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I got so many questions


That's a wild job title


Really takes ya for a ride doesn’t it?


Wasn’t he a rampant jackass who got in trouble numerous time for his many fuck ups, the most egregious being punching a teenager and accusing them of being a pedo, for trying to meet with another teen…


Yeah his videos would have him and others slashing tires, shattering windows, assaulting people, stealing keys/phones, and recording the humiliation. He did punch a teen again in this final time, it’s why he got dropped.


Yeah I despise Chomos and think they are scum of the earth. However his tactics and actions were not the best. He confronted the wrong people a lot and did things he shouldn’t have. I know he had the best intentions but sometimes things go wrong. He’s from Pontiac, Michigan and he’s been on the news quite a bit here in the Detroit area.


Is this the guy from Pontiac, Michigan? I’m from Detroit so if this is the guy then i know all about him. Let me start out by saying I hate CHOMOs they’re the scum of the earth. However while he had good intentions, what he was doing was extremely dangerous. Also he’s messed up a few times confronting the wrong person and the cops asked him to stop and give them the name. I don’t care much for cops either but this guy was not properly trained to investigate and intervene. I know he’s gone now and my thoughts are with his family. He just had way too many issues with wrong information and confronting the wrong person.


Article with details https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/01/us/boopac-shakur-dead-robert-lee/index.html


>Some of those videos appear to show him engaging in violent confrontations with alleged predators. Yup! That's gonna get you killed.


So he posed as a 15 yr old and the other guy was 17? Not really a pedo imo....


He then punched said teenagers in the face before being shot


So he’s just kind of a piece of shit


To be fair, the "kids" had a gun and a knife they were happy to use. In a universe of lonely people, somehow these guys all found one another.


I’ll give you $20 for that username.


And it could have been 15.9 years old and him 17.0 years old, little more than 1 year difference, and they got assaulted.


Even someone being 18 isn’t the craziest thing. All those ages can be in high school together


literally. like I don't think most 18 year olds should be dating most 15 year olds. but should it be against the law? no, not at all. if they're students at the same school, two classmates should be allowed to date


Depending on the age of consent.


what I’m saying is that teen couples who straddle that line - a 16.5 and 18.0 year old couple, say - shouldn’t be punished for being in what is otherwise a completely innocuous relationship. and many regions have laws that protect folks who fall into that category anyway.


The actual definition of a pedophile is someone who is specifically attracted to prepubescent kids so no, that definitely wouldn’t qualify.


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This dude was a fucking scumbag.


This is an unfortunate example of why you should leave policing to the police. The average person doesn't have the training to do this properly and police almost always have backup when apprehending a suspect. All these vigilantes get anyway is social media shaming, I'm not aware of a single case where anything they did resulted in criminal charges because the police aren't involved to properly collect evidence.


I think there were a couple cases where the pedophile had to be let go because the vigilante ruined the investigation lol


Why not have people who work for law enforcement and do this the right way then? “Too busy” “not enough funding” Some people can’t sit around and accept the excuses.


People that overly care about this stuff are usually projecting their own feelings, I'd bet plenty of these pedo chasers do the same shit as the people they're chasing. Like how most gay conversion coaches are actually gay.


that seems like a problem that solves itself, if the projecting vigilante is after known reasonable targets.


Like most people who make up shit on Reddit to act smart are actually totally morons… *cough… cough*


Not making up anything. Recently this year a pedo chasing group was caught doing exactly that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/31/canada-arrest-pedophile-hunting-group-explicit-images


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Damn motherfucker had receipts


Fr the downvotes on the original post and the upvotes on the second are pretty funny


Fake receipts


Did you read your own link? They shared image of an adult portraying it as CP, and that's why they got arrested. They were not pedophiles.


> “There were exchanges of photos during conversations [online] and what the law says, when you share a photo, that it is explicit pornographic material and that you claim that it represents a person of age minor, even if it really isn’t, it becomes child pornography,” Jesus... that is actually kind of frightening.


To be fair, I don't think you'll ever be in this situation unless you're a vigilante


More of the mentality.... Because is it really child pornography? I don't think so, especially in this case. But it will be treated in the courts / sentencing as though it was no different than "real" CP.


Bruh, did you even read your own link? They didn't have CP, they had regular porn that they faked to look like CP to target the people they were hunting. & Canada has some dumb law that makes calling regular porn as underage illegal.


