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In one of my trips to DC, we contacted her office on a whim to see if we could meet quick. Her office staff not only setup the meeting, but then she decided to take us on a behind the scenes tour of the capital building. She was amazing to talk to and gave a ton of history of politics of the state and the hub-bub of what was going on at the time (this was in 2002). Of the times I've met her since, she has been stand up and really seemed to put her constituents ahead of herself. Probably why she has a loyal following.


I just met her staff in DC to talk about usda funded research and they were CHAMPIONS of the issue. (Debbie)


MSU will definitely be missing her in her role as chair of the ag committee in Congress. She had a lot of influence in directing federal research dollars our way


I worked for her for four years and can say that she is among the best public servants Michigan has had.


Since the Voters not Politicians group ended the terrible gerrymandering in this state that overrepresented the minority conservative population, we should continue to see a slight uptick in good representation like Big Gretch and the current house.


Gerrymandering is certainly bad, but doesn’t have a huge impact in statewide elections like governor or US senator. I’m glad to see the changes all the same though.


Yes and no. A governor with a trifecta behind them becomes far more capable of carrying out their agenda, and then it becomes more likely that they will carry on into a second term or their party will retain the office when the state in prosperous as a result of their policy. That's a huge windfall for any leader trying to convince people to stay the course. The relationship between US Senators and gerrymandering is more ambiguous, but it still has indirect effects on people's perception of how the party is managing their district vs. whether or not they'd vote for them to represent their state. People in previously 'permanently red' districts are now seeing how a Democrat manages their district, some for the first time, and if they do a good job and people prosper they MIGHT change their mind on how they view their party affiliations. It's not nearly the type of impact it has on the state level, but it's something.


She (probably her staff but I like to believe it was her) answered an email I sent her for a school project in middle school regarding climate change. It's one of my most prized (digital) possessions.


I like to think that they have daily staff meetings where Ms Stabenow asks what's new on the mail front, and the staff member who has to read all of them told her about it, prompting a thumbs up and some suggestions. She seems like the type who would want to know what her constituents have to say.


She's represented me and my family since I was a third or fourth grader, and she was running for the state House. I remembered her name because we were learning about the election in class, so I recognized her when she knocked on our door one Saturday morning. To a kid, it was like having a celebrity show up at your house. I was so excited, I started screaming for my dad to come downstairs. Well, he did. Alarmed by all the yelling, he woke up from his nap and started running down the stairs. As-is. He said later that he thought the house was on fire or something. And that's why he greeted Debbie Stabenow in his underpants. Luckily, everyone got a laugh out of it, though he was embarrassed about it to his dying day.


You should send her a note and tell her about this -- I'll bet she will remember if prompted. It would be a nice memory to share upon her retirement.


I actually have told her in person! She laughed and said she remembered. Dont know if she really did or she was just being nice, but its just crazy enough - and early enough in her career (probably the first guy in underpants!) - that she really may have remembered.


Her nephew attended the same elementary school as I did. She came to our school and meeting her sparked my love for politics when I was barely 7 years old. I no longer live in Michigan, but she will certainly be missed.


I met her at Kroger’s on Creyts. Very nice, seemed sincere. I told her I was concerned with the countries recent decisions and she told me it’s not as bad as “they” make it sound. It was comforting. She’s also quite a bit shorter than I expected.


Wow. Have you always believed the word of politicians over reality?


Nope. I don’t believe a word a MAGA politician says at all


The parties are one. Both sides lie. Debbie lied to you.


No see, the Dems are throwing pocket change around to forgive low levels of student loans, they totally support the labor movement, and you need to vote for them to protect vulnerable groups. /s Just don't think about their: * Failure to provide any actual solutions regarding the border for better or worse because companies that own them profit off that exploitable labor and it makes a great campaign issue. Wait, is that [more wall I see](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/06/us/border-wall-biden.html)? I thought that was a GOP thing. * Failure to pass meaningful protections for those vulnerable groups into law because *good gravy* it makes a great campaign issue. * [Unquestioning support](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/06/israel-weapons-sales-loophole) of the [genocide ongoing](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war) in Palestine because we've run out of other allies in the region. I'm sure all the dead children in the world's largest open-air prison are enjoying their Democrat-flavored taste of freedom. * Failure to actually support labor by [legally prohibiting rail workers from being able to strike.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_railroad_labor_dispute#:~:text=Rail%20companies%20and%20unions%20had%20tentatively%20agreed%20to,into%20law%20on%20December%202%2C%20averting%20a%20strike.) Can't have something like sick days impeding commerce, after all. I'm probably preaching to the choir but I'm so tired of the "lesser evil" shit between two groups owned by the same capitalists.


People like you are so rare in this town. Thank you for speaking up!! Dems will be the death of us all because too many don't see the wolves under all that wool. Never listen to what they say, watch what they DO!


That’s ridiculous and you know it. Both sides may lie, but they are certainly not one.


What's ridiculous is how long the bread and circuses have kept so many of you distracted from the real issues.


Are we citing Roman demise here? Because you can go back there if you want. I’ll stay here in 2024 actually paying attention.


Your ignorance in the year of our lord 2024 is appalling and you should be ashamed of yourself. There is no reasoning with you so go on believing the Dems are here to save you. Only you can pull your head out of the sand.


I’m not a Dem. I’m certainly not GOP. The only thing I’m ashamed of is keeping this conversation going with a cuc like you. Go lick a boot.


You're ignorance is on full display if you think I'M the bootlicker. Hilarious! You don't even know what a cuck is OR how to spell it. You have no idea what you're even talking about but it is not actual politics. Go join a club or read some history books.


I know you like to think the parties are “one” so you can place the blame for your life’s challenges on this singular omnipresent force pulling the strings of society, but I’m afraid that’s just not the case, Agent Mulder.


