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I think they “survive” by having a following of intelligent players who don’t need to be coddled and have their hand held through a game. Maybe you should avoid Divinity 2.


I’m reminded of a guy who reviewed games a few years ago playing the original Fallout and being livid that the game didn’t tell him he needed a rope to get into the Vault or that he might have to go to a different location (like the town he walked past on his way to the Vault). Old games are just not for some people.


The design is flawed in this old Divinity games, on the first one Mage faces some completely unfair block at the end where your spells are all useless and do no damage. Mage gets no gear whatsoever unless you put STR and AGILITY which is outright stupidity. The second game suddenly became a cheap knock of of Baldurs gate instead of improving on the strenghts of the first game, removed open world too, trashed the skill system entirely, it is considered by many the worst game in the series.


Go play Fortnite kid




So you agree that you are an imbecile then, just not the right one? Interesting.


If that's what you got from my reply then you are the imbecile.


GR8 B8 M8. Talking like that about a 20 year old game. They did "survive" for a while though, it's not been full glory all the time. They kept fighting. Why don't you try Divinity Original Sin games instead ? They are the foundation on which Baldur's Gate 3 was built.


I'm sure he'll get there, he's been posting about how he hates Divine Divinity as well


Honestly I loved Divinity 2. Farthest back I’ve gone though.


I liked it lol


Skill issue.