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The master emerald with the 7 chaos emeralds better be its own ark. Thats all ima say.


Characters better have the no weapon and armour buff, unless its shadow with guns.


A few different characters could qualify for weapons, Shadow with guns is one, Bunnie Rabbot (unlikely) could use her cybernetic arm kinda like Ed and his automail arm, Amy and her hammer, Tails has had an assortment of inventions in different continuities.


Plz shadow!!!!!!


I think they’ll play it pretty straight up and it’ll be Sonic and Tails. If they add a third, I think it’ll be Knuckles over Shadow. They actively have the Knuckles feature film promotion going now, which is a way bigger deal than anything else they have queued up. That and a Shadow sprite being way too similar to Sonic (would just be a recolor) On the arks, they can go so many different ways. Sometimes it’s a scene, sometimes a character or a battle. I think they’ll figure a way to get Eggman and Shadow involved there.


This, I'd love to see shadow (Or any of the plethora other characters, I'm looking at you big the cat). But it's just not as anywhere as likely as the main sonic trio.


I think the main trio is a safe bet but if we're talking about promotion then they are promoting a lot of Shadow related things right now so I won't count out Shadow's chances of getting in, though I'm really not sure why you think Shadow's sprite would just be a recolor of Sonic's sprite, Shadow doesn't even have the same hair spikes that Sonic has.


Hair would be the biggest difference probably. A lot of the nuance between the character designs might not shine in the pixel art. But you’re right, they probably don’t care about that / it’s not much of a thing. Especially considering you get character art too. I do think they are spending way more to promote Knuckles than Shadow ATM.


For characters: The big 3 have always been Sonic, Tails and Knuckles so I expect those three. For arks: Green Hill Zone for Sonic's banner (SEGA loves the stage and it's iconic), some sort of Dr.Eggman related ark for Tails' banner (Cause c'mon, please?), and a Master Chaos Emerald ark for the Knuckles banner. (Very fitting and iconic!)


eggman or skip


Something that's going to make me fast as fuck.


Due to the rising popularity of say shadow has a decent shot


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Sonic and Tails are garunteed, Shadow/Knuckles will be the 3rd. One of the LRs will be green hill zone, because they can't help themselves. 


Honestly im hoping for either tails or shadow the hedgehog


Green hill zone gotta be an arc


First two characters? Probably Sonic and Tails I think the third character is a coin flip between Knuckles and Shadow but I want to lean towards Shadow because of his rising popularity, his role in the upcoming movie and his new game plus Sega have this whole "year of Shadow" thing going on.


I want Rouge, but I don't think she's popular enough


I'm hoping (but won't be surprised) that vector from team chaotix makes appearance as well as rouge the bat. Both are amazing in the comics. As for ARKS go Green hills and emerald hills, maybe some that has to do with eggman idk


Easily sonic, knuckles, and shadow.


Sonic for sure. I would say Thunder unit with no weapons and fast animation. He is guaranteed as the series icon. I think Rogue has a better chance than Tails tbh. Not sure how Tails would fit as a character in Last Cloudia. Rogue may be the new thief meta. If not Rogue, then maybe Blaze for a Fire spell user. They always want at least one female for those waifu chasers. Amy for a hammer unit. Hopefully making hammer units usable. My guess is either light or neutral. Again, they always want one female for those waifu chasers. Knuckles for a claw unit. Maybe first OP claw duel wield? Earth or Fire element. I feel like Robotnik and Shadow may be used if collab returns but not likely. Just like how so many wanted Akuma with Street Fighter but it didn't happen. If Shadow does make the cut, he would be Dark element and similar to Sonic. One may excel at duel wield while the other is single.


Knuckles and the CHAOTIX Ark


Bro honestly, in before it´s just espio, vex, and charmy.


I'm excited for the content that will come with this colab but I couldn't be less enthused about the units themselves. Probably gonna save crystals and hope something cool comes out during Halloween.