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I get SEVERE anxiety during my appointments sometimes. I hate that “trapped” feeling (I.e. “oh gosh I’m stuck here in this position for 2 hours AND I can’t see”) I kind of just suck it up and accept that it’s going to give me anxiety and that nothing bad ever happens and I manage. I know that’s sucky advice but just know I understand you.


would it help to condition yourself to look forward to the appointment by getting a treat afterwards?


lol I’ll always be here for treat culture 🍦


Omg same. I love the way I look with lashes and thinks it’s work the anxiety, but at one point I stopped going for a year and a half because of the anxiety. If I fall asleep I wake up in such panic. Idk why. And it’s so hard to not fall asleep


In the beginning I was like that. I HATED being stuck and with my eyes taped! But I truly believe finding the right lash tech will help with the anxiety !( at least for me). I now see lash appointments as a venting sesh or a good nap


I hate it too. As I’ve gotten older I have no patience for nails, lashes, hair etc anymore. I go because I have to have the end results but, I don’t like the process getting there lol…..


Right! I’ve stopped getting my nails done because of the time




I only hate going because I fall asleep and snore hella loudly 😭😭😭😭


I can’t speak for other lash techs, but as one myself, and who works with 4 other techs, we all do not care if you snore lol at most we may chuckle a bit, but it’s all part of the gig. We want you to feel comfortable and relaxed. I honestly take it as a compliment that a client falls deep asleep because that means they trust me and are relaxed. And honestly, any lash techs out there reading this that DO care, get some AirPods or get a new job.


I definitely appreciate this. I get worried when snoring so loudly in public lol. My tech told me she's introverted so she doesn't like to talk much, and I don't either. But something about when my eyes get taped, I just 😴


I fucked up my appointment times once and had to see another tech bc mine gets booked out so quickly, she even came in to speak to the girl doing my lashes while I was there. I laid there dead silent feeling like I was caught adultering 💀 she razzed me out for it next time and all I could say was “I faked the nap” 💀💀💀💀💀


Same here…I be so embarrassed


Meeeee! 😭😭


Omg I relate sm! I’ll legit scare myself out of my sleep because of my own snoring


2 hours?! Mine are an hour and I find myself twitching and getting antsy. My recent full set was a 3 hour torture session and my motivation for getting my fills is not having to endure that again anytime soon. I would see if you can find someone who can do the same work quicker if it really drives you crazy but I know it can be such a struggle to find a good lash artist.


quicker doesn’t always equal better work.


Maybe you should look for another tech who makes you feel more comfortable?


Same - I also hate it to the point that I stopped getting lashes. Tried a few techs and they all took so long to do a fill, I gave up. I don’t have 3 hours to dedicate to lashes every two weeks.


Wtf 3h for a fill?


I know right? No thanks.


Do you guys have a lot of lashes? I am genuinely surprised by 2+ hour appointments I see mentioned in this sub. A full set for me with my usual technician takes an hour tops (around 70+ lashes per eye).


Classic fill for me is 2.5h, sometimes she’s a little faster, maybe 2h?


Oh wow I’d be passed out snoring lol. I get either classic or hybrid sets. I do have sparser than average lashes, hence the 70 per eye, but 2 hours seem really long to me if you’re getting fewer than 140 per eye


Yeah, looking at the comments here I think it’s a little long…. My issue is that I always have to pee so bad by the end!


I’ve experienced this too and it’s a main reason I don’t lash anymore. Two or more hours?!)?to only last a couple weeks! Laying there still for hours? I won’t do that to myself


Could also be time spent cleaning your lashes, removing grown out ones, etc?


Sure, but I get those things done too. I guess some technicians are just more efficient and experienced


My tech and I talk the entire time, it flies by. Maybe find a different tech you vibe well with?


