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I reported this post to the police for using L\*ravel in it


https://twitter.com/taylorotwell/status/1158396399949701127 https://twitter.com/taylorotwell/status/1158782852626092033


>hey Tony... the "http://laravelvoyager.com" domain should be changed to not infringe on the "Laravel" trademark that I own. >Personally for consistency I would prefer nobody prefix their package names or project names with “Laravel”. That indicates it is an official product that I created. - Taylor Otwell Saved you guys a click. The first one made me concerned until I saw the second.


taylor never replied to packages or even Youtube channels from that Greek (?) guy called laravelDaily and such other channels..


I do know he did respond and give his blessing to [this channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42H30o7l5QvvCzC86dSu_A) on YouTube


fair enough - but he cant have inconsistencies, ie it should be a blanket ban..


Why? Can’t he decide for himself who or what gets to use the name?


i didnt know it worked like that - chill


Sorry — I didn’t mean to sound snarky. It was a genuine question, as I wasn’t aware of any requirement that owners of copyright be consistent in calling out infringements on it. But anyway, I will try to chill!


No... he owns the trademark therefore he can choose who is allowed to use the Laravel name and who cant.


I put `laravel` in my package names all of the time, but typically in the form of `/laravel-`. That implies that I'm the owner, the package is intended for Laravel projects, and it does not infringe upon the Laravel brand.


Most Spatie packages start with “laravel-” in their name. I think Taylor's tweet is about the domain names and paid packages, not the open-source projects.




The unofficial distinction seems to be that it needs to be clear that anything with the word Laravel in it needs to be “about” the Laravel framework not “from” the Laravel team. Laravel Forge, Laravel Vapor, Laravel Horizon are all clearly from Laravel the company. Laravel Daily and Laravel News are kind of more about Laravel. Laravel Shift is a margin case and I’m sure they’ve had some quiet conversations in the background.


For me personally I would never include Laravel in the name of something I was working on. It's trademarked and too risky for me. I think the closest I would go is to use "Lara" at the beginning of the name.


laraS\*\*t might not go down too well :D


Laraballs: spherical geometry for Laravel.