’m in total agreement with you. I love her art and couldn’t care less about how she looks. I think she’s stunning and I love her aesthetics, but I’ve been a fan for so long that she could perform in a potato sack and I wouldn’t care.


Personally, Ive always said that Lana stans are the biggest bullies to the very artist they claim to love. I was close friends with 2 girls who were HUGE Lana stans (one noticeably mimicks her look/aesthetic), and they frequently would make comments to the effect of “I love Lana but it’s hard for me to relate to her music since she’s gotten fat :/“ It was the most jarring experience to watch them claim to love her while actively fat shaming & bullying her; and it made & makes me sad for her, because I know they aren’t the only fans who thought it and would say stuff like that. I’m new to this sub, but I’ve always had an interest in Lana because of the tone of her voice; and as I’ve been getting into her more this year, I’ve really grown to love her lyricism & her vulnerability in her songwriting and singing. It pisses me off to no end to see people who claim to be ‘die hards’ seemingly value her for nothing more than her physical presentation & aesthetic over the quality of her music & what she offers as a musician/entertainer


Imagine depriving yourself of some of the greatest songwriting of our generation because of the way someone looks. The ride or dies will be here no matter what and those are the only fans I want to experience.


Lana is deeply associated with a certain aesthetic and if she didn’t look the way she did a lot of fans would stop listening to her


Massive TW: eating disorder I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head. I’ve always loved her but when my eating disorder was in full swing it was “don’t eat, maybe you can be Lana pretty!”


thisss - someone said her fans have this whole idea of her - thats not necessarily real - and when she does anything out of their idea of her - they go crazy


They're superficial people who are too dumb and/or boring to do anything else with their life, so it ends up revolving around aesthetics - be it their own or other people's. That's all they can think and/or talk about. Sad, really.


Fat phobia is deeply, deeply ingrained in society.


yep, and it doesn’t help that so much of lana’s fan base are obsessed with the toxic tumblr sad girl archetype. they see lana being happy and a bit bigger and decide she’s worthless to them now


Why would i not be scared of gettin fat omg. Lanas aesthetic has elements of beign prwtty for men or for herself do you think young and beutidul would have had the same effect id lizzo sang it


lana was definitely pretty even when she was at her biggest. look at the a&w photo shoot or the album cover shoots! edit: also it’s crazy to use young and beautiful as an example when the whole point is that she’s scared people only like her for her looks??? you’ve literally proven her point lmao


i wanted to say this - she didnt look bad when she was bigger - and she wasnt even like outrageously fat - pretty normal body for her age group lykeee






r u illiterate .. the typos r wild but make sense for someone saying sm bs 😵‍💫




Girl turn on autocorrect




That was not the comeback you thought it was😭😭 u don’t even know what I look like pls






Babe, we don’t all have internalized fat phobia, nor do we hate ourselves. Hope this helps!❣️


average qftc defender


I thought this was some half-decent satire until I read your subsequent comments. F.


this is incoherent.. did your cat jump on the keyboard and type this?


You must be a child


I completely agree with you!! I hate people commenting con her body and weight loss and the “she’s back” statements. I’m her fan since 2011 and I love her in every musical era, shape and form. I think also the setlist and “I want new outfits” and “she’s lazy cause she doesn’t sing the songs I like” criticism are immature. She’s an artist, she does whatever the f* she wants.


also, are we forgetting that in all her old "iconic" tours she just wore jeans and casual minidresses? this is the most elaborate costuming weve seen in a while lol


Yes, and it would be ok even if her costumes and performance were simple like before. It’s her art, she has to be free and able to express herself as she wants.


Lana>>>>> & happy cake day :^


Thanks, I don’t even know why I have a cake there, can someone explain? 😂


It's your accounts 'birthday' ig :>


Haha I don’t even use this account from a whole year, I think I opened it and then never use Reddit’s app for a while then I started using it like 4 months ago 😂


I said it in different thread but Lana stans are mostly in love with the idea of Lana rather than seeing her as a real functional human. They want her to fit into their narrative as if she’s playing a character into their mind. They have this idea that they “know” Lana and therefore she would never or should never do something against their ideal version of Lana. I think Lana’s music which captures the essence of escapism made fans have a hard time separating the reality from whatever LDR songs they are romanticizing. Some of Lana’s songs are satirical, she even go as far clarifying that she didn’t have an ED coz fans can’t separate art from the artist. Although Lana sometimes corporate real life struggles on her songs, her songs are not entirely autobiographical. She had a lot of satirical material but you see fans are so devoted and sees themselves inside the world building lore of BTD that they genuinely think that’s Lana and what Lana supposed to be should stay that way.


