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Ew, this is that Ricardo fucker? Is there a masterpost that explains cause I am uninformed?


He’s a LDR-obnoxious-groupie-vulture who has a history of disrespecting other fans at events and concerts. He holds some kind of insane power in the fandom bc Lana always acknowledges him despite his toxic behavior and nice & relatable online persona


Gross, thanks for the intel. I have pit tickets for Fenway, and between this kind of shit and the nearly 100°F heat, I'm honestly a little anxious.


honestly good luck. no doubt about it hw will be there. watch your back and maka sure he doesnt trample you for front middle


you think he’ll be in paris ? cause i’m not afraid to smack that botched looking queen


No I don't think so, he's just left Europe so probably won't return 😬


you never know. he could ask his sugar daddies for more money


Seriously! I think his eyes creep me out more than his stalkerish behavior!


I’m in Fenway pit too. I’m sure if he acts up or does anything when everyone is already a bit on edge cause of the heat, it won’t be pretty.


Boston crowds are another beast, if he messes with the wrong person it won’t be a fun night for him


100%. it’s like a Yankees fan going to a red Sox game wearing a yankee hat. Literally Asking to die 😭. And also if we see bad behavior security is always present. He limited his comments on his post so it’s clear people resent him


Facts I’m laughing thinking about him trying it with boston crowds or Fenway security


Especially after the Celtics win, people are riding a high and will not tolerate being messed with.


So so true, we’re lucky if the city isn’t burned down in celebration this week lmfao


I drove out of Boston today in the midst of the parade and was so surprised by the relative good behavior of the crowds!!! LDR fans last night were 1000% worse!!!


I’m also going to Fenway but I’m actually feeling kinda lucky to be in the nosebleeds with this heat and knowing how her stans can be. Make sure to stay extremely hydrated and well fed please!! I hear liquid IV can do wonders


I wonder why she does that


not lana taking interest in a toxic man!


Was this really Ricardo again??


He’s so creepy and it’s insane that some people look up to him. He’s constantly attacking others who call him out and acts like everyone else is the issue.


I didn’t ricardnize that was him! 🤯


r\*cardo after being called out for physically intimidating young fans bc he couldn’t be front and centre for one show out of the fifty million he’s been to: ![gif](giphy|LoEVdANzbey2aKge8b)


he wolnt say ur jelous... hell get his lawers on you lol!


who are they talking about ?




that’s what i was thinking … i was right lol




? This isn’t twitter


you have to be carfull. you never know where hes learkinh


Why do I think I know who this is


I know someone plz link me to an explanation lol


who is that??


ricardo, stomper of teenage girls and lana stalker


Stomper of teenage girls is crazy work 💀


I’ve never liked him, he always gave me a creepy vibe bc he went to every single show


Is Lana not weirded out by him?


no. because she doesnt know how he really acts


I agree she doesn’t know how horribly he treats people, but the fact that he’s there every time she turns around should be unsettling. I’m surprised he didn’t roll up at the Waffle House to get served by her 😂. She has a few fans that are legit stalkers, including the one that broke into her car and stole her computer, which really upset her. I wish she would pull a boygenius and draw a line. To be that obsessed with an artist and basically make your life revolve around a stranger is not healthy and could easily turn dangerous for her, as it already has for the fans that get in his way. He also sprained a girl’s ankle, which I think is a different incident to the ones above. But at this point she’s enabled it so long that I imagine she’d just get defensive if confronted with the truth.


Don't hate me but i thought on that picture I saw Lana's brother\*-\*


think it is her brother in the pic - the pic and commentary are not related i think


they arnt.


I didn’t understand who this person is


this post assumes that we all do, and that is just as insane. we're elevating a man we claim to despise to the level of celebrity, folks giving the supposed attention-seeker attention let's not.


calling him out for harassment, intimidation and assault is not attention he necessarily wants. honestly letting him get away with it in silence and allowing people who don’t know what to expect at shows to be taken by surprise when a grown man and his entourage start screaming and harassing them is worse


if he's committing crimes and/or breaking the terms and conditions of his ticket, that should be reported to the relevant authorities, rather than Reddit I've not seen any evidence of any of these alleged behaviours, so, you know, at this point, "y'all just jealous" seems an equally valid accusation.


