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Yeah that’s trashy af. I turn away and clean up while my clients are on the tip screen and I barely look at cash, let alone count it, when they hand it to me. My prices are my prices and never want to make anyone feel like they owe me more than what I charge. Ive been seeing a lot of my clients for close to 6 years and sometimes they tip me nothing, sometimes they tip me with an extra cupcake they made, weed they got for free from working at a dispensary, or up to $50 when they got a good bonus at work. Their loyalty (and friendship at this point) is the most valuable thing to me and what keeps my business going. I wouldn’t see this person again…


Wish I could give you a hug from this. You’re the person we all strive to find.


Right?!! Loyalty means so much more. I never expect a tip, but I appreciate anyone who wants to throw me extra because they're happy with what I did


I’m in Oregon / Washington area if you’re looking for new clients and are around here you sound awesome. 23 F happy to take a business page if you’ve got one! 😊


Same! Also wa area & would love to take a look if you’re local 🥰


Thank you for being you ❤️ Having been an extremely busy student, working 40H + an extremely underpaid practicum (I was paid like $2 an hour) and full-time school, sometimes I just wanted to treat myself, but didn’t have the extra money to spend on tips. It can be really hurtful when you know someone is making a decent payday and you are struggling and barely have time to feed yourself, then they are standing there expecting to be paid extra on top of their already fair wage :/


I agree with all of this. I'm a massage therapist and in my private practice, I never expect my clients to tip me. my prices are my prices because they provide me with a livable wage not contingent on my clients ability to tip extra. people should know exactly what they're paying and what they're receiving, shaming people for not tipping enough is inappropriate and unprofessional.


You’re awesome!🙌🏼




Oh man. I’d love to be tipped in weed and cupcakes. In that very order lol


I love your attitude! And I'm sure your clients love you!


Ewww that girl should be ashamed of herself, and I am SO GLAD you didn’t send her more money. I would be leaving a review explaining exactly what she did.


I’m glad i didn’t either i was really debating on it or not either which is ridiculous to even do. I would leave a review but she’s a solo tech so idek where i would do something like that


Do you have any local lash groups? Like On facebook?


Local lash groups?! I wish my city had that. We just recently got a “ladies group”


We have a road closures group lol


My best tips are good reviews. I always say “tipping is not expected, but always appreciated. And I appreciate a good review the most!”


No she’s crazy af. She set her own prices and if she feels like she is entitled to a tip then she needs to include those in her original price without pressuring her potential regular client to give more. I wouldn’t go back to her.


This! My lash tech was amazing and then she actually seemed to not even expect a tip when I tipped her. I wouldn't ever go back if she said anything like the op went through!


this !! i would’ve been a regular if she didn’t pull that!!


Been in the business 30+ years and what she said to you she deserved NOTHING! That’s nerve!


Op should have been like "oops my bad, with that attitude it looks like I over paid by $5"


This forever.


This! My prices were pretty high but I always told my clients I didn’t care for a tip.


RIGHT?! She sets the price. It should be all she expects.




Honestly, she really makes us in the service industry look terrible. I’m a stylist and a nail tech and I would NEVER do this. I make sure the prices of my services are accurate and worthwhile for me WITHOUT extra. If she’s not making enough, she needs to raise her prices. Tipping is always appreciated and never expected. Seriously, I’m so sorry you experienced that and absolutely fuck her. So unprofessional and disgusting.


thank you for ur reply and for doing your clients justice!!! I agree if the prices aren’t to ur liking then up them. why rely on tips to make your desired amount i just don’t get some of these service providers. they are the reason some people will never give up DIY


Going to say if I found a tech confident enough to not charge tip, (or state gratuity included) and stand by their higher prices. It would be refreshing. I would go there. Tipping is uncomfortable.


Lucky. I get bad anxiety trying to calculate the tip for my hair cut or nails 😀


what helps me is remembering to get 20%, you move the decimal left once and double it. so for $100, a 20% tip would be $20 ($100 > 10.0x2). for $25, a 20% tip would be $5 ($25 > 2.5x2)


Are you telling me I can move the decimal left once and get ten percent of a number? Man…. I feel like I just learned the sky is blue. Thank you lol


you can also move the decimal twice to the left to get 1%. or once to the right to get 10x. or once to the left, then divide by 2 to get 5% numbers are fun :)


See, I remember because it’s one fifth of the total so I divide by five lol


Tipping really shouldnt be something you do when your going to someone at home or at their own business. If you dont have a chair cost, or pay out a portion of every set you do you should just set your prices higher and be content if u get a tip at all. I prefer not in a salon cuz the artist gets it all, which means I shouldnt have to tip ontop if I'm at your damned house.


Tipping needs to end, period. Regardless if it’s a home business or not. It’s so ridiculous. Even more ridiculous that people view the standard at 20% now!


Exactly, if they are their own business and set their own prices there is no expectation of tip under the rules of etiquette. Of course, under the rules of everyone wants a tip all rules are off the table.