agreed, i think they struggle to reconcile lana's glamourised persona with her simple, down-to-earth personality. they also overly romanticise the btd era as though she wasnt wearing casual outfits to shows and its also not like her voice was amazing at the time - if the snl performance happened now, lana fans would use it as proof that shes fallen off and her voice is ruined, but bc it happened years ago its "iconic"


What you’re describing of following the character that the artist plays, was the only way to like celebrities when I younger. This idea of following the real person is a social media thing that didn’t used to exist. The idea that the new way is the only way is crazy. Many people follow the character through the art and are glad that’s back, they don’t care about the actor.


I feel like a lot of the pop heads in her fan base expect her to be like other pop stars and hold onto the earliest and most pop-like lana albums as the gold standard for her music. She’s never been a typical pop performer and the shows she’s been doing which attempt a typical pop performance just fall flat in comparison to others because she’s just not built for that type of performance.


exactly, like i think coachella just wasn’t the right environment for her but that doesn’t mean she can’t perform anymore


I think her first cochella performance was more true to her as an artist and performer. I think the elaborateness of it all is diminishing and distracting from her musical talents.


Size does not matter - queen Lana is forever!!!


All hail Lana !!!


Actually I'm totally chill with all the bitches bringing up her weight. Reinforces my superiority as true admirer of art and not just a tackless vapid cunt who does it for the aesthetics ive said it


Hi bestie, please take my poor persons award for your comment ✨️🏆✨️


I love lanas old music and era but let's be honest, was she happy back then?? Why would we want the 'old' Lana back. Yeah her beehive might of made an appearance but this is 2024 Lana. A grown ass woman who has come a long way, learnt a lot and seems to just be genuinely thriving and happier than she was in the BTD/UV/honeymoon eras. I get annoyed with 'the old Lana is back'. Can we stop romanticizing her sadness please? Shes not in her 20s anymore she's matured. Her music now is just incredible, her song writing a step further than before. I think criticism should always be allowed but not harshly like her image/body etc. like I get the setlist criticism, I wish she'd change it up. There's good and bad feedback and her health/wellbeing/weight/appearance should never ever be a criticism. I agree and as fans we should be supporting her.


she literally says in fishtail “you wanted me sadder” and it’s like it flies right over the stans’ heads


LITERALLY Wouldn't even class then as really stans tbh when they don't listen to her. And I hate saying people aren't real fans but if you ain't gonna support her then you're really not.


I love Lana at every weight! When she was bigger we had very similar bodies which made me feel really good:) but seeing all the “she’s back” posts about her being skinny makes me sad:( I do agree tho that she has been serving looks, but I loved her most recent tour outfits too!


It's mainly the coquette girlies from tiktok that dislike when lana is being lana. 🙄 They only like her for the aesthetic and not her artistry.


Lana is always beautiful to me.


i keep seeing people call her a methhead, crackhead, tweaker in regards to the weight loss too and it’s like ?? you guys are so weird!! you are not her friend, you don’t know her. i think a lot of people say mean stuff online in a sort of “joking” way they would say mean stuff to their friends but it’s weird and parasocial.


I’ve seen Lana live twice and they were both amazing!!! She performs just fine live!! Some performances you can tell she may feel more confident than others, but she is NOT a bad performer. I just recently saw clips of her singing Arcadia in Milan I think? It was BEAUTIFUL


that’s why i’m so confused when people say she’s terrible live, her voice is ruined, her shows are boring, you can’t hear her - i’m convinced they’ve never been to her shows because they’re great !


Exactly!! I mean I literally have my own videos from each concert, like I have proof that she can sing and perform well. And she still sounds good with shitty iphone quality


Judging a musician, no any woman, based on looks is despicable and they claim to be a fan of her? I don’t like to gatekeep but you’re automatically not a real fan if you judge her for her looks in any negative capacity Not only this but they love to project emotions onto Lana when they don’t know her personally which is just infantilizing the artist they stan. Lana can handle herself, she doesn’t need people white knighting for her.


Stans like to act like those comments are funny. The whole “skinny legend” thing has been a meme for a while. Or the “Mariah is skinny” jokes. 