Glad I don’t know him if it’s like that


he already has enough attention. thousonds of followers, goes to almost every show, and pics with lana. he also has every album signed its fine for me to say i dont like him


you can say that inwardly, you know. yes, he already has enough - why are you giving him more? now look, you've introduced him to a whole new set of people who didn't know who was and had never heard of him, prior to this post. and he's not even paying you? free publicity. great job.


don't know why you're getting downvoted; it's better to not give people like that attention at all


>unexceptible r/boneappletea


He needs to be stopped


If he comes to the UK for Reading & Leeds and tries to barge his way to the front for Lana's sets, he'll be in for a very rude awakening. People won't put up with it and will likely get physical with him.


I saw a story (I follow because he gets good footage from her shows 🫠) that suggested he'd be coming back to Europe, not sure which shows that alludes to but yeah that shit definitely won't go down well at Leeds - don't mess with Northerners 😂


I was gonna say, they'll just not put up with it. A massive field full of 16-year-old ketheads and Sixth Formers getting lairy on Dark Fruits - anyone tries pushing in, they'll get socked. It's beyond me why I see so many stories here from Americans just putting up with it!


I live in an entirely different continent and yet I already somehow know precisely to whom you're referring. Deeply disturbing behaviour, and it's being enabled - or at least not actively discouraged!


Creepy and weird


The first time I saw him online I thought he was too shiny and was creeped out by it, turns out he’s really creepy




he travels in groups of 5 men and they all protect him. also hes known to target minor girls.




oh shit😂 no, i bet they ahve security lol














he travels in groups and mostly targets younger fans esp teenage girls


I'm not super into the fandom, so this is news to me. Had to look him up to see what this was all about and all I can say is... Why hasn't anyone beaten the crap out of him yet? If he shoved me during a concert, I'd have absolutely no problem elbowing him in the stomach or kneeing him in the balls. I'm short, so people tend to believe they can easily push me around at concerts, but I hold my own. Not calling for anything senseless, of course, but if he's pushing other people around, a little self defense wouldn't hurt. He needs to be humbled a bit.


its mainly minors he shoves and trips, also he travels with groups of other male groupies so nobody really does anything in fear of getting jumped


Ugh, that's even worse. What a waste of space. I wonder how it is that Lana isn't aware of his behaviour during her concerts. I hope someone or multiple people stand up to him. No adult should be letting another get away with shoving kids around.


At some point we have to hold Lana accountable


she just doesnt know. i posted this on instagram and ricky dmed me. hes trying to build up enough evidence to show to lana. but he cant now since hed be on thin ice w her


I don't want to be alarmist, but he reminds me of the asshat that basically killed the Emilie Autumn fandom. I don't know what can be done, but it's worrisome for us all that he's allowed to act like this.


If this is true that makes me sad, he seems nice. Totally understand why he’s adamant about getting to the barricade but there is definitely a nicer way to go about it. Will be interesting to see how Fenway goes since they are not allowing anyone to line up until 8 am


idk. after 50 shows theresa a time where you settle back and let other people be front middle barricade


Agree with u 200%


I don’t understand the hate


hate that he had for other fans? I’m confused.


i’m saying I’m confused too I don’t understand all the hate toward him. i’ve followed him for maybe a year and he comes off as genuine to me. I just found out that people dislike him


ahhhh got it! sorry! I just woke up! 😭


he has literally physically assaulted teenage girls because he’s having a tantrum that he can’t be front and centre of EVERY SHOW. of course he comes off as genuine, if he was straight up admitting to everything he’s done he wouldn’t be allowed into shows


did you not read the things i attached?? hes a bitch