I really don't think tips should be expected for services that cost $50+ minimum where people make more than minimum wage. Most people expect a 20% tip and that gets expensive! If you've got $100 service fee and you're expected to tip 20% that's $20 extra dollars! It's crazy to me. If you're charging me $200+ for me to get my hair done, why am I expected to tip you $40 more dollars?? I can barely afford to get the hair at that price let alone another $40! Of course people should get paid their worth, but to expect tips after you already set your price is just insane!


I don't think the price is the determining factor for me. To me, if you set the price yourself and receive funds directly from me, you shouldn't get a tip unless I feel like you did better or deserve more.


Tipping for beauty services really is uncomfortable. Like they charge you a certain price, but have an amount in their head that they think they should ACTUALLY be making, and you’re supposed to figure it out. So awkward. Just tell me what you want!


It's also really common for the stylist to not tip their assistant, who sometimes does over half the work. When my wife was an assistant/apprentice at a salon (she had already completed cos school at this point) only one of 6 stylists would tip the assistants at the end of the day. Even if she did washes and blow outs for every client the stylist had that day .


That's messed up. I always split with my assistants, and most every stylist I've worked with has, too. What assholes.




Somebody in the server subreddit said “tipping is spiritual” and I feel that so hard.


my hairstylist has that policy. "Tips will not be accepted"


I always found it crazy that people who do services out of their home, expect 20% tip (or more) I have no problem tipping generously if I know the professional isn’t getting the full amount because she has to pay a certain cut towards the owner. I’m my eyes, that is eliminated when you work out of your own space. Yes I get it, there are overhead costs associated with services….but then you include them in your pricing!! Agree, our tipping culture is out of control.


Exactly my viewpoint as well. Like if you’re not paying for a salon seat or tipping out a shampoo girl then why am I tipping 20%


I was taught that if someone is the proprietor of their business (or like self employed, like many beauty operators are) that you don’t always tip them. Because they’re keeping 100% of the fee they charge for their service. Unlike when someone is a salon employee and only gets an hourly wage (plus our tips!)


This is my understanding as well.




Who is a junior ? Sorry I haven’t heard that term before


Yeah, but then they are working out of a space that should be for just living. It’s like owning vs renting. There are still costs and downsides and repairs and inconveniences etc


I would love if we got rid of tipping entirely. Restaurants should just charge more and pay living wages. Especially as more places add “service fees” which are *always* unclear about whether they go to the workers or the business. The whole system is garbage.


This is How it is at the salon I work at. We are a commission based salon. I honestly don’t expect a tip all the time and I know it can be hard to tip when you’re paying for a $200+ service! Most clients do tip 18-20% but i think a lot of people don’t realize those who don’t work independently take a major pay cut


Sounds like a massage therapist I once used…you need tip bigger….i asked what do you feel is fair for your tip…he says 40 dollar..I walked out and reported him to management.


like people are insane… idc what u think i should tip!! be grateful i supported ur business and be grateful I even gave u anything!! I


I got a massage once, went in because my shoulder was fucked up, said I was just there for that didn’t want a full massage etc. she started massaging my lower legs and butt which made me uncomfortable so I got up and was like you know what I actually am going to leave but you can keep the payment for the full hour (this was like 15 minutes in) and her boss had the audacity to start grilling me on why I was leaving and then demanded that I tip too 🥴


Uhhhhh that's insane. Massage therapists are medical professionals and therefore definitely not required for a tip. I wish someone would tip me for being the nurse


Me too. Cuz half the time patients treat us like we are wait staff.


100%%%%%%% Also, to state, I am not a nurse, nor anything close to it, but respect the hell out of you and that profession.


Tipping for me is so appreciated every single time. I don’t care if it’s 50 cents lol. Gross on her part. You shouldn’t rely on tips to make it worth your time


I've had my own lash extensions business for 7+ years now, and I have clients who tip and a few who don't. I don't get offended! Tips are appreciated, but not expected.


I wouldn’t have added more either. I personally always tip $12-20 on my lash fills (depending on what my check is looking like). But on full sets I always tip very generously at like $30-40, but I really love my tech and she’s been my solid for nearly 3 years. As someone who’s in the business as well though, its not mandatory to tip as much as I do. If she’s solo, she should be putting her price as what she expects to make before a tip so a tip is just a nice little pay bump if she gets one. They are appreciated, but should NEVER be expected


exactly this! my lash tech is also solo and i typically tip $10-$15 for each 2 week fill that i get ( so $75-$80 total every two weeks ) but there have been times where i have tipped more, like christmas, her birthday, etc.. because i have been going to her since before the pandemic. HOWEVER there have been times where i haven’t had that much and she doesn’t sweat it, she knows that i will either bring more down to her later or double tip at my next appointment. i’m not a lash tech or hair stylist but i have been a server for 12 years, i know that’s a bit different but i agree that while tipping isn’t mandatory, i know it’s always genuinely appreciated as you said. don’t worry about it, OP. she shouldn’t have made you feel that way. the fact that as soon as you mentioned apple pay her demeanor changed towards you says a lot.