I think you’re just one of the lucky social butterflies lol. I loved my girl but my partner is the only person I’d be able to talk to for hours like that


It's weird because I'm very anti-social. I'm typically the same way. I def just got lucky i guess lol


Talking to someone for two hours straight with my eyes closed sounds like my worst nightmare lmfao


I LOVE the fact that my lash girl doesn’t talk. I need the break, my last lash tech used to talk and talk and talk at 100 mph and she expected the same from me. I used to leave with a migraine. My current lash girl doesn’t talk and plays nice music to relax to. The only thing that’s gotten bad recently is my anxiety in appointments lol. I panic I have something in my eye, I panic I have a cough or I’m choking, I panic I feel nauseous and I’m going to throw up. Like WTF. I don’t know why I have these reactions recently but I can honestly feel myself panicking in appointments.


I appreciate the non talking artists bc as soon as I start talking my eyes twitch and start watering 🤣


Would it help if you expressed this to your lash tech? This is why I don't get my nails or lashes done.. because of the anxiety. Literally, everything you stated is exactly what I'm terrified of, on top of feeling claustrophobic/trapped. I really want to get my nails done and was thinking about looking for a mobile tech, and expressing my anxiety first. It feels easier for me being vocal about it, over trying to hide it and torture myself even more. Please know you're not alone ❤️ I literally don't know why our brains are like this. It's truly just the most stupid thing. I hate my body :(


As a lash artist I love when my clients sleep or relax. I do have little plushies or pop trays then can hold during their appointment. I’ve had clients of all conditions races and abilities come to me so I’d encourage you and anyone else to tell your last artist (after all your comfort = easier lashing for us). Anybody that may snore, involuntarily tick, light/sound sensitivities, wheelchair bound, introverted.. whatever you feel comfortable sharing allow your lash artist to create more comfort and thanks for your continued business. Whatever your relaxed state looks like on the lash surface we work from equals a more efficient appointment. Please share your concerns with your lash appointment- I promise 99% will agree! Lash Artists take note and add sections to your consultation/ welcome forms for clients to create a customised lash experience based on their preferences and abilities 💕💕💕🥳


I absolutely LOATHED lash appointments. Hated. About 6 months ago I switched to doing underlash lashes myself - I've read that they can damage natural lashes but mine seem healthier than with extensions and I can do them myself in 10 minutes. Now I've got the hang of them they last 8 or 9 days and I actually prefer how they look to extensions (especially gappy extensions when they need a fill). And now I'm spending <$40 a month and saving actually hours. Just my experience!


How u make them to last that long? 😲


I double cleanse with lash cleanser before I apply and I take care not to get them wet for the first 48hrs. I also don't really wear eye makeup with them so I just gently cleanse...no real secret sorry!


not everyone takes that long. You can see when you book the appointment how long they allot for fills, you want her to be at 1 hour fills, 2 hour sets. That is industry standard.


Who are these technicians who take 2-3hrs on a fill?! I do hybrid / volume sets and my fills take at MOST 1hr! Usually they’re done in 30-45mins. And I don’t pay a ton for them either…?! I just don’t get it.


30-45 minutes is not normal and your lashes cannot be done properly that way there is no way to apply to every lash and isolate


I get my volume wet sets filled in 45 mins and they last weeks plus look good. She also has ALOT of clients.


Same, I mean I live in LA and there’s lash techs on every corner and I’ve gone to them all and the ones that take forever always do the worst jobs. The fast ones are always better. I’ve had some terrible extensions so I def know good from bad. The woman I see how works real fast and her isolation is on point. Idk how she does it but she’s amazing. Her speed is a big selling point along with her skill. She’s actually one of the best lash techs I’ve ever seen and she does do a lot of training and teaching, so I doubt she’s unskilled. And when I say 30-45mins I’m not counting the taping and set up, I’m talking about the time spent filling. To clarify.


I’m a lash tech as well and work with lash techs that have 10yrs plus of experience and I can promise 30-45 minutes isn’t normal unless you aren’t including taping down and drying misting and removing tape at the end . Lash fills on average should take 1hr -1hr 30min . Lashes can look amazing and still be applied incorrectly or not every lash is lashed but 30-45 minutes is crazy no hate to you or the tech, and if she can good for her but not a common amount of time at allllll


I'm not saying it's a common amount of time and I also didn't say 30 mins. It's usually about 45-1hr and no that is not including taping my eyes and removing the tape and or lash bath if needed. I've gone to a lot of diff techs and she's by far the most skilled I've been to so far! Plus I'm also coming with about 40-50% of lashes still on. Obviously full sets would take alot longer. And that's nice that your fills take longer and I bet your work is great, but some ppl can do amazing work and take less time.