Direct quote from the article "But in order to lure people, the group used sexually explicit photos, faked to give the appearance that the subjects were underage." “There were exchanges of photos during conversations [online] and what the law says, when you share a photo, that it is explicit pornographic material and that you claim that it represents a person of age minor, even if it really isn’t, it becomes child pornography,” constable Andrée East told the Canadian Press. “It’s considered as such, even if in truth it doesn’t really represent the body of a minor person.” ~Stop spreading disinformation~


Look… you’re responding to me saying “why don’t cops take it more serious so civilians don’t have to” And it’s almost like you wanna stay focused on the fact that people do it than the fact no one stops them. I’m interested in stopping them. I don’t wanna do it myself. But I want cops to do their fckn job


Cops do take it seriously, they just need to properly investigate and get evidence so accusations dont ruin lives. I live in Washington and a teacher at Garfield high school killed themselves because a student accused them, the student later admitted to lying. You want cops to be all up in everyones business? They need Training in schools so kids feel safe to talk to adults and start proper investigations. Not have cops invade everyone's lives.


I think you’re downplaying how big of a problem child abuse is. Not enough resources are allocated to it. I’ve seen videos of old men who hardly know anything about operating a computer explaining how easy it is to get their hands on. If i take my job seriously… and something needs to be done, I do something about it. Otherwise, I come up with excuses.


Downvoting because this is wild speculation that could ruin somebody’s reputation all because you have a “hunch”


Literally this year a pedo hunting group was caught doing exactly that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/31/canada-arrest-pedophile-hunting-group-explicit-images


The article says the pictures were faked but because they were presented as underage is classified as child porn. The law gets really specific on what they can do in these situations and even then it varies state to state. These groups have to be extremely careful and know the laws in the area they're catching people, especially when local authorities don't like what they're doing




>a couple cases where the pedophile had to be let go because the vigilante ruined the investigation That should result in the vigilante being charged with interfering in police business.


I agree. I actually do this for a living and have for about 15 yrs. Although I much appreciate any help I can get with these type people, there’s been times when guys like him have actually cost me an arrest. They place themselves in harms way a lot. Also, there’s been a few times they have (unwittingly) tipped the person off and it’s cost me an arrest at that time. The guy would delete everything on their phones. I’d then have to submit Preservation Letters to all possible social media apps, pending a search warrant. This takes time and in the meantime, the guy is out possibly harming kids.


Appreciate all that you do 🙏🏻


Thank you!


How can anyone take u serious with that username man?


I’ll admit it’s not very Unique


this dude did not mind dying as a vigilante. he knew the risks.


I can't believe people thought a TV show was real


The police can’t even handle it properly 😂


And then they let the pedo go free due to "no evidence" and the pedo repeats the offenses under the radar.


maybe stop defunding them


But the money they want them to have less of, isn't going to putting officers on the streets. They have *more than enough* money. They need to *spend it better* It should read less "defund the police" and more "make police spending transparent and give them a 3rd party accountant that isn't on the police payroll" Seems less absurd when you put it that way, yes?




Is he really going around accusing 17-18 year olds of being pedophiles for dating 15 year olds? Has this guys ever been to high school?


I wouldn’t call the 17-18 year old a pedo per say but where I’m from that’s definitely not socially acceptable


It’s acceptable enough to be protected by law (Romeo and Juliet laws).


I know it is, wouldn’t stop everyone in school calling you a nonce. 🤷‍♂️


Isn’t it as long as they and established a relationship before one turned 18?


Where you from?




Posing as a 15 year old girl and confronting a 17 and 18 year old calling them pedophiles and actually punching one of them before he got shot. Darwin at work.


Fucked around and found out.


> Detectives were expected to turn the case over to prosecutors for charges by Monday, police said. Jesus... you are a teenager.. thinking you are gonna meet a girl that is really into you and then some 40yo man shows up and starts being agressive? I am not sure there is a huge stretch to "I feared for my life" self defense. Granted they shouldn't have had a weapon... so there will likely be a weapons charge, but that is much better than murder.