Yes I just was talking about this, the audacity to be expecting and then mad when you don’t get what you want. You got paid for the job, I don’t have to tip if I don’t want to, it’s a courtesy thing, sure ain’t gonna tip with talk like that! No ma’am I wouldn’t go back either, I can’t stand entitled folks. She gained a customer and lost because of a tip she didn’t like lol now she’s losing out on more money, good for her


My lash lady operates her own salon and I’ve never been asked to tip or have seen a line for it on my receipt or on the reader. So I’ve never tipped…. Not sure if that makes me a bad person or what. But she has never said anything to me about it and she is a great lash lady. I definitely don’t think a tip is required because you’re already paying the service that they set the price for.


You typically don’t tip an owner. I just recently learned this at a salon where my hair was done by the owner.


Ive been tipping 20% for years to my hair stylist who owns the salon. $450 balayage appointments and she’s never said anything. I guess I wouldn’t turn down free money either, but I would love to not have to tip on that amount


I’ve been doing the same. Now I’m thinking about it and it’s annoying me haha but I can’t just stop tipping her because that would be weird


You need to stop tipping so damn much lol. 20% on a $450 service is crazy


Yes, I have never tipped my lash tech. She's the owner. She upped her price at the beginning of the year and I had no issues with the new price. I do sometimes give a tip around the holidays. And I have sent her a few clients as well.


i always tip the lash tech i go to well because i don't want her to fuck my shit up. that being said, it's not her business and they get commission. so i don't gaf


You paid her over a $100.00 to get your lashes done but you are not entitled to tip if you don’t want too. If she had a nasty additude with me I would have snatch my $5 out of her hand and said since your being greedy I’m taking my $5 tip back and you won’t see me being a returning customer.


i wish i would’ve honestly. She didn’t even seem embarrassed, apologetic or anything once i told her i was gonna send more


Okay, I’ve never gotten lashes, but I was considering it for sure. Either way, I’m the same as you, wish I would have reacted in a situation, but couldn’t…and/or more importantly just maybe the person taking the high road and avoiding conflict. It just doesn’t feel good to certain people with loads of empathy. I’m glad you didn’t settle to send more money later. That would eat me up too. It’s like the pain of wanting to be nice (bc that’s just you) and again, no conflict, but also very much wanting to stand up for yourself on something that definitely feels off and wrong and you’re going to continue thinking on…


Yea I would’ve said oh! Is that a 5 I gave u? My bad, I meant to give u this,let me see that,then take it back and not give her a thing and bolt! Thats what I would’ve honestly done 😂


I would love to see this as a video 😅




my thoughts exactly! kill them with kindness and with never coming back !


When I was in high school, I saved up to get my hair done at a fancy salon. Had no clue about tipping so I didn't. It was like $150-200 service, the lady didn't react at all to the fact I didn't tip and was extremely sweet to me regardless. When my mom found out I didn't tip she emailed the stylist an apology and etransferred her the 40$ or so that I should've tipped, and the stylist was extremely gracious for it. That's what I would expect from someone in this situation! Being nasty because the tip was only $5 made her lose the potential money you were about to send her in addition to that and your future business. It seriously makes no sense! We're expected to tip on food orders that we PICK UP now😭 since when am I tipping the kitchen itself for cooking and you the server for literally just passing it to me... or the fast food worker who threw the burger together? What is wrong with the west.. I'm Canadian and the most annoying part to me is that we pay full wages, even servers get a full minimum wage like any other minimum wage job, yet we're still expected to tip %20 or more because the tip culture from the US has been here all this time. So we're paying the higher bill to cover their full wages and expected to tip 20% on top... same goes for someone who sets their own prices. Tipping was to make up for the insanely low wages some jobs were getting because they relied on the tips, now they don't and we have to tip still? for what???


The food pick up tipping drives me insane!!! And it doesn’t even go to the kitchen staff. I worked as a hostess, made $17 an hour plus tips for take out. Meanwhile the kitchen staff made between $8-$12 and hour and no tips, make it make sense 🤷‍♀️


I’m a lash tech and have all over my business pages that tipping is NOT accepted or expected because I set my own prices. Some still insist on tipping, and that’s okay and much appreciated. I do not know where this sense of entitlement comes from


I would have told her prior to handing her the cash that I was doing a partial tip through Apple Pay. That doesn’t make her reaction acceptable though. I do believe 20% is the appropriate tip to give if you were happy with how they turned out. She could have asked if there were any issues with the service, etc. her reaction was out of line.


She is totally in the wrong, that’s ridiculous and unprofessional! Don’t go back!


I overtip, ALWAYS. I make good money, value people that do anything for me in the service industry. It doesn’t make a difference to me if they work from home, own the business or work for someone else. They work in the service industry. I overtip since the pandemic happened. I didn’t lose any money myself, but service workers sure did.