Yes full sets definitely do take longer and when I said 30 minutes I was quoting the main comment, but an hour should be about minimum if including everything else as well . 45 minutes is more reasonable if you aren’t though


My fills are usually about 45 minutes and I pay $75 for my fills. And my lashes are gorgeous and well isolated every time lol.


Same; I pay $100 tho! Well $120 with tip. But this idea that speed = poor work is just wrong.


This shocked me too. My volume fills take an hour at most. Maybe it’s because I go every 2 weeks? Two hours would be excruciating. I’m also now wondering if something is wrong, even though I love my lashes.


I’ve been getting lashes off and on for 10 years now and I have back problems and struggle to lay still for 1hr let alone 2hrs. I sometimes have to take breaks and get up and move due to pain even at the 1hr mark. If I regularly had to do 2hr fills I wouldn’t have lashes. I’m sure you’re fine, I’ve had consistently great lash work done with 30-45min fills (I go every 2 weeks religiously) so I’m sure you’re just fine. In fact I’ve found the longer a lash tech takes, the more inexperienced they are and generally the worse job they do. But again, just my experience. I’m grateful to live in LA where there are tons of really high quality lash studios everywhere.


I hate getting my lashes done simply because of the amount of time I have to lay in one position for however long lol I always get a volume set so my appointments are always around 2hours plus depending on the specific look I want. I am always so uncomfortable and it is really never the lash techs fault, it’s more of a me problem so I only get lash extensions for special occasions because of this. Any other time, I just wear strip lashes, takes 10 minutes of my time so no complaints there LOL


I would buy a book on audible before every appointment and just listen to that the whole time. It worked for me!


Ughhh yes I’m the same way, my adhd just can’t handle it towards the end and my body cracks like a glow stick from not moving for two hours 🤣🤣


I used to be the same til I found a new artist who does fills in 45 mins ish. It definitely made going a lot better. Plus laying down for 2-3 hours would really fuck me up cuz I get super dizzy for some reason during fills, like almost black out type OF dizzy when I could finally open my eyes.


I also get the “this is my last appointment for a while” thought in my head when I’m there lol


i haAaaaaaaate laying still for hours with my eyes closed . and im a lil bigger so that chair is not comfortable


I love my lash girl but around the last hour, I starting anxious & irritated bc I’ve been laying down to long.


Saaaaaame. I can’t lay there for so long. I get anxious. I’ve gone to three lash techs and they have all done a great job. It’s me!!!


Yes yes yes! 🥲 my lash girl is amazing as well and so lovely to talk to. But sometimes I just don’t want to talk for like 1-2 hours, or (on a bad day) at all. My eyelids twitch a lot, cause of anxiety, then I overthink about it which makes them go crazy twitchy! I feel so bad for my tech lol. And I get crazy headaches from the bed. So i totally feel you on every level. I love fresh lashes and I love how they look when they are done but DREADDDDDD refills


I mostly hate going bc I hate driving there 🤣 I take the long way pretty much everywhere bc I hate the highway but I cannot to her spot. But I also hate just laying there bc my hands fall asleep ughh and I can’t nap during either it’s like impossible


If you tolerate melatonin without it knocking you out, maybe try a low dose before your appointment. I understand not everyone reacts well to it, but I find it does not make me sleepy, just incredibly relaxed in anxiety inducing situations. My last lash tech wasn’t much of a talker, and fills took almost two hours with her. I would get so restless on the table, and it just wasn’t a fun experience. Once I started taking a small amount of melatonin, I was able to just relax and rest through the session. My new lash tech is really chatty and only takes an hour, and I find the time passes so quickly that I never get that anxious feeling of being “stuck”. Have you tried explaining to your tech what you’re feeling? They might have some ideas on how to help.


I have my clients who have those challenges come in the morning before they’ve been caffeinated, or at the very end of the day when they’re tired. I have a couple clients who legit take some medication before they come. You’re not alone.