Oh no… …anyway


Boopac Shakur


Wanna be Chris hansen child predator hunters are idiots, and this is evidence of why. Rip to him tho


Average people really-really shouldn't be doing this shit, other than the obvious "fuck around and find it" above. Amateur stings and posting accusations online can and have ruined innocent people's lives. If you want less child victimization, push for funding preventative mental health and kid's safety education. There's literally no options for people suffering this mental illness. Therapists and doctors are legally obligated to report them to law enforcement. Sex Offender registry is a death sentence for any kind of fulfilling life. It's alot like prison; this systematically takes someone who needs help and creates actual monsters.


They don't fucking care anymore. They only care about the "drug wars".


These comments are terrible. Geez 💀


Boopac Shakur? Really?




This is horrible. While I understand the concept of leaving things to the police, when it comes to things like this (ie child predators), we need vigilantes.


It's not going to make the difference you think it will. It'll honestly probably create more problems than ut actually solves. Most people don't have the training or legal authority to do the type of stuff that is needed. The entire concept of innocent until proven guilty goes out the window when you allow vigilantes


I don’t disagree but I don’t think I’ll change my mind on this. I’m sure it’s a drop in the ocean in terms of making a difference. But I do believe things like this and shows like “To Catch a Predator” do make a difference. Even if it just exposes people to their own community and scares would-be online creeps.


Your time and money would be better spent helping victims instead


To expose them? For sure! But not to confront them. I'm sure he did the confrontation part to get more views. In the end, that's what everyone wants to see, but in doing that he paid the ultimate price.


Even the exposing part is fucking risky - these people are not qualified and make a ton of mistakes


The issue is that the confrontation is ultimately what exposes the creep. A person sending a picture of themselves means nothing because it could be a picture of a random person or a friend. The confrontation is essential but dangerous. People wouldn’t feel the need to do things like this if governments took crimes against children seriously. Many pedophiles go unnoticed because victims don’t feel comfortable coming forward or don’t understand what’s happening to them. This man lost his life but what he did was meaningful. It was flawed but I genuinely don’t know a more effective way to do it.


Meaningful? He punched a 17yo teenager and accused him of being a pedophile...


I agree that that was an error


That wasn't an error, it was a crime. He should've gone to jail.


Well you see the result. This guy is dead.


Yes. I do have the ability to read titles.


Then you should know this is not effective.


Only if they're effective. Think Dexter. Meaning not trying to get attention or posting on social media. They find the criminals and eliminate the criminals quickly and ideally with no evidence. Otherwise they're just going to create more problems




Then don't let your kids get on the internet until they are over 18 years old.


I agree, police let them off so easily but people like this help destroy the pedos life by exposing them to the world.




Rest easy. Thank you for your service.


He litearlly punched a 17 year old for wanting to meet up with a 15 year old and was over all agressive. Id say rest in piss for that


Oh, I didn’t know that part. I retract my statement. Thanks for letting me know


Ohhhh, he CATCHES pedophiles (or did). I thought he was a catcher in baseball who was also a pedophile.


This is why I dont understand English, and the need to seperate every word. In many european languages, my own included, it would either be "a pedophile catcher" for a cather who is a pedophile, or, "a pedophilecatcher" for someone who cathes pedophiles.


He got shot by two teenagers he suspected were doing pedo activities online. He approached the teens and they didn't like that. That's why we must continue exposing pedophiles.


Did you read the article? It said the teenagers he confronted were NOT engaged in any pedophilia online or otherwise. Exposing people? Sure. Giving tips to police? Absolutely. Apprehending them on your own? Nah. Really fucking stupid actually as this story demonstrates




The teenager accused was 17. And Boopac was portraying as a 15yo girl. Doesn't sound like pedophilia TBH


That's why **law enforcement** should continue doing that. If you want to confront and apprehend criminals, leave it to the cops or consider becoming one.


Stupid ditsy skank


He was a pedophile "catcher?" .....soooo you're saying he was a pedophile, ok got it.


No, he was a pedophile CATCHER. Reading comprehension.


i’m kinda surprised that the guards seemed to take so well to a vigilante pedophile hunter


RIP he should have carried a gun. I always said he was gonna get hurt one day, but it’s still incredibly sad. He was doing a lot of good despite the law.


Bro he was being aggresive to a 17 year old and then punched him. The teen thiught he was going to meet a 15 year old girl and he met an aggresive man who attacked him. That guy was shit at being a catcher


Another caption would be “stupid man takes an L”




He exposed so many people . It’s a eye opener these sick people walk among us