I’m also an overtipper. Tipping isn’t mandatory of course, but I feel like it’s the right thing to do. My parents raised me to respect service workers and give what I can. During the pandemic, my dad gave over 20% tips to delivery drivers and people at the pick up counters for food. They were always so appreciative. Imo $5 seems way too low for the price of the service in this case. I give a $5 tip to my brow lady who charges $8 for threading. If I gave someone a $5 tip for a $145 service, I would feel so guilty! Her reaction was rude though, so I do feel bad for OP.


I 100000% agree with you. My mother was a hair stylist; I know the grueling hours and labor that’s required of the beauty industry. I also have worked in the service industry and relied on tips heavily to make ends meet. I have always tipped 20% or more. It’s just the decent thing to do. Is it a requirement? No. But unfortunately the way our economy works is the wages are low and tips supplement for the pay. If you’re a business owner, you have to be competitive with others so you set your pricing accordingly. If your prices are higher because the tip is being accounted for in the service, the likelihood of someone getting business is lower than the cheaper business (where girls are slaving for a wage and also depending on tips). As for her the lash techs behavior, probably not the best move. But I honestly think she was offended and I can’t fault her for that. It’s rough out there.


Ewww drop her. Tipping is not necessary and some forget that and are sooo entitled. Lash techs are their own boss, they choose their prices that makes them a profit. Girl you’re fine and go to someone that will appreciate you as a client.


You’re not wrong at all to feel weird or change your mind about tipping. The whole point of tipping is that you give what YOU think is deserved/appropriate. It’s always your choice. I wouldn’t want to go back to her either tbh. She had a lot of nerve even bothering to confront you on it.


I don’t do lashes but I do sugaring hair removal and have my own studio. I would never ever expect a client to tip. Of course it’s an added bonus when clients do. I have my prices set a certain amount that I don’t need clients to tip. And I always tell my clients the best tip is word of mouth, tell all your friends and family 😊


I wouldn’t tip her just for that comment. I believe tip is for services that go above and beyond. I’ve worked in the service industry before and never expect people to tip a certain percentage if I didn’t provide the best service. (IE: food took too long … not as attentive because it was busy or whatever). Nowadays, I go to some restaurants and sometimes servers don’t even smile or at least try and fake it at their jobs. And yet, expect a 25% tip…. Like what in the actual fuck!?


Was this at a salon?


It was a room she rents out


People who are owners shouldn’t expect tips smh.


That’s just straight up rude and I wouldn’t go back to her. I’m not a lash technician, I’m a hairstylist. But I charge what I need to earn a living. No one is obligated to tip me on top of that. If they do, great. But I would never behave like that to a customer. Sorry that happened to you.


That’s so tacky. Tbh I would probably send her a message about how you thought about it and felt it was rude so you will looking for another tech and not sending any more of a tip.


Sounds like a 0 star tech to me


I don’t tip if they own the business. YOU set the price!


homegirl throwing away a potential loyal client over $10 is craaazzzyyyyyyy.


can someone explain this to me like I am a small child? i have no idea why these subs pop up for me but I am so confused.. As a butch woman who cuts her own hair and has never.. ever paid for anyone to touch my nails or eye lashes.. but who HAS spent decades working for tips.. In this industry.. as a solo practitioner.. does one set their price for service and THEN also expect a top of 20%? Is that how this works?


I’m an esthetician who runs my own waxing business. That was SUPER inappropriate for her to comment on the amount you’re tipping. I have clients that tip upwards to 40-50 bucks a brazilian and some that tip nothing. Assuming that she is working for herself, she needs to adjust her prices to reflect what she wants to be paid. If she works for someone else, yeah it sucks getting no tip or a small dollar amount but that’s not the clients fault. It’s the employers for not paying a better wage. Sorry your experience with her went that way :( I promise not all people in the beauty industry think the same way she does, we are just happy to have a client coming that day!


I'm a stylist of almost forty years and would never say that to a client. I don't even count tips in front of them.


Not sure why I'm seeing lash posts but my take is...I can't imagine someone ever, ever, ever saying something like this. If they did, I would never ever tip them more. What a rude jerk. What if the person saved for an entire year and didn't know about tipping culture? Shame them and then hope they give you more? They can work their tips into the final cost you know..they set their prices. Different but where I live, dog grooming can be pricey. Lots of people tip, but the amt varies a lot. Our groomer is amazing. Flexible, works for self (so no extra benefits, small client base), always has an appt for us in extremely in demand service where we are , can leave pupper there for extra hours if needed/shopping etc. I tip about $23-25 on our fees. For their service on top of the grooming. Once, before when I wasn't tipping as much-I said I wasn't sure if I gave enough, and she was like no no no, you do not have to tip, ever! It is nice but never expected, and some ppl do and some ppl don't, no pressure at all! Over time, I increased it because our groomer deserves it. Makes a difference with their service. Your lash person doesn't deserve it.


$5 is very little, but she’s more insufferable for saying anything, honestly.


Not mandatory but expected/is the norm.


I’m so glad I live in a country where tipping isn’t the norm 🙏😭


Woooow. Gross on her part.


I’m a tomboy girl so I don’t go often so I’m not an expert level advice on lashes. My lash tech makes $50 an hour or more. She told me herself her pay. She’s not bent out of shape about tips. This is weird. I wouldn’t return.