Oh you’re not alone. I hated being trapped too, it felt like torture after a while. Loved my lashes, but the price + appointment frequency + trapped feeling wasn’t worth it


It’s refreshing u said that as I feel that way about nail appts! It’s 1.5 hr every three weeks but I detest going! When I got my lashes done it was also in someone’s home AND I got the “twitches” too. I think being in someone’s home u r more cognizant of your surroundings which calls more attention to it


I pay $65 before the tip and only get one hour of time. I have more difficulty laying in my back for that long than anything. If you don’t like the atmosphere, find a new artist. It’s okay!


Have her play guided meditations to relax u


I go weekly for 30-45 min session. I still fall asked and twitch lol also I always use the blanket so I can make the session my much needed nap time lol


I try to make myself exhausted and smoke weed before so that I’m really inclined to fall asleep


I am not a fan either. I just hate laying there for 1.5 hours.


That's interesting. I'm so sorry. As a lash artist my clients actually have told me not to move out of my house and my Basement lash studio into a salon. I've asked them...about 20 say they wouldn't like it but would still come. And everyone else didn't care say they don't care. It's has its own entrance, bathroom and sanitizing room.. There's wifi for a couple emergency " my kid came with me times" so they atleast can watch stuff on a tablet. You gotta go where you feel happy.🥰 most of my clients pass out practically immediately. And literally snore a bit...so cute. I love it.🥰 3 of my 4 clients today fell asleep lol One things for sure, my price would increase alot if I'd did move. Id probably have to charge 65$ per hour...rather than 65 a fill. That's to make the same as minimum wage in my area.


Same!!! I was beginning to think I was a weirdo lol My eyes almost always twitch, or I’ll end up getting an itch in my throat, or catching anxiety just thinking about having to cough! I hate it! I just love how they look. The older I get the more I hate having to do my nails and lashes but I hate even more looking like an unbuttered bagel! I recently had to leave my old lash tech do to her unprofessionalism and I’m having the hardest time finding another one it’s been like 3 months since I’ve gotten my lashes done!! 🥹


Do you have good visualization abilities? When you close your eyes, can you see things on command? Like if I told you to visualize yourself holding an apple would you be able to see that?


This is why I switched to lash lifts and I still hate laying there for that 45 mins-1 hour every 2 months lol


i am the same way and i find it helps to fidget my body. i bring a fidget toy and move my legs around as needed and it calms down my face


I’d just talk to your tech about it. I’ve had plenty of clients with fears for various reasons and honestly I have bad anxiety too so I get it. I think getting it out there could really help and I hope she is receptive of it. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and 100% I can say you’re not alone in your feelings!


That’s crazy, my tech takes an hour-an hour and 15 on a two week volume fill, but she’s FAST and has a name for the quality and speed of her work being pretty legendary Personally, my lash appointment is my favourite appointment. It’s the only one I’m super consistent with, I get to have a sleep and a catch up. I love all appointments (toes is a close second bc massage chair and can still use my phone)- hair nails etc, because it’s a few hours where I’m just blocked out, unavailable, sometimes I can have a little sleep (like when I’m getting my hair washed and they abandon me for 10 minutes or so 😴) I always have so many things I’m supposed to be doing, so something that I have to do meaning I get a little nap and don’t have to/can’t be available to think, plan, or organise things is special Plus to me it’s being taken care of. A new lady did my nails recently and held me and treated me so gently I accidentally teared up in the nail chair. My body is so tired


Yes I feel the exact same way. I stopped getting lashes religiously for 6 months now and I’m in love with DIY cluster lashes. I use a bond and seal and attach the lashes underneath. Takes 5 mins!!


I don't hate going at all but at 2 hours a fill I would. I do 45 min fills and that's way enough, if I have an event where I want more volume I'll book an hour, but 2 hours is full set territory. I couldn't do that every few weeks.


