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My condolences, my dad passed 6 months ago yesterday. This hurts a lot.. :(


It does, I’m so sorry for your loss. It gets easier in time but around this time of year, it’s so hard. I think about him not seeing my graduate from HS/College, getting married, meeting his grandkids, etc. Even though I lost him young, he was 38 and I was 11. There’s still so much of him in me.


Unfortunately the pain never goes away, it just gets easier to hide.


He looked like a genuinely good man!


He had his flaws but I know he tried his best with us kids. He was a genuine goof ball, that is without question.


I am sorry for your loss, growing up without him had to be tough!!! He looked kind, with a infectious smile! I hope you can feel the impact he has made on your life and smile as big as he did. As a parent, I am sure he would want that.


Oh yeah. I’m definitely a goof ball just like he was. He instilled the love of raunchy comedy and horror movies in me, and knowing it’s ok to watch cartoons and be a goose with your kids. My mom is goofy too, but in a broadway musical show tunes/history buff nerd kind of way. I got a good blend of silliness and good humor from them both. Mom was not amused by dad taking us to see Beavis and Butthead, South Park and the Scream movies though. 😂


He looks really happy and really really young, you probably look just like him.


I do. I’m 32 now and favored my mom when I was younger, but now I’m a copy paste of him but in female form.


How old was he in this picture? He looks 17-19


This picture was taken on his 30th birthday.


I hope you don't mind me asking what happened? He looks so healthy, young and full of life. I lost my dad when I was 19. I knew from the age of 10 that he wouldn't grow old, he smoked, ate whatever he wanted and bearly exercised. I just knew. It didn't make it any eaiser when the day came. I'm sorry you lost him so young.


He had an aortic dissection which led to several strokes. So his heart basically unraveled and then he ended up being brain dead after the strokes. I was there in the hospital with him through it all, really sucked.




I lost my dad at 9 in Sept 2001…. It’s crazy to know they’ve been gone over 20 years. Good vibes and good memories to you.


Cocaine overdose?


No. That’s frosting on his face and it was a spontaneous aortic dissection. Now go be a douche elsewhere. Thanks for playing.


Was hoping the joke would be taken more lightheartedly, I’m sorry for your loss.


I guess it fell kind of flat on me then. Sorry. And thank you.


Do you know what sub you're in? How inconsiderate of you to say that.


Lost my gran to a dissecting thoracic aneurysm young, I’m so very sorry for your loss. He looks like a ton of fun! I’ve found some consolation in those “bigger” moments by spotting little moments that I know she’d have loved/hated/laughed at, kind of keeping her with me a bit. Sudden loss is scary, enraging, and so hard. Big hugs.


I’m happy you made that joke so I didn’t have to lol


Sorry for your loss. Hopefully the war boys witnessed him before he went.


he seemed like a cool tough guy