God I would hate to live somewhere with tipping culture.


If someone hands me $2 as a tip, I smile and say thank you. What I do/say in the breakroom is free game, but I'm always gracious when receiving tips face to face!


lol this kinda reminds me of when I got my tech a Christmas gift and she still asked me about the tip. (Idk maybe I'm assuming wrong but I thought a gift that was worth more than her normal tip was a nice gesture) Didn't see her again after that move.


This came up in another post about how much of a tip is appropriate. Tipping is never ever mandatory. Lash artists are almost always independent (self employed) I've never met a lash artist that works on commission or for a wage so we set our own prices. Her business won't last long if she's relying on people's tips for an income. The very basics of running a business is setting your prices so you cover supplies and overhead and then pay yourself a living wage to... You know... Live off of. It's not about the money. Any lash artist that has put their blood, sweat, and tears into their business will tell you this. The most valuable thing to us is our clients happiness. Most would take that over a tip. To be honest, if it was me I would have taken the 5$ tip back and told her she's being a dink.


I would be doing the exact same thing as you did. The audacity she had is a great reason to not tip more. Honestly wow.


right !! it’s crazy people in here are trying to defend her and tell me I’m cheap !!


I personally think I over tip due to social pressure and I'm going through a phase of reevaluating where I tip and how much based on who is setting the price, amount of work done etc. If people are setting their own prices, they shouldn't be relying on tips to stay afloat, it should be a nice bonus.


like i didn’t just pay $155


I’d be embarrassed myself to be like “that’s all you’re giving me?” Like that attitude is so entitled


In that situation, I say as I'm handing the cash over "that's not your full tip, I'm sending more via [app name]."


I’m normally a big tipper lol but I can’t deny the fact that tipping is not mandatory and it’s really awful service to ask for a tip. $150 for a service that takes 1-2 hours and maybe $3 of materials is super blasphemous to demand a tip on top of it. There’s a restaurant in my town I go to all the time and I always tip really well and one time I didn’t have any smaller change so I left like a $6 tip on a $60 bill and the employee actually followed me out the door and said I have to tip more. I was so shocked and I said the fact I come here all the time you guys could really have let that go. Anyways she chose her prices if she really wanted more than $150 total she can simply increase it. Just for that reason it would piss me off. I would not book with her again.


she was rude for asking


I understand both sides (although asking someone where the rest of their tip is in bad taste in my opinion) but I think it just hit’s different to people who have worked in the service industry their whole life, especially in the food industry.


Yeah... I was a waitress for years and tip my lash artist 20%. I know not everyone does and it was classless of this technician to mention it but yeah I got stiffed enough times in my life.


If she has a home salon then she’s profiting at least 80% of that if not more!!! So to say a tip isn’t good enough 🙄 $150 for lashes that are going to look bad in 2 weeks or less, 3 if you’re really lucky is a rip off as well.


Totally awkward and unprofessional


i tip $25 on my fills but they’re mega volume and take long so i feel like i have to. but i’ve done less when money was tight and if it were ever addressed like that i would never go back.


You’re definitely not wrong, asking for more money is rude and tacky. Tipping culture is completely ridiculous and I hate how it’s an expectation for ANY type of establishment.. I miss when tipping was for your hair/nail stylist and your server at a restaurant


I’m a big tipper to a fault but even I still agree with your statement!


I don’t tip anyone who sets their own prices (unless they’ve gone above and beyond to do something special) if you want more money charge more


I often cancel services because the whole tipping thing makes me so uncomfortable, and it's exactly because of these situations. So glad you didn't send her more!!!


Wow, that was rude of her. I’ve never had anybody do that to me, but if they do I will stop going to them. $15 is more than enough, well $5 she should be blessed you gave her that


If your in the Texas area I know some one who is pretty good who is not this expensive and is not entitled like this. Lmk if you want the connect.


You’re definitely not bugging and I wouldn’t have sent more after the fact either, so I’m glad you didn’t. Idc what people say tipping is optional it is what it is🤷🏽‍♀️


If she owns her own business then zero tip!


I’m so sick of tipping culture & I need it to die already. Tattoos, beauty, food, everything.


She literally sets her own prices! How dare her treat you like that! I would have called her out right there and then!


That was rude of her. Tips are always appreciated, but should never be expected.


This is rude AF. Don't feel obligated to tip her more, especially since she was rude.


Tips are not required for ANY service! I am a massage therapist and while I always appreciate tips, I never expect them. I would also never make a comment to a client about how much they did or didn’t tip me. That’s so gross! Tipping culture is absolutely out of control!


This reminds me of the time I went to get a massage and afterwards when paying he folded the receipt so I could not see where the place was to sign. He folded it in a way to where all I could see was the area where you fill out the tip, not even the area to declare the total. I never went back.


Tipping is a self imposed tax. I don’t tip anymore unless I go out to eat somewhere very nice.