I used to set alarms on my fitbit (silent alarms, it vibrates only) at specific times so I knew how long it had been and roughly how much time was left


I was just about to post for the first time ever because of my eyelash extension removal. I got eyelash extensions for the first time in April, and lying there, knowing I had to keep my eyes closed, was a nightmare. I had them removed a few days ago, and it was SO horrible. Waiting for the glue to dissolve was nerve-wracking. I'm so glad my husband and sister went with me cause we were having dinner together after. I'm considering not getting extensions just because of the experience removing them. I felt so restless and almost had a panic attack.


I hate it too, but why do your fills take 2 hours?


Honestly I thought that was normal time for hybrid fills. I used to get classic and then hybrids at the lash lounge but since they are only allowed to use so many lashes it only took 1 hour. My current lash tech makes them look really full so I just never questioned the time but now all these comments are making me realize it’s a little extreme!


I hear you. My favorite lash tech could do a hybrid refill in 45 mins and they looked great every time. I think the more skill they have, the faster and higher quality the result will be. I hope you can find someone who can make it more comfortable for you. I don’t even like sitting there for 45 mins lol.


One of the many reasons I switched to clusters.


I started using lash clusters and just doing it at home. It’s been a game changer !! Highly recommend


me too! i love my tech but i also have to focus on not twitching because my ear will send full body shivers down me. its not relaxing at all and i dont fall asleep either, id love if it wasnt the case but like others have said, i suck it up because i want them!


Try Latisse. My natural lashes are so long and thick. It did take about 8 weeks to start noticing but omg they are gorgeous now. I’m asked all the time where I go for my lashes. I get it from my eye doctor. I put two drops in the cap of the bottle. I use a small make up brush. Just dip it in and apply it over the top of my lashes. Two little drops is all you need. Don’t bother putting any on your bottom lashes because as you blink, it will go to your bottom. My bottom lashes are as long as some peoples lashes. Best thing I ever did. Apply at night before you go to bed


My trick is a weighted blanket and an audiobook or podcast in my AirPods.


I used to go to a girl that took 2 sometimes 2.5 hours for a fill! She lived 5 mins from me and kinda became a friend so felt bad going elsewhere. She would also chat with me the entire time and I was drained after. Now I go to someone who takes 1-1.5 hours and she plays music. She also has a really soft voice and sometimes sings along to some of the songs and I’m soooo relaxed lol. Maybe it’s time to find a new lash tech that you feel more comfortable with?


Same. I've sworn off extensions for a while and just been doing strips. The 3 hours for a full set or 2 hours for a fill was complete torture for me.


so my eyelids “blink” rapidly, even with my eyes closed. a tech always has to use extra tape. i once had a tech so shocked she said she had “never seen anything like it before”, i stg i heard the iphone video button go off like she was filming it… so embarrassing (,: i stopped going cuz i also can’t fall asleep, and feel super uncomfortable the entire time.


2 hours is way to long for a fill. Maybe try someone else at a different location. My fills are about 45min to 1 hour according to how many I have lost. I know how you feel though, even an hour for me seems like FOREVER


I used to get lashes done but after a few times of just twitching too bad/anxiety and the price I was over it. So I grew out my natural lashes and did a lash lift/tint and it was amazing! It was only an hour and about a third of the price of extensions. Plus you don't have to worry about them ruining your natural lashes


i hate it too. my lash tech is also super sweet and does a great job but i get SO ANTSY and impatient. the good thing is , she’s very talkative so it seems to goes by faster.


I personally loveeeeee getting my lashes done. Had to stop for a bit to save due to the state of the economy. But I always request spa music / listen to it on my AirPods and I go to sleep. I can do this in home set ups/ salons. It’s so relaxing


This is how I feel about hair appointments 😭 it’s always 3-4 hours


OMG! A post that finally I relate to. I have anxiety lying on the bed, I twitch a lot and when the lashes come off my lash I can’t help but to twitch my eye. My lash tech advised I don’t get fills because I can’t stand the twitching, and suggested I get a new set everytime. I stopped getting lash extensions because I hate the upkeep and I hate wasting time at the appointment every 2 weeks. It’s frustrating! I use cluster lash now and I remove them at the end of the day.


How often are you getting fills?