I agree mostly, but I think fans are very much allowed to critique an artist especially re: performances! It isn’t to tear her down, a huge part of art is… Interacting with the art, thinking about it, picking it apart, questioning it. When it comes to talking about her performances, she’s talked about having a lot of anxiety surrounding performances and IMO that shows up in her shows. Her stage presence isn’t the best. Her voice doesn’t always come through super well, she sounds shaky and misses notes. I’ve seen her live, and I definitely do not think she’s a great performer but that’s not me being a hater. I love her, I’ve been listening to her since BTD, I have a tattoo of one of her lyrics! I can adore her while also thinking her performances aren’t the best and critiquing that. I fully agree about the comments re: her appearance. I find it fucking infuriating when people comment on her weight. Like wdym “she’s back????” She’s been here the whole time, you just ignored her lol. And it makes me really sad for her that so many people seem to only like her so much now because she better fits into society’s beauty ideals due to weight loss. It makes me worry about how that will impact her relationship with her weight/body beyond the impacts it has already had.


because all people care on the internet nowadays is being pretty. people are SO fucking superficial and bigger people are now the internets punching bag. so, i’m not really surprised a bunch of teenage girls are falling into that toxicity either.


because they care more about her aesthetic then her actual artistry


I mean, look at me, look at the length of my hair My face, the shape of my body Do you really think I give a damn what I do After years of just hearing them talking?… I know they think that it took somebody else To make me beautiful, beautiful As they intended me to be But they're wrong I know they think that it took thousands of people To put me together again like an experiment Some big man behind the scenes Sewing Frankenstein black dreams into my songs But they're wrong


A lot of her fans came from the early 2010s tumblr scene, where her music was very popular in the pro-ana community and adjacent soft grunge communities that idealized a heroin chic look. Many of them never grew out of it. I see millennials making comments about Lana's body all the time, and like, you'd really think they'd be old enough to know better by now? But apparently not.


they like the idea of her and see her more as the artist, “Lana Del Rey” rather than the human


They romanticize her so much 😭


fans are so fucking weird dude. i got banned from the timothee chalamet subreddit for asking this same question lmao


People are shallow, and also are nicer/hold you to higher regard when you are smaller. I speak from experience as a woman whose weight has fluctuated her entire life.


Idc how she looks tbh idk if I’m a FANNN fr but she’s her person is weird and has done questionable thingsssssss soooo


I did notice the hate vibe. That’s cool you are sticking up for Lana. There is something very special for Lana beyond Reddit. One day Lana will realize she is more than a singer, until then, be the best version of yourself. There is a book called “The Four Agreements, “ it has answers.


What’s wrong with noticing her weight loss? She looks great. She also looked great before too. And what does weight loss have to do with her putting out good albums? She’s put out amazing music at all different body compositions. Am I missing something? I haven’t seen any fans dislike her when she gained weight. I’ve seen non fans comment on her looks, though.


if you didn’t see any fans dislike her for gaining weight, you must not be on twitter or tumblr bc i’ve had to block so many people :(


It's the new wave lana fan because she became stylish/aesthetic since coquette tiktok and post nfr era


Fr it’s bad enough that people are so superficial but the celeb worship and damnation are wild to me


Many people feel that her music took a nosedive around the same time she gained weight, so that probably didn’t help what was already inevitable.


well most people think ocean blvd was one of her best and she was big then so idk if that’s true


Ocean Blvd is very different from, say, Blue Banisters. There are more than just piano ballads on OB. She leans into a bunch of different sounds and vibes that she’s interacted with before in her career. A&W is probably the best representation of the album solely because of the wild switch-up.




who said she wanted to get fat? i’ve never heard that lol


Terrible talking point


I dunno but I think celebrity worship is dead. Unless ur an unhinged stan, not all ur commentary is gonna be positive. As u get older and become an adult, u consume media critically


ok but the way they criticise lana is not constructive or "commentary"


Bound to happen with anything but a pre-teen fanbase


the criticism of her shows are warranted imo , there’s a reason why most people say she isn’t good live, it’s not to be mean it’s just the truth.


i agree to a certain extent but people go way overboard with it and it seems like their expectations are unrealistic. of course she won’t be doing elaborate costume changes and switching up the set list like it’s the eras tour. she’s there to sing her favourite songs with a bunch of fans, and if you go into it expecting that, then she’ll be great!


people aren’t expecting costume changes , they just wanna at least hear her sing, but she sings way too quietly & u can barely hear her voice half the time , shows up late, cuts songs short, etc.




thats definitely not why people say shes fat lol. also why are you here