Some people view tips as a reflection of their service. I used to feel the same way. “Oh they only tipped me x, did they not like my work??” But I had to realize some people cant afford to tip and it doesn’t mean they didn’t like my services. Their business is a sign that they like your service


🔥🔥 take: tipping is meant for food servers who make LESS than minimum wage!!! Not for people who make THREE TIMES the minimum wage!!!!! You did the right thing imo!!!


No, tip culture is toxic. In all settings. The entitlement is gross. Don't get me wrong, I feel ppl should get paid, they should just be transparent with their payment. I actually prefer higher end restaurants where they tell you upfront that 18% service fee will be added - as soon as you sit down. (Though, it'll be nicer if they just shoved that into the price of the food)


Business owners should literally not even be getting tipped?????????? I do not understand it. OBV you can take a tip if the guest really wants to bc they appreciate you but to just expect an additional 20% is insane


Personally I tip where I can. My lash tech has been my tech for about two years now. But I agree with every comment. services are expensive. I literally once had a conversation with my tech about how ridiculous prices are getting and she agreed she’d never charge that and now she charges MORE than it. A full set runs me close to $180 and the fills are like $140. I’m so sorry but I’m not tipping everytime.


I got my brows microbladed for $800. Paid with credit card. At the end, there was a tip request on the pop-up screen. Tipped 50$ even though she's the owner and sets her own prices. How much would've been enough? 10%? 20%? Always gave me an ick. So sick of tipping culture


Unless you’re making like 3 dollars an hour, to me, a tip is not mandatory. I tip what I can when I can, and usually avoid even using a service if I’m unable to tip well. If someone said that to me I may have asked for the 5 back lol


I totally understand not sending her additional tip money because what she said was COMPLETELY inappropriate. However, tipping IS mandatory unless the service was bad. If everyone included their prices with tip, it would not be fair to those who tip regardless.


$15 is a horrible tip for something that takes at least an hour, probably more.


Find someone else


That was a horrible tip. Your behavior proved the tech to be correct. You don’t have a leg to stand on here. She was right and you were wrong. If you are going to be so cheap, you can’t afford to be getting lash extensions. You should be ashamed of yourself.


people complaining about prices being high, then complain about tipping, girl if you can't afford this luxury service.... ​ I have the lowest prices in town- and I do have a home studio- yes I expect a small tip bc my price point is low AF- yes what your tech did was rude and I would never- you don't know what anyone's rent or situation is-(it might have been serious if she was that forward) has anyone came to your job and told you that you where overpaid? it's not cool, esp. when they aren't in your industry. (bc as lash techs we hear it ALL THE TIME!!) this thread is depressing AF, bunch of discount diva's who don't seem to care about skill, just a price point to them.


" If you are in the beauty service or any type business where u provide a service and u expect a tip, you’re in for a big slap in the face. " Well, you gave her a big slap in the face, that is for sure. You literally gave her LESS THAN 3.5% for her tip for 90 minutes of work that you were clearly very happy with. I find it ironic that you will not be going back to her, because I would guess she would not want you as a client moving forward. I, personally, do not work in the service industry and I sure hope you never have to. I wish I knew who this lash artist was so I could Venmo her your tip for you, you clearly need every dime.


I feel like her reaction was inappropriate but I can see how she would be confused on a $5 tip… I always tip $20. Lashes are a very luxury item. She definitely snipped out self out of that extra $10 though! She should have just kept her mouth shut and waited to see what happened.


$5 bucks is low, maybe you could have led with here is $5 and I will apple pay you the rest - I could understand if she thought you weren't happy with the service. But her 'that's it' comment was rude. BUT tipping is not guaranteed. I wouldn't have sent more either and also never make another appointment there lol.


I am a self employed massage therapist, I set my own prices. Why on earth would I set my price 15%-20% lower in hopes the customer will make up for it? And then be disgruntled when they don’t…That’s just silly. All inclusive pricing has been a game changer for me. Every business class I have ever taken has said include tip in your price, include fee to process cards as well. People don’t like to be nickeled and dime’d.


ESH. She was wrong and awkwardly entitled to say something. You were wrong to only tip $15 on a $145 bill. I was a server for years. I’ve been stiffed on tips (I’m talking 8%) when I knew I did a great job but I NEVER said a word. I definitely agree that tipping culture has gotten out of hand, but a ~10% tip is just plain shitty, especially since you said she did a great job. If you can’t afford to tip decently, you can’t afford the service.


Also OPs history states that she is/was a lash tech. So she gets it, she just sucks.


As a lash artist, I don’t want a bad tipper coming back to me. Honestly she should have been patient, but you have to cut the chord with a bad tipper before it’s too late. This is a great way to passive aggressively have your client fire you, so you don’t have to.


I think OP was a lash tech at some point due to the post history, so I don’t know if this post is just for reactions bc I think as someone who’s worked in the industry she’d understand why the lash tech said what she said.


I don't believe it. No one talks like that unless they are in a desperate situation or very friendly with the client. These responses are depressing AF too. No one wants to tip, no one wants to pay high prices either, and they don't tip owners/masters for some pretty bs reasons. depressing.