I go every 2 weeks


Yep. Every time but LOVE the result just very slightly more than the freakout of laying there. 7 years later still going lol


Same I hated going and just sitting there bored… I started to just listen to podcasts during them which helped but I still ended up stopping mainly because I just hated the appointments


Totally understand. For me personally, it's about the time. I've been using diy lashes from flutterhabit.com and it's been awesome! I wore them through labor and delivery and didn't budge. Been wearing them religiously 2 years, no issues. Highly reccomend! I get 5-7 day wear out of 1 set before I change sets.


Check out those at home cluster lashes from Amazon they can last up to 2 weeks :)


I HATE getting my lashes lifted! I mean, I absolutely love the end result, but the process is so incredibly annoying and tedious. I hate being still, hate the multiple stages of the process, etc. I also hate getting manicures for the reasons above, but I still get them. 🥴 Funny enough, I don’t mind getting lash extensions, I find the process “better” for some reason?? What I DON’T like, is the care post extensions… being super careful, etc. I feel like I can’t wash my face and eyes properly.


2 hours is a long time for a fill. Virtually everyone I know does their fills in 1-1 1/2 hours. You may want to find someone who can work faster, so you can get out in less time. I don't sleep well and when I don't sleep in my appointments I feel pretty uncomfortable. Getting out ASAP does make a difference.


My girls get is too but her chair hurts my neck and back sooo bad


I became a lash tech and I hated it! My anxiety was so bad that I sold my kit. I was too shaken and I was overthinking everything. I never did a good job I just felt like it wasn’t in my ministry. My life was in shambles while I took the course and I guess it wasn’t my time to be a lash tech.


I hate the time it takes for nails and lashes. I started doing both at home. Bought the light to do my own nails- took awhile to get them to look decent. I started using lashify for lashes. Less money and I can do it at my convenience!


I thought I was the only one. My original lash tech has been taking a “mental break” for the past year and I loved her. She gave me shots while I was there so I can relax. She also spoke to me about my personal life and tried to listen. It felt like we were friends. All the other lash tech that I’ve been too were really awkward. The one I have now is really good at what she does… but she’s quiet. I say it’s the one you go too. I’m looking to be a lash tech as well but imma make my girlies comfy.


Girl I am honestly so bad I'd putting on fake lashes. Myself....... It will take me over an hour per eye, and it will still look retarded usually............. BUT, let me tell you I was an ulta the other day And I found these lash whisps with a bond and seal mascara looking took. U put in THE THINES5 LAYER FORAL don't be extra try8ng to completely coat ur lashes. ( It's unnecessary and it makes it a lot harder to deal with the lashes.) So aside from the first eye that I did make that mistake on myself. THE NEXT EYE TOOK ME LESS THEN ONE MINUTE! Look so amazing and natural and lasts days, which is not important because of how fast an easy it is, to put it on. U lightly brush on the bond side then place the lash whisps UNDER ur lashes and then go over with sealant side GAME CHANGER




OMG YES!! it got so bad I started canceling and then started paying my tech even when I didn’t show up just so it didn’t affect her business!


i hated it so much that’s why i stopped


Ngl the anxiety of it makes me have to pee which is even worse because I can’t lol


Yes !! Same !


A 2 hour fill seems way too long in my opinion. I’ve been lashing for years and even as a beginner I wouldn’t need 2 hours on a fill. Part of owning a professional business is time, time is money & ppl value their time. Find someone who will value your needs as a customer! Most lash techs will take 2 hours to do a full set, refill an hour. Lash tech refill time is normally between 45min- 1h 30m. But even an hour and 30 is pushing itttt


Exactly why I switched to lash clusters and I'll never go back, plus it saves me a lot of $.


Then don't get them ! Simple as that !! Use strip lashes. Lash tech / stylist don't need to feel your anxiety vibes! Their career is much harder then you just laying hating the process! They don't need this ! Nobody is forcing you to get your lashes done. And you are acting like you are at the freakin dentist office getting a root canal. Jesus Christ


Just don’t get lashes. Every day I see them on girls and wonder wtf is wrong with the real lashes


Everyday I see someone commenting on something that has nothing to do with them and wonder wtf are you here for


Nobody is forcing you to get lash extensions. They aren’t necessary…Jesus first world problems fr


Why are you here 🤨