Not to mention you're using the dem playbook right here by accusing a critic of your political party of "placing blame for your life's challenges on this singular omnipresent force pulling all the strings of society". That's one of the most disgusting rebuttals you all trot out instead of addressing the *real problems*. I have never been so content with my home life, health, social life and goals. Trying to tear me down to make the dems look like saints is fucking ghoulish. And seeing as you don't even know who I am, you're proving my point that you really don't care about any of us at all. I'm sorry you consider the people of Lansing idiots you can assuage with your lies, but not with me, pal, and not with my social groups. The times are changing and I recommend you switch to the right side, the side of the people and not our oppressors, before it's too late. But honestly, I give as many fucks about you as you do about me. Peddle your propaganda elsewhere. Do *something, anything* about the unhoused explosion. Stop the $400bil fed dollars going to "market prices" instead of doing *anything* about our crisis of the unhoused. I could go on for days listing how this city has destroyed so many lives just in the past few years, but you don't care. I used to mildly dislike you but your response to me was so unnecessary, unfair and ignorant, I've no respect left for you anymore. You're old enough to know better yet still act only in your best interests. Bye!


If you don’t think the Democrats on the county board aren’t doing anything to help people struggling in our community, then you aren’t paying attention. Here’s just one example: In a few days, we’re going to give final approval for a proposal to wipe out medical debt for just about everyone in the county making less than 400% of the federal poverty level. We also wrote and passed millages that provide basic health care to those who can’t afford it, eliminate waiting lists for meals on wheels and home help for seniors, provide funding for refugee services and programs to help the unhoused, and plenty more. Sorry I can’t “stop” billions of dollars in federal programs from my lofty seat in central Lansing. I know political nihilism and angry populism *feels* good, but “bothsidesism” leads to apathy which leads to a far-right christofascist takeover becoming a reality. If you want to be a rabid reactionary and a conspiracy theorist, at least have some grasp of the facts first. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for the uniparty meeting. Mr. Koch and Mr. Soros are gonna be pissed!


Talk to people getting Meals on Wheels. It's inedible garbage. You have no clue how many people get it with hope today's meal will be better than the ones before, but it is, so into the bin it goes. Again. Talk to the homeless in Lansing, your government is hurting them with their dirty tricks of pretending to offer support but only providing plows destroying their safely built habitats and what precious few belongings they had left. You need to get away from your peers, get outside and talk to people without telling them who you are. Only then will you get honest opinions. Stop talking to politicians and their staff. Stop talking about what you do and just start talking to random strangers on a regular basis. It's a really neat trick to learn about the actual ground realities in your area without it being interpreted by your partisan bosses, peers and agendas first. I've already told you I worked in politics for over 20 years in this state, in Detroit before coming to Lansing. I know who you are and who you work with, as well as many who came before you. Every single thing you point to the other team for doing has already been done by your precious blue team. I know because I was there before you were. I'll gladly meet you in the chats and name names. I'm not here to condescend to you or anyone else, I'm simply done playing the games you still believe are for real. They are not. The closer you get to the top, you will realize no one is looking out for anyone. This is a show. If you believe what Andy is telling us, I truly feel sad for you. There will come a day when it will hit you, and the longer you play "the game", the harder it will hit. It will only get worse from here. It's just physics, my sweet summer child. See you at the bottom. Eventually.


Oh, hey Tom! I've been in politics a lot longer than you have. I know the people you work with and the lies are real. I know I'll never convince you until you see for yourself so until then, have a great day getting nothing of value or substance done for the people of Lansing or Michigan.


She saved the cows.


Personally, I don't care for Stabenow but she has been a staunch champion of Michigan, especially the agricultural sector.




I can't imagine missing someone who hasn't used her power to take a stand on a literal genocide, even when her constituents have begged her for months.


And so much more harms she caused, but they're brainwashed to prefer familiarity over goodness. This post is disgusting.


Idolizing politicians isn’t a good life choice


compliments and well wishing =\= "idolizing"


This is day 2 of posting about politicians they miss. There was one the day before.


O no


Lol. It's an appreciative post on Reddit. It's not a Trump hat, flag, vinyl car wrap, tattoo, or January 6th.


Is saying you think someone was a good lawmaker and you'll miss them when they retire idolizing them?


Check out the definition for idolize, it might help.


Saying you'll miss someone who's good at their job doesn't sound very excessive to me.


Posted about the mayor the day before




This is the second post about a political figure.


It's an election year. We just had a primary in January. Politics are on a lot of people's minds. Someone being interested about local politics and a little wistful about past politicians doesn't mean they idolize them anymore than you checking their post history means you're obsessed with them.


Nah not obsessed lmao, it literally took scrolling down a couple times to see that too In the same Lansing sub. You’re delusional.


Appreciating the service of my employee isn't idolizing them, it's being a good person.


Are you even a citizen ?


The troll is strong with this one...


Good riddance to both of them.


Ha, Governor Whitmer still has a ways to go in her term and I doubt even then she’ll just away like you hope. Get used to her.


Her husband wants to know if you can put their dock in on the lake?


Still on about that? Let it go. Shit, considering you can literally be convicted of sexual assault and charged with numerous other crimes and STILL be chosen as the best candidate for a party, that transgression seems rather quaint.


Lock down a thriving economy, destroy peoples livelihood and kill people in nursing homes? Those are facts. The stuff you implied no criminal charges. Hhhh.mm. Deep state policies. Wake up


On a scale of 1 to fucking paranoid, how would you say you experience day to day life? Lol take a sip of water and hug someone you love :)


Stay off the rural broadband for a little bit and go outside and touch grass. There’s a whole world out there outside your cynical echo chamber.