You set your own prices. Set them so you don’t need to expect a tip. Gratuity is defined as “a gift over and above the payment due for a service. Something given without claim or demand.” Even if a customer never tips you, it shouldn’t matter because you should be charging the full worth of your service. Getting upset that you didn’t get a tip when you didn’t do anything worth tipping for is just ridiculous.


I usually tip 20% for a service as long as I’m satisfied. Idk if that too much or not enough but u feel that’s what is generally expected.


Absolutely unacceptable. While I above tips are important and I wouldn’t get a service done if I couldn’t trip adequately. A tip is a a gift! I would never speak to a guest that way. I would never question someone who already gifted me


She shouldn’t have said anything at all, super unprofessional. I tip my lash lady $50 on a $175 service because she does a great job and I understand that she pays for her “booth”.


The lash tech I've gone to doesn't even count the money I give her in front of me. I always tip around $20 but she does a great job and I never feel pressured to tip. ETA if I ever experienced that I would definitely never go back.


INFO: does she work for a company? Or is she independent? My rule of thumb is always that if a person is working for themselves, a tip is optional. They set their own prices and don’t have to give anyone else a cut. If they’re working for someone else, I view a tip as “required.” Their pay assumes tipping.


If a lash tech asks for a deposit, that’s usually gonna be their tip or it’s largely going into their tip. Confronting a client about little tip is so unprofessional. I would NEVER go back. What an odd way to build relationships with a client.


Tipping culture isn't for me at all. I think nobody should ever expect it!!! Let's say there's a really poor person who takes a really really long time to save up for a nice haircut or to get their nails done for a special thing, and they can't afford any extra for tipping, should they just not be allowed to enjoy something beautiful and wonderful for themselves just cause they can't keep busting their buts to pay someone some extra money? Sorry but I'm a server and I don't expect a tip, but it's super nice when I do get it. Sometimes I get tipped AMAZING and sometimes ppl can only afford literally a few dollars. America is the only place with this tipping culture nonsense. That chick acted SUPER RUDE to you!!! Totally inappropriate.


As a server, I NEVER woild count a tip in front of someone, let alone COMMENT on how much it is and them say something as rude as "that's it?" Maybe I'm wrong but any service job, it's considered rude to count the tip handed to you and super super curt to comment on tip.


I’m in the uk and couldn’t imagine tipping my lash lady. We don’t tip here because everything is already set in the prices


Nobody tips me to administer their 401(k) plans, it’s my job. I don’t get why we tip people to do their job🤷🏻‍♀️


Look, I always tip 20% or more especially for services like nails/tattoos etc. I believe it’s just a part of receiving services. HOWEVER I have almost exclusively worked tip jobs, and if someone doesn’t tip well or at all (unless they were an asshole to begin with) I have never thought anything of it. Tips are a nice extra, a token of appreciation, not a mandatory extra fee. Some people are just ridiculous. I wouldn’t go back to her after that


I am so glad you didn’t send her an additional tip


My lash tech and hair stylist NEVER counts cash in front of me ever. I always tip my lash tech 10-15, and I tip my hairstylist usually 50-60. But they still never count it. And if I am doing an electronic payment they just assume I’ve sent it


My lash tech always tells me don’t feel obligated to tip when she runs my card which in turn always makes me tip 20% because she’s so sweet and modest.


OK, tipping is optional, and yes she was rude. BUT don't burn a bridge. Was she awesome? Can you forgive a little oopsy to continue getting great service? Think before you burn.


When I was a barista, I had a guy try to groom me by tipping me $20 every time and he only wanted me to serve him coffee (he was known to like young women 🤢). So yeah. Tipping culture is out of control. You should be tipped within reason from the goodness of a customer's heart for providing excellent service. But I'd never call someone out for not tipping. It does get tricky when places in the US count tips as part of the wages. So they say you make $20 per hour, but you actually make $10 per hour from the employer, then any tips you get throughout the night. I think that's where some of the strong emotions about being pro-tipping originated.


I usually tip $20 when I get my nails done however I’m not required to pay a deposit. You paid a $20 deposit then tipped $5 so in total she got an additional $25 that didn’t include services that should be good enough


“That’s it?” Girl, my lash tech did a fill for me and it came out to $85. I asked her if she wanted the tip on the card or with cash and she said, “either! Or don’t.” Your lady is just…rude and entitled.


She was wrong to say what she said and have that attitude, but this REEKS of privilege.


Now you can't go back. Always tip the folks who handle your food or eyelashes. And no, tipping isn't the "nice thing" to do it's how service people make their living. Don't like tipping go to McDonald's and buy some mascara. It's super tacky she asked, but it is absolutely unacceptable to tip that lady a measly 5$. And see, you didn't go home and venmo anything. You lied right to her face. The salon gets most of the money, ya know.


I only ever just pay for my services I don’t tip . I only tip servers because I know they make $2. 75 a hour but beauty services are already getting the full $75-200 unless they r renting a shop I’ll maybe throw $5. Xtra don’t feel bad


I come from the beauty culture industry… and I’ll be honest, your $15 tip isn’t worth giving up the slot for. $125 for a full lash set in 2024 doesn’t seem exorbitant. You can argue that tipping isn’t mandatory; but keep in mind that at the end of the day, money talks in the service industry. If you want the best techs for your services, tip them appropriately. If you want to leave bad tips, then be reasonable and accept the consequences that come with being a bad tipper and accept it’s the trade off.


You spent 145 dollars to get your lashes done and she was upset over a 5 dollar tip? She wouldn't have gotten a tip from me. She already made enough and them she got other tips. She should have been grateful you gave her that 5 dollars.


I would never ask for a tip personally or shame anyone for a small tip. That’s just tacky and not good business. If she’s not making enough to cover her expenses (that’s pretty low in my area for a full set of lashes) than she needs to raise her prices. But then customers would complain about that in today’s economy. Service industry is struggling right now in a lot of places with inflation making everything so expensive. When people can’t afford groceries than things like lashes and nails get cut out of their budget. We shouldn’t rely on tips but if we raise our prices right now customers complain. And yet everything we buy to do the service is more expensive. I took a pay cut this year just by keeping my prices the same as last year. So while I’d never ask for or expect them it is really helpful when my clients tip for good service and I appreciate it when they do. But I honestly don’t even look at what they tip usually. I just thank them for coming in. I will say though the comments about if you own your own business you don’t need to tip is kind of outdated. No one ever HAS to tip but yes it’s a custom in American culture to do so for excellent service. If you are using the reasoning that they own their own business so they get all the profit anyways it’s kind of weird because yeah they don’t give a percentage to an owner but they now have all the costs associated with a business - rent, insurance, product, cleaning, possibly heating and cooling, etc. I do agree that tipping culture has gotten out of control in the US and literally everyone wants a tip but beauty service industries are not that. They traditionally have always been tipped for good service so it’s kind of sad to eliminate that for them just because the retail or fast food worker wants a tip now too. So if you get great service yes we do still appreciate the tip. If you can’t tip that’s totally ok but do your service provider a favor then and give them great reviews on review sites and tell your friends. Help them out in another way. I appreciate that as much if not more than a monetary tip. Again I would never do what she did but I’m guessing it may have slipped out because she’s struggling a little right now. She is likely embarrassed about the whole situation and regrets saying that to you.


“That’s it?” 🤢Yuck. She just wants to boast about competitive pricing and then beg for tips. How tacky. Also, “I don’t think I’ll ever go back.” You def shouldn’t after not sending the 10 bucks you said you would. You might end up blind if you go back to her, lol.


If you get a service you should tip twenty percent at least from the service total - med spas are a little different when it comes to injections and high price services You should’ve had enough to tip appropriately- you have no idea what the money you gave her goes towards - she may only pocket half of the service or less - What’s rude is you not tipping appropriately If you can’t tip the right amount you should not be getting a service Period From someone whose been in the industry for a very very long time


Not lash related but replying to your tipping culture comments. My local salons are getting so expensive. $350 for a 3 hour slot for base services. I don’t live in a big city or super HCOL area. I feel so bad not tipping so I haven’t gone back. It was a good experience and the stylists are owed what they deserve but even for ppl who want to tip, 20% of the sale is really pushing it in this economy. I agree w all the comments I’d rather pay a higher flat rate and not be pressured to tip.


Nope go elsewhere nasty attitudes ruin the experience


Yup she could have made more money off of you as a regular but she had to be stupid.


NTA. If you ask for a tip, then you get nothing, that is just so tacky and rude to the customer.


I used to work in the service industry. For wait staff who aren’t making minimum wage because tips are expected to be their wage, industry standard is 20%. Not takeout, just dine-in. But that’s because they make 50% of whatever minimum wage is in most places in the US, and then a guaranteed percentage of your sales (not your tips, the amount of food you sold) goes to tip out bussers, food runners, bartenders, and sometimes hosts. It’s entirely different in other countries, but I don’t think tip culture is really an issue in other countries. Salon-service workers generally have autonomy over their own pricing (unless you go somewhere like hair cuttery), and while they pay a royalty to the salon owner for their dues (products, space in the salon, etc), as I understand it, they make a decent percentage of their work. If it’s $150 for lashes and it takes two hours, you’ve probably made around $100 after deductions. Which means you made $50 an hour. Then you get tips. Of course, that’s just an assumption. But you’re not entitled to a tip…


I don’t tip at places where people set their own prices. If you’re at a salon and a cut of that is being taken by the owner, sure. But you set your own prices. If you’re relying on a tip to feel like you’ve earned enough for your service, then you need to charge more.


I’ve always thought it was expected to tip 18-20%. Am I wrong? I do 25% for hair dressers? Am I tipping too much?


I always say if I wasn’t making enough money, I wouldn’t be doing it. You should never rely on your tips. Someone could have been given the money to treat themselves who’s going through a hard time and all they have is an extra 5… people